Clubs IISIIngS
Glasgow Fridays continued
Chart & Party
I Carwash III g3. I Ipm iIIm. L 1 ILII. \VI'I'III}. .-\ mghI nI dm'n. lunk IIIId \Iilll
L lil\\lL'\. L‘IIIII’ID} III I III' (iIIIIIgI'\ (iI'I'I'_\ I._\nn\.
I Cheesy Pop III (JIIIlIN II).\II l.
Illpm ZIIm. L2 ILI I SIIIdt-IIIx .Ind up In lnIIr gume \VI'I'III}. Scxcn _\I'.II\ nn IInd I'IImpIInI hnI‘dm nI muck} IIlIIlIlL'Il. \ndeI» lllt'llL'Il Ill'L‘llIll\ \llll llnI'k In III-III I).I 'InIIxI'x IzdIIm \I'II-I'Iinn ,\ IIHIIIIIN I'wmng. uiIh Ihc I'lllllllihh nII pIIII' lIIlII\lIIIIIlL‘tl III”. I Envy III I)I'\IIII}. Illpm iIIm. L5 hL'InI'I‘ Ilpm; LII IIIII'I'. \VI'I-Id}. 'I'hI'nhhmg hnuxc III'Iinn III lllL‘ L'|l_\ I'I-IIIII' mI'gII \L'Illlt‘. \VI'III' IIIL‘L‘ \hncx
I Love Bug III The (iIIrIIgc. III.3l)pIn~3IIm. L4 IL3I. \Vcckl}. IanIncl} bus} night (If pIIrI) Iuncs IIII‘ \IudcnIx IInd ynungxlcrx.
I Pink Cadillac III llL‘ll) \ I.\II~II;III\I.
I Ipm .iIIm. L5 ILSI WITH}. III'I'IIk nIII )nIII‘ I'cIIIhI-I' llIlih. llltlIL'I'Ull\ llill't‘\. pIIIIInI‘III hnnIx IInd .'\ll'Il \\ If_'\ and gI'nnxc In L'lil\\lt' dixcn IIIId \I‘\} IIIIIk. L'lllll'lk‘\} (II D] ShIIlI.
I The Shack III SIIIIII IInI'IIII'I‘I} ’I'hc 'I'I'IIIpII'). IIHIIpm .iIIm. L5 ILAll. ('hccx} I'IIIII'I Illllt‘\.
I Shag III I’III') \IIII'I‘} \. I Ipm .iIIm. L5 ILRI. \VL'L‘lxl}. Drunk-n pIII‘I_\ lllllt‘\ II'nm .\IIII'k IIIIII .liIlIlL'\ (i. ‘Nn (lllL‘ l'nI‘gI'Ix IhI'iI' IiN ShIIg'. IhI'} IIxxIII‘I‘ II»
I Strawberry Fields III SIIIIII th-I'} I‘icldx. ‘lpm .iIIm. LII hcl'nrc I Ipm; L7 illlt‘l‘. World}. .\ pIII'I} up \L'l mixing in dIInI'I-I‘lnni' Inn-x li'nm Ihc (Illx In lllL' pI‘cwnI dII}.
Glasgow Saturdays
I Buff Club III BIL-I. 0pm midmghl. l'lL‘t‘. \VI‘L'lxl). l’IlI Ull- l3} IIII llIIl\t' )IIIIIILWICH III I)i\ inc'.’ Snlid I'Iink IInd \Illll \I‘II'I‘Iinn Inr Ihc IIIIIIIII'c pnxxc.
I The Corinthian III 'I‘hc ('ni‘inIhiIIn. ‘lpm IIIII'. I'I‘cc. \Vt'ckl). SIIpI-I‘ lIIId«hIIcI\ \I‘II'I'Iinn In \IIIIInn in Ihc IIIIIin hIII‘ III lllL' IIigII»I‘III\\ hnn/ing I‘nmplm.
I Cul De Sac III ’I‘hc (‘III I)I- SIII: ‘lpm midnighI. l-‘I'I‘c. \VL‘L‘lxl}. .Iim lllllL‘lll\(lIl I'I'nm SnmII \\ iIh lllllle‘Il up lL'L'llllU IIIIII IIL'I‘p llUth‘.
I Dirty Wriggles III 'I'III- \‘IIIiI-I} IIIII'. Ilpm midnighI. I-‘I'cc. \Vcckl}. .-\ Icchnn ‘II' I'II‘I'II‘n prc-cluh \L'l I'I'nm I)iI'I} \Vi'igglt'x III M} \II‘I‘ llL‘illl.
I Fourward Thinking III l'IIIlI' (‘III‘I- IIIII' I('('.-\I. Ilpm midnighI. I-‘I'cc. \VL't'lxl}. I’I‘IwIIIh \\ iIh IIII L‘Illplltl\l\ nn llI'L‘Illx\ IInd IIL‘Ile.
I Kenny H III RIIxxcll'x (‘IIII‘ IIIII'.
Ilpm midnighI. l-I‘cc. \Vcckl}. l'lllll\_\ hnuw. \\ iIh II \IIIIIIIL‘I‘IlIg nI' \Ulll.
I My Machines III 'I‘hc \III-icI} Bur. ’I‘hc .\I_\ Machinm cI'IIck \qlliltl. llilllll\ll IInd \ViIkI'x, \IIII'III up \\ iIh \nmc Inp-I‘Iighl IL‘CIIIIU.
I Nico’s III Nicn‘x. Ilpm midnighI. I5I'cc. \Vcckl). (iIn in Snmcn iIIc \\ iIh II pungcnI hIcnd nI‘ chum} hnuxc.
Radar. Glasgow School of Art, Fri 8 Jun.
‘This is the future of pop, what we are doing now,’ says DJ Hell (alias Helmut Geier), head honcho of the finest retro-futuristic imprint around, International Deejay Gigolos. Granted it makes for a compelling argument, what with Zombie Nation’s ‘Kernkraft 400’, originally a Gigolo release, making the unique journey from the Bavarian electronic underground to football stadium PAs up and down the country.
Now in its fifth year of operation, Gigolo has provided a consistent flow of quirky electro, hand- crafted-by-machine-funk enthusiasts across the globe. Detroit’s Dopplereffekt rub shoulders with Grenoble’s Miss Kittin and the Hacker and Zurich’s Plastique de Reve, giving the label a cosmopolitan feel underpinned by
the crunching drum machines and barking synths that
seem to take universal preference.
With all this international input, DJ Hell explains his policy on signing artists: ‘They have to look cool,’ he says about demos. ‘That’s very important.’ His own musical output lacked character until 1998’s ‘Munich Machine’, with its embracing of Moroder style basslines and sleazy vocal hooks, even managing to make Barry Manilow sound funky on his re-working of ‘Copa’. He specialises in revitalising the sounds of his youth; The Normal’s ‘Warm Leatherette’ has also been through the Hell blender. New DJ Hell material is
I Nomad III \nIIIIId.
7.3IIpm midnighI. I'I'I'c. World}. liIIin} \nmc IIIIIIIII} hnuxc II'nIn KI'I\ KI'I‘gIIII. lIIn 'l‘hnmpxnn and .-\..l. mu! }nII L'illl L'IIpIIII‘I‘ Ihnxc chuck} gI'inx u iIh lllL‘ II‘I‘I‘ L‘IIIIIL‘I‘II hiI'c nIII‘I.
I Sensu III I’i\n I’i\n. ‘)pm midnighI. l’lL'L'. \Vcckl). I’I I55 IIIId (iIII'_\ I.II\\ \nn dcliwr gInhIII \nund\ I'I'nm III‘II/iliIm hip hnp In l‘lL‘llL'll hnuw. Ii‘nm (icI'IIIIIn iII// In Ali'icIIn IIIIIII.
I Soulflow III liIII Drink .\IIIn \\'nm;In. L3. I) .lIIll. l’nI‘InighII}. ('IIIxin' \Ulll L'lll\ \piccd up \\ iIh \nmc I.IIIiII hnngIIlnn I'i‘nm .\I;IIIIII‘I ck \III'IIIII'I.
I Spy III Sp} BIII'. ‘Ipm IIIII'. I-I‘cc. \Vcckl}. ('nlin I)II\ Ic Imd Inuit-11cc IIIIghcx dn illlt'l'llillt‘ SIIIx. hnIh pi'm iding IIIIIIIII) hnuxc gI'nnwx.
I Walker 8. Hughes III The In mg
Rnnm. 0pm midnighI. I‘I'cc. \Vcckl}. 'I‘hc
dccpml nl‘ hnuxc I'I'nnI ('nlin IInd |.II\\ I'cncc IIIIL' nI Ihc hcxl \\II_\ x In chII‘
Iip I'nI' Ihc nighI nIII pI‘npcI'.
FBI 151qu 10.30nm-3am £10 imam/ms
30 lllllalll 8t Ilflllfl
the mlclost I llllSllllIllall
B Ill llVB ll Ill nloco -
S 8. lllll“ loonago lllllll llllS
Ell" lllo llfSl lllllfl lll llIO "Kl
+Simon Hodge and Andrew Wine
80 THE LIST .' .‘ ‘
One way ticket to Hell
expected soon that will ‘definitely change the world‘.
and Gigolo are excitedly waiting on the results of a
I The Works III IIIII‘ Ill. ‘lpm midnighI. I’I'I‘I'. \Vcckl}. (il‘illlillll \Vilxnn \\ IIII \Illll. hip hnp IInd IInIIw.
I Archaos III .'\I'L‘llilU\. I Ipm ~ltllll. LI\‘. \Vcckl). .'\..|. I'nI‘Iw Ihc mIIin I’INIIII \\ iIh hnIIxc and gang: IIIII lllIilllpMHl \\ lIIIL'lx\ nIII Ihc ht'xl in IIIIdI'I'gI'nImd gIII‘IIgI' IInd dIIIII‘c L'lil\\lt'\ in Ilcll} 'x. \xhilc lllt‘llllk‘h in Ihc 8k} llIII' iII'L‘ ll'L‘iIlL‘tl In IIIIIIIII} gI‘nmI-x I'I‘nm (‘nIin l)II\ lL' IInd |.IIIII'I'III'I' IIIIghI‘x. III IIddiIinn. Ihc .'\I'L'lliltl\ I'II\I nl [IL‘I'IIII'IIIL‘H hI'ing II InIII'h nl IhI' L‘II'L‘II\ In L'llllllillltl \\Ill1 lll'L'~L'£IlL'l.\. \IIII \IIIIkI-Ix IIIId dIII'cdm il II'IIIILVL‘ III'IIxII'}.
I Bennet’s III IIcnncI‘x.
I I..ileIII .iIIm. L5. \Vcckl}. SIIIIIIII \\ IIII II L'Illlllllt‘I'L‘lill dIIncc \cl IIIId .'\lllllL' \\ iIh II hlcnd nl 7llx and Mix hiIx III lllL' I‘iI) '\ IlltlL‘\l gII_\ I‘IIIh. .\'nI in IL'I'III\ nl Ihc L‘lII‘IllL‘lL'. (ll. L‘Hlll'w.
I Bugged Out! III ()III'I'II \IIII‘gIII'I‘I I'IIinn. IIlpm 3.30am. LII ILIIII. ‘) .lIIII. \ltlllllll}..'\I1I)llIL‘l'IllIllIlll.tlllHlllL‘l‘xIIllIl Iinc-up I'I‘nm lhc club IIIIII L'lillllh In In- ‘iIIxI II hig diwn.‘ 'I‘hix InnnIh. )IIII ch 'I‘I'cxnI‘—I_\pc Rnhci'l IInnd. pipcunnkci' .quIin RnhI'I'Ixnn. I'cxidcnlx .lillIlL‘\ IInII‘n}d and Richard Ilcclnit.lnnc\ IInd lIlL'tIl liltl\ 'Ihc .lL'IlL'iIllL‘ilth \III IIIId InI' II \hIIdc nwi‘ Icn quid.
I The Cathouse III 'I'III‘ ('IIIIInIIxc. Ill.3I)pIII RIIm. USU I LZSIII hcl'nI'c
I I.3Ilpm; L4 IIl'IcI'. World}. IndIc. I'nck. gI‘IIIIgc IInd lk‘tlh iIL'I'(l\\ I\\n IInnI‘x.
I Club 69 III Rnckn \ IIIIwIIIcnI. Illpm 2.3IIIIIII ImidIIIghI L'lll'lL‘\\ l. LII IInI-Inhcrx nnl} l. \Vcckl}. 'I'hc IcIIm hchind Ihc Ruh-.»\-I)Iih I'I‘L‘nrd \hnp \\ iIh Ihc dccpwt IIndI'I‘gI‘nIInd I)I-II'niI IInd I‘ICI'II'n \UIIIItl\. l'IlI' IIIL‘lIlllL‘l'\llI[l tlL'liIll\. L'tlll RIIh-.-\—l )uh nn «IIIII mm". QCIubsole III .\lII\. I Ipm .iIIm. Llll. In Jun. .\Innlhl}. In Ihc \ccnnd IIl\liIll- mcnI nI Snlcmuxic'x \xcckcnd in [he cnianIn} nI'JnC} \cgrn. SIL-xic ‘Snlc' Middlcmn. IiIIIIn Kcll) IInd .\IIIInn .lllL'l\\Ull \\ L'IL'UIIIL‘ IllL‘ IIL‘L' I‘L‘IIII\L'I' IIIIII
Green Velvet, DJ Traxx and Robert Gorl (of early 805 German synth-poppers DAF) collaboration album. Radar plays host to Gigolo’s ‘Club Le Bomb’ with Hell himself manning the decks alongside Mooner of Zombie Nation infamy, and a veritable smorgasbord of the electronic can be anticipated. It should come as no surprise to Glasgow’s hardened clubbers to hear Frankie Goes To Hollywood next to Speedy J, or the Flying Lizards snuggling up to Maurizio. But be warned, irony will be in incredibly short supply. (Steven Clark)
l\)L'lllll‘lI\' IIIIII-I lum InI .I nighI nl \nI'.II (ll\\'ll IIIIII-I'II'd linuxc IIIII\|L‘. SI'I' llIlll\I. I Colours III I III' .\II'|II'\. Illpm IIIIII LIS. ‘) .\III_\. .\InnI|I|_\. Ix II .I Imd" l\ II .I plImI' .’ \an'. II'x Inn I'IIIIIIIII'II'IIIl \llpk'l'llL‘I'IltN \\ |In‘\c I'nmc In IIIIIkI‘ Min dance like my mI‘II‘ IIIIIIII'Il\ Inn IIII' \II'k \VIII'I'I'II IInd Sit-w I an lt'l Inm IhI' ('nInIII'x gIIng.
I Cube III (‘IIIIIV I Ipm iIIIII L“ I L‘I ‘I ,lllllt‘. \VI‘I-kl). ()Id \I'hnnl lIHll\t' I‘IIIxxit‘x IIIId up In dIIII' IIIIIIII'm\ IIII‘ IhI‘ nIdI-I nl IIII' IIII_\ III IIII' Ilt'\\ I'IIIII\ SIII IIIghII'I. lllIIIIl\\ In mIIIn I'nnIII III.III \I.III I.I- l‘lIIllx. lll IIII- l‘iIL'lx. II\ I<I\II \\IIlI I).\I( i.
I Divine III (iIII\gn\\ \I'IInnI nl .'\II IIlII\\Il\lIIIl'\l. Illpm iIIIII. L5 ILII; Ll in (i8.\ \lllIlI'IIl\. \M'I'kl}. .\lltllt'\\ I)I\ lllL' IInd Iluxh l’upp} ch nn \kllll IIII- nml lt'll )I'III'x nl Innng} IInndIIng. .\nIIhI'I'II \Inmp IIIId lllllk’l IIIIIIII' It'll” \Ulllltl\ Ill lllL' \II‘ IIIII'. \lcunulnlt'. lll IhI' Il'Iilll I'nnm. I'I'I‘IIk \II'IInnu-I I_\pI'\ llt-IIIII Imd .\II' \iu‘ \hnxx nII IIII'II hip IInp llIIIIlIll‘lt' \kIllx.
I Fluid III .'\l;I\l\;l. I lpm iIIIII \I'\I dIIII' 33 Jun.
I Freefall III 'I llL' ;\I\‘hc\. \IIIIIIIII}. \I'H (liIlL' q .llll.
I Freeform III 'I llL' I ilh \nII' (‘IIIII IhnIh llIIIII'\l. ‘lpm :IIIII. I'II'I- III'InI‘I'
Ill. ‘Ilpm; L5 IL~lI IIIII'I \VI'I‘H}. .\II \III'I\ nI lllllL'\ II‘nm SII-wn IInd I’IIIII \\IIII. IIIkIIIg III hip hnp. |.'l//. depn IInd I.IIIIn.
IIugIIII‘nII‘d h} RII} SII/IIIIIK II'II nI-t'cnli‘c
I Freelance Science III .\l;I\l\;l. \L'\l Ildlt' H .lIll.
I Fruitfly III 'I'III- .\I‘L'llL'\.
Ilpm 3, lIlIIm. Llll I LXI. In .llIII. \InnIhI). l<L'\ltlL'lll\ l‘l\llt'l‘ Ik l’I'IL‘L' plII} lunk} hIII'd hnuxc. \IiIh \IIL‘ill din-Ixinnx In II \I‘I‘Inuxl} Iip [III II. lllI\Ctl L'I‘nud \Ihn III'c IIIIInng Ihc II'II'IIdIIIwI hunch nl punIcI'x III IIIL' L'll_\. llll\ mnIIIh. Ihc I'L'\ItlL‘llI\ III'L‘ Inincd h} I).l .\IIch.
I Fusion MI ‘I lIL' RI'IIIII-u I'I'I'I‘},
0pm ZIIm. L5. l() .lllIlL'. .\InIIIlII_\. (hunk) IIInk} hnuw hlIII\ InIn Ihc III‘I-p pi‘ng IIIII'd