V I saw you III IIIL‘ IIL'\II. IIIIII IIou IIIL‘ £l(I\ I'IIIuI‘c III-gun. I l,o\c You. \\oI'III \\\ Iio\ .\'o

I‘ -II‘) I

V I saw you Kluk} KIII'L‘II. IIIouIIc IIIIIII-II IIL'IIL‘II\ (iII‘I. (\YCII I I II IIIIII Io by up curl} IIII‘ \UII'Ix (III IIIIIINIIII}, YIIII \I’IIII _\ou IIIIIII‘I Iulc. But “I” _\ou IL'L'IIII\I(IL‘I' II I uxk IIII‘L'I} ’7 IIo\ \II I' III‘) 3

V I saw you ;I}_';IIII Iqu)

I I‘) II7 III I on (iI‘chl \chIL-I'II RIIIIII houl H.3IlgIIII. You IIIIII II \KIIIIL'. Ion}: \IL'C\L'(I Iop on. I II'IL-II Io \IIIIIL'I I'ulluI. S'cc )ou IIIIMI \wck (Iil_\\. You ;u'c IIIIII IlL'IjJIlI j_'u} \HIII \IIoI‘I «lurk IIuII‘ ilIIII :u‘c quIIc Iou'I}. .-\I‘c )ou Hugh-1' .'\I‘L‘ _\ou \II'ngIIII’ \YouIII )ou IIkc Io Iuch IUI' .'I hu-I'i’ IIpr Inc ouI here. I'm IIIII. \IIUI'I Immu IIIIII‘. \II} and HlellllxIlC. IIIH \(I I. III) .1

V I saw you cult j._'ll‘I III IIonIcr'x (III IIIle ,Iul_\ \IIIIIIg: IlL'ill' IIIc aII‘I \Ct'IIUII. III-IIII III :I hook. I \szx IIlC gII'I Ill Lulu \kIIII [\HI Il'ICIIII\ IIIIIIIII‘III}: )ouT I’IL‘;I\L‘ gL‘I III IIIIII'II. III)\ \I)

I‘ 4104

V I saw you Iqu III x\I;I\I\;I. ZIIIII .Iul}. \Yc \IIIII'I-II Icccuhw :IIIII \\;IIcI'. IIlL'll _\ou IIIIII Io Iukc (‘Ilzll'ch IIUIIIL'. I.L‘I.\ (IIIIIL'L‘ IIfJIIIll. IIL'IL'II. IIII\ \II I. ~II‘) 5

V I saw you .I Iqu III.III I'xc III-\L'I' \ccu. I.ll\IIlI:.' .IIIcI' _\ouI purl} III'IN Imkx III IIIL‘ I ‘III \IIIL‘. IIIL‘ (II.I\;_'II‘.\ SEIIINII III .‘\I'I .III\I Ro} \IHIIIIIII. I.o\c IIIC I’IIocIIn, IIo\ \o I' 41‘) (I

V I saw you III-II- In IIIIII'IKII‘IJI'x the plum- Io Iw III (iluxgou. IIIL' II;II'III.III l\ I‘L‘IIIIII IIII XX. I‘III\ \H I ~1i‘) "

V I saw you gngI-I. .v\I IIIc III;IIIIII;_'\ lll I)quoI'IIL-Iz IIIouIIIc \mx IIIL'L' IIIII (IIIIIII Imu- IIIK' \illIlL‘ xIIng. Iio\ \o I' II” N

V I saw you .\I;l\\lII opcuIIIy purl) oII SIIIIIIII} III;_'III. I5 II“ gu'l \\lIIl xcc lug: lIuII‘. I'I-II IwII +- III IlIu‘ III

IIIgIkc /L‘lll \\\lllj..‘ lllUl'L'I' PS, I

III} In,“ IIIIII mm}:


V I saw you III (iIImI SIIII'I . IIIC 'I'I‘oII. You \wI'c IIgIIIIIIIIIy :I CL'IIU IIIw Il \\£l\ :I ImcI} IIIII}I I'm :I lllull hul III-)7 II'x IIIC lel \‘L‘llIllI'_\. III)\ \(I I. -II‘) III

V I saw you my IIIIMI llll\L‘I' :IIIIc king; III III!“ III;I\\\Y SIIIIIc \w low _\;I Huh}. Box .\'o

l' -I II) I |




V I saw you in :: ‘AIIII Inuz In; tou:II ItlzIIIix

‘.\ I‘CC

'~‘.I\II_\IIIIII1IIIII I‘..I\'\'Il :III IIICIIKI' \IMIIx Inn-V Hm. \I» I II" I: V I saw you III IIIIIIuIMw I '.‘.II\ IIIIIIkIII: IIIP ‘.\,II’\'I ‘.I \cz} \III.III :II:\\ «III .IIIII CIC iooix III; \\._\ IIo\ \ol -1I‘II* V I saw you II.III\IIIf_' III“- IIIxx} Io Hop \Ic gum-II \ILIII IIIIKI \IIICI‘III'IH You IICIII‘ICI oI IIIC ,IIYIWC IIII\ \III II” I~I V I saw you .IxII‘\\ IIIc I.IIIII' \‘~IIII }IIIII Imch I‘k‘I\\\'k'II _\HIII ICCIII \I.I}I‘L' I‘Ik'.lI\I.l\I .II IIIIIIL' IIL‘\I IIIIIC " Iio\ \o I' -II‘) I5 V I saw you \‘Im Ik‘ Inn. I’.IuI_ \IIIIIII. \IIIIoII. I\)H\\‘. (XIIIuIII. ('.IIIo x \IIgI‘Ix. IIII\I (KIIIICIIIIL'H' IIIH \III II‘I I“ V I saw you II.II‘I‘II}\ IIII_\' \ou \xc [NIIIII IIIk' II|\‘-Il ICII You'l'r IIIC Ik'III I‘lj; (i I IIIw }I\ll IUI\ / IIH\ \H I‘ .II‘) I" V I saw you I).II_\ III IIIC II‘oII Iooklu llIk‘lIIQlI III;III. qu )Cl'u'I IIII\ \II II -II‘) I5 V I saw you IIdl'Ix ;IllII IIIIIIII \Illllk‘ III talc \ouII‘I' k‘llIIIIjJ IIkc _\ou H\\IIC\I IIIc plut'c, \\;IIIIIII IIIuIII'II III} II.I;_';;I\I’ Ho\ .\'o I' II” I‘) V I saw you \UH'IxIlljJ \\IIIl Iuc III IIoI'III'I'x hook» You .III' PL‘I'ICUI. SIIIIIIIII I IL'II _\Ull [WI \IIIIIIII} _’_' IIII\ \II I. -II‘) 3” V I saw you HumhI. \‘olucx'.’ \YIIuI \ou‘cx'.’ You \IIonII IIIC )ou \wrc ;I Ilgcl' I‘I‘Il;III\\I III)\ \II I. III‘) 3I

V I saw you .II IIII- Ion; .»I IIIk' }\'.II '1 Ilzc II'.'IIIIII"I;\‘_ \.I' You .uc IIII' I.II‘I‘\'\I IEIII'zuIc .\ \I.III\I\II1\'\II\'\'\I\'\II)I You I‘IIIIIIIKII III\\ \III II".‘.‘ V I saw you III III_\ III-II You II.I\I IIII IIIL‘IH\‘.II Inc II.III YoI

\IIII \nouiII You IIkv Io :‘o Io .LII oul \IIII\III.II_\ ' \I\ .quxwt \\'\ IIII\ \III II".‘; V I saw you I‘IlII' \m; \]‘.III\I} III IIII'I \.II I IIII Il‘u‘ I.III. \‘.‘-.IIIII\ I .IIIIII‘. ‘I‘HIIIIx III jJI'I IIo‘MI I mug. \‘.|III You Ho\ \o I II” .‘I V I saw you kI‘IIIII. ( 'IIIoI‘. \I.III\ " _\ou1c IIII _:,'oI;'cou\_ YIIIIIIL' I Hll IIIK'HH IIII\ \II I II" .“ V I saw you IIIII You ‘.'l\\' mu IIIIK' )oII Ion-I}. wyx, IcII.


I‘IIIoII 3m. MW} I‘k'.I\I III I).II'II\'I\V You oIII IIIIIcI YI‘ll I\|1H\\_ IIII\ \II I

V I saw you III:- Im. LIIJI‘ )oIII‘ leI'IIIIK'IIII III .I I‘.I\\IIIII.II\‘

Ix’IIIc my I") _‘(I

I‘IIIIII‘.II'I'. ~pIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII ou _\ouI II'ouwa. .\I.II\\' IIIk' \wI III). [HIle |;III;;IIIIIj_' ;l_‘,'.IlIl II.IIIIII‘II III'L‘I. IIII\ \II I' II‘I 3"

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V I saw you t. I\

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2U,” THE LIST 53