Clubs ltsttttttt:
Edinburgh Tuesdays
I Smarty Pants at the Subway West
lind. 7pm 3am. £2 (£1 with student ID or
tlyer). Weekly (not 25 Dee tk 1 Jan). Shameless ehart and party mix-up yy ith DJ Aka.
I The Subway at the Subway.
‘)ptn 3am. liree tor students with matrieulation eard: £l otherwise. Weekly (not 25 Dee & l Jan). See 'l'hu.
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I Beluga at Beluga. 8pm lam. liree. Weekly. Bob ('airns. lirik Da Viking and Dom l-‘lanagan seleet the best in global
ia/J/ grooy es tor the local drinking hordes.
I Cuts & Strings at The ()uthouse. ‘)pm lam. Free. 26 Dee only. Many. tnyriad moods o1 music at this Boxing Day bonan/a - ranging from hip hop to weird eleetro - and it all eomes eare ot~ those eheeky t'apseallions l’aul Mason. Keyin Roe. and Sean Keltie.
I The Departure Lounge at PopRokit. ‘)ptn lam. l’ree. Weekly. (‘aptain llarry :\ltls\\()rtll and Day e ‘Jesus ('hristf' Strong (‘l’errier .\'e\\eotner .-\\yard' \\ inners 2001 ) iny ite you to hop aboard an interstellar exeursion into qui/land.
I Excursions at Iguana. ‘)pm lam. Free. Weekly. Rotational residents (i- .\lae (Manga). (iary' Mae (Sublitne). (‘olin .\Iillar and Adam Bray (lleadspin) demonstrate their astounding deeksterieal Versatility in the fields ol‘ drum tk bass. hip hop. funk and breaks.
I Merry Pranksters at The Meadows Bar. ‘)ptn late. tree. 26 Dee. l-‘ortnightly. Roan l.a\ery (()rbital 'l'our DJ and resident at Radio Babylon)
Clubs _
I Ad-Lib l l I Hope Street. 248 6645. I Air Organic 36 Kely'tltgrtne Street. 564 520].
I Alasksa 142 Bath Lane. 248 I777.
I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3l8‘).
I The Arches Midland Street (611‘ Jamaiea Street). ()‘)()I ()22 ()3()().
I Asylum 7t) (‘oyy'eaddens Road. 332 ()681.
I Babaza 25 Royal lixehange Square. 204 0101.
I Bennet’s 80 (ilasst’ord Street. 552 .576 l.
I Blackfriars 26 Bell Street. 552 5924.
I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.
I Brel 3‘) :\slttt\11 Lane. 342 4966.
I Budda 142 St \‘ineent Street. 221 5660.
I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 70 ('oyyeaddens Road. 332 ()68l.
I The Cathouse 15 t'nion Street. 248 6606.
I Cleopatra’s 508 (treat Western Road. Kel\ inbridge. 334 0560.
I Club Budda 142 St \'ineent St. 221 22 I 3.
l The Cran lll3tS .v\rgy le Street. 24S (iSS l.
I Cube 34 Queen Street. 226 8‘)‘)(l. I Cut De Sac :\sllt()tt Lane. 334 88‘)‘).
I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 332 «)227.
I Firebird l32l Argyle Street. 334 0504.
I Fury Murry’s ‘)6 Many ell Street. 22 l (i5l l.
86 THE LIST ‘9; [)t:'; 9’1"," i: .la"
Ultragroove New Year’s Party Enjoy hOuse ttltlSIC the way It used to be (duh! -- good) at this New Year patty hosted by cheeky Chipmunks Gareth and Colin. Expect roots garage. afro-beat and a smattering of tech-house from the boys; that know best. La Belle Ange/e. Mon 31 Dec.
entertains the eolourt'ul customers \y ith all sorts of eleetro t'unky ness.
I Monkey Boy’s Afro Lounge at l’iy'o. ‘)pm lam. Free. Weekly. (‘heeky ‘Monkey Boy” Mark lidmondson plays l’unky phatbaek grooy es and aim soul. I Oxygen at ()xygen. 8pm lain. l’ree. Weekly. the popular pre-elub play s host to rotational residents (iitlo. liry er (Motherlunk) and ('hris Meson and the musieal styles or funk. hip hop and soul.
I The Garage 400 Saueliietiall Street.
. 32 l 120.
I Glasgow School of Art 167 RetllreW Street. 332 (J(i‘)l.
I Glasgow University Union 32 t‘niy'ersity Ayenue. 33‘) 86‘)7.
I Groucho St Judes 100 Bath Street. 352 8800.
I 92 474 Sauehiehall St (behind the (iarage). 353 31 l l.
I Havana 50 Hope Street. 248 4466. I Life (basement or Corinthian). 1‘” Ingram Street. 552 llttl.
I The Lighthouse 56 .\lllL‘llell Street. 22l (1362
I The Living Room 5 Byers Road. 33‘) 851 l.
I MAS 2‘) Royal lisehange Square. 221
7080. I Moloco 1287 Argyle Street. 334 4813.
I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 421 Saueliiehall Street. 333 9037
I O’Henry’s l)rury Street. 248 3751. I Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 1221.
I Queen Margaret Student
Union 22 t'niyersity (iardens. 33‘) ‘)784.
I Beds. 375 Sauehiehall Street. 33| 1635.
I Riverside Club 156s Street. 560 7287.
I Rocksy’s Basement 40 .\'e\t Sneddon Street. l’aisley. 5.52 57‘”.
I The Shack 1‘)3 l’i11S1.332 7522. I Soba l l Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404.
I Spy Bar Bath Street. 221 7711. I Strawberry Fields 56 ()syyald Street. 221 787 l.
I The Studio. 1084 South St. Seotstoun. 40] 1750.
I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524.
I 13th Note 260 ('lyde Street. 243 2177
I Trash 197 Pitt Street. 572 3372. I The Tunnel 84 .‘ytitelielt Street. 204 1000.
Arriye early to eapitalise on tyt'o-t‘or-one drinks otters.
I Together at Barn Bou. 8pm lam. l-‘ree. Weekly. Bass buggin'. dirty diseoid tunk with your hosts (irant .\laedonald and Alan Paul (Muziki/um).
I UrbannHangSuite at Bann‘s. llptn 3am. liree. Weekly. Light \egetarian snaeks sery'ed to a ttlelloyy hip hop and breaks soundtraek from assorted guest DJs. ineluding DJ Dolphin Boy ('I‘uminy 'l‘oueh ).
I Workers Wednesdays at the ()uthouse. 8pm lam. l-tee. Weekly. .-\n opportunity for the gral‘ters Wllt) \yot'k Weekends in pttbs and elttbs to putnp the party at this sneaky session. l’roy ide prool’ot' pesky employment and you’ll get drinks promos a plenty.
I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooms. 10.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). l-‘ree. Weekly. .\ spot (it. midyy eek house action at this alyyay s busy gay elub. 'I‘o eelebrate Boxing Day there yy ill he a li\ e slimy from a London drag aet and (‘.("s y\ ill stay open until 5am.
I Colours at The Honey eotnb.
‘)pm 4am. £tbe. 26 Dee only. ('olours king Rieky .\tago\\’an pimps a eluteh o1‘ big name DJs oy er to the east eoast. ineluding John Digneed ( ‘.\'o I DJ in the World' - aeeording to l)./ .llug) and Stey e I.a\\ let'.
I Kero-Scene—K2 at Studio 24. llptn late. £|.5(l. Weekly. Increasingly
popular alternatiy e night yyhieh sees I.eal‘.
Wally. hp and l.i/ playing death. doom. heayy metal and extreme tunes.
I Low Gravity at The liquid Rootn. 10.30pm 5am. £3 (£2); tree it ith Sublime membership. Weekly. .-\ night geared toyyards tttrning the mid-yteek
I Variety Bar 401Sauehieliall Street. 332 444‘).
I The Velvet Rooms Satiehietialt Street. 332 07.5.5.
I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vtmdside Road. 337 I643.
I Yang 33 Queen Street. 248 8484.
I The Ark 3 Setllple Street. 22‘) 771133.
I Bam Bou (Ki/()7 South Bridge. .556 0200.
I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 226 lll2. I Baracoa 7 \‘ietoria Street. 225 5846.
I Bar Union 253/258 (‘ottgate 557 2.780.
I La Belle Angele 1 1 llasties (lose. 225 7536.
I Beluga 30a ('hambers Street. 624 45-15.
I The Bongo Club 14 .\'en Street. 556 5204.
. Cavendish “est llttllet'ttss. 22tI 3252.
I C.C. Blooms 23 l’laee. 55b ‘)33 l.
I The Citrus (irindlay Street. 622 7086.
I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220
24 (ireenside
I Club Java (‘ommereial Street. l.eitlt.
555 5622.
I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’ieardy Place. 478 7434.
I Cuba Norte 1‘)2 Morrison Street. 221 ()4‘)‘).
I Ego l’ieat'dy Place. 478 7434.
I eh1 l‘)7 High Street. 220 5277.
I El Barrio 104 West Port. 22‘) 8805. I Eros/Elite l’ountainpark. Dundee Street. 228 lt'ihl.
I Gaia King Stables Road. 22‘) 7086. I Holyrood Union ltotyrood Road. 65l 6157.
I The Honeycomb 15 l." .\'iddry Street. .530 5.540.
I The Human Be-In 2/8 \y'est (‘rosseattseyyay. 662 8860,
messy \y ith nu-skool breaks and eheap boo/e. It’s a heady combo and it eotnes courtesy of l‘elix. Beany and (iary Mae. the baek room boys lrom Sublime.
I Madchester at The Liquid Room.
l lpm 5am. £5. 26 Dee only. lidinburgh's indie institution returns tor a one-oil liestiy e speetaeular. lixpeet The Monday .s. The Charlatans. The [as and The Roses and a whole host o1~ indie taxourites to get you baggy daneing ‘till the early hours.
I MZK at (iaia. ltlpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. linjoy the .\tudd ('lub. an all- neyy alternatiy'e indie night on the tnain floor and Diseo 2000. a selt'-e\planatory' night or daneelloor diseo in the upstairs lounge.
I Red at l’o .\'a Na. 1 lpm 3am (5am during t‘estiy e period). liree. Weekly. DJ llarry lets (it) (Tribal l’unktion/Bootnbox) puts the eeleetie into eleetrie at this sty liin sottk bar.
I Slap 8: Tickle at (’lub .\lereado. 10pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ Tully supplies the funky beats and breaks \y'hile drinks promos. eompetitions and themed dress nights eotnbine to keep things interesting.
Chart & Party
I Kinky at Rey'olution. ltlpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Pumped-up party tunes tor the l'risky students ottt there. plus massiy‘e giyeayyay s and outrageous drinks promos all night long.
I Smooch at The Stibyyay West Iind. 7pm 3am. £2 (£1 with student ID or t‘lyer). Student soiree \\ ith tasty Sambuea £1 a shot all night long.
I The Subway at The Subyyay.
()ltm 3am. l5ree tor students \\ ith matriculation eard: £1 other“ ise. Weekly. See Jim.”
I Iguana 41 l.otltian Street. 220 4288. I The Liquid Room ‘)e\'ie1()t‘ia Street. 22.5 25(34.
I LOCO 235 (‘oyygatu 225 54l3.
I The Mambo Club \Vest ‘ltillet'oss, 447 33‘)l.
I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Bueeleueh Street. ()(t7 ()‘)()7.
I Club Mercado 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224.
I Noa. 3 Queenslerry Street Lane. 467 7 l 26.
I North Bridge Bar Seotsinan Hotel. 20 .\'oth Bridge. 556 1558.
I Opium 71 (‘ottgate 225 8382.
I The Outhouse Brougtiton Street l.ane. .557 ()(iS.
I Oxygen 3-5 lntirmary Street. 557 ()()()7-
I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. (322 (iSl l.
I FWD 2 (i ('alton Road. 557 2925.
I PO Na Na 2() l-‘t'ederiek Street. 220 2224.
I The POHd 22 24 Bath Road. 46.7 3825.
I PopRokit 2 l’ieardy l’laee. 556 4272. I The Potterrow Bristo Square. 650 ‘)l‘)5.
I 0 Bar 5/11 1.eitli Street. 55" 5830. I Revolution 3] l.othian Road. 22‘) "(3.70.
I Rush 3 Robertson's (low. .55— 3.703. I Studio 24(311llolt Road. 55S 32.5S. I The Subway (‘oyygattx 225 0766. I The Subway West End |.ot1iian Road. 22‘) ‘)I‘)7.
I The Union tleriot Watt t'nixersity. Rieearton. 45l 5333.
I The Venue ('alton Road. 557 3073. I The Wash the Mound. 225 6l‘)3. I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 220 3774.
I The Wee Red Bar lidinburgh (‘ollege ()1'.-\rt. l.aut'iston l’laee. 22‘) I442.
I Not? l-l (ieorge Street. ()24 83l l.
I YO Below ()(3 Rttse Street. 22” (ill—ll).