
Summertime’s here and the livin’s easy, especially when the annual tidal wave of Hollywood blockbuster movies and arthouse

gems are upon US. \‘J’cnls: Miles Fielder

\cr the next l‘our pagcx The [.131 \ctx out. tnonth h} month. the higgcxt and hext lilms ol‘ the summer there are \till more movies than you ha\e nightx trec opening o\‘ct' the MU four month» .-\nd _itl,\l \xhcn )titt thought it

was sale to Ica\c the cinema. look out l'or end ol‘

_\‘car highlith including: .lohnn) Dcpp i\ on the trail of .lack the Ripper in from llt'H. adapted from .-\lan Moore‘s graphic Ito\ cl . . . Martin Scorsese directing Leonardo l)i (‘aprio in the 10th century mobster talc (Jung's (H'er )iir/t . . . hijinks and hocux pocus in Harry l’ullt'r .lm/ '/'/1('

.S'nrt'cn’r's Slime . . . The Inn! ()f'l'ln' Rings null

said . . . The (‘ocn hrotherx hack in film noir territory with The Man Who Him) 'I 'lillt'rt' . . ..lolm Mc'l‘iernan handles the remake ol' Rul/urlmH . . . and Tom (‘ruise and Penelope (‘rux hit it oil in (‘ameron (‘rowek limi/lu Ski.

But for no“; \\ hat could he a better end to that long. hot day in the ~\un than dipping into a cool. dark cinema alter the sun‘s gone do\\ n and taking in a great lilm'.’ .-\n.\\\ er: nothing.


Pitch ‘- -‘ t‘a‘? 1 Background E t: '


Background -'

David Duchovny and Julianne Moore in alienbusters comedy adventure, Evolution

Juliette Binoche finds modern Parisian life is rubbish