I Dolphin Bar I)urnbarton Road. l’artiek. Upin. I'ree. l,i\e llllhlt'.
I Finnegan’s Wake Si \tneent Street ‘)pin I'ree ll'l\ll theme bar \HIII In e lllthlt'.
I Jinty McGinty’s .\\hton lane. Ily’ex Road, Uprn. I'ree
I Molly Malones IIope Street. N: 2752. 0pm I'ree, Il'l\ll theme pub l,i\e bandx.
I Victoria Bar Ilriggait. “put. I ree :\t‘tlll\llt' band.
I Song Session (ale. St ;\ndre\\ \ In 'I'he Square. St .\ndre\\ \ Square. Saltinarltet Spin I'ree. III\II'IIIIIL'III;lIl\I\
I Lismore Bar I)uinbarton Road. ‘Iplll. l'II'L'L'. Seoh/Il‘txll \L‘\\Ioll,
I Finnegan’s Wake 7‘) St \ineent Street. 248 403‘). ‘lpin. I‘ree. Il‘I\Il thenie pub. I.i\ e bands.
I Molly Malones Ilope Street. 332 2757. ‘)pin. I'ree. Irixh thenie pub. I,i\e band\.
I Park Bar .'\rg} Ie Street. near Kelx in Park. 33‘) I7I5. ‘lpni. I'lL‘t'. Highland
I Scotia Bar Stock“ ell Street. 3.30pm. I‘ree. I.i\ e bandx.
I Sandy Bell’s I'iorrext Road. 225 275|. 0pm. Semioni I'ree.
I Antiquary Bar St Stephen\ Street. Stoekbridge. 0pm. I’ree. ()pen l'olk \L'SSIUII.
I Castle Arms .Iohnxton 'I'erraee. Uptn. I‘ree. Seottixh traditional llIll\lL'.
I Finnegan’s Wake Victoria Street. 220 38H). 0pm 2am. I-‘ree. lrixh theme pub \\ ith Ii\ e niuxie.
I Castle Arms .Iolttlxlott 'I'erraee. 9pm. liree. Seottixh traditional \otig and lllllSIL‘.
I Alan Hunter and Friends \Valet‘loo Bullet. Waterloo I’Iaee. 55b 75‘)? 9pm. liree.
I Ensign Ewart I.a\\ninarl\et. ‘Ipni. liree. I.i\ e lllll\IL‘.
I Finnegan’s Wake Vittoria Street. 226 38H). ‘)pni 2am. I‘ree. Iriin theme pub \\ ith li\e IIIlI\IL‘.
I Sandy BGlI’S l'IUI'l'L'Sl Road. 22.5 275 I. 9pm. I'ICC. SL‘olx/It'tdl \L‘\\Ioll.
I The Hebrides Market Street. 320 42 I 3. 0pm. I-‘ree. I.i\e lllll\lt‘.
I Thistle Hotel Hanoi Place. 225 NH. Upin midnight. liree. I,i\e Seotti\h lllll\lL‘.
I Shore Music Ihe Shore Bar. Shore. I.eith. 225 275|. ‘lptn. liree. I-‘olk instrumental lllIl\IL‘.
I Castle Arms .Iohnxton 'I‘erraee. ‘lpin. liree. Seottixh traditional lllll\lt‘.
I Ensign Ewart launmarket. lop ol Iliin Street. 225 7-14”. Upin. I'ree. I.i\e nursie.
I Royal Oak Inlirtnar} Street. 55” 2976. 9pm till late. I-‘ree. Inl‘ornial xexxion. I The Hebrides Market Street. 32o 42 I 3. 9pm. I-‘ree. I.i\ e lllll\lt‘.
I West End Hotel I’alinerxton I’laee. 225 3650. 0pm. Free. .-\eeordion llllhlt‘ in the bar.
I Royal Oak Inlirinar} Street. 557 297(1. 3pm. liree. .-\nd) (‘hungz
Illpin late. Inl‘orinal llllhlt‘ upxtairx and “be Iiolk (‘Itlb do“ lhlait'x
I Sandy Brechin and Friends Iinxign Ii“ art. I.;t\\lllll;tl‘l\t‘l. top ol' High Street. 225 7-1-10. 9 I Iptn. I-‘ree. .-\eeot‘dioni\t\ palx.
I Finnegan’s Wake Vietoria Street. 22h 33m. 0pm 2am. I-ree. Irixh theme pub \\ ith lixe inuxie.
I Sandy Bell’s I-‘orrext Road. 225 275 I. .-\l‘ternoon lrotn lpin. Iiree. Se~~ion in the laiiiotix l'olk pub.
ass-cal S opera llSlll‘rJS Music
Mondays pw ‘T.:'Ilfiit' ~t :: not gxztoiii.ed wet}. L2 ‘2 lb I’ettei Sundlu l\I eondueh the I Session Sand} Ilellix. I oriext In; if”: IQ arid \u: Ioiiiglit \eex talented )iitllIg‘ Hlellt‘\ll‘.t in SII‘L‘IIII\.\ Road 225 2‘5] Upin I re; Ill\ll ITEL‘I‘i} apartieti i‘1_'.tl‘.l\’. Jeniulei Hate l/r.'/i:u,f.'a. Iliahnix' Irwin: (his. «mi H]l|\|k’_ \‘I‘it' up Art‘l» limit: I'lat ll lit t‘lt‘x'lll \\ lIIl \UIHI\I .Iillllllt‘ .I.lll\t‘ll. and
I Finnegan’s Wake \ it It ~t 1.: It; slimiakm relik ximplumx .\.r 5
I Summer Music at the Cathedral (ilaxgou (Itthedtal. (htllle‘tllal Sllt‘t'l. bl‘lfi (L It I he (Lithedial eonttnue their \aiied ptogiainine ol lllll\lt' peilornted CM‘I) Iue during Jill and \ug I'onight. organixt .IUIIII lx’ Iuinet |\ loined b_\ tenor I’ete: \Ie\andei \\il\on lot \\«\II\\ b_\ Ilandel. Rheinbeigei. Sullnan and \aughan \\ lIIl.tlIl\
Street. 220 ;SI“ "put 2am lice Ill\Il
thenie pub \kllll Ii\e inuxit
Wednesday 25
Tuesdays I tl"l»
I Castle Arms ,lolmaori lt-riia c I Organ Recital \l t tilt-V ( Lillie-dial. Uptn. I'ree. Seottixli traditional IliII\I\ I\’\tj..:l \liiu 225‘I-112 I Finnegan’s Wake \ It'lt‘lla I he Vital turner! 2n the (allietlial\ Street. 220 ‘Slo ‘lpin 2am I tee Ill\ll :‘1l\'\lrtl'.illl\7\‘lltN \eex \lllllltll baxed theme pub \t. lIIl Ii\e llltl\|e (it-intuit “wither-3e! peiloiiti Ix’eget\ I Session Sand} Hell-x. I t‘ll\‘\'. lat ..i / em w: li'm on St
Road. 225 2H5I. “put. I tee lll.',‘l\‘\\l\\' Ix’iex'ei organ
“ :tlpni. L5
\pili L(\ Lil
Saturday 28
I» liril Anti“:
I Gesangverein Schollkrippen St I’eteik ( 'Iruitli. I utton I’laee. (ib—
ox :x ‘ :iipm I tee Ihe ( retinau inuxit' ensemble are routed b_\. St I’etei'x
( hurl Ii ( 'lioii loi an \‘\L'lllll}‘ ol \aeied and \et llI.ll wrin b} \Iendelxmlin. Ix’uttei. I‘il.tlllll\ and I)\t\l.tI\
Sunday 29 .
I Summer Music in Balquhidder lalduliiddei ('liuieh. Ilaltpihiddei. HIS" “INC 2 ‘lpni. Ur on door tL'5r. Ilie Ieleinann I nxenible. on Il.ll|\\leIIUltl. trumpet and \tiing\. peiloini wiin b} llandel. Ilaeh. \ i\aldi and ol eourw. Ieleniann a\ part ol Ilaltlulnddet’x
‘Cannabis has been roved to be less
armful than alcohol and tobacco. Why
I Neapolitan Songs lx’o}a|
I yetun Iheatie. ( illlltlld} Street. 2-I.\' AIS-IS 2 l5pni L'Illit'5 L" 5th .\ gala peilorinanee ol Neapolitan la\ourite\. in aid ol Izdinburgli'x Siek Kltl\ Iltt\[\
Thursday 2
I Cappella Nova Quartet - O Sing Joyfully I’oIIHIx Iltill\t'. I’Hllolx ('ountr} I’ark. 2llbll I’UIIHIx\II;t\\\ Road. (ilo o1 Ill. anr U) 1 [Sr 'I'he \oeal enwinble embark on a lllll\lt';tl tourne}. \tarting \\ ith the |o\ e \ongx ot I\’t‘ll;tl\\.lllt‘t' Seotland through \\ itt_\ I’lll'l\l;tll ehanwnx hour the tune ol .\Iar} Queen ol Seotx and on to ( ieorge (ierxlm Ill.
I Sandy Bell’s I‘Htte\l l<o.itl_1.‘_< 225 I. ‘)pni. Sexxion. I-ieel Singer/guilaiixt (ieoige Hull and lItItIIt'l'/\lllj_'t‘l‘ .\dain .Iaek llihl .:n exening
I The Shore Bar Illt‘ Slime. l t'llll. 553 503”. ‘lpni, I'ree. Sewion.
I Castle Arms .Ililllhlttll Ieiiaee. Upin. I‘ree Seoltixh traditional inu\ie
I_irililligov.' Performances will be listed, I The Dunedin Consort St provided that details reach our \lit‘haelk I);ll'l\ll ( 'hureh. Kii'kgate. "pin. offices at least eight days before L“ 1 LI 55 r. I olloxx trig an lIIlI\II;lIt'tI publication. Classical listings tallt. the enxeinble pIa_\ Hume dating compiled by Kelly Apter. hour the Ibtli and li'th eeiituriex.
then, should people be criminalised for smoking it?”
Tommy Sheridan, Glasgow Life, page 95.
Tuesday 31 Thursday 1 9
. Glasgow Edinburgh I The National Youth Orchestra I The Chapelwood Choir Ix’o_\al of Scotland Raul (‘uneeii Hall. 2 .\Iu\euni. 2 ('hatnberx Street. 21“ ‘I2l".
Sauelnehall Street. 25'" 55] I, i‘ll‘tn. I Iani. I'ree. Ihe I2ll-xtrong \ineriean
ehoir eontinue their tout'.
I The Squair Mile Consort of Viols Magdalen ('hapel. all (‘o\\gate. 228 (N29. 7.3tlpni. LII l U I, Ihe ('onxoi't are joined b} \opi'ano Roxie Sueetnanr tor a programme ol' \\ot'I\\ hailing lroin Seotland. Iingland and Ital}.
I Sunday Afternoon Recital IIotixe I'or .-\n .‘\rt Ilmer. llellaltouxton Park. III Hurnbreek Road. 353 .4223. 2.3(lpin. L55” I L'2.5lli. 'I’he .\Iu\ie Rooin ttl IIIL‘ llUll\C l\ ll\t‘tl |ll\l ;t\ \Iaelxllllimll originall} intended. \\ ith an alternoon eoneert ol~ elaxxieal \uorlxx on the harp and flute.
I Bruce Thomson and Alistair Wilson SI (iIICS- (illlllt‘tll‘dl. I\’U}.tl \IIIL‘. 22504-12pr11. Ilaxx'l’lioinxon l\ aeeoinpanied b_\ pianixt \\'il\on lot' \ollg\ b} Sehubert and Sehuinann.
St Andrews
I Music BOX ll} re 'I-Iteatt‘e. \bbe\ Street. (H.134 4‘5oou, spin. L l 2 i w}. .\Iu\ieal trio I.inda ()t'lllhlttll. I)onald .\Ia\\\ ell and John Seriniger return to the neul} relurbixhed Hire I'heatie
Tuesday 24
Glasgow I Summer Music at the , ‘ Cathedral (ila\go\\ ('athedl'al. (’athedral Street. 552 SI‘IS. “.Fllpnr L5 (‘24 l. The (‘athedral eontinue their \aried
The National Youth Orchestra of Scotland, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Tue 31
' ' X44; THE LIST 63