\lttll :ix lltc xtltl gticx tlxixx it Hit li\ c hundicd i'cxcllci‘x. Rnhin. \lichacl l’attci‘xnn. (ii'cg :\tl;tlll\t)lt and .\ndx llni‘nc xiippl) thc inuxic_

I Gain at x\l£l\l\il. Ilpiii 3aiii. £ It) ( LN ). ‘) .lun. Mniithl}. 'lhc pnunding tcchnn cxti'axagan/a ix liax ing a hit nl a hicathci' ll'()lll thc tixual gucxt nnxlaught. xx ith icxidcntx l’ci'c} X. .liin Hutchixnn. Richard \lillai‘ and 'luiqunixc kccping thx' placc tn thciiixclxcx. \c'xt iiinnth. thnugh. l).l Rnlandn ix cniiiing tn inxxn. xxhich ix aliiinxi inn cxciting in think ahnut.

I Groovejet at 'l i‘axh. Ilpiii 3aiii, £5 (£5). \Vccklx. Hi'ntlici'x Matt and l’ctc knnck nut qualitx linuxc and gai'agc in thc inain i'nniii. xxhilc l’aul .\".lic xpinx Rik” iii innit) txxn.

I Havana Esperito at ('anxax. £7. \Vccklx. D] Jan hi'ingx hix l.atinn hnx nl ti‘ickx in thc \lc'i'chaiit ('it_x ‘x Itcxxcxl \cnuc. ('anxax. xx hci'c thci‘c‘x iin dcdicatcd daiiccllnni‘. httl lllct‘c ix claxx} xci‘x icc and an clcgaiit. xnphixticatcd x ihc l'ni‘ lhnxc xx hn'xc had cnnugh nl xxx cat with thcii‘ xalxa.

I High at MAS. Ilpiii 3ain. £3 (£(i). \Vccklx (nnt In .lun). 'l‘hc MAS llagxhip l1()ll\L‘\pt‘x'lllx‘lllttl'l’L'llx'xiilt thc i'cxidcntx thix l'ni‘tnight. xn c-xpcct cutting cdgc linuxc actinn li'niii .\lai‘cclln l)c||a (’i'ncc and l)aniix Sharkcx.

I Homebass at :\|axka. .\'c\t datc 3t) Jim.

I Home Cookin’ at llaha/a.

5pm 3am (I).lx ll'ttlll l lpiii). l‘i‘cc hcl'ni'c Ilpiii; £5 tlllt‘l‘. \Vccklx. Naccni ix inincd hx Stuart .\lc('alluiii. i'cgulai‘ gucxt at thc likcx nl' l-i'cxh ‘n' l‘uiikx and Rntatinii dnxxii in tlic Big Sinnkc. xxhn xx ill hc

l'|_x ing tip cach and cxci'x xx cck in xpiii hix ti‘adcniai'k Rtkll xx ith a daxh nt' claxxic dixcn and lunk.

I Infusion at Yang. 1 lpiii 3ani. l'i‘t't‘ hclnrc iiiidniglit: £5 altci'. \Vccklx. \laking l'ull uxc nl' Yang‘x thi'x‘c i‘nnnix. xiiti can catch ('nlin (iatc and l)i'ihhlct in thc iiiaiii i'nnin xx ith dixcn. chx Yni'k gai'agc and hnuxc. And} Ynuiig and Nick l’cacnck dn lllL‘ll' Latin ia/I thing xx iih lixc pci'cuxxinn li‘niii (icc in i‘nnni txxn and. laxt htit nnt lcaxt. Scntt l‘ci'guxnn and Rhnnainnk iiian thc dcckx in thc upxtaii'x hat.

I Inside Out :tl ilillL' :\l'c‘ltc‘x. Nc‘\l tlltlL‘ 3() Jun.

I Jamboree at Rcdx. l lpiii 3am. £7 (£5). \Vccklx .lnliii l.}t)ll\ and Martin llcxkcth nl'\'c|xct Rnnnix laiiic mix up a hlciid nl‘cnininci‘cial Rtkll and xnul.

I Knucklehead Present My Machines at I'hc‘ (ilitxgnxx Schnnl (it All (upxtairx). lllpiii Iatc. £4 (£3.50). \Vcckl'x. \Vllk‘c‘x ttlltl llitlc‘ll xx ill] thc lltlc‘xl iii Scandinax ian. liui'npcan and l'S tc'chnn. xx ith an cinphaxix nn ihc lunkx. Still nnc nl~ thc hcxt \\tt}\ tn cninx xxitii'xcll' nn a Sat night. ax thc ll'ltltltc‘ L‘i'nxxd xx ill lc‘xtil'}.

I Let’s Go Back, Way Back at 't‘hc- Rixci‘xidc ('luh. .\'c'\t datc :\ug 4.

I Life at |.il'c. lllpiii 3am. £5. \Vccklx. And) l'ngci' [)I’L‘\L‘lll\ a xclcctinn nt' xnul. lunk and dixcn augiiicntcd xx ith ni'iginal xaniplcx and lnnpx in guarantcc a ncxx takc nn lainiliai‘ xnundx.

I Lush at 'l‘hc l’nln l.nungc.

lt).3t)pni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. l’catui‘ing :\nd_x in tho 'l‘i‘nplix Rnnni xx ith hitx li'niii thc ()(l\ in thc 80x xx hilc 'I‘nni pi'nx ltlL‘\ an upti'nnt daiicc xclcctinn in thc iiiain Hunt] at thc cit} ‘x pi‘c‘tticxt gax club.

I Media at Mcdia. Ilpiii 3am. £5 (£4). \Vc‘cklx. Stcp hack in tiiiic tn i'cxc'l in thc tuncx nt' tlic 70x and St)»

I Melting Pot at 'I‘hc Rixci'xidc (‘Iuh. Midnight .3aiii. £ltl. In .lun. .\lnt)thl_\. 'l‘hc‘ high-qualit} tlxixcx nl- dtxcx) pi‘nx idx‘d h_x Bill} \Vnndx and Siinnn (‘ni'dincr haxc htiilt tip quiic a t'nllnxx ing l'ni~ .\lclting l’nt nxci' thc paxt t‘cxx ninnthx. 'l‘hix lllllL‘. guc'xt JL‘I'L‘ltl} .\’cxxa|l (Rclcaxc 'l‘hc (ii'nnxc)jnhh in thc tun.

I Minisole at :\d-l.ih. l lpiii .3ain. NC“ Ll;th 7 Jul.

I Miss Moneypenny’s at (i t. l()pni~3.3()ain. £l2 (£l()). \Vccklx. (illllll. glam and an cxti'a hclping nl' glain li‘niii

thc Bi‘uiiiinic xupci‘cluh. l'.\pcct hcautilul puntci‘x. cxntic tlaiiccix and xci'inuxlx lunkx danccllnni actinn li'niii thc .\lnnc_xpcnn_x 'x i‘cxidciiix i'nxtci'.

I PH at .'\tl»l.ll‘i Ilpiii 4aiii, \c\t datc 3‘) .ltil.

I Phat Dat til lllL‘ (iltixx llHttxc‘, \L'\l datc 3() Jun.

I Planet of Sound at lllx' .\iclic-x. \cxt datc 23 Jun.

I Rumba Te Tumba at llaxana Hai'. Upni 3ain. l'i‘cc. \Vccklx. -\ xxild llll\ nt |.atin xclcctiniix. intci'xpci‘xcd xx ith cniiiiiici'cial chart laxcx li‘niii Kc‘itli and :\lL'\l\.

I Solution at (3. 5pm 3am ll),l\ li'niii Ilpiii). l‘l't‘c' hc'lni‘c Ilpiii; £5 attci'. \Vccklx. .'\l'c‘ll;tx)\. Rxaii Kci'i‘ lakcx ()\c‘l' li'niii Sic-x ic Middlctnii. nn a xncal llt)ll\C lip.

I Traxx at 'l'hc Snundliaux. \cxt dalc 7 Jul.

I Triumph at 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl.

It).3()piii 3,3(tain. £0 1 £7), \Vc-cklx. ('nlin 'lcxcndalc and Stcxcn .\lc( 'i‘cci'x xupplx thc xll‘c‘\\t‘tlr-ll[) glaiiinui kidx

xx ith pi'ngi‘cxxixc hnuxc and ti‘ancc- in thc niain l't)()lll. xxhilc ch in .\lac|~ai‘|anc and Stcphcn [cc inix tip gai'agc. dixcn and xncal linuxc iii i‘nniii txxn. ll _xnu'ic iint xx cai‘ing axx lull} nicc clnihcx. hnxxc‘xci'. dnn't c\|)cct tn gct in.

I No Tun at lludda. Ilpiii 3aiii. U). \Vx‘t‘kl). (ic‘xtll \lxmlliu'tl :iltxl (.ltt‘ix llai'i'ix gct lunkx xx ith a hang up In datc \L'lx'clixitt ()l tlixci) hnuxc.

I The Unit l'ni' dclailx x ixit xx xx xx.thc unit.cn.tik

I Vegas nn ‘l‘hc chli'cxx l't‘l'l'}. \cxt datc 3() Jill].

I Velvet Rooms at the \‘t-Ixc-i Rnnnix. Ilpiii 3ani. £(i ( £4); £3 hclni'c inidnight. \\'c‘c‘klx. Kcith l’xpci' hicakx nut lhc xnull'ul hntixc and gai‘agc in thc niain I‘t)i)lll xx hilc Ra} iiiniid \\'nndx cnnlx thingx dnxx n xx ith hip linp and R&B in i‘nnin txxn.

I Wired at .'\x.\ luni. (‘alcdnnian l'nixci'xitx l'ninn. Illpiii 3ain. £thc. \Vccklx. (ilaxgnxx 'x Inngcxt i‘unniiig altc‘i'natixc indic night xx ith xll'llll\\ pi'niiinx llplt‘lll).

Chart & Party

I Bonkers at linnkci'x. l lpiii 3am. £4 lk‘ltll't‘ iiiidnight; £5 al'tci'. \\'cck|_x. llitx li‘niii thc Htlx. chat‘l hnuxc and L‘ltL‘L‘x} ll'ttltL‘L‘.

I Classic PM at l‘iii'x .\lui‘i‘x 'x. Ilpiii 3am. £(x (£4). “cc-kl}. |)aiicc claxxicx and part} tuncx. xx ith altci'natixc and i'nck tuncx upxtaii‘x in l“ ile‘l‘.

I The Garage at 'l‘hc (lat-agc.

ltlpin 3am. £5 (£3) hct'ni‘c l Ipiii: £0 (£4) altci‘. \Vcckl}. Supcr-cniiiiiici'cial part} xnundx nn thc iiiain tlilllx‘t‘llxNH' ttlltl llitltL‘ L'lil\\lL'\ llt 'lillL‘ :\lllc‘.

I Graduate Club at g2. l lpiii 3ain. £4 (£3 ). \VL‘L‘kl). l)c‘\ig_'tictl ti) xllil llitixx‘ xx hn liax c alxxa_x x citinx cd a (iai'agc— xtxlc night nut. hut lccl a litllc lniig in thc tnntli xx hcn xui'i‘nundcd h} ll‘LNll- laccd. lagci'-xtaincd xtitiiigxtc‘i'x. Stcxc l)ax ix pi'nx idcx thc pai'tx anthcnix.

I The Shack at Shack (lnt‘iiic‘i'lx il'hc 'lciiiplc‘). ll).3l)pni 3am. £7 (£5). ('hcc‘xx chart tuncx.

I Seduction at l)cxiinx. l()pin 3am. £(i hct‘ni'c l lpiii: £7 al'tci'. \Vccklx. 'l'nnight thc cluh xxnuld likc xnu in ‘di‘c‘xx tn iiiipi'cxx’ xx hilc cnjnx iiig lhc tixual cniiiiiici‘cial hnuxc ‘n' ti‘ancc pap. I Strawberry Fields at Siraxxlxcri-x l‘icldx. ll).3()pin 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. ('laxxic pai'i_x nnnxcnxc li‘niii ihc (illx tn l;th xx L'Cl\.

Glasgow Sundays


I Anti-Bar at 'l'hc l3tli \ntc (‘at'ci NC“ tlttlx‘ 34 Jun.

I Bitch School at .\'icc ‘n‘ Slc‘a/x. 3pm 7pm. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc chapx hchind l)cathlchcni (ilicx haxc a xxa_x

xx ith naiiiL‘x. lilcxx ‘cini hi‘ing xxiti tnui' hnurx til the hard and hcaxx xtutt} li'niii ()//_x ()xhnui'nc tn Slipknnt. .\lnxhtaxtic.

I Budda at Hat Hudda \[iiii midnight l-i‘cc \\cckl_\ (‘xiliii \\alkci (\cxx \nik .\l|iancci plax ing dccp ltnttxc

Divine Sundays at Hit-l ‘tpni inidiiight l'lx'x' \\ccklx lluxh l’uppx and chuinx plax .i \c‘lx‘c‘llxill nt xnundtiackx. will and tunk at thix nnxx xxccklx pt'crcluh ln thc cniiiiiig iiinnth thc c\tia axxixtancc cnnicx cnui‘icxx nt l)tiglax l Stcxxait and Ill \liiign gn ll) .luii). thcn (‘hi'ix and lx’ichaid tiniii licllc _\iid Schaxtian inin in i 1" .luni ax pait nt ('hill nn lhc Hill. Hicl‘x cnntiihutinn in lllx'\\c‘\l l1ttxllcxltxal. Sccllithxt I Fast Forward at lat |)iink \lan \Vniiian. lpni iiiidnighi. l icc hctnic (xpiii; £3 altci'. \\cckl_\. llntixc iiiuxic and chili anthciiix. xx ith diinkx piniiinx .in addcd hnnux. I G-Man 8: Traxx at lhcl ix inf: Rnniii. 4pm iiiidnight. l-icc \\cckl_x. It ix nnxx pnxxihlc tn xx i'iic ntt thc Sahhath in itx cntii'ctx xxhilc ciiinx ing xnnic tnp nntch tuncx. tliankx in thc l ix iiig lx’nnin‘x dnuhlc hill. lllx' .ittcinnnn xhitt ix takcii cai‘c nl h_x (i \laii. xx ith hix hcalx and hip hnp. l-inin ‘tpni. thingx gct .i hit lixchci thankx tn undci‘gi’nnnd linuxc li'niii Sininn illltl lh'l'x‘k. I Harri at (iinuchn St .ludcx ‘lpin iiiidnight. l-i'cc. l" .lun. l‘t)lllllf_‘llll_\, 'l'hc Suh ( 'luh xialxxait hiingx hix hiin calihi'c linuxc in thc ninxt xix lixh nt (ilaxgnxx ‘x xi} lc hai'x. I Hi-T at lchat ()x na. 4 lttpni. l'lx‘x‘. \Vccklx .\ Sun i‘cla\atinn xcxxinn ainicd xtpiai‘cl} ail tlinxc allci‘ a xpnt nl dctnxilicatinii. xiiicc thc xcnuc ix a nnn xiiinking tca xlinp that Innkx. cnnxci‘xclx. likc an npiiiiii dcn. ’I'hc tuncx. cniii'tcxx nt a hugc nuiiihci‘ nl lncal l).|x. ai‘c di'axx n li'niii cxci'x gcni'c undci thc xun. ax lniig ax thc_x ‘i'c laid hack. l)i’ink nhxctii'c tcax. pla_x chcxx. gixc xxxtii' hndx a i'cxi. I Man With No Suitcase at 'l'lit- (ii'illinx. \lnntlilx. .\c\t datc 1 Jul. I Moloco at .\ln|ncn. Spin midnight. l‘l'x‘c'. \Vccklx. Martin St. .lnliii xpinx xtniiipiii' \xii'tlici'n xnul. i'nntx. nick and i'cggac. G More Tea Vicar at 'l'chai ()x iia, 0pm midnight. £3. \Vccklx. .\ ncxx pic cluh li'niii l‘ii‘chni'xc lcatui‘ing a xxidc ranging llll\ nl inuxic. lixc and i'ccni‘dcd. ll) .liiii xccx an acnuxtic xct li'niii Stnnccut and 'l’angcnt'x l‘.;tlllllli)ll lli'adx takcx in thc dcckx. ()n 1.“ Jun. ii‘x tlic llll'll nl ti'axclling ti'nuhadnui' Scntt .\lacdnna|d nn guitar and hai'ninnica xx ith l’aul Shicldx' xct nl lnlk_x px_xchcdc|ia. SL‘L‘ llllltxl. I Nick Peacock at the \‘ancix Hat: Spin midnight. l'i'cc. \\cckl_x. Incal hcin \lc‘lx l’cacnck \x'lx‘c‘lx lltt‘ hx'\l ia// gi‘nnxcx. xx ith thc nccaxinnal tni'ax iiitn hnuxc. I Nico’s at \icn'x. ‘lpni iiiidnight. l'i‘x‘c‘. \Vcc-klx. Hill} .\lil|igai1.thc lan .\lcllix nl dancc iiiuxic. xttpplicx a xx idcr I'ltltg‘lllg‘ c‘ltL‘t‘xc‘htiat'xl. I Paul Cawley at (it'HtlL‘llt) .x'i .llltlL‘\. Upni niidnight. l'i‘cc. It) .lun. l‘Ul'lltllelll}. il‘llL‘ l'x‘llc‘llk lcllnxx \\ lllt xt)tttx‘ hcatx. hicakx and hip hnp.

'stiiicis Clubs

I R818 at Iiai ltl "pm midnight.

l lx‘t' l\)x‘l.t\ \\llll x'lll\ and takc .idxantagc nl tlic gx‘ncinux diiiikx piniiinx at thix citx ccntic xix lc hai ' i I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff .ii \lct'liuilt‘x. “pm midnight l‘l'x‘x'. \cxx pic cluh xcntuic. lcaiui'ing l).inn_x Haihnui p|.i_x ing hnuxc. gaiagc and xxhatcxci clxc hc lancicx.

I The Sunday Social .ll Itit- \ichcx. \lnnthlx \c\t datc l .Iul


I Aurall at \l.\.\ hax nnxx tiiiixhcd n“ I Bennet’s .ii tic-nnci‘x.

I l3tlpni 3.ini. £3 \\cckl_x. lnni plax x tuncx lnxcd h_\ txxclxc' _xcai nld giilx. plux xniiic hangin' handhag. tn ctluallx .ippicciaiixc g.i_\ iiicii. l'unnx nld xxnild I Bite at lhc (lithniixc

It). 3tlpni 3.uii I-icc hclnic ll.3l)pn); £3 l _5()) him \\cck|_x \ iiiildci iiii\ nl iiidic and inck than xtiii'll liiid at thc cit} ix piciiiici i’nck xciiuc nn l'll ni Sat I Bump ‘N’ Grind at 'I'Iit- \t-lxt-i lx’nniiix, I lpiii 3ain. £4 (£3). \\ iiid dnxxii thc xx cckcnd xxith l).\l( i‘x iiii\ nt l\’t\ll .tllxl \llx‘c'l xt)lll

I Club Tropicana at 'I lit- ( imagi- (.\ttic). Ilpiii 3aiii. £3 (£3). \Vccklx. liidic. hntli claxxic and cnntciiipnmix. xx ith a hcallhx dnxc nl llt‘itpnp.

I Dream a! Stiaxx hci’i’} l'lL'ltlx.

It). 3tlpiii 3aiii. £I5, \Vccklx. l iltccii nickci iiiight xccni a hit xtccp lni a night dnxxii Stiaxxhci'i'x l'icldx. htit in additinn in hanging linuxc anthciiix and xaiicx dancing gii‘lx. lhc hai' ix tntallx and uttcilx licc. \luch likc a xtnniach puiiip nn thc \llS.

I Liquid Cool at llaha/a. ‘lpiii 3ain. £5. \\x‘x‘l\l}. .\..l.. lx'iix chgan and laii 'l‘linnipxnn plax ing tnp nntch xncal gai‘agc and linuxc in a cltih packcd xx ith hx pci' licdnnixtic txxx'ntxxnincthing l't'\x‘llx‘l'\. all nt \\ll()lll xcciii tn haxc lni'gnttcn that thc_x liax c xxni'k in thc iiini'ning. It qualitx tuncx and glaiiini'niix anticx aic _xnui’ hag. Sunx at llaha/a ai'c uiiiiiixxahlc.

I Optimo at ('uhc (in axxnciatinn

xx ith thc Suh ( ‘Iuh). Ilpiii 3ani. £0 (£5); £5 (£.\’) nii gucxt nightx. \Vcckl}. lull} \ltxx l\’x)l;lltxl t\ Ili\\llx‘lt (K \Vllkx'x plax iiiuxic. including gutliuxiing tccliiin. cnunti'x ck xx cxtci'n. punk and painlullx cnnl clccti'npnp, pltix an_xthing clxc xuitcd in thc daiiccllnni‘ li'niii thc paxt 4t) _xcai'x. x\i‘i'ixc at hclnic l lpiii. ()l' lacc a lnng qucuc. ('hcck

xx xx xx.nptiiiin.cn.uk lni' dctailx nl hnxx tn inin thc Rnlaiid tan cltih.

I Pure Funk at ('luh Budda.

Ilpiii 3am. £5 (£4). \Vc-c'klx (ilaxgnxx i‘cacquaintcd itxclt xx ith itx lnng‘hcld lnx c nl thc tunk thix _xcai'. xx ith a hi'acc ()l ttlgltlx tlc\()lctl li) lltL‘ gcni‘c. including thix nnc in thc hijnux

cnx ii‘nnx nl Hudda.

I Sin at 'l'i‘axh. Ilpiii 3aiii. £5 (£3). \Vccklx. llntixc. gai'agc and xtudciit claxxicx li‘niii .liin l)a Ht'xt. xxith di'inkx lni‘ £l all night.

34' J...’ 2w? THE LIST 81