and l cc \‘m liclp llL'lllL'll lhc laiiglilci luall ch \iidciwn and Kc‘. lll Spciicc lakc lhc cuiiipciiiig llllllllllh .il llll\ lixc lllll\|\ and cuiiicd} lllL‘lll

The Stand lhc Sland. 5 \uik l’lacc. 55\ 521‘ ‘lpiii LhIL5i (Linadian cull l\ \lai (‘iaig (aiiiphcll. \*.|iu\ hccn likciicd In a llllllll‘lll ll.l_\ lilll lllkh\. lll\llL‘\ lllk' \llll llll lll\ Iiuiiiclaiid Slippui‘l clIllll‘\ liuiii ( 'ulin Raiiiuiic. \icl. l llllll.l_\ and \laiiuiic. ‘.‘.ll|l\l lhc Ulllllk'll' |\ \llxlll \luiiimii.


Dundee Comedy Club 'I llL' l)liL'llllll\L‘. l 5 llllMll \llk'l'l. lll 53: 227M”. ‘lpin L5 iL'li \\cl\li lad \iicl .laiiicx l\ lhc cwmngK Icadiiig man \i. llll \upliui‘l culiilcx} ul .luhn \lclliidc. (ilacllic 'l lllllll.l\ .illd .\lall lilack.

G asgow

The Stand 'l lil- Siaiiil. H3 Rimll llS-‘ll (lllll (i055 ("HILL l‘ll (i.

Joke BOX ll;lllll\ll‘\ lluuxc. -l2 ()ld Siicddun Sliccl. l’alxlc}. 5(il all)? ‘).3llpin. l-icc. lllc .lukc llm icliii'nx lu qlicnch l’aixlc} '\ uiic _\cai' langhlci' di'unglil. \ladinnr .\lcla\ l\ll lakcx lhc [up \lul \\ ilh \lllllt' npicall} llnciiiiipi‘uiiilxing hllinuiil. \iippurl \‘Hlllt'\ li‘um ('l'aig ('ruukxlun and ch .\ndcr\un. and llll\ c\cinng\ liml l\ Ra) iiiuild \lcarnx.

Madcap Comedy Club Slalc Hal. l-lx llullalid Sll'ccl. 357 53S”. ‘).3llpnr L5 lL-li, llill} llunkci'x lllllHllllt‘L‘\ anai'd \\ iiiiiig l'i‘cncli gll‘\lll'lll\l cuiiicdian laric Hum l'ull.

\Vuulllalllh a L-l l. SL‘L‘

Edinburgh The Stand lhc Sland. 5 Yul'k l’lacc. 55S 72‘2. ‘lpin. LC“ lL-ll. Scc l’l'l (l.


The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy ('lil'lcl'x. 25h ll}l‘c\ Ruad. 33S (i5l I. Spin. l'l'cc. lli'iixh up un _\ulir [in la. \lill} i'c\|lun\c\ and cin'rcnl al'laii'x l'ui' a chancc lu \\ iii lhc lirxl pri/c ul a cralc ul' hccr al lhix \\cckl_\ qlii/ nighl.

OOT: Out In Glasgow 'l‘lic Sland. 333 \Vuudlallllx Ruad. llS7l) (lllll 0055, S.3llpm. L5 lL~li. lli'ucc l)c\ llll \lcpx iiilu lhc rnh} \lippci'x \acalcd lcmpui'aril} h} i'cxidcnl ()ul cumpcrc ('i'aig Hill. l’i\ic— likc lli'niiiinic .lu lini'iglil hcadlincx. \\llll nnixical cumcd} l'rum Sand} \clxun. and lililld llalc llu\l .lill l’cacuck ul’g‘alllxtW lllL‘ camp inn and gaiiicx.

Canvas Comedy Club ('an\a\.

I3 In \Vallx Slrccl. 552 2|(ll. ‘lpm. L5. Ridiciiluiix ranling l'i'uin liric lliilnrun

\\ illi \nppurl l'i'uin ch .-\ndcr\un aild \idckick Slcxcn l)ick. ('hi‘ix llruumlicld lakcx cunlrul ul' lhc mic. alxu inlrudlicing all upcii \pul l'i'um Scull .i\gnc\\.


Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? 'l‘lic Sland. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. lpin. l’rcc \\ illi drinks or a nical. l-‘rccxn lc lliiinincxx and llangmcl' hanixhing alllic\ Ii‘uin i'cxidcnl duu l’aul (iralialn and Small .\llii‘pli_\.

Six On Sunday 'l'lic Sland. 5 Yurk l’lacc. 55.\' "272. .\’.3llpin. L3 iL2i. chidcnl Snnda} nighl cuiiipci'c (ii'acnic 'l'huinax lllll'Ullllt‘t‘\ \umc l'ci'uciunx ranling l'runi R;i_\mund .\lcai'n\. dulihlc acl Paul and Ra}. and lhi'cc gucxlx.


Bar Zoo Comedy Club Bar /.uu. S’ll Dnmharlun Ruad. 33-1 Slll2. S.3llpni. L4 lL3i. \u—lluldx hari'cd gag inci'chanl

Ra} inund .\lcarn\. plnx Skank. Hill) llunkcl‘x and \laijiuric.


Red Raw lhc Slalld. 5 Yui'k l’lacc. 55S "7272. 8.30pm. L l. Donna Krachan lllll'Ullllt‘C\ cighl \land-lip li'_\ -Ulll\ hcl'ui'c i'clalnc uld—liiiicr l)c\ (‘lai'kc drau \ lhc cwning lo a rip-roaring clima\.

Tuesday 1 0


Bridge Bar Comedy Club Inc- Bridgc ll.ii.(‘.i|lun l’|.icc.-12Hh32.\

S. 3llpiii. Li «L 3: l-iiiin} lad} \ l\ (icc l\ garlic lui a laugh. and llll\ c\cning\ ulhci pla_\ci\ iiicludc .laiinc .\lcl\'cn/ic. Scull \giicu and \laiinric.


OOT: Out On Tuesday 'l llc Sland. 5 Yuik l’lacc. 55S “2‘2. ‘lpni. L5 lLVli. (Limp \inging \L‘ll\;lllHll ('iaig llill I'L'\lllllt‘\ lnx cuinpciing dnlicx and gin-x a \\;ll'lll \xclcuinc lu .lu l'.llllf_‘lll. S.iiid_\ \L'lxull allll 'l'lic Sl.lllll.\ all\\\ Cl lu ( 'llla. .llll l’cacuck.

Wednesday 1 1


The Ad Lib Comedy Club .\il l,ll‘. l|| llupc Sli'ccl. 35" 5 3S". Spin. L 3. li'claiid‘x .\lichac| Rcdinuiid licadlincx. \\hil\l .lack l);inic|\ pi'ux lklc'S \uinc inlicli nccdcd \ulacc.


Crazy Cabaret 'l'lic Sland. 5 Yul‘k l’lacc. 55S 7272. Spin. L31 lL.3i. .\ pic ‘n‘ ini\ ul cumcd). magic. cliai'aclci'\. \kclcllcx and llllldllc“. .lulll RC}: .I\ndcr\un. Slc\cn Dick and .luhn Sinclair l'ui‘ an lll\|)ll't'll mcnn ul gags. \ci'wd lip lu hcal lllll\l‘ iniducck hlncx.

Reg Anderson’s Fun Quiz Night 'l'hc Sland. 5 York I’lacc. 55S 7252. ‘).3llpin. Ll lu pla}. l’il )ulii' uilx againxl llu\l ch .-\ndcr\un l’ui lhc chancc lu \\ in caxh and pi'i/cx.


The Stand lhc Sland. 333 \anilllgmllx Ruad. (liS7l) (lllll (i055, S.3()pm. L51L3l. Susan Morrison lille‘\ u\cl' lhc I'L‘lll\ ax cumpci'c. inli'uducing l.i\cl'puul\ Richard .'\llcn alld laxl )car'K llll(' .\'c\\ ('uincd} .r\\\ard

\\ lllllt‘l' .l;l\llll \Vllllt‘llt‘ml.


The Stand 'l'hc Sland. 5 Yurk l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm. L5 (L3). .\lurc huixlcrunx hanlci' l'ruiii (‘ulin Rainunc. l)unna Kracllan and Ruh .\lil|cr. llusl .luull liruun kccpx llicm un lhc \lraighl and narrow

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l'in .\lac('uu|\. lhl l.ulhian Ruad. 022 710‘). 9pm. l‘rcc. l.cading liglil l)a\c Williams ixjuincd lll sumc unli'agcuux lll3\t‘l'\;lllllll\ h} .\lullici'\\cll lad .\lark lll'alchpiccc and Paul .\lc.\'ci|l.

Big Word Performance Poetry (iildcd Saluun. 233 ('uxxgalc. 22b 2 | 5 l. 9pm. L3 1L2). \'i\ (icc. lrlan .\lci'chanl. Rudnc} Rcla\ and lilxpclli .\lui'i'a_\ ai'c [his l'ui'lnighl'x cnlcrlaining \\l)l'll\lllllll\.


The Stand lllL‘ Sland. \Vuudlandx Ruad. llS7ll ()llll (1055. 0pm, L'h l L5 l. (illL‘\l culnpci'c Vladimir .\lc'l'a\ ixh inli'uducu \lllllk‘ allcrnalnc cunicd} l‘i'um hca\_\\\cighl licadliiicr .-\ndrc Vinccnl. Slippurl aclx incllidc ('ulin Rainunc. \lar'juiic and Du (.lal'le‘.


The Stand lhc Sland. 5 Yurk l’lacc. 558 “272. 9pm. Lu 1 L5 l. l‘aiiiulixl} llinii_\ \Vill Smilh hcadlincs and hacking cumcx l'i‘um Richard .I\llcn. _\Ullll“._‘ .laxun \Vllllt‘llL‘ad and c‘lllllpt‘l‘c .SllMlll \lui‘i'ixun.

Saturday 14


The Stand 'l‘lic Sland. 333 Ruad. (LS-ill (lllll (i055 Upnr L l‘i‘i l3.

\\'llulll;llld\ a 1L4 l. SL‘L‘

THE STANO The Stand. Edinburgh. Sat 23 Jun


'5. 1 I v l i l l ' 1:: -' i l :..T' ' l‘ l'1yll I i LY \‘ -" ' :i‘ in” l' Yi‘l’li i'“ x' ' l. a lu' l' l l ""-;»k' l: Him" 1: ~: TT--' ll. 1 I}: ’r.:°'..ii\ “a. "wV 'A\’ ' il 1‘” ,ll.-‘ .n- « '.:".- "" I l v a. " " 'il‘ill iii .(l \l‘li‘l-‘Hlllll’lliiwdl‘lill 1‘3. “rink: .l‘l. rim. ll:-’ ii .u'i iii»:iaiiriuluiiiw- ll m i i: ,l .. «. ' il ~ l"l.l~l'kl'. “‘"N'l‘n'lfiall'fi l.l". "l. "'° 1' i' l": 1 ll .1" ' 'llll/H .ili” 'l U’t'hlrlil‘x, lliuniiiluiilriuti ii’. " 'll:" ;'lf-'-‘ ll. «l‘iilll‘w'ililf‘ l L'Mwi ‘i~‘»uln-?.'.~~-'i.i, l 5c'.’ .' :i'l“"‘ i' N: il'Wl incl l ri‘. l3 ifl‘. Kalli ‘l'lr kl, ll.'“""fifili7'lili. l"'l':.’21"l :T‘,~-"’. 4: I." 'i llllrllill‘ll ml nine. Nwl f'uil iiw ill‘.'.il.‘» in? it. ii‘wri'l. II in- i~ ’lll .; if llltl.'."’?‘:ll Illlr'.«lll<;;l‘iilllllizrllfl"lhl'fl'”, iii-a" inm l ' l ." .n ’3 "~ faxi- <>l lllfi f;lé?|(_llll i>.>‘;li>ii/ii. (;.'lilli'lllll'.l uni-iii; lll‘ll‘i Itl'l‘ \"' A’ " [v.11 \‘° ’. .' \| 1‘ \' .l) . n" I '\ ' l l i l ' .:.\..ll>l,()ilil,l/, illi).>.,|'\.’i..\il . .il.‘/ll.i' llllKl' )l,{ l l A l l ’l

N<:xl llll‘zr, irill‘m: lllll‘irf

Madcap Comedy Club Slalc llal'. l-lx llulland Sli‘ccl. 35" 53S". 0.3(lpin. L5 lL-li. chldcnl llll\l Hill} l’iunkcrx \lclcuincx lu

lhc \lagc ( icri'} (ham and (‘l'aig li'\ lnc.

Edinburgh The Stand 'i'iil- Sland. 5 wk l’lacc. 55x

"‘"2. “pm. L" iL~lr Scc l‘l'l l3.


The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy (’ili'lci'x. 25h l$}i'c\ Ruad. 33S (i5l l. Spin. l‘i'cc. Scc Sun S.

Six On Sunday 'l’hc Sland. 3%.! \Vuullllllldx Ru;id_ llSTll ()llll (ill55. S.l5piii. L3 lL2l. (‘hcck} Scuuxc Richard .-\l|cn lakcx rcxpunxihilil} l'ui' lhc c\cning\ laiighlci‘ qnulicnl. “hilc Ruh .\lillci' and cuinpcl'c lli'iicc l)c\ Iin hclp lighlcii llic luad.

Canvas Comedy Club ('amax.

l3 l(l \\';lll\ Sli'ccl. .552 2””. “pm. L5. .lill l’cacuck \\;ll'||l\ up lui' lici' l‘i'iiigc \ll(l\\ \\ ilh \llpplll'l lruin cu \lai' Slixannc l'i'axci'. phix 'l‘humax ‘Skank' land and cumpci'c ('ln'ix lli'uunilicld.


Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? 'l‘lic Sland. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. lpin. l'rcc \\ ilh drinks or a iiical. Scc Sun S.

Six On Sunday lhc Slalid. 5 Yurk l’lacc. 553 "2‘2. S5ll|llll L3 lL2i. ‘l'hix c\cinng\ \laiid-np \c\lll|ilcl incllidcx (‘ulin Ramunc. .luhn \lclli'idc and cuinpci'c (ii'acnic 'I‘liuinax.

Monday 1 6


Crazy Ape Comedy Club Bar Am. SH l)iiinharlun Ruad. 33-13lll2. S. 30pm. L41L3i. .\lllcli lauglilci‘ arid mci‘rimcnl cuurlcw) ul madcap l-i'ankic Illnlc. \lilli \llpplll'l lruiii \‘ix (icc. Nick (ii'a_\ and Slcwn Round.


Red Raw lhc Sland. 5 link l’lacc. 55S "2‘2. S.3llpin. L l. .\lilc\ Jupp [L‘;lc'llL'\ lhc )uung pups \UlllL‘ \land-np cliqiicllc hclurc pulilcl} inli'mlucing licadlincr lli'licc l)c\ [in

;;l ‘l‘)lll)ll'. ling, IT ,’

ll) all“? ii-zit

Tuesday 1 7

G asgow

Bridge Bar Comedy Club 'I hc lll‘idgc llai. (Iillull l’lacc. ~12” (i 32S. S.3llpiii. L-l iL3i. .luc llccnaii. Paul and Ra). \cil \lcl'allanc. and ( il.llll .\lc.\l.iiiii\


Skitters 'l llt' Shillll. .5 \Illlk l’lacc. 5,53 “2"2. 0pm. L5 iL-li. .\ licnclic ll|l\ ul characlcix. \‘ll\lllllll' cliangcx. and iiul lul'gclllng a gcnciuux liclping ul gagx. |l|\l ahulil \lllll\ up lhc Sland'x \liuucaxc \kclcll \lluu.

Wednesday 1 8


The Ad Lib Comedy Club ,\(l lil». lll llupc Slrccl. 355 5 3S“. S. Winn, L 3. l.i\ci'|luu|\ Richard .'\llL'll and .laiiilc Rllllllhllll gcl lhc gagx in \\ illl a lllllc hpr li'uin cuinpci'c Hill) llunkcix.


Crazy Cabaret llk' Sland. S \m-k l’laL‘L‘. 55S T2572. Splll. L-l 1L 3l, SL'L' \\cd I |.

Reg Anderson’s Fun Quiz Night lhc Sland. 5 Yui'k l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0.30pm. Ll lu pla}. Scc \Vcd ll.

Thursday 1 9


The Stand 'l lic Sland. 333\\'uudland\ Ruad. llS-fll (rill) ()ll55. .S. 3llplll. L5 IL 3 l. l)uiii' lnlinuur and culling unc llllL'lS liuiii hcadliiici' .\lailaii l’axhlc} in a hill \llnch lllL‘lllle\ (ici'i'_\ (ii'anl arid cuinpci'c Slixan \lurrimn,


The Stand 'l llL‘ Slillltl. \Illl'k l’lilk't'. 55S "2‘2. ‘ipin. L5 (L'3l. li‘claiid\ .luc RuullL'} lakcx a pup al lllllxlc-\ lily“ lf..'\. and lll\ hacking xiiigci'x llll\ cxcniiig arc l)unna Krachan. .laiiics l'crguwn and cuiiipcrc luuii lli'uun.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar l'in .\lac('uu|\. lul |.ulliiaii Ruad. (i22 7’lll‘). 0pm. l'rcc. .'\ll\ll‘;lll;l-\ .\lickc} l). (icurgc \c'xhil and Km in Spcncc iuiii i'cxidcnl llu\l ch Andcrmn.