0 Late Night Shopping I ISI .... lSanI \lct/xlcm. l'K. Z‘Nll I l.ukc Ilc \VIIIIleIIIIII. l'.tI/II (Illcllll. Kalc .'\\IlllL'ItI. JaIIch lantc. lchlxc \lakalxch. ‘)l Intnx. l’llk't'llll \lcl/xtctn anIl xx I'Itct~ Jaclx l.othIan‘x Ilchul Ix a IoInantIc tomcle lIlIIIcIl III (ilaxgoxx. though xcl III xxhat coulIl hc an} latgc tux. ahonl tour xlackI-I'x xxaxtIng ltht' lIxcx xxIItkIIIg mghl thltx III xarIoux Incmal Iolxx l.othI.In hax IlIaxxn on hIx oxx II all-mght xllcll xtacklng cxpcrtcnccx. ttII'nIng out a x-.oIle aIIIl xxIltx xcrIpl. Mcl/xtctn hI'IIng to lIIx I'Icattxc partncI‘K xct'Ipt a lInc xcnxc ol pattng .nIIl lIaIIleoInc gloxx lIIIIxh courtcxx ol acc cIncInalIIgrapth' lit'Ian 'l'utano I/IIIIIIx/IIIIIIIIQ. IzIIxI Ix ILIIUI long llxc llt‘tl cmcma ()Ilcon .'\l 'l'hc ()uax. (ilaxgoxx; l-IIIIIhoIIxc. latllnhln'gh,
A L’attaque I ISI .. IRIIIxt-I-I (iIII-IlIguIan. l'I'ancc. 3001 I .~\I‘Ianc .»\xcaI'IIlc. (icIaIIl \lcx Ian. Jcan-I’Ict'rc l)aI‘IoIIxxIn. UH InIIIx ’lxxo ch'ccnxxI‘Ich'x xlt'uggllng xx Ith
xx I'ItI-I”x hlock IN on thc IIlca ol cI'catIng a llllll alxout thc lotl III a xxIII'kIIIg claxx laInIl_x. IlcxIII-Iatclx trx mg to xtax al'loat III thc lacc ol IlIItx Iaptlahxl png. But thc Inch‘xpchIon ol lllc \Klllt'iN. xct'lplltlg PI'UCC\\ xcxt'lt‘l} IlctIactx lt'onI an} ch‘Ioux Incxxagc that thc tIlIn attctnplx to CUIHC}. 'l‘hat xaIIl. (ItII'IlIgllIalt unIlcl'cIaxx LIIIII‘IIIx I'! .lt’lllll'llt' and .t [.11l’llltl'dll(‘Ut'lll’LlIlt' xcll-appointctl champion ol .‘xlaI'chIch' Ix poktng tun al IIIIIIxcll. Scc I'cxchx. l‘IIIIIhoIIxc. liIhnlIngh. Malena I l5) 0. t( iqucppc .ltll'llitltil‘t‘. llalx. llNll I .\lonIca llclluch. (Illl\L‘PPC Sullato. l.ucIano l‘cIch'Ico. 02 nIInx. .-\n outhIlI-I' In a xIIIaII SIcIIIan toxxn IlIII'IIIg World War 'l‘xxo. Malcna tlicllucct) Ix I’cgaI'IlI-II h_x thc localx xx Ilh a ltll\ ol Illxl. cnxx .IIIIl xuprcIon. \Vc xcc hct‘ through l3- xcaI olIl naI'I'aloI‘. chalo'x Ilcxothl c} cx. ax hc prcx xox cuI'leIcallx on hcr and Hum hcr Into tIIc co- xtaI' ol' lnx Inaxtut‘hatot'x l'antaxtcx. 'l‘hctc'x xomcthIng ol'l'canx c ahoul lhc xx ax 'l‘oI'natoI'c uxcx \lalcna'x latc to pt'ox IIlc hIx xIIIIIIg protagonle xx Ith a lcxxon III thc I'calIlch ot thc allnlt xon‘IIl. But thc lIlIn'x llll\ ot xx hIIancal coInIIIg-ol—agc coIncle aIIIl lIIIch' xxaggIng Inoral lahlc lcaxcx lhc x chch' tcclIng Ilucaxx. .'\(Iillll Snuth 'l‘hcalt'c. KII'kcalle.
The Mexican I ISI .... ((IIIt‘c \I'I'hInku. [8. MN I JulIa Roth'lx. liI‘aIl l’Itt. .laIncx ( ianIlollInI. I33 InInx. ’I‘hough It paIl‘x txxo ot llollx xxooIl‘x Inoxt hankahlc anIl atlI'actIxc xtaI'x. Brad Pitt and mm Rolxct'tx. I'lII- .lII'III'IuI plax x llec a loxx huIlgct InIlIc lIlltl. l’lll‘\ Illlltlh lllltlt‘ .lL‘t‘l‘) Ix Will [U MCUL‘II h_x lhc Inoh to l't‘L'tIxt‘l' thc cponx Inoux curchl antIIIuc pixtol. ()t' couI'xc. thIx xuppoxclllx xIInplc taxk turnx out to hc anxthIng but. not Icaxl hccattxc JcI'I'x 'x hax Ing ‘I'clationxhip Ixxucx' xx Ith htx gII'll'rIcnIl. lhc uptIghl Samantha IRoth'lxI. Hill of Ilouhlc L’l't)\\L‘\ anIl unlot'tunatc achIlcntx. plttx a fix c xtar pct‘toI‘nIancc ll'llltl 'I‘III' .Vu/H‘Itltux‘ (ianIloltInI. tlIc xtoI'_x txx lex and ham III a conxtantlx anquIng InamIcI'. .\lox Ichouxc. Molhcrxxcll. Miss CongenialityI III .
Il)onalIl l’ctI'Ic. l'S. Ilhll I Sandra Bullock. .\lIchacl (’aInc. (‘anIlIcc lict‘gcn. I ll) IIIInx. lillllnck'x (iI‘acIc llgll'l L‘lIllxIIlL'l'\ hct'xcll'juxt IIllc Ul- llic gtt} x In tho HS]. 50 xltc'x llUliC lIIII thI‘Ilchl xxhcn xhc Ix choxcn to InlIltI'at : thc rankx ol' ‘hIkIIII xtuttcrx' III thc .\lIxx l'nllcll Statcx l’agcant III a hIIl to catch a l'nahoInhcr-IIkc th‘I'oI‘le. 'l‘hc galuInphIng. chat'nIchx (Il‘acIc llccdx it Inakcox Cl‘. (‘UC (‘aInc'x Ilclt‘ockcll pagcant gIII'u to althnpt thc Inoxt InIt‘aculoux It'ltlhltil'lllilllull xIncc llcnl'x llIggInx got hold of HIM l)oo|Illlc. Bullock throxxx th‘xcll~ xxholc-hcartchx Into thc pI‘occhlIngx. xuhInIttIng th' characch to a
xcrtcx ol unIlIgnIlIcIl pt'attallx .-\x thc IIon Itx proIluccr. xhc oIIl_x hax hcrxclt to hlaInc
.\l(I\ lL'IlUll\C. ~\ltllltct’xl. cll
MouseHunt I l I O... I(}oIc \thIIkaI. l'S. l‘I‘ITI \alltalt l,anc. l.cc l:x.Inx. ('hI'Ixtophcr Walla-n Uh InInx l..Inc aIIIl laxanx plax haplcxx hIotth'x xxllII InthIl a IlccrcpIt Inaanon. hut xxhcn thc_x IlchIlc to l'L'lltIMtlL' IllltI auclton ll. .1 l'C\lIIL'tll lIIllL'tll I\ not xx Illmg to hc cx Ich. .\n cxccllcnt hchIIl ol l.atIrcl and Hard} xlapxltck .IIIIl hlack humour. .lIuIIxI'llIIIIl Ix xhcct' clllct‘latltltlcnl and hax onnc I'cal hcllx laughx. 'l'hc lonc and thc pacIng arc xpot-on throughout. and thc xctx anIl xpcctal cllcctx aIc thc IcIng on thc cakc. (II'oxxcnoI'. (ilaxgoxx,
The Mummy Returns I 13»... IStcphcn SoInIncrx. [8. JUN] I liI'cnIlan l't'axct‘. Rachcl \Vt'lxl. .lohn Hannah, IZ‘) Intnx 'I‘hc plot ol lhc chIIIcl to thc xInaxh hIt pcrIoIl alecntut‘c I'cxolxcx arounIl Rick and lax Ic ()‘( 'onncll‘x ll‘l’;t\t‘t' anIl \\ ch/I ptlch‘Ing ol ancIcnt l'.g}ptI;III loInhx. a dark cult locathl In thc llI'ItIxh .\lIIchIIn and thc lcgcnIl ot a xxaI'I’IoI' xxho III'oInIchl hIx xoul to thc goIl :\nuhtx 5.00“ xt'III'x ago. :\hqu‘Illx hIgh octanc aclIon cIncIna. tIppIng thc halancc I'Ight ox cI' Into coIncle aIIIl onnctImcx lat‘cc. (iooIl inn. and a good Ilcal lllUl‘C llllllt it lttl} \L‘qllcl, SCICClCIl l‘L'IL‘;l\L‘. Murder In The Cathedral I ISI
0... t(icorgc lloclch'Ing. l'k. IUSI I John (iI'och'. |.co \chcl‘n. l’aIIl Rogct'x. l | i InInx. 'l‘hc IIIle xct‘ccn ch'onn ol' l8. lulIot'x latnoux plax anIl xx I'Ittcn h_x lilIol hImxcll'. lt‘x lhc \llil’} ot thc III;II'th'IlIIIII ol St 'l‘homax Bcckcl Iplax M h) I'cal |Ilc pI'cht l‘athct‘ (it'oxct'I. tolIl In a IlI'aInatIc x Ixual xt_x Ic xx Ilh a xupcl'h xupportlng caxt ol ( )IIl \'Ic pl;t}t‘l‘\. Scc Rough cutx. (it’ll (ilaxgoxx; l'lllllillltht‘. liIlInhuI'gh.
Mysteries Of Egypt I t 'I IttI-ucc .\‘cItxaIII'. ('8. 3001 I ()InaI‘ ShaI'It. Katc .\lahcrlx. InInx. ()Inar Shal'Il xlaI'x III thc lII'xt NatIonal (icographIc film to appcal‘ III l.\l.-\.\'. IInpaI'tIng talcx ol' lotnhx. trcaxut'cx and thc aIna/Ing achchcIncnlx ol thIx anIccnt
ch IlIxatIon. l.\l:\.\ 'l‘hcalI'c. (Ilaxgoxx.
The New CountryI lSI ... ((IL‘H' llanxtccn Jorgcnxcn. Sxchlcn. 200! I H7 InInx. \VI'Iltcn h_x Lukax .\looIl_x xxon xxho on thc xtI'cngth ol lle Ialcxt lIhn. 'IIIgI'I/II’I‘. Ix thng louthl ax thc ncxx lngInaI' licI‘gInan I'III' .\'I'II' ('IIIIIIII'x Ix lhc xtot'x ol txxo I'cl'uilccx. onc .'\ll'lC;tll. thc olth' Iranian. xxho go on thc I'un III oI‘Ich' to aonIl Ilcpot'tatIon. 'l'hIx I'IIaIl IIon Ic gctx to ngpx xx Ith lhc
Il_x naInch ot IIIoIch'n-Ilax Sxchlcn. (il’l‘. (ilaxgoxx.
Nowhere To Hide I ISI .. tl.cc leIIIIg-Sc. KoI'ca. 300! I Park Joong-lloon. :\hn Sung-KI. Jang Dong-Run. Ill) IIIInx. (‘IIIcInalIIgI‘apth‘ ('hung Kxxang-xuk I'Ighllx xxon axxaI‘le tor lIIIx lIlIn. xhol ax a cI'oxx hclxxccn a Ilocu-Ilt'aIna and a hIgh cnIl Inanga lIx c action l'lIck. l‘olloxx Ing a IIIIII'Ilct'. a 73- Ilax man hunt Ix run h_x a x Iolcllt cop xx ho Icale hIx gang ot~ thugx arounIl lhc xx cl xtrcclx ol' Scoul. llc. ol couI'xc. lakcx cx cI'x thing pcI‘xIIIIIIlIx. cxpcclallx xx hcn hIx partncr Ix lxlllcd. M) ung-Sc lt'lcx lllx lk‘xl lU lxccp lllttlgx tt'cxh. hut lIttlc can xax c thIx IlcrixatIx c IlranIa. xxlnch lookx likc a xoporItIc attctnpt to cxplott thc IIon Ic-goIng puhlIc'x curI'cnt ohxcxonn xxith Kung l'II l.Itc. l‘(i(‘ (’IncInax. litlInhurgh.
A One And A No (Yi Yi) I lSI .... Ililex arIl Yang. Till“ an. 30m I \\'II Xian/hcn. 'l‘nag RtI-xIIII. liIaInc JIn. 17R InInx. Rcmarkahlc \lllll) til. ;l lllltllllc claxx 'l‘aIxxancxc laInle III cI'IxIx. .-t ()m' .‘lllt/{i I'm: untolle III prcxcnt Ila} 'l'aIxxaII. xx th‘c coInpanx cxcc NJ Ix hax Ing xonnaII trouhlc: lle nIothcr-In-Iaxx 'x III a coma. hIx xx It'c'x lct'l hIIn tor a I'clIgIoux xcct and an old llamc hax
aAR‘Ac‘; mourning .-
“pm Film
Robert Guédiguian, France’s answer to Ken Loach, gives himself a gentle
poke in the ribs with A l’attaque, the story of two bourgeois filmmakers trying to write a film about Marseilles' working class
appcal‘cll alch‘ it) _xcatx \lcanxxhllc. .\'.l'x xon Ix hax Ing lI‘ouhIc at xchool anIl hIx Ilanghth ‘x lItIIlIng hct lII'xt lox c. l)cxctchl|x llIc xxInncI ol lhc llcxt l)II‘cctoI l’I'I/c at (‘anncx l’l ll ('IncIna. l'alkII'k.
Pasty Faces I I5 I .. Il).Ix IIl l’aIII liakcl'. l'K. Illlll I l)a\ ltl l’alll liakcl. :\I.Ill .\Ic('allcl'l’x. (iaI'x ('I‘oxx, XX InIIIx. Struggllng (Ilaxgoxx aclol'x Hull} and _loc go out to l.ox .v\ngc|cx to Inakc II III lhc tIlnI huxIncxx
Sxx Il'llx ngIng upon llIIllxxxooIl. thc lxo_\\
hcad l'oI' thc hI'Ighl lIglIt ol l.ax \I-gax lo Inakc
Inoncx hx I‘Ippmg ol'l thc Iocalx [Ilax Ing caI'le. llcnt'x aIIIl .loc Inccl xct anotth‘ Scot on that tI‘axclx. and IN a InoIncnt lhc tIIIII IIIIIkx InoI‘c III'oInIxIng. lloxxcxct‘. a ch‘ch ot
hI/at't‘c hut not xct‘x cchtIIIg cxcntx culnnnalc
III a hungIcIl caxIIIo thxt. I’IIxIx IIII I'x' InaIII prohchn Ix that thc lIlIn'x all talk and 11le HT} Inuch actIon. (icnct'al I‘clcaxc. Pearl HarborI ISI .. l'S. 30m I Bcn Alllcclx. .loxh llaI'tnctt. Kalc licclxlnxalc. IXU InInx. :\l'llccl\ anIl llaI'nctl plax IIt’cIong huIlIlch. RIM and Dan”). xxho
cnIl up III thc .-\IncI'Ican aII'toI'cc ax ptlolx. 'l'hc
IIIIxx arc hachl III l’carl llaI‘lon'. llaxx an. hut Ralc xoluntccrx tor a poxtIng lo IoIn lhc Baltic ot' Britain. though not hctorc lalhng l'or nurxc lixclxn lliccktnxach. \thn Ralc Ix I'cporthl loxt. InIxxIng-III-actIon. l)annx xlex Into lhc thl of thc tau lixclx II. .-\nIl thcn IIIxt to huggcr It all up. Ralc I'L‘llll'll\ ll'lllll thc 'Ilcall‘ and thc attack h} thc Japancxc gclx III thc xx ax ol on'tIng lox c allaII‘x out. I’I'Iu'l l/ur/mr Ix ox cr-long anIl ox ct-xcntIIncntal. and III goIng l'oI‘ thc lII'oaIlcxt auIlIcncc Bax hax \';IxclIIIcIl lhc llnplcaxanlncxx ot xxaI' lt\\;t}. chxcning le Impact. (Icncral I'clcaxc. Pierrot Le Fou I IXI O... th;tll<l.llc (ioIlaI‘Il. l’t‘alIcc/llal}. l‘)(I5I .lcan-l’aul BL‘IlllUlitIU. Anna Karina. l)II‘k SanIch'x.
Ra} InonIl l)cxox. SaInucl |-'ulch'. llll InInx. Among (ioIlaI'Il'x Inoxt aInhItIoIIx L‘llltl‘h. anIl onc xx hIch aIIIonl xuccchlx III IIItch‘atIng cxcrx IIlca on a xccnnnglx cnIllcxx agcnIla. ()lI thc \Implcxt lcx cl. Il‘x an Itmum' full load IIon Ic. hut lhc ccntt'al \ltll'}I|l1L‘ xxx ccpx xx Ith It a hugc I'angc ol xtx ch and mm Ile lIctoI‘c Itx tragic xhoxx Iloxx II. and xuxtaInx an IronIc cxIxtcntIalIxIn to Itx tInal t'ratnc. :\ xon'k ol t'laxx cIl hrIllIancc. and a lurnIng poInl III (ioIlarIl'x carccr, l‘IlInhouxc. liIlInhurgh. Pokemon 3: The Movie Il'I ... I.\lIchac| llaIgncx. l'S/Japan. DUI)! I \IIIL'C\ ol \cronIca lax lot‘. lirIc Stuart. Rachcl
CIICI on WWW.8["I’llIQfi.CDm/2i0n
I.\lIchacl Bax.
lIllIx ‘NI InIIIx \\ xxIllI llIc IIII'x Ioux lIlIII. I’IIAI IHI'I! ,I' conch xx IlII .t xltIIIt. I'ILIII [la
//n lIIII It 3"“! I’lim lm lIII.’ /'II I'm. \\Ill\ lI lcatlllcx llIc populat. clct lll\ Itx poxxcn'll _xclloxx l’okcmon .IIIIl hIx hIotlII-I llIc III.IIII lcattuc. \III /I' ()I [III I HAIIIIII II, \l‘llxt'lll\ .lll oIplI III gIIl xxho'x lIoIIIc Ix tuIncIl Into .I t‘Ixxt.Il caxllc lIx .tIl‘lMl‘t‘l lIkc l‘okcIIIon lhc l'noxxn. xxho thcn lll.ll\t‘\ lIcI cxctx xx le1 coIIIc lI'tIc Stlll. onc lot kIle onlx (icnctal lk‘It'Iht’,
The Princess And The WarriorI In C. I lom 'kaxx cI. ( icttnanx. .‘UHI I l'Iankc l’otcntc. llcnno l'tlllll.lllll I“ IIIInx III lI’IIII III/II Ix’IIII. 'lxkxxI'I Inlhlcxxlx xI-I/I'Il tlIc .Illcntlon ol thc cIIIcIna goIng populat I- xxItlI hIx laxl pathl. .IIlIcnaIIII ltIclIcIl \lllllt' IlI‘aIna xlaIIIng pluckx l’otI-ntc \IllIongh hcat’tng uncannx llIcIIIaln xIInIlaIItII-x .InIl lllk‘t' .l_L'.llll \l.lll'lllj_' l’tllt‘lllt' .t\ .t [It'txt‘n'lllu' xoung xonnan III tlIIx caxc a xlIx .InII t’ctIIIng [Ixxchlatltc IIquI- IIIIxx ItlInglx IIIIIkIIII' loI‘ loxc tlIIx lolloxx up Inanagcx lo M lhc polar oppoxItc ol Itx loIc ltlllllt‘l (Ix cthloxm. long-xxIIIIlI-Il .IIIIl lIcIIncntlx I'IIIIgI-xontlIx. llll\ llIcllctlual. IIlcalIxt lllllldllxt‘ IlIx.I|I[IoIIle ( (Ildxgtm.
Psycho 1 ISI 0....I.\ltII-Il IlllkIlkULh. [8. Wow .'\lllIllIll_\ l’cIkInx. .lancl | chh. \ct'a .\lI|cx. .lohn ( iax III. .\l.II'tIII llalxam. .lohn .\lclntII‘c lll‘) InIIIx llItch'x IIIIxIngIIleIt Inaxlct'ptccc hax a _xoung xchclaIx talxc oil to lIIckxx Illc xxIth .I haglul ol lIct hoxx'x Inoncx l'IIloI'tunalclx loI‘ th xhc chooxcx to put up at tlIc Batcx' .\lotcl. l'tlll hx that Incc \oIInaII hox. 'l'hc II'oIIIc IlIalogIIc I ‘.\lothct‘x not IIIIIlc hct'xclt loIlax ' I Inakc ll .I to} to calth .IIIxtIIIII- aI'ounIl. \Vc lIkcII It tIltIlhl xx c IIIollIcI
Inolhcl' ’ ( 'atnco. l2IlInhnglI
Recess: School’s Out It I... I(‘huclx Sltcctx. l'S. IHUI \IIIccx ot .lamcx \Vootlx. l)ahncx ('ochnaII. l).In (‘axtcllancta (\2 InInx l)Ixncx plunIch‘x tl\ oxxn xInall xclccn [It'ogt'amnnng loI thIx lcattuc lcngth \t'l‘xtlltl Hl llx cat'lIIIItl \L‘tlt'x HI I In t'IIllct'lllx lhc alecnttIch ol a gang ol [Itc IllIllIt'\kk'lll kIle. xxhoxc toll call IncluIlI-x a nalutal IcaIch. hI‘aInx ncI'Il. cutc gn'l. loInhox and. um. .I lIltlc lon xxho xIngx llkc a man I'll! tht- htg ch‘ccn xchool oIIlIng. thc gang put that IIIIxchchoIIx xxax x to good IIxc xxhcn .In c‘. I| cx-pt‘tnctpal ot lthI' xchool. \lI lchIt-Ihcl I.\I'nolIl xonIlIl that hc ’I hatchcx .I xtlIcIIIc to cull xumIncI' xacatIonx hx cauxmg pctmancnt xx Intcr. (icnct'al IclI-axc
our 01/2 million worth at tickets to give away
call 0131226 0000.103m-Bnm. Monday-Saturday
call in to the Fringe Box 0ttice. 180 High Street.
Edinburgh 12nm-3nm. Monday-Friday
‘ ,‘ ,I .” ' THE LIST 43