
Glasgow, Thu 26 Jul

The Comedy Club @ Chambers ('hainhcix Bar. 5' ('ochtanc Strcct. llq‘I—‘J 55H MD ‘I. 5lllilll. Ur t £4 l. Jalan (Innphcll IISCS troni lhc .t\hc\ ol lhc ("oinic (’luh to hmi a llL'\‘~ monthl} coincd} cltth 'lhc opcntng night hax l’arrol pcrchcd at thc top ol lhc hill. ahl} \ujtportcd h). .loc llccnan and l)c\ .\lcl.can. \t ith Roh \lillci iii thc opt-n \[htl Scc prc\ tcu.


The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55X "373. ‘ijiin. £5 t£3t .\lark llratchptccc takcx a turn at lhc ltcatl oi thc hill. and lining up alongxtdc tltc )ottng .\lolhct\\cll lad arc .\ltlc\ Jupp. contcth cottjilc l’attl tk Ra} attd compcrc Joon llroon.

Noble Comedy .\'olwlc\ liar. 44a ('onxttlution Strcct. |.ctth. 554 3ll3-l. ‘lpni. l'rcc. Rick} ('allan. 'l'hc littxhtttckcr llrothci'x attd l)otigtc l)ttnlojt join cotnpcrc Brandon Rccd lor an c\cning ol

h} pcractix c hilarit}.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l'lll .\lac('ool\. l(tl l.othian Road. (‘33 7lll‘). 0pm. l‘tcc. 'l'hix cwning'x pattcr lllL'IL‘llttllh tnclttdc l)ougic l)tinlop. l'rank Quinn and ('harlic Rt)\\.

Snatch Club 'l'hc|llltl Room. ‘)c \‘ictoria Strcct. 335 35(i4. llljini 3am. £3.50 l £3.5lli. Scc 'l'hti l‘).


The Stand 'l'hc Sltlntl. 5.55 \YotttllantlS Road, ox7n (inn onSS. 9pm. to t £5 l. Hcadpan dclixcr) l'rom lrcland\ .\lic|iacl Rcdmond. \\ ho ix joincd on \lagc h} .\lark liratchpiccc. .\lilc\ Jupp and compcrc l'ldllklt‘ litl}lc.


The Stand ’l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. 0pm. l £5i. \Ychh lad \ocl Jamcx \\;ll'lll\ up lot" hix \urrcall} original l’ringc otttingx. and hacking comcx lrom John (iillick and Hit .\lL‘.\l'llitll‘. Janc \lacka} crackx thc \\ hip ax compcrc.


Dundee Comedy Club lltt‘ Doghouxc. 13 Broun Stt‘cct. (H.183 337l).\‘(l. ‘lptn. £5 t£4 l. |)onna Krachan. Brcndan .\loohan and Brucc l)c\ lin join .ltltlll lil‘tttttl.

Saturday 28


The Stand 'l‘hc Stand. 555 \Yootllantlx Road. 0870 (till) 0055. 9pm. £7 (£4 l. SCL‘ Hi 37.

Madcap Comedy Club Statc Bar. l—JX Holland Stt'cct. 5.5-7 .5587. ‘)..5(lpltl. £5 t£4i. 'l'hc ahxa}\-uncompromixing l’arrot hcadlincx. \cxx \tandx tip in \ttppttl'l attd Bill} Bonkcrx takcx control ol' thc tnic.

The goo ' everen moves in mysterious ways at

68 THE LIST ‘9‘ Jot—.3 Add


The Stand lliL' Slttlltl. Yttl'k l’lch‘. 55X "373. ‘Iptn. £7 t£4t Scc l'l'l 3— lrvrne

Jill Peacock Is Glamorous llarhottr .'\rt\ (critic. l|4 ll!» llarhour Slt‘cct.lll3‘)-1374N599an £5. .\ gcncroth doxc ol comic \tor} tclling. poctic Ul‘SL‘l'MtllHllS and h} pct‘actn c hilartt} lrotn onc hall ol llllttlllttlIS douhlc act \'I\ and .ltll. Jlll l’cacock\ laxt lc\li\al \hou carncd hcr a llcrald MM 1] auard lor outxtanding achicwmcnt arid iii tlnx

prcx lL'\\. \hc I\ joincd h} Sttxannc l'raxcr ax thc curiouxl} namcd \ladamc \loo .\lott.


The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy ('ttrlcrx. 35o l§)rc\ Road. 33S (i5l l. Spin. l’l'L‘L‘. SL'L‘ Sun 33.

Skitters .l-llL' Slttlltl. .555 \Ytttitlltllltk Road. 0870 ()llll (i055. Kanpur. £5 t£4 t. .-\ l'rcnctic ini\ ol‘ charactcrx. coxttnnc changcx. atid not l'orgctling a gcncrottx hclping ol' gagx. itht ahottt \lllll\ up ’l‘hc Slalltl\ \lttm caxc \kctch \lltm.

Canvas Comedy Club (‘anxax

l3 lo \Yallx Slrcct. 553 3 Mil. Upm. £5. .\lain man l't'ankic Ho} Ic lcadx ottt a linc up which lllcllltlL‘S l’arrot. Bill} Honkcrx. ncucotncr l)a\ c .\'c\\ titait atid compcrc (‘hri\ Broomlicld.


Free 8. Easy 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7373. l 3pm. l5rcc. l’attl (iraham and Stuart \ltn'ph} altcmpt to lattcn _\ou up on a \aricd mcntt ol' gagx. tnagic. comic poctr} arid hook rcadingx iii l\\t) litttll‘x ol' intprox nta}ltcni.

Three Fat Ladies lltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. (rpm. £4 t£.ii. Joon llroon. .lanc .\lacka_\ atid Brttcc [)0 hit in\ itc )Utl tojoin in thix intcractn c murdcr m) \tcr) c\cning. (ittc\t \tar .\lilc\ Jupp takc\ on thc rolc of thc rand) \ icar. Stand-up Scotland the Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. 9pm. £4 t£.‘~l. (it'dtltlttlL‘S ol‘ 'l‘hc Stand'x conicd) claxxcx linc-ttp lor thcir lirxt lull l'cxtixal outing. lirucc l)c\ lin. ('hrix ('oopcr. Sandra Johnxton. .\lar_joric. (icorgc \ixhct and Blair \Yatt \tcp ittto thc \potlight in an hour ol' ran \tand-up talcnt.

Monday 30


Stand-up Scotland 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. Split. £4 l£.‘~l. Scc Stttt 3‘).

The Fruit & Veg Roadshow 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. lllpm. £4 (£3). ()rganicall} prodttcctl gagx. anarchic ma).hcm and lrantic lurorc courtcx} oi ch .-\ndcr\on. Allan .\lillcr. Stcxcn Dick and John Sinclair.

i5'Sunday Sermon, State Bar, Sun 22 Jul


Miles Jupp isn‘t out to win any popularity contests. On stage he assumes the persona of an upper class, socially inept, blundering misfit who recounts attempts to fit in hampered by his silver spoon, hefty bank balance and haughty social airs. Paradoxically, he effectively alienates both the dowdy working classes and the well-heeled society he is part of with all the sympathy and tact of an overindulged aristocrat. Think Tim-Nice-But-Dim amplified by the parochial Scottish environ. And how we laugh.

His initiation into the comedy world began at The Stand's comedy classes. It was here that he coined the idea for his character: ‘It started off as being me basically, but I don't think that was much fun for anyone. It's just developed really and grew into this, but I will have to change my name at some point or

I'll just become a subject of hatred.‘

Loved by audiences for his self-effacing humour, the Edinburgh Uni Divinity undergraduate admits to rich-pickings in material from the company he keeps: ‘It | go to a posh party or something, I prick up my ears a bit. Edinburgh has a posh history of arts students and they give you a vague source.”

The last year has been very eventful for Jupp. It saw his first festival run in Stand-up Scotland, he formed a winning double act with George Nisbet (Jupp & George) to great affect, and has been invited to perform in two shows at The Stand in this year’s festival: Three Fat Ladies and Skitters‘ Fish Supper. His crowning glory came in February of this year when he was named Leicester

Comedy Festival’s Comedian of the Year.

All very impressive, but acclaim and a fat cheque is like water off a duck‘s back to Jupp, especially when he came crashing down to earth exactly one week after winning the Leicester title. The venue was Fin MacCools and Jupp remembers it only too well: ‘I just fucked it up more than I could possibly have. I came out of character, was rude to the audience and about the venue and my fee, and | just made everyone hate me. It was legendary; it got text messages from people. I think that kept everyone amused for a while.‘ A real life faux pas? At least he’s human. (Maureen Ellis)

Wednesday 1


The Ad Lib Comedy Club .:\d lilw. lll lltipc Strcct. 343 (i045. 8.30pm. £5. 'l‘hix c\cning\ tnirtlt ntct‘chantx inclttdc

(‘raig lr\ inc attd .\'c\\.


Three Fat Ladies 'l‘ht- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. Split. £5 t£4i. Scc Sttn 3‘).

Dark Side Of The Toon The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. 8pm. £4 (£5). \t‘llltll'c lllltt [lit‘ \L‘L‘tl} undcrhcll} (ll litllnlttlt'glt ttS \L‘lli-L‘Unlt‘xwtl .L'iltlg'lt‘S. John McBridc. .lamcx l't‘t‘gtlxttlt and Paul .\lc.\'cill prcxcnt aii altcrnatix c ltitll‘txl trail thc nttmhcr lo httx rotttc. Departure Lounge @ PopRockit l’opRokit. 3 l’icartl} l’lacc. 550 4373. 9.5”plil. l'it'L‘L'. SCL‘ \VCtl 3.5.

Bob Doolally’s Balls The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. lllpm. £5. 'l‘hc \clllxt} lcd pundit takcx on all comcrx and that lllL‘llltlL‘S tltc atidicncc and hix cclchrit} gttcxt pancl. iii a football gamcxhou l‘ttcllcd morc h} \odka than \pttt'hlttttttxhtp.

Fish Supper The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. lllpttt. £5 t£4i. 'l‘hc Skittctx crc“ takc thcir ctlxltttttttl'} SltlL'-\\\ipc at Scottixh culturc in a l'rcn/icd mi\ ol' charactcrx. coxttnncx and gag» chttlarx Jttlic ('oomhc. John Littlcjohn and ('olinc Ramonc \xclcomc tokcn linglithan .\lilc\ Jupp iitto thc lold. \Yatch thc \parkx ll}.


Frankie’s Pick Of The Fringe lhc Slitlltl. 5.5.5 \Vtititll‘dntlS Rtt'dtl. (LS-fl) (till) 6055. 8.50pm. £5 t£5l. 'l‘hc Stand'x cult compch indttxtriouxl} \cotit'x thc l"ringc for thc hcxt actx gracing the \tagcx in lidinhurgh to bring )ott an cwning of top claxx cntcrtainmcnt.


Susan Morrison: My Life With The Titanic 'l'hc Stand. 5 Yotk l’|.nc. "37.3. :Plll. Lil Nb 5 l. St‘ll t'ttlllt‘SSt'tl llltt'lllt olncxxn c Sttxan .\loiii\on and \idcktck l)onna Ktachan atttt to gcl to thc hottoin ol llltll\ idual t‘t'ct‘lllllt'lllt'S.

Jack Russell: l Prefer Dogs lllt' Stand. .5 Yot‘k l’lacc. .555 73533. 5:17PM £5 t£4 l. .lack Rnwcll hilcx hack taking an intrmjiccln c look at tltc c\ cttlx tltal ha\ c \lldj‘t‘tl hix ltlc thing \llclll llltt\ lt'S. poctl} and inorc than a lc\\ inc l\|\ c tilt\t'l\.tllttll\ Kevin Hayes: The Devil’s Drop 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55H 7373 "filljtiit. £5 t£-1I. lhc lll\ll tntttli lll.t\lt'l ploughx through thc lll\lttl_\ lit tok\ onc c again. tht\ ttttic to ttncarth lltc lltllllt'S and lllctlll\l\lt'llclt'\ \lllltttllltlllljJ thc cttliStllttplltttl arid 'tl\t‘ ol alcohol \incc thc l)ark .\gc\. Rtghtcoux toil ot lahotu ol

lt)\ t' \Itlll tlt'cltlt'.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l‘in .\lac(‘ool\. lltl Road. 033

7 HM 0pm. l'rcc. .\nothct night ol comcd}. lllllSlc. magic .ttid tna_\hcni contpcrctl h} ch .\ntlcr\on. l'.\[icct a nut. oi local cotncd} lalcitt. [‘L'I‘lldPS pcpjicrcd \\ ith a l'rtngc ll;t\tttll.

Noble Comedy \ohlt-k liar. Ha ('onxtittttion Strcct. l.cith. 554 3ll3-1. 0pm. l'l'L‘L‘. .\llckc_\ l) lL'l\ US It) till \ttttlt' .‘\ll\\lL' \\ it and \\l\tltilll and \upport i\ courttw} ol (‘olin Snnpxon and l)c\ _\lcl.can Brandon RL‘Ctl l;tkc\ chargc ttl [lit‘ [tl'ttccctllllg\. Fish Supper ‘l llL' Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55X 7373, 0.30pm. £5 t£4t Scc \\cd I. Snatch Club lhc liquid Room. ‘Jc Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. lllpni 4am. £3.5ll t£3.5lli. Scc Thu 1‘).

East Kilbride

Matt And MacKinnon - Virgin On The Ridiculous l:a\t Ktlhitdc .-\rt\ (.cnlt'c. ()ltl (‘oach Road. HI 5.5.5 3(illlllll. Spin. £0 t £4i. l.a\t )car'\ ‘So Yott 'l hiiik You'rc [tinny third-placc runncrx-up

prc\ icy. thcir l'ringc Slit)“ hath on thctr L‘\pct'icncc\ ol' l\l;tlltl hopping in Scotland.