Work from the Moving On project on show at Intermedia Gallery

AWARE - Action Within Architecture Regeneration & Environment l'ntil Sun 3‘) Jul (Young l)exlgttet'x (iallet') l. .-\ look at ho“ local cornrntmiticx can take part in the dexign procexx l'eaturing examplex ol dexign rnethodx produced b} xtuderitx ol' architecture at Strathchde l'nnerxit} in a _\eat‘-lotlg project baxed in the Siglitliill area ol‘ ( ilaxgou.


Station Road. Milngm ie. 57S 3847.

Tue l’ri ltlarn Iprn. 3 5pm; Sat 3 5pm. Margery Clinton l'ntil Sat l l .v\ug. (‘er'amicx and landxcapex in \iatercolour' b} .\lat'gct'_\ ('linton. marking her 70th Mar. (‘linton ix rcnou ned lor tlte de\elopment ol' ltrxtrc gla/ed ceramicx. A History Of Photography Exhibition l'ntil Wed S Aug. ()rganixcd b} tltc .lulia Margaret ('arneron Truxt. an e\|iibition looking at the hixlot'} ol’ portrait photograph). lcaturing the Work ol lamoux photogr'apherx including l"o\ Talbot.


3tltl Bath Street. NI 0733. Tue Sat

0am (rpm.

Stephanie Fawbert t iiiil Wed 5 Sep. Workx on paper inxpircd b} claxxical muxic. made in collaboration \\ ith nitrxicianx.


333 Duke Street. 554 l I35. tl-‘or' detailx about Market call ()77l t)l.\’4.‘~3l l. l)ail} noon 5pm.

Heavy Pets (petting zoo) Strn

33 Sun 3‘) Jul. llea\_\ l’etx tpetting loo) ix a collaborathc xho\\ b} artixtx llcather l)ocherty .»\llixon llrabluik and Jane conxixling ol 3t) 3t) lit'elike replicax ot real animalx. ('atcring tor tlioxe u ith animal related allergiex or phobiax. the petting loo coinex complete \\ ith a \ending pellet machine. attcndantx and pt'otecti\e glo\ ex tor xenxiti\e halldx.



30 .\'oth Street. 3S7 300‘). Mon Thu 0am Spin; l-‘ri & Sat ‘lam 5pm.

The Foulis Academy t'niil Sat l5 Sep. .\ unique and pricelexx collection ol bookx. pt'ltttx and \\ot‘kx ol' at'tx h} xtudcntx ol'(ilaxgo\\ 'x lSth centur} School ol~ :\t't and l)cxi:_‘n. The l'iotlltx .-\cadern_\. l'eaturing \xork b} l)a\ id .-\llan. Robert Paul and .lamex Taxxie gix ing a hixtoric panoramic \ icu ol‘ (ilaxgoxx at that time.


73 Robertxon Street. How I. Suite (i. 3-18 37l 1. Tue liri noon- 5pm.

Group Show t'ntil Fri 37 Jul. .-\ mi\ed xlloW of drawing. xculpture and inxtallation b_\ Walter Dalia. I)uncan .\l;tc(‘)uarrie. .\lichael Mallet. .\1atthe\\ Monahan and Andreax Schul/t. See

rcx iexx.


331 Wext George Street. 3-18 0755. Mon l-ri ltlam 5.10pm: Sat

ltlarn 3pm.

Scottish Paintings limit "the fit .lul. Scottixh pairitingx l'rom lSS’tl to prexcnt da} including \\ot'kx b} Mc’l‘aggart. l’atcrxon and Bellan}.


()n-line gall-er}. \\ u \\ .nc\\ contemporar}

Miniatures One the opctting exhibition l'or tliix ne\\ on-line galler} \\ hich xliimcaxex the “ink ol' tip-and- coming artixlx l’rom (ilaxgoxx arid lidinbtrrgh \\ ith all \xorkx a\ailable to bu}.


3(i \Vaxhitlgton Street. 33l 3 l 33.

Mon l'ri 9am (rpm. Sat b_\ appointment. Made In America t'ritil Sat 4 Aug. (ilaxgim ~lttlxed Shirle} .'\nn Tipping explorex the inl‘luence ol co\\ ho} x. the 50x and .v\mer'icaria in the l'lx' through a xcr‘iex ol' photographx.


(i Wilxon Street. Merchant ('it}. 553 0703. Tue. Wed & l-‘ri l larii (ipin; Thu llam 7pm; Sat ltlam (rpm; Sun 1 5pm. Mixed Exhibition Work by contcrnpoi'ar} up—and-coming Scottixh- haxed at‘tixtx.


('entre l‘or' l)e\eloprnental :\t'tx. IS Albion Street. 553 3333. Mon Fri ltlam 5pm.

Universal Print Show t'ritil Hi It) .-\ug. ()riginal line art printx l'rom international xpecialixt xtudiox.


(i Burnlield Road. (iil'l‘nock. (fiS l3t)(). Tue Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm: ('t‘exx“ ell Lane (ol'l' B} l‘ex Road). (HS l3(l(). Tue Sat l lam 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Emerging Artists Partnership Txxo galleriex from the Emerging :\t'tlxt\ l’artnerxhip xhrmcaxing the \xot'k ot' leading art xchoolx throughout Scotland and the l'lx'.


30 King Street. 553 3l5 I. Tue Sat

ltlam 5.30pm.

No Small Feat t'niil Sat 1 1 Aug. Ten (ilaxgtm al'tlxtx create xpeciall} commixxioncd lenx-baxed “ork around themex of parenthood. Working in a \ariet_\ of media including colour. black and \\ hite printx. xilkxcreenx. cmlu'oideriex and Video. t‘eatur‘ed artixtx include Sam Ankle}. Duncan Campbell. (‘olin (ire). .'\li.xott Hayex. ('alum Angux .\lacka_\. .lanie .\'icoll. Gillian Steel. .\lhairi Sutherland. lxeult 'l‘immermanx and Karen Vaughan. See rex ieu.


3S King Street. 553 4Sl3. Tue Sat

llam 5pm

0 Cathy Wilkes l'ntrl Sat 3S .lul, (ilaxgoxx -b.ixed .irtixt (nth) \thkcx. \\ ho Wax \llol'lllxled lot' laxl )L“.tt“\ Beck'x l'irturex .iuard. createx an rnxtallatron tor the galler} xpacc conxrxting of furniture. xull lite. tabric collage. linear \xood xctilplur‘e and paintingx. See re\ re“ and llitlrxt. 1238' C‘~'«.\CE Silt TRONGATE STUDIOS IS .-\lbion Street. 553 3S33. lllam 5pm.

Fusion l'ntrl l'rr Ill .-\ug. .-\ xolo xhou ot' ceratnrc and glaxx \xork b_\ Stan Mather.

.\lon l‘rr


()n—lme (ialler).

W \\ \\.\ ixionon3tltll .couk. ;\ ne\\ mternet \lle dedicated to \lloW caxmg the Work ol three (ilaxgou -baxed artlxtx each month. It )ott ll;l\e a propoxal tor the \'ixion( )n \xebxrte. email karla blacktu hotmailcoin James McLardy, Robin Miller and Michael Johnson t'iiril 'l‘iie 3| lid. The Work ot' three more artixtx goex on—line.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 95.


:\rg'\ le Street. Keb ingro\e. 387 369‘). Mon Thu tk Sat Illarn 5pm; liri & Strn

l lam 5pm. ('al‘e. liree.

A Kelvingrove Centenary t'riiil Mon 31 l)ec. .\ commemoratne exhibition marking the centenar} ol the .-\rt (killer) and .\ltixeum. Kelt ingroye. The “ell-lined xandxtone btrilding liouxex one ol' the linext ci\ ic art collectionx in liurope l‘eatur'ing Wot'kx b_\ Botticelli. Rembrandt. Whixtler and the (ilaxgou Bo} x and (iirlx and \\ ax the \enue l'or xomc ol' the linext exhibitionx xeen in Britain including l’icaxxo-Matixxe ( 194m. \'ari (iogh t “MSW and l)ali'x .-\rt ln Jench r l073 4r.

Herzliche Grusse t'iiiil Wed 5 Sep. A multimedia exhibition about the (ierrnan language t‘caturing xoundx. picttir'ex and gadgetx. rnuxic \ ideox. clipx l‘rom (ierman tilmx. theatre and TV.

Edwardian Summer t'iiiil Sun 3 Sep. To complement the Keb ingroVe (‘entenan exhibition. a dixpla} ol' photographx documenting the Will International lixhibition which took place at the gallery Power Of Humanity t‘niil Wed 35 Jul. 'l'hrough per‘xonal accountx. photographx. archive material and artelactx. the role ol' the Britixh Red ('roxx ix highlighted in thix exhibition.


The (‘roxx. Kirkintilloch. 57801-14.

Tue Sat Illam lprn & 3 5pm.

Looking In Wonderland t‘riiil Sat 38 Jul. .-\ (iraphicUx Touring exhibition t'eaturing thtltl engrax ed illuxtrationx l'rom .‘Tlltt' In ll'iiin/i'rluni/ b} Sir John 'l‘unniel.


3()(i() l’ollokxhaux Road. 3S7 3550.

.\Ion Thu & Sat 10am 5pm; l-‘ri a Strn llarn 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams l'ntil Sun 30 Sep. (her too rarel} xeen treaxur‘ex trom the collection ot William .\latthe\\ l’linderx l’etrie. dexcribed ax the "Victorian Indiana Jonex'. The e\hibition includex a look at the originx ot' the rnumm} 'x curxe: the idea of alien help in the building of. the P} ramidx at (ii/a; and Ancient lig}pti;itt \ leWx ol~ the at‘terlite.

Daumier In The Burrell Collection A next dixpla) ota group (it. oilx and W atcrcolourx by one of Sir William Burrell'x t'axourite artixix. llonore Datiniier r 1803- lh’7‘h.



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Jeff Koons: Easyfun - Ethereal From replicas of tacky souvenirs to collaborative pornographic works with his for'riiei wife. Italian porn star 1 a Cicciolina. Jeff Koons has been the subject of much controversy In a major coup for the Fr'uitiiiarket Gallery this is the UK premiere of large scale paintings by the selftaught, American artist. See feature. f-‘r'u/trnarlxet, [ill/thumb. Sat 28 Jull‘r/ed 7;? Sop.

Jerwood Painting Prize Exhibition Proving that painting is positively booming, the prestigious; Jerwood Painting Pri/e tours to Glasgow for the first time featuring the wrnning w0rk of Kate Pratt and the remaining shortlisted artists. See review. Gallery Of Modern Art. Glasgow, until Sun 21 Oct. 5, Rembrandt’s Women Edinburgh gets the first ever examination of Rembrandt's portrayal of worrien in his art. featuring intimate sketches. paintings and etchings of the women in his life. National Gallery Of Scotland, Edinburgh. until Sun 2

Sep. f Cathy Wilkes Ideas of family, artistic hist0ry and time are explored in Glasgow—based artist Cathy if“; Wilkes' beautifully presented installation at Transmission. See 7‘ revrew. irarrsmiSSion. Glasgow. until Sat 28 Jul. Janice McNab Thoughtprovoking i documentary paintings by Janice

McNab taken from photographs of victims who are permanently affected by overexposure to chemicals. See review. doggerfislier, 3 Edinburgh, until Sun 29 Jul.

Satoshi Watanabe - Hidden Landscapes Recent paintings by up-and-coming Japanese artist Satoshi Watanabe whose unique and laborious painting process involves sticking hundreds of dots over the image on the canvas. Glasgow School Of Art. Glasgow. until Sat 25 Aug.

Roland Penrose & Lee Miller Two complementary exhibitions shedding light on one the most extraordinary artistic relationships of the 20th centuh/ surrealist artist. exhibition organiser. collector and writer. Roland Penrose and American photographer Lee Miller. Roland Penrose and Lee Miller. Dean Gallery and the National Gallery of Modern Art. Edinburgh, unti/ Sun 9 Sep.

19 Jul—2 flirt; 2907 THE LIST 87