Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


25 3 .-\l'g_\ lc Sll'ccl. (moi H22 MW). Hail} lllani niidnighl.

The Arches Posters l'unl Sun 2‘) Jul. 'lo coincidc \\ I||| lhc .\i‘chcx' llllh anni\ chill}. a rclimpccln c ol lhc .\rchcsi puhllcil} nialcrial rcwalrng lhc (|l\t‘l'\l|} ol arl lUl’lll\ and pcrlornianccs lhal hax c lakcn placc in lhc \cnuc o\cr lllc |\;l\l dcclldc.


l‘) l’arnic Sli‘ccl. 552 777‘). Mon Sal noon 5pm.

The Bigger Picture l'iuil .\|on Au .lul. \cu painlingx h} .\lar} Halchclor. l’clcr .\ardini. lan Scoll lilliol and (Mix llihh}.

Director’s Choice l'nlil .\|on Ru .lul. .\'c\\ largc \calc ligurali\c painliugx h) (iraciuc .\lorris.

Kara Law l’nlil .\|on 3|) .|u|. .\'c\\ _|c\\cllcl‘_\ h} Kara |.a\\ conihining \il\cr \\ ilh colourcd pcarls.


|.\'5a Halli Slrccl. 222 2.\'3ll 'l'uc Sal lilanr 5.3Upin.

Ken Taylor l'nul 'l‘ut- 3| .lul. (illhglm \lrccl \ccncx lroni lhc 5()\ and oils. \caxcapcs and landxcapcx lroin lhc .\'orlh ol Scolland h} lhc lalc Kcn '|‘a_\lor.

Mixed Show \Vcd I Hi 3| :\ug. .\ ini\cd \Iiou ol' painlingx and applicd arlx including “orks h} |)ona|d .\laclcod. Hcrck Hind. liuan .\lacgrcgor and (iracnic Sharp. plus slaincd glass. icucllcr}. cci‘annc\ and \culplurc.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART |3.l lil_\l|l\\\(llltl Sll't‘t‘l. .332 4027. Mon l-‘ri 0.30am 5.3llpin18al

Illani lpnl.

Small Pictures l'nlil l-‘ri 3| Aug. ()\cr .Illll \Inall \\Hl'l\\ h} gallcr} :ll‘ll\l\.

Encounter l'nul liri 3| .\ng. Rccciu painlingx h} (‘hcr} lcnc |)} cr. lan

Bo} cc and lx’ulh Brounlcc.

Focus - Contemporary Applied Arts l'nlil l-‘ri 3| .-\ug. (il;l\\ h} lngc l’ancc|\ and ccraniicx h} .lohn \Villiarnx. linn|_\ .\|.\cr\. .lacqui Rarnra) La and (iahriclla (‘axcniortn Focus - Contemporary Jewellery l'nlil |-'ri 3| .\ug.

.|c\\ cllcr) h) .lancl llinclil'l'c .\lc(‘ulchcon and Kai/ic llughcs.


www.gpsart.co.uk OPEN: TUES . SAT IOAM - 5.30m

86 THE LIST '9 Jo“ "\Lit} .‘ 2‘


|4| Hridgcgalc. »1|)2 5H2“ \icxiing h} appoinuncnl. call Hl-ll 552 5 | .\‘l or lll»1|~lll2-|2‘)2.

Public Hanging 2 [mil in 2.1 \ug lollou ing on lroni lhc mac“ ol .\pril'x opcn ucckcnd. a group c\lnhnion h} \\'.-\S|’S \llltllU\ aruxls lcallning painling. \L'lllpllllt'. slaincd glass and lL'\\L'||t'|'_\.


21—Hour \icuing \Vindoxx. 2(i‘1 lligh Slrccl. 552 lllol. In K Sal noon 5pm. Welcome For Sea And Game l'nlll Sun 5 .-\ug. ('Iaii'c Barcla} lakcx up rcsidcncc in lhc inlciior spacc ol lhc Hulkhcad lo crcalc an lll\l;l||;I|lUll ol a |i\ing spacc Ill \\|llt'|| t‘\t‘i'}l|;i) ll|.l|t'l'l.l|\ including \wod. pothcnc and \Muil aic rcndcicd H] such a \xa} lllal lllc} ncgalc lhcir usual lllllt‘lllllh.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY ll) King Sll'ccl. 553 H733. .\|on Sal |(l.3()ani nndnighl; Sun | llpiu. Glasgow Life I l'nlil Sun 22 .lul. .\ l\\o~p;ll‘l c\hihilion h} Russian arlN .\la\iln |)clnido\ rc\ca|ing an c\pl‘c\\ioni\l \ icu ol (ilaxgou. le pcoplc. arl and l||ll\lt‘.


.30 \Vcsl (icorgc Sll'ccl. 332 5.5.5 |.

.\|on Sal Illani 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm Mixed Exhibition .'\n ongoing c\hihilion ol' uork h} \arioux ;ll'll\|\. Robert Heindel l‘niil Inc 3| .lul. Ballcl and dancc liguralix c paintings h} .\mcrican lll’llxl Rohcrl ||cindc|.


l'nixcrxil} olSlralhclulc. 22 Richmond Sll't‘t‘l. 552 Ill)” L'\l 2032. .\|on l'l‘l Illain 5pm; Sal noon ~lpni.

Treasure Trove and Creating, Making, Manufacturing l‘nul .\‘ai 2| .lul. .\ luo licrcd c\hihilion ccnlring on lhc \xork ol [no l'ni\cr\il} dcparlincnlx: lhc (‘ollinx ( iallcr) and |)c\ign. .\|anulaclln'c and linginccring \lanagcincnl. 'lihc (‘ollinx (iallci‘) lookx allci' lhc l'ni\cr\il} \ (‘ollcclionx ol llisloric Scicnlilic |l|\ll‘lllllt‘ll|\ and l-inc .»\rl and gallcr} gocl‘x \\ i|| ha\ c lhc t‘llllllt‘t‘ lo \L'L' lhcxc ohjccls HI] d|\p|;l_\. including Baird‘s carlicxl '|‘\' \cl and lcaching appai‘alux uscd h} .lolill .'\ndcr\on. ln conlrasl. lhc l).\ll‘..\| :llllh lo inxpii'c lhc cl‘calion ol innoxaln c dcsignx and a rangc ol' gallgclx h} nc\\ gradualcx \\ ill also hc on \lilm.

Quilt Art: Moving On Sal 2.\’ Jul Sal 25 :\ug. lhc on|_\ Scollixh \|IU\\ ing ol conlcniporar) quills h} LR and inlci'nalional incnrhcrx ol Quill .'\l'|. an organisation loundcd in IUX5 lo proinolc lhc quill as an arl l'orin and lo cnhancc lhc \lalux ol quillcrs lhrough c\hihiuon\. NHV 8| |()\"\".


I73 \VLNI Rt‘gt‘lll Sll't‘t‘l. 22| O32“. .\|on Sal Illam 5.30pm.

6 july - 25 August 200|




Learn to make Etchings. Screenprints. Stone Lithographs. Mezzotints &Toyobo

lntaglio prints. Please call 0|4| 552 0704 for details of classes and to receive a booking form.

The New Generation Show 1 nul luc 3| .|u| \ \c|ccllon ol painllngx. lll.l\\ll|j2\. st ulpllnc and ccianuc \ h} \ludcnhlloin\tolland\1o1n.nlcollcgm SL'C .l|\\‘ lli‘ll\t‘ lill \ll \ll | NM"!

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn .\lich 22" I‘l‘lh .\|on lhu ,\ \al lllani 5pm. | H l\ \un ||.llll 5pm OJerwood Painting Prize Exhibition | Hill .\nn 2| (lcl lhc .lcl'\\ood l’ainling I’ll/c. lhc |.n_~._'c\l \ingc pin/c .maidcd lo onc .llll\|. tours Ullhlilt' london loi lllc ||l\l lunc \lllcc‘ n \\.l\ cxlahhshcd in |‘N3 ||lc \ki‘llx ol unnici Kalic l’iall \\l|| hc on \hou a|ong \xnh lc||o\\ \llHllll\|L'\| .llll\|\ I’clci \ichci. |i.l\l| lit‘dlllt'. lan |)a\cnpoil. \laila .\laicc and Inn |\'cn\|la\\ .\cc icx icv. and ||ll|l\|.


Roukcn (ilcn Road. 02” H2 35 ll]. Sun l\ .\|on l3” 5.3Hpni; Sal || 3Hanr 5 Winn Mixed Show l'nlrl Inc 3| .lul \ \clcclion o| [MIHIHlLN h} gal|ci_\ .ll|l\l\ CYRIL GERBER FINE ART

l-IN \\c\l lx’cgcnl Slit-cl. 22| 3ll‘l5

.\|on Sal‘l3llanr 5 Winn

First Of The Summer Wine l‘mn 'lnc 3| Jul. .\ \t'ilvlll ol changing c\|nlnlion\ \\ Ilh a \unnnci l|a\onl lcaluring panning\ h} l't'igir\\liii. llnnlci. .\largai'cl \IUHH. (‘hailcs .\lc( all and \acl |lanna.

Scottish Paintings, Drawings And Sculpture \\cd | l‘ll 3| \ug Scollixh painlingx. diau mg and \culplnlc lroin INXH lo lhc picxcnl da_\ Icaluiing \‘.UI'|\\ h} .|;llll\'\ l’alcimh. \Vrlhain ( illllt‘\. .|;llllt'\ ('ou ic. .|.| ). |'cl'gll\\ou. .lack Kno\ and man} olhcrx.


(‘alc ('(Hlllii. l2 Rthc Sli'ccl. 3‘2 ()5 3,5. .\|on Sal lil3llanl ‘lpni.

Robert Burns - Un Poco Loco l‘nlil 'l'uc 3| .lul. .\ collcclion ol

pl'c\ iousl} unxccn lilack and \\|ll|t‘ nnagcx ol lcading |a// lllll\lt'|;lll\ lroin (i|a\go\\ pholographcr Burns.

A Thimbleful \\cd I ll] 3| .\ug. .\ \cricx ol' pholographx h_\ |)cn'drc .\clxon rcsulling lroni l‘cccnl lc\li|c \\(Il'|\. '| hc \\or|\ c\p|ol'c\ .\_\ rxhn'c nccdlcuork prodnccd Ill \tolland lll lhc I‘llh ccnlnr}. and in parucular. ltlt‘;l\ ol \mincn. \lnch and \\|ll\|\}.


22 N 25 King Sli‘ccl.552ll71l1f|uc Sal lllani 5.30pm.

John Bellany l'nlil lhu 23 .\ug. ( )nc ol Scol|and\ l||U\l inllucnlial liglnaln c painlcrs. l’orl-Scalon horn .lohn Hcllan}. has his lil‘xl \olo show at (il’S lor l\\clll_\ .\carx. lcaluring ncu paintings. tll';l\\lllf_‘\ and prinlx. Scc rc\ ic\\_

Helen Fay l'nlil 'l'hu 23 .\ug. .\ \L‘l'lt'\ ol dr_\poinl prnn llll;lf_‘t'\ c\p|oring lhc

\\ i|d|i|c ol Scotland and \orlhcrn lingland.

Anna Strachan l'nlil 'l'hn 2 3 .\ug lnspncd h} a rcxidcnc} on llic uninhahilcd l\|;lllll ol lloi‘car} In lhc ( )ulcr llchridcx. .\nna Slrachan crcalcx silt-«pccilic \Mll'lk\ including lc\lil\a\cd \uxpcndcd llllllllplt'\. \xall-hawd work and arllsls‘ hooks. Diana Ferrari lnlil lhu 23 .\ug. .\‘culplurc and hand-hurl! ccranncs coinhining organic \llapcx and hold dct‘Ul’alh c lilll\|lc\.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lop |'|ool'. (i-l ()xhoi'nc Sli‘ccl. .552 |‘I-2. 'l'uc Sal noon 5pm. New-Newquayism l‘nul Sal 2| .lul .\ l\\l\-[3L‘l\(‘|| \llim lcaluring ll1c\\ol'|\o| .\|c\ Pollard and lob} l’alcrxon


(iround l’loor. l’rinccx Squarc. Buchanan Slrccl. 22| .\|(r2. .\|on Sal lllalll (rpm; Sun llam 5pm.

New Artists :\ \al'lt'd \L'lt't'llilll Hl \kirl'lx h} up-and-conung aruslx lcalurnig \ciilplurc. lc\li|c dcsign. photograph}. paInlingx and |c\\ cllcl'}.


lhc \lacknnosh (ia||ci_\. lh— |\'cnlic\\ .\lrccl. 353 15Wl \lon ||l IHam 5pm. \11 |l|.llll noon

0 Satoshi Watanabe - Hidden Landscapes 1 |||l| .\u 2* \ug

I\|.u kiiilmli (iallcyw lx'cccnl l‘.lllllll|}'\ l‘_\ \ll \ gladualc \.ilo\|u \\alanal\c. an up and coming .lllhl lioni .lapan l’ainling landscapc and .nchnt'clinc. \\alana|\c\ uniquc ploccw iii\o|\c\ lahoiiouxl} adding hundicdx ol dolx onlo lhc \.ll|\.l\. and lhcn h} icinm inf.) lhc dolx. hc \l\'.l|k'\ }cl anolhci nnagc ol ||l\ original \Millx .\cc |||||l\l [ill] or .llz/nm jun]

Paintings 2000-2001 \lon Hi

In! 5.1! 1 Sch 4 \|.lc|\|l||i\\ll ( ia||cI_\. .\ludio 3": \c\\ l‘.l|l||lll;'\ |\_\ .nli~l lll icxidcncc l’clci lint h


l lll\t‘l\ll} ol (i|.i\§_‘o\\. .\2 llillhcad .\Irccl. 33H 5-l3l \lon .\al " 3Hani 5pm |lt‘t'

Whistler ln Venice 1 uul .\al I .\cp |)l.l\\ n lioni lhc llnnlciian'x \xoild lcnou ncd _|.llll\‘\ \c\cI|| \\ |n\l|ci tollccllou. .1 nc\\ \|l\|\l.l} chll\lllj_' on a group ol \cnclian clclnngx coinplclcd In \\ |ll\||t‘l \\hcn hc lia\c||cd lo \cnicc lll IN"). '| hc c\|n|ulron \'H||lc|\lk'\ v. nh .1 nc\\ plihlicalloii h} |)I \laigalcl .\|ilt'l)Hll.l|ll t‘llllllt'll I’ll/ill ( \ IH [/11 \Ic'lil; II lint/«I In \r nu «.

Glasgow 1901 l'nlil lhu | 3 .\cp. |-oi (ilaxg‘ou \ Inlcinalional |'.\lnlnlion ol l‘lHl. (‘hailcx lx’cnnic .\lacknnodi \uhnnllcd plans and dcxigux loi lhc .nchilcclinal coinpclilion ol INNS \xlnch had a lnicl ol cicaung c\|n|nlion buildings a conccil hall. lllllll\|ll.l| hall and inaclnnci’} hall. ( )n \llo\\ aic \lacknnoxh'x \uhnnllcd plans. \xlnch \\l||| lhcn \unplc lt';lllll\'\. Iadica||_\ dillci lioin lhc \xnnnng work h_\ .laInc\ .\llllci.

Hidden Treasures l'nul Sal I .\cp. lo cclcln'alc lhc l'in\ci\1l_\ \ 55lllh .‘llllll\cl'\;ll'_\. a xiicciall} \clcclcd ll|\[l|.l} ol [ll'll||\. drau lugs and \xalcicolourx drau n lioin lhc gallcr) \ collcclion l'calurcd ill|l\l\ inchidc .l..\l.\\'. 'luiuci. .\larc (‘haga||. lzduaid llurnc .liil|\'\. |z..\. \Vallon. .|;l|llt'\ ( iulln Ic and .\|c\andcr Runcnnan


IX King 811111.552 25h). .\|on \al noon (rpm.

Move On’s Art Exhibition l'nul Sal 25 Jul. .\losalcx. panning. phologi';iph_\ and \ rdco \xorlxx lioin lhc .\lo\ mg ()n l’roiccl \\ hich prox lllt‘\ hclp. \uppoi'l. [raining and glndancc lo honiclcw pt‘nplc.


|N2 Halli Slrccl. 333 I‘Nl. .\|on |'ll

ll). 30am 5pm; Sal Ill 3Ham lpin. Mixed Exhibition .\ changing \clcclion ol liadnional and conlcnlpoiai'} panningx including \\HI|\\ h} |‘..:\ \Vallon. (ai‘lo |{H\\l. .lohn llcllan}. .lohn llouxlon. \Vrlliain .\lillcr l-ia/cr and Sir \\i||iain .\laclaggarl.


|| \lilchcll |.anc. 22| (r3o2. .\|on. \\cd. |‘l'l & Sal lll..3ll;lll| (rpm; illlc

||ain (rpm; 'l hu ll). 30am Spin; Sun noon 5pm. Ll llllt'lllllc\ cnlr} to all c\|n|nlion\r_

Industry Of One l'inil Sun 12 .-\ug l( ia||cr_\ loci. .\ inalor c\|nhnion ol dcxign lroin l‘lhl lo lhc pl'cscnl da} charling lhc nupacl ol a ‘dcxrgnanul- inalxc' cullurc in Hrrlarn o\cr lhc past l\\cnl_\ )L';ll'\. ||l_‘_‘||||f_'||l\ includc Ron .\l‘ad\ /\’m ('I' ( 'IIu/r and 'lonl |)i\on\ .m His/1!. as \xcll as lurnnurc. hghlnig. ccianncs and glass and \xorlx h} Sconixh dcxignch l’rccious .\lcl’mnc and ()nc l'ool 'lallcl'.

Homes For The Future ll l'nul Sat 22 Scp l Rm lt‘\\ (iallcl‘) i. .-\n c\|nhnion looking al lllllllt'\ lor lhc I'ulurc proiccl \\ hich “as unlialcd as parl ol (i|;l\j_'()\\ |‘)‘)‘)_