listings Clubs

the tlnnt'. px} eltiex \\ ill pt'etliet \\h;tt\ in \tnre t'nt' the '\e;n‘ ttllL‘iltl - like _\nu eut‘e and there.” :tlxn he the chunce tn \\ in tielxetx t'ni‘ Blil) in Shetlieltl. ()h )t‘x?

I Nameless - The Hogmanay Party! ill .l‘llL' \VL‘L‘ RL‘tl littt'. lllpttl lttlL‘. {l5 plth blinking lee l;t\;tll;tl‘lt‘ in :itl\;iiiee t'i‘nin Ripping & Virgin t. The Pure pt)\\L‘ ti\--up :i ini\-up nt' untlei'grnuntl tlunee i'eeni‘tlx tie. tleep tn tlill'lx ltnttxe :intl teehnni tn take ux intn In 3002. linumtni‘nt. Rnh 1)} Ian. Rttttll l.;i\er} :intl Saintl} l’;ti‘i\ mun the deck. I Senses/A Deep Sensation NYE ut .\‘n;t. l0.30pin 5am. (the. 3| l)ee nnl). Snullul tn lunk} l'S ltttlt\L‘ ut thix llnginzinu) hnntenutttt) thgtt'x :tl\tt the luxt night nt' .\'n;t it\ an untlei'grnuntl eluh \enue. Sninke} & ‘l'he Bandit. .\l;u‘tin Valentine and Neil |"ei‘t‘ie\ :u'e _\nut‘ hnxtx nn lltix hupp} )et \Qltl neutxinn.

I 2002 A Bass Odyssey ztt Bum Bnu. ()Plll 3;un. £5 tuxuiluhle in :itlxunee ti‘nin Bum lintt |. 3| |)ee nnl_\. 'l‘he Mungu ere“ ltn\l itll intiinute tund ehezipi nen wank putt} in the untlei‘gi‘nuntl lttlt' nt‘ lltt\ ()t‘lcttlitl \l} lC ltttt'. li\pCCl till the lk‘xl hip hnp. Rtkll. hrezilxx and drum ck ham in an ultra] t'eti‘nxpeetn e nt' \\ hut rneketl in 200l.

I Ultragroove NYE at In Belle .\ngele. l0.30pin 5;un. £30 p|u\ lwnnlting t'ee t;t\;til;thle li‘ntn l'ltt‘ugt‘nm e e\ entx ck l'ntlei'gi‘nuntl Snlu'xltni. 3| I)ee nnl_\. \like} ~\‘tii'tnn.(‘nlin('nnl\:ti1t|(i;u‘eth Snnuneiw ille than the t|eel\\ t'nt‘ the higgext night nt~ the )eui‘. plu} ing their ittttttllul‘lt‘ ltlL'tttl ttl' t't‘ul tlL'ul lltllINC t‘l.t\\tt‘\. tlltl :ttttl llL'\\.

I Vegas - The Hogmanay Party! at litlinlwui'gh (‘nllege nt'.-\i't. lllpnt late. (23 plux l‘l‘l‘lxlllg tee tS( )l.|) ()l'li. 3| Dee nnl_\. .|nin the \'eg;i\ et'eu t'nt‘ n .\'e\\ Yeur’x night nt~ \\\ inging \nplttxltutlintt. inelutling tuntuxtie \ ien \ nt' the llt‘L‘\\0t‘l\\.

lil'L‘L‘ Ctk‘hlilll\ littt' lllC lkNl tlt’L‘\\L‘tl tttttl lltt‘ hext tluneei'x and the eltunee tn u in :i “eek l‘nr tun tn |.;t\ \egm. l’leziw nnte that httxex \\ ill run ti'nin (il;t\gn\\ t'ni' lltl\ e\enl See unu.\eguwentluntlt‘nuk l'nt' littll tlL‘litll\ tttttl \CL‘ [311W iv“ in HIV /.I\/.\ llnginunu} (tuitle.

Chart & Party

I Decadence :it Rmnlutinn. l0.30ptn 3min. £3 tilt. \\'eel\l_\ tnnt 3| Dee t. l)ept‘;t\etl tluneel‘lnnt' tlet‘utlenee tll thix eupzieit} \tudent night.

I Monkey Business :tt 'I‘he Sulmu} \Vext lintl Innt 3| l)eet. 7pm 3iun. £2 tL'l t. \Veelxl}. l’it )nut‘ \\ itx itgitlthl l).l Shagg} in the (in Bununux guine \hnuf I The Subway at The Sulm it).

()[tltt 3am. l‘i'ee tint \llltlL‘lll\ \\ ith ntutt‘ieulutinn eui'tl: L'l nthem le‘. Weekl} tnnt 3| l)eet. See 'l'ltu.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Beluga zit Beluga. 8pm luni. l’t'ee. \Veekl). Big Beau I).|\ Sitnnn llntlge and Stuart Bennet \pin jaw t’unlx Clil.\\lC\ lit‘ttttt le‘l't)\\ lltL‘ leL’ZlLlC\ t l3 Dee ck 1 Jun). while lit'ik l);t Viking & |)nni get the grand lil\l\ nt' plzt} ing hnu\e untl gut'uge nn (‘hi‘ixtinux I);i_\ t25 l)L‘L‘ l.

I Christmas Day ttl lguunu.

‘lpnt lutn. l‘t'ee. 35 Dee nnl}. l,ne;il ltL‘t'tt .ln .\l;tlll\ t(‘nntpn\t Reent‘tlxi. lt'exh ti'nnt t'eeni‘tling ti‘uekx t'ni' l);u'1'en litnei'xnih neu ulhuin. :u‘rixex luck Ill the capital tn plu} \nine ted hnt tunk and MN :tt tlux lC\ll\L‘ littl'fl).

I UrbannHangSuite git lluntt'x.

| lpnt 3;nn. l't'ee. \Veekl} lCltHL‘tl 35 Dee & | .luni. light \egetut‘iun \nuelu xenetl In it tttL‘lltm hip hnp and break \nundtt'uek t't'nnt il\\tll'lL‘tl guext l).|\.

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'9‘ I00.5

0131 555 1391 publicity distribution nationwide

Joy Hogmanay

t ': \

“(30%. (.tti1\|"‘£i'\'i

((\‘ t\!‘/"‘ (V H v / ti t). I I 1(‘llx ~lL / ID; (n l t It > t'


I The Best of Taste & Luvely ;it The liquid RHUIH. lll.30pin 5;nn. L‘ll t5lt)i :nuilnlwle in :ttlmnt‘e ti'nin lfiixte

e\ent\ & ()nt nt the Blue. l ,l;tn nnl_\. l'lte

eit} \ lentling g;t_\ ttl;'l|l\ get tngetliei‘ tn lhllt‘t' in the hen )t‘;tt‘\\tll1Itttlttplttg pt'ngi't‘\\t\e tn lt;it'tl linuxe untim. ()n Ini' the the hull lltt\ ;t\ ttltt\l \elt t‘expet‘ttng t'e\e|let\ :n'e \llll H] ;i ennm.

I C.C. Blooms ;tt (3.( ‘. lllnnntx. l0.3llptn 3;un tl‘.’tt lt'HIl] npint. l'i'ee. \Veelxl}. '1'qu :i \tep lxtt'lx in tune tn (illx. “llx Nllx nntl e;tt'l_\ ‘)0\ tune\ ;it tlnx gut} eluli. l’leuxe nnte that (‘.(‘ ltlnnin'x \i. tll

\tu) npen until 5am e\er} night during lltL‘ l‘L‘\ll\C [k‘t'ltttl lzll l)L‘C 3‘ Lil] l.

I Motherfunk :u the llnney‘nmli. 10.30pm 3am. l’i'ee. \Veelxl} (tint 25 Dec |. ()ne nt‘ the egipitul‘x innxt Pttplllill' huuntx. thix ix. m the name \uggextx. the innther nl‘ itll lunk eluhx. All the ti‘i\l\ie\t t'unk Lllltl the \e\ie\t \nul enntex enltt‘tex} til the l'L‘\ltlL‘lll l).l\. (iinn.

l’t‘} er and Spectrum and tn guarantee it t'unlx} \lttt'l In 2003. the hn}\ \till he linxting :1 tree .\'e\\ \‘ezu'K [)11} part} nn | Jun.

I Mothergroove ill .\'n;i. l lpin -lzun. £5. 35 Dee nnl}. (iinn. l"t‘_\ er and Speeti'utn t.\|nt|tet'tunk | jnin t‘nt‘eex \\ ith l'ltt‘;tgt‘nn\e\ (iiit‘eth Snmnten ille and Mike} Stii‘tnn tn t‘ni‘ni u ('lu‘ixttnux l);i_\ club night \\ here t'unk \nugglex tip tn real deal ltnttxe.

I Soul Dance at (‘luh Mercado.

0pm 3am. L'H in zitlxunee; L'l0 on the tlnni‘. | Jun nnl}. l);ineet‘|nnrjun. funk and will night t'ezitut‘ing li\ e cabinet.

I Taste’s ‘Escape Christmas Party’ at The llnne} eninh. l lpni 511m. L‘l0 t L'M znuiluhle in utlmnee t’i'nm 'luste e\ent\ and 0111 nl the Blue. 25 Dee nnl}. ('nuntei‘ the culture nt‘ ('hrixtntux h} ignnt'ittg the minee pie\ in lin'nui' nl getting inineetl nut nt'mur lllllltl ill thix uplit‘ting lttttt\L‘ part).

I Travmanay ut the 't'rmerw.

8pm 3am. l'i'ee. l .l;tn nn|_\. The theatre l‘;tt' lttt\l\ :t llk'\ll\C ()ll\ tttgltl.

Chart & Patty

I Shagtag at (izngt. |0pin 3iun. £4 it'll. \Veekl} Mint 25 l)et~ & l .lunt. .'\lenl1nl l'ttelletl llii'ting tuitletl untl (ll‘L‘llL‘tl l1} tli‘inkx Pl'thlUH \ in the intninnux ntunhei-lmwd intrntluetinnx \_\ \lL'lll. l’lL‘;t\L‘ llUlL‘ lltL‘t'Ci\ lil-CL‘ [L'qlltllt .intl ehninpugne hit the t'lnn/ie \\ ith the tttthl I'L'tlttt‘\t\.

Lguana cafe bar ll lothian street. edmliuigh t. 0131 220 .1288
