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_ r 1111 1111- sccnc‘.’ l’1'1111‘sxi111111l Bored? Want 2 party? 1111-1'1 1|11\11111\111'.l1111111l|111111|1'1l. 1 . . . , 11111111111 (.11) 11111'111'111'1‘ \cns1— Party GIrIS IS a new self- 1111111l11|1111~1l11111l11111'111111'1111111111I , . , . , . 111-c 11111‘ll1uc111 \I1ul11l1 run club for attractive 11111|1211111l [K‘llltllh ll} 113411111. . .‘ . ' . , .. Hm \” “q 3 1‘1‘1‘1‘1111'11'xcckx 511111|111 l111' stralght females 18—38 I P I e r l ' . 11111l11iu|11 111k1‘1'11111l Sundm who en'o winebars

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111111 1111111111111:\111gl1'..1g1‘1| 3(1. [)111‘1‘11111'.’ H11\ \11, ll” 4

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I Independent adven- turous artist/musician. 11111-1 11'.1\1-l. 11111111 lllgllh 111. \1‘11xl1111'1‘

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l111l11‘x 1111' 11111. 3:19. 111‘1‘11 1‘1111

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~ . :; H .EEAP " GA -/ GHAT _ from Zplmin


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* C315 5051 2pm '1 swap vote 8:; m1“ pea-1 when many a can- be sale and secsre

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52 THE LIST 2—9 August 2001