THE TWEENIES: FAB-A-ROONEY! Fri t——Sun 3 Mar. 10.30am. 2pm &

‘.15t)tit. STt0—S‘15. family ticket $730—$764: SECC. Finnieston Quay. Glasgot'x.

0870 0-10 «1000. Bella. lVlllO. Pin and Jake are hack in l()\.'."lt tin/till another furi- tilled. colourful inuSIcal adventure. In low with the psychedelic four-piece thl he Max and Judy. Doodles the dog. and now new recruit I/xles; the dog. Be

ore >ared to sing. dance and giggle your t'xay through a show packed wrth

surprises and family fun.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

Rutherglen Rep Junior Drama Thu 28 lieh. Thu 7. Thu 14 Mar. 6 7pm & 7 S.30pm. £12.50 £15 per term. ('athlsitt High School. \Vhitlanhurn. (‘amhuslang 6—11 4331. Ages 7 10 (k

1 1 15. Budding thesps can learn the tricks ol the acting trade at these ten

\\ eel. L'tltll'sL‘S.

Illustration 8- Printmaking Sat 2 (k Sat 1) .\lar. 10am noon & 1 3pm. £20 for tour xx eeks. Hunteriai‘. :\rt (ialler). l'nnersit} o1'(}lasgo\\. S2 Hillhead Street. 330 5431. ;\d\ance hooking required. .v\ges t’ 14. Learn more ahout illustration and printmaking techniques at this l'iittt‘-\\ eek course.


Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone ll’(i) Sat 2 Mar. 1pm. £2.25 llttlttll} ticket £91. (ilasgou l'iilttt 'l‘heatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 S12S. See l‘ilm lnde\.

Human BOdyll’(il; Grand Canyon (t’( t 1'. Blue Planet (t‘i; Dolphins (l'i; Into The Deep. times \ar}. check l-ilm listings 161' shim ing times. £5 (£35111. l.\l.«\.\ 'l'lteatre. (ilasgou Science (.cllll'c. 5” Pacific ()tlit}. 42” 501111.


Animal Magic Sat 1) .\lar. 7.30pm. £9.51) ( £51. l<o}al ('oncei‘t Hall. 2 Sauchieliall Street. .553 Sillll). See photo caption.


The TWeenies - Fab-A-Rooney! hi 1 Sun 3 .\lar. 10.30am. 2pm & 5.15pm. £10 15'. 1amil§ ticket £36»£5»l. Sl'.( ‘( 2. l'innieston ()tta}, (1S711 (l-ll) -l()()(). See photo caption.

90 THE LIST int, "'- l.". 2'.

Magic Magic Magic! Sat 2 Mar. 2pm. £4 (£31. Scottish .\lask & Puppet 'l‘heatre (I‘llll'c‘. (' ll) Balcarres Avenue. Keh indale. 33‘) 6185. See the higth skilled cratt ol' close-up magic perl‘ormed mi\ and mingle st_\le \\ ith renim ned children's entertainer .\lagic Boh.

The Stolen Bairn & The Fairy Folk Sat ‘) .\lar. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottish Mask (& Puppet 'l’heatre ('entre. S 10 lialcarres .-\\‘enue. Keh indale. 33‘) 61S5. .-\ heautil'ul ('eltic tale set in a m} sterious and magical lair} kingdom performed h} S} l\ ia 'l'roon Puppets.

The Pearl Wed 13 Sat 16 Mar. 7.30pm. £8 (£4). (iilmorehill(il2. ‘) l'ni\ersit} .r\\ enue. 330 5522. \‘isihle liictions and Paisle} :\l‘ls (‘entre adapt John Steinheck’s nmel ahout a pearl tisher \\ hose life changes dramaticth

\\ hen he tinds 'a pearl as pert‘ect as the moon' hut not in the \ta} he expects. .\'oi suitahle for under 12s.

Activities And Fun

Quickies For Kids Royil .\liiseum ()1' Scotland. 2 ('hamhers Street. 247 121‘). l‘ree. lien-minute talks l‘or children held e\er) Sat and Sun at 2.30pm. Youth Theatre Workshops Thu 28 l‘eh. 'l‘liu 7.11m 14 Mar. 5.30 7pm. £1.50 (50p1. (iateua_\ 'l‘heatre. lilm Rim. l.eilh \Valk. 3l7 393‘). .-\ges l2 l6. Workshops \\ ith (‘).\ll '(‘ ('ommunit} 'l‘heatre Students and guest tutors. Family Friday Nights l‘ri l (k Hi 8 Mar. 7 8.30pm. £3.50(£2 £2.50111amil} ticket £S. Ro}al ()hser\ator_\ Visitor ('entrc. Blacklot‘tl Hill. 66S S405. lixplore the night sk_\ in these tun lamil} sessions \\ itli intci‘acti\e acti\ ities. dome demonstrations and a slide Slit)“. Saturday Art Sat 2 tk Sat ‘) .\lai'. 10am noon. £10 per ltntr-chk hlock. l)ear10allei'}. liell'ord Road. 62-1 6200. .\d\ance hooking required. Ages 6 10. Working \\ itli dillerent artists. learn creatn e techniques rising inspiration 1'rom \vtorks in the galler}. 'l‘he cluh \\ ill he hroken do\\ it into l‘our ueek hlocks and Sat 9 Mai sees the heginning ol' the ‘Pliotograpln lisperiments‘ series.

Children’s Drama Workshops Sat 2 & Sat ‘) .\lar. 10.30am noon. £1 (50p). (iatexs'ay 'l'heatre. lilm Rim. l.eith Walk. 3 l 7 303‘). Ages S 12. Workshops with Q.\ll'(‘ communit} theatre students and guest tutors.


Animal Magic Sun to Mar. 3pm. £9.50 (£5): family ticket £26. l‘sher Hall. l.othian Road. 22S 1155. See photo caption.

Theatre & Dance

The Pearl Fri 1 Mar. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Brunton 'l'heatre. Lady“ ell Way. .\lus.selhurg|i. 665 22-10. See (ilasgou. Carmen Tue 5 Sat ‘) .\lai‘. 7.30pm: 'l'liu & Sat 2.30pm ck 7.30pm.

£6.50 £35 (£5.50 £321. l‘esiixal 'l‘heatre. l3 2‘) .\'icolson Street. 52‘) 6000. ('elehrated Spanish compan} 1.a ('uadra de Sex'illa hring their spectacular mix ot‘ intisic and dance to Scotland.


Eoin Colfer Mon 1 1 Mar. 10.30am. l"ree. Waterstone’s. 12S Princes Street. 226 2666. An oppoi'ttiitit} to meet the author of the hest -se|ling children's nmel Artemis I'im'l as he reads from and signs copies ()1 his work.

World Book Day: Children’s Author Evening Thu 14 Mar. 6pm. Free. Waterstone's. 128 Princes Street. 226 2666. ('hildren or all ages are invited to come along and meet some ol‘ the hest-loVed children's authors. including .\lairi Hedderuick. I)iana Hendr}. Ste\ en Potts and .lulie llertagna.


Storytelling With Peter Rabbit Thu 14 .\lar. 11.30am 12.30pm. Ro}al Botanic (iarden. ln\ erleith House. 552 7171. .-\d\'ance hooking required. Suitahle l'or pre—school children. Hear tales ()1 Peter Rahhit's ad\entures in the Hundred .'\cre Wood in the unique l'iot'est Room ol the Botanics.

Outside The Cities

Activities And Fun

Learning Photography thin 28 l'ieh. Thu 7 & Thu 14 Mar. 6 Spin. £3.50 (£2 £2.50). .\lothci‘\\ell Heritage ('entre. 1 High Road. Mothemell. (H693 25l()()(). Ages o\ er l2. .v\tt introductor} course pro\ iding an insight into the Wol'ltl ol photograph}.

Art Attack Mon 4 Mar. Mon 11 Mar. 4 5pm. £2. Bellshill (‘ultural ('entre. John Street. Hellshill. (H693 267.5 l .5. Ages o\ er S. l)ra\\ ing. painting. collage and sculpture are just some ol the techniques taught at this class.

West Lothian Youth Dance 't‘ue 5 & Tue 12 .\1ar.~1.3(lpm & 5.30pm.

£1 £1.50. llo\\ den Park ('entre.

Ho“ den. l.i\‘iltgstotl. 01506 «133634. Ages S l I (k 12 16. Dance artist in residence Katy Mcls'eou n hosts a ueekl} perl‘ormance dance group.

ANIMAL MAGIC Sat 9 Mar, 3pm {9.50tf51,‘ Royal (on(ert Hall, 2 S<ltl(.l1|(‘ll(lll Street, ()l<iS()()\'\', 01-11 353 8000 Sun 10 Mar, 3pn‘. £9 50 f 5', family ll(.l<(‘l [26, Usher llall, lothian Road, l:(l|ltl)tll‘(]l1, 0131 228 1155 Christopher Bell (()tt(ltl( ts Children's Classi( (.on(ert's inusi(al runthle :n the Jungle With an hour of non-stop entertainment for aqes 41 1-1vears Hear attlaimed poet Roqer M((iou(.;h's hilarious version of (arn/va/ Of A/F'llld/S, auornpanied by the S(ottish ( ltdtt‘:l)(‘t' ()rt hestia in Glasgow, and the Orr hestra oi S(ottish Opera in ldinhurqh Don't forqu to hunt] alonq a toy furiv iiiend to J()|lt in the rnusi(a| safari

Toy Making Wed 6 is Wed (3 Mar. 7 ()pm. £3.50 (£21. llellshill (’ultural ('entre. John Street. Hellshill. 01693 267515. .r\ges o\ci~ S. learn to design and hiiild _\our (mn Wooden rots. Digital Badges Workshop Wed 13 Mar. 10am noon. £1..\1other\\ell Heritage (‘entre. 1 High Road. .\lother\\cl|.016‘)S 25ll)11()_.-\geso\ct' 10. Ha\ e )our photo taken and then turn the image into a hadge.


The Happy Gang’s Arabian Adventure Sat 3 Mar. 2.30pm. £6 (£5). 'l'ou n Hall. (‘l_\dehank. U51 - 321. .'\ges up to U. .loin the llapp} (iang as the} emhark on a magical. musical \o_\age to m} stical :\rahia.

Scotland The Brave - An Incomplete History of Scotland (Part 1) Sat 2 Mar. 2pm. £3: l'amil} ticket £11). Palace 'lihcati'c. 1) (irceit Street. Kilmarnock. 01563 523590. Ages 0 l3. Borderline 'l‘lieatre (‘ompam transt'orm into a hand o1" tra\elling pl;i_\ers l'or this liglit~hearted race through Scotland's histor}. l‘ind out it William Wallace looked an_\thing like .\lel (iihson and \\ h} amone \santed to steal the Stone ol‘ l)estin_\ in the lit‘sl place.

The Pearl lue 5 Mar. 7pm. ('orran Halls. lisplanade. ()han. 01360 702S00, Scc (ilasgou.

The International Purves Puppets liiggar Puppet 'l‘hcati‘e. Hrottghton Road. ()lS‘fl) 22(1631. £5 (£-1i;l'ami1_\ tickets £23 & £36. Hook in adxance as times are suhiect to change. Reductions lot' parties ol' the or more. Shows on ol'lci' o\ er the ne\t t\\o \\ ecks

The Tinderbox Sat 2 & Sat U Mar. 2pm: Wed 13 Mar. 111.45am. ('orporal l‘it/patrick goes in search ot- a magical 'l‘inderho\ and happens upon some \xeird and uonderl'ul characters along the \\a_\.

The Nutcracker lltlt 7 Mar. I lam. The classic stor_\ ahout a magician \\ ho can make to}s come to lite is perl'ormcd using puppets. and the shou takes l'amilies on a magical .ltlttl‘ltc} into \\\L‘L‘Hc land.

Pips 8: Panda and the Magic Egg 'l'hu 14 Mar. 10am. .-\ges tip to 7 The mischie\ous (lilo (it’c oll lo the heacli W here the} lttllltl \tttttl L‘:t\ll(‘\ tttttl pla} in the sand. het'ore stumhling

across a magic


Children’s Fun Storytime 't‘tiu T .\lar. 10.30am. £1.Bellshill('ultural (‘entre. John Street. Hcll\ltlll. “HMS 267515. Scots illustrator and \xritcr Keith Ht‘tttnptott hosts a Hack} morning ol l'un cartoon actix ities.

World Book Day: Pure Dead Magic Sun 10 Mar. noon -lpm. £thc. .v\lhert Halls. Dumharton Road. Stirling. (117S6 17354-1. (iclehration ol' children's \\ riting relating to magic and \\ itclicral't. leaturing a reading lrom l)ehi (iliot‘i.