Wednesday 21

Glasgow I Brian McNeill RSAMI). Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Iix-

Battlefield Band instrumentalist and songwriter.


I Phaime Gow Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. 668 201‘). 12.45pm. £5. Highly talented young pianist and harp player/composer. A graduate of the RSAMI) 'I‘raditional Mttsic course. she's already vvon a Celtic Connections ‘Danny Avvard' and recorded an album.

I Kieran Halpin & Chris Jones Edinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 650 234‘). 8pm. £6 (£5 ). Scots-domiciled Irish singer-songwriter. I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance Marco‘s Leisure Centre. (irove Street. 337 5442. 8—‘).30pm. £2.50 (£1.50). Learn popular ceilidh dances in this informal environment.


I Open Session Lomond Folk Club. Argyll Bar. Main Street. ()138‘) 757561. ‘)pm. Free. Musicians. singers and visitors welcome at this vveekly event.


I The McCalmans The Star Club. Riverside Clttb. Fox Street. 56‘) 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). They've been performing since 1964. tottring and recording over tvventy albums. The new McCalmans line-up continues the interpretation of traditional Scottish song using distinctive three-part harmony and humour.


I Peter Michael Rowan ()n The Mound. North Bank Street. 226 68‘)‘). 7pm. £15 includes dinner. Contemporary songwriting from Rovvan.


I Mugdock Folk Night Mttgdock Cottntry Park. Craigallian Road. Milngavie. ‘)56 6100. 7.30 10pm. £‘).


OFiddle 2001 Assembly Rooms. (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). A vveekend of non-stop fiddle music. including con- certs. masterclasses. vvorkshops. recitals. talks and ceilidhs. See Sat 24 8; Sun 25. OLunchtime Recital St Cecilia's Hall. Niddry Street. 346 ()‘)77. lptn. £5 (£3). Irish music performed by Paul ()‘Shaugbnessy and Cairdeas na Fidleiri. Tickets only available on the door. Par! 0 II'ir/d/e 200/.

Heat The Hoose Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 8pm. £ 10 (£6). The opening concert of Fiddle 2001. featuring Liz Doherty. Loyko‘s ()leg Ponomarev. Brittany-based Herve Lorre and (iillian Frame. l’urr o/‘l-‘irltlle 200].

OCeilidh Dance Assembly Rooms. (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). ‘)pm-—1am. £8 (£6). The Robert Fish Ceilidh Band pro- vide music for dancing. Purl uf‘l-i'dt/le 2001.

I Raverie The Hub. Castlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2000. 7.30pm. £15 including dinner. Chris Wright joins forces vvitli Steve Byrne (Malinky) and John Morran (Deaf Shepherd) to play traditional and contemporary Scottish music.

Saturday 24


OFiddle 2001 Recitals Assembly Rooms. (icorge Street. 22(1434‘). noon. £10 day ticket (£6). Non-stop perfor- mances by leading fiddlers. Saturday's performers include Aidan ()' Rourke and Karen Steven; Sunday features Bruce .\Iac(it‘egot‘ and Simon Bradley. Part of

l Si Cuba! Si Cuba! brings the forceful Spanish-domiciled Cuban pianist Omar Sosa in a septet that leans to African polyrhythm and urban rap a musical highlight in the continuing festival of Cuban culture that also takes sculpture. painting. history. politics and. of course. dance. Various venues. G/asgow. Sun 78 Nov.

I The Handsome Family Not quite a family but a married pair who make loveably skewed music together. Brett and Ronnie Sparks are the cult country couple from Chicago. back in Glasgow. Arches, G/asgow, Sun 78 Nov.

I Fiddle 2001 Concerts. workshops. musical instrument stalls. ceilidhs. dances. food. cafe and bars are all part of this weekend fest filled with fiddlers. from the world-class virtuoso to the complete beginner. and playing music from Scotland. America. lreland and Brittany. Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, Fri 23—Sun 25 Nov.

Fir/(He 200/.

OGrand Concert Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 7.30pm. £12.50» £15.50 (£7 £10). The main event at l'Tdt/ll’ 2()()l. vvith performances from Liz Carroll. Angus R (irant. I’aul ()‘Shaughnessy and others. Dance vvith Catriona Chisholm and Absolutely Legless.

0 Fiddle Cabaret & Ceilidh Assembly Rooms. George Street. 22() 434‘). 10pm—1am. £6 (£4). ()pen stage cabaret and dancing vvith the Bella McNab ceilidh band. l’url affair/Iv 200/.

I The Scottish Green Party Ceilidh Dance St Bride’s Centre. ()rvvell Terrace. 346 1405. 8pm. £8 (£6). You might get a song from Robin Harper (he's a talented singer/guitarist as well as our only (ireen MSI’). bttt you'll certainly get dance music from Da Hooley.


I String Jam Club Musician Of The Year String Jam Club. Salmon Inn. Bank Street. 01750 20538. £tbc. Featured performers are Conor McAfec. Amy Duncan. Norman Lamont and the Sundancer.


I Fife Strathspey and Reel Society Carnegie Hall. Iiast Port. 01383 314000. 7.30pm. £8 (£6).


I Kesha Cafe Cossachok. Rttssian Cultural Centre. King Street. 5530733. 8.30pm. £5 (£3). Sec Thu 15.


0 Fiddle 2001 Recitals Assembly Rooms. (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). Noon. £10 day ticket (£6). See Sat 24.

0 Grand Finale Assembly Rooms. George Street. 220 434‘). 4pm. £10 day ticket (£6). Music from the Scottish and Irish traditions from Aonghas (irant. Mairi Campbell and others. l’url () .l"I'(/(//(’ 200/.

Final Stramash Assembly Rooms. (ieorge Street. 220 434‘). 5pm. £10 day ticket (£6). Hundreds of tid- dlers join forces at the finale of fiddle 2()()/. Find an instrument and join them.

I None Of The Above Bongo Club. Nevv Street. 558 7604. 8.30pm. £7 (£5). None Of The Above's usual evening of eclectica takes in classical \vhen singer Heather MacLeod performs with members of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra: an eastern-leaning

jaw. salad is served by saxman Steve

Kettley's group ()dd Times; neo-folk noises from Harreem Scareem and traditional Irish (tines front button box and vvhistle man Leo McCann and guitarist Kris Drever.

I Jim Malcolm \Vee Folk Club. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2‘)76. 8.30pm. £3. ()ld Blind Dogs' lead singer. Malcolm has had a successful solo career for many years. Ballads. Burns on guitar and harmonica.

Monday 26


I Craobh Rua Stirling Folk Cltth. 'I‘erraces Hotel. Melville ’I‘errace. (11786 472268. 8pm. £5 (£4). Top Belfast four-piece mu1ti-instrumetttal band.

Wednesday 28

Glasgow I Brian McNeill RSAMI). Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). The

Back 0‘ The North Wind: McNeill’s evening of songs on the theme of Scots emigration to America. personified in Carnegie. Flora .\Iac1)onald and others.


I Ianlanlain Iidinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The l’leasance. 65(1 234‘). 8pm. £6 (£5). Three Iati)ns Brttce. Lovvthian and Fraser perform a mix of traditional Scots and self-penned songs. accompanied by fiddle. viola and accordion.

I Absolute Beginners Ceilidh Dance Marco‘s Leisure Centre. (irove Street. 337 5442. 8 »‘).30pm. £2.50 (£1.50). See Wed 21.


I Rod Paterson and Pete Clarke Bellshill Cultural Centre. John Street. 01698 267515. 8pm. £6 (£4). St Andrew’s night concert featuring the acclaimed Jock Tatitson‘s Bairns singer Paterson and Clarke. a great fiddler.


I Open session Lotttttnd Folk Club. Argyll Bar. Main Street. 0138‘) 757561. ‘)pm. Free. See Wed 21.


I Kieran Halpin The Star Club. Riverside Club. Fox Street. 56‘) 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Irish roots from the singer—songvvriter.

I Celtic Wah Wah l’rinces Square. Buchanan Street. 221 0324.

7.30 ‘).30pm. Free. Fiddles. percussion. \‘uc‘aIs and electric dance grooves.


I Ntzu Bongo Club. Neyy Street. 558 7604. 10pm. £5. Progressive organic rock. African—sly 1c. from a litre tip of three ItalltIs.


opera ,

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I John Tilbury ('(A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4‘)()(). 8pm. £8 (£6). (CCA 5). A leading exponent of experimental mttsic. pianist Tilbury performs vvorks by American composer Morton Feldman.

I Schools’ Gala Concert 2001 City Hall. Candleriggs. 287 5511. 7pm. £5 (£1 £3). Christopher Bell presents an exciting shovy casing young musicians from all oycr Scotland including his (m n RSN() Junior Chorus in a Schools' concert organised by the National Association onouth ()rchestras.

I Concerto Caledonia St Andrevv \ In The Square. ()ff Salttnarket. St Andrevs ‘s Street. 548 6020. 8pm. £0 ( £4). The early music ensemble are joined by soprano Mhairi Lays son for a night entitled (‘t'i/it/li Burnt/He. featuring the music and song of(ieorg Muffat. Loren/o Bocchi and I’ietro I'rbani. A vyee bit of dancing may also be on the agenda.

I Kesha Tron Theatre. 63 'li'ongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £8 (£6). A gypsy -~ia// fusion from \ iolinists Lev Atlas and ()leg I’onomarey and guitarist Nigel Clark.

I The Gliondar Ensemble Concert Hall. I'niyersity of(11asgovv. I’niversity Avenue. 330 40‘)2. 1.10pm. Free. Formed Ill 1908 by RSAMI) graduates. this quintet on clarinet. oboe. flute. bassoon and horn perform \sorks by l.igeti. l’oulcnc and the Scottish premiere of a nevv piece by Dav id Fettessy.


I Mozart Festival Orchestra I'sher Hall. I.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £13.50 £22. 1.1! by atmospheric candlelight. Ian Watson arid the orchestra perform \'i\aI(Ii\ l'rtm‘ Scum/H. I’acIlelbeIK Ctr/nut. Bach's :11) on (I (1' String and \yorks by Handel and I’urccll. I Peter Griggs National Portrait (iallct‘y. I Qtlc‘t‘ll NII'L‘L‘I. 024021)”. I2.45[llll. I'TL‘L‘. .NL‘“ \(tl'Is glllttll‘tst I’L‘IL‘I‘ (ii‘iggs combines elcittents ofia/l. classical and Bra/iliatt music into his set.


I Mozart Festival Orchestra Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sattchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15 £21.50. See Thu 15. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra City Hall. Candlcriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £6 £18 (£2.50). In a change to the previously advertised programme (LS-based conductor /.oltan Kocsts no longer vs ishes to fly so Arnold ()stman is at the baton) the SC() \yelcome pianist Dexso Ranki to the stage for Mo/art's l’iu/to Concerto No 23'. The (icrman Composer's ()i‘t'rlun'.‘ Ali/1C.ilt/l’l‘ft/K’CU/ Herr/‘0 and Hay dn‘s Svm/tllunv .\'m S/ and /(I/ complete the bill.

I Enesco Trio RSAMI). l()() Renli'evs Street. 332 505". 1pm. £5 (£3). The trio perform .ludith Weir’s litre/ti]th Sir/lie '/'rirt and Beethoy en's Sir/Ire 1mm 1'. t/u! littl/(tl'115 part of the BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert \L‘l'lcs.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra I'sIlcl‘ Hall. I.()tIll;tIl Ritad. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £8.50 £22. Dvorak's (’tirlilt'u/ ()t't'rltm' and Svmp/mnv .\'u 7 begin and end a diyerse evening \\ hich also sees Craig .-\rmstrong's superb 1171(1) .llorltilre limiv lit lie/II and Mahler's't/t'r wines /(l//I'('II(/('/I (it've/lt'n (\\ itlt mc//o~soprano 1ch

1m in). Walter \Veller conducts.

‘:' \ y. .. ' THE LIST 57