
Awesome Insects t‘mtt Sun 2 Sep. 10am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. l-ree. Ro}al Mttxeutn. 2 (‘hatnherx Street. 247 4210. Knonn to tttost ax creep} Cl'.’t\\llt‘~.1lll\ hands-on exhibition pro\ ides a balanced proiile ol this rich and tli\et'\e group o1 animals.


Children’s Storytelling Sat 0 Sun 10 Jun & Sat 10 Stilt 17 Jun. Sat 11am; Sun noon (Q 3pm. l'it‘ee. liordet'x Boolm. [hit 20. liort Kinnait'd Retail Park. 057 4041. l"atttaxtiu‘a| stories and traditional tales at these \teekl} stoma-Hing sessions. Poetry Workshop Sat 0.11m. l lam. liree. James 'l'hin. The (i) le Shopping ('entre. 35 (file .-\\enue. South (iile Broadway. 530 7757. Seottixh poet (‘olin Mel-in an ollerx llix literar} knotx -lto\\ to young poets. uriterx and readers in a workshop which inelttde\ eotttpetitiolts and pri/es.

Outside The Cities

Activities And Fun

Arts And Crafts Courses Sat 0 .lun & Sat 10 Jun. 10am. 11.15am. lptn & 2.15pm. £10. liaxt Kilhride Arts ('entre. ()ld (’oaelt Road. liaxt Killti‘ide. 01355 201000. Aduutee hooking required. :\ge\ 5 10. Varied aeti\itie\ itt\ol\ ittg simple arts and eraltx.

Making Music From Junk 8. Recycled Materials Tue 12 Jun tk Tue 10 Jun. 7 0pm. £18 lor 8 weeks. (‘owane 'l‘heatre. ('ou'ane Street. Stirling. 01780 473544. Ages 11 14. l'xing plent} ol itttagination and a \ariel} ol exer)da} objects. ereate some unusual \oundx and instruments.


Playing From The Heart Thu 7 Jun. 7pm. £8.50t£4.25 £5.50); lour seats lor £24. Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. Beniioeh) Road. Kirkeald}; 01502 412020. See (ilaxgtm. Frankenstein Hi 8’ Jun. 7pm. £3. (‘orran Halls. lixplanade. ()han. 01300 702800. Ages over 10. See (ilaxgou.

The Happy Gang’s Cactus Canyon 1-‘ri 8 Sat 0 Jun. 15ri 10.30am: Sat 11am & 2.30pm. £0: lainil) ticket £22. (‘arnegie llall. liaxt Port. Dunlermline. 01383 314127. Spatl. Nick) and .\1r 1’ go on holida) to (‘aetus (‘atnotL but can the} find tlte legendary lost ('and} Mine‘.’ l-‘un. musie and song lor ages up to 0.

King Matt liri 8 Jun. 7pm. £0 (£3). Bellxhill (‘ultural ('entre. John Street. licllsltlll. (H003 207515.:\ge\ 3+. See (ilasgow and preview.

The Enchanted Books Sat 0 Jun. 2pm. £3. Adam Smith 'l‘heatre. Bennoeh) Road. Kirkeald); 01502 412020. Ages

5 7. When lour girls diseover two tnagieal hooks hidden in the lorest. the) embark on a journey to take them back to their rightlul owner. Adam Smith's ('ool Kids eluh take up lllix epie jottt‘tte}.

I‘. ~ I, _ I .. ,. I, ~ 2 ~ 3;


Frankenstein Sun 10.1un. 3pm. £3. Volunteer llttll. 51 Juli” Slt‘t‘t‘l. (iala\hiel\. 01 '50 20842. ;\ge\ o\ er I“. See (ilthgtm.

King Matt \Ved 13.1un. 10am tk 1.30pm. £2. Rothex Halls. Rotlte\ Square. (ilenrothex. 01502 01 1 101. .'\:_'C\ 8+. SL‘L‘ (il;t\g'tt\\ illltl [‘I’L‘\ le\\. The Singing Kettle Silly Circus Thu 14 Stilt 17.1unflltu & l‘l'l 10am & 1pm: Sat tk Sun noon tk 3pm. £2 £8; latttil} ticket £23. (‘untlternauld 'l'heatre. Kildrutn. (‘umlwernauld 01230 732887. Roll tip. roll up tor all the thrills and \Plll8 ol the lug top. Put on _\ottr liext eloun L‘tt\ltlltle and join (’illa the Ringmmter. ;\rtie the elou n. (iar_\ the \trongtnan and human eannonltall Jane lor an all-\inging. all daneing muxieal e\tra\agan/a.

Frankenstein l'il'l t5 Sat lltlllll. t-n 10.30am & 1.30pm; Sat 11am tk 2pm. £2.50. .\1ael{oliert. l'ni\er\it} o1 Stirling. Stirling. 01780 401081. .-\ge\ t)\ Cl' lll. SL‘L‘ (ilttxgttw.

The Happy Gang’s Cactus Canyon lit 15 Sat 10.1un. l‘il'l 10.30am «k 1.30pm: Sat 2. 30pm. £5.50: lamil} ticket £20. Magnum ’i‘lteatre. llarhourxide. 1r\ ine. 01204 278381. See l)unlermline.

A Simple Wish Sat 10 Jun. 2pm. £3. .'\tl;tttt Smith 'lheatre. Bennoeh} Road. Kit'l‘eald}. 01502 412020. .v\ge\ 8 10. Blinking oll \eltool ol a da} leadx to all \Ul‘l\ ol adxenture as a group 01 ehildren dixem er. l-rom a 0m elling lair to a t\\o- lteaded guts}. thix ix a magical tale lrottt Adam Smith'\ (‘ool Kids elult. Jungle Magic Sat 10 .lun. l lain. £3.51)t£2.501.liallxirlx'lounllal|.\\'e\t Bridge Street. l’alkirk. 01324 500850. .'\d\enture and laughs lor kids in this tale oljungle mixehiel.

Moby Dick Sat 10 Jun. 7pm. £3. l’alaee 'l'lteatre. 0 (ireen Street. Kiltnarnoek. 01503 523500. Ages o\ er ll). See (ilttxgtm.

King Matt .\lon 18.1un. 7pm. £4 t£2.50). Regal ('ommunit} 'l‘heatre. South Bridge Street. Bathgate. 01500 433034. Ages 8+. See (ilaxgou attd pre\ ie\\.

King Matt Wed 20 .lun. lpin. £3.50. ('umhernauld 'l'heatre. Kildrutn. (‘umhernauld 01230 732887. Ages 8+. See (ilaxgou attd prex ie\\.

The International Purves Puppets Biggar Puppet 'l'heatre. Broughton Road. 01800 220031. £5 t£4iz latnil} tieketx £23 tk £30. Book in ad\anee as time\ are \uhieet to ehange. Rt‘tlttelionx lot‘ [Ntl'llL‘\ ol li\e ot‘ tnore. l’rogrannne lor the nut t\\o \xeekx: Pips And Panda ln Circusland Sat 10 .lun. 11am: 'l'hu 21 Jun. 12.45pm. Ages up to 7. .»\n unusual leSlu‘l \etx oil a Ill} \terioux eltain ol e\ent\ lor lamoux duo as the) eneounter Jill} and .1all_\ the limit) geese and Sugar the daneing ltttl'xe \\ hen the} spend a da} at the eireux.

I _J-!~ ~-

15,. ,v . ,. ~ 1 ., 3

13...! 1 p it; til,

MAIRI HEDDERWICK Sat 16 Jun, noon. £3. GilmorehillG12, 9 University Avenue, 330 552. Ages 4-8. The popular author and illustrator reads from Katie Morag’s latest mischievous adventure set on the Isle of

Struay, Katie Morag and the Riddles.


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nmpact Arts

Fun and games to stretch the imagination! Come on a ioumey with Charlie the tiger to find his growt using drama games, storytelling and roteplay.

Q-G’s: item-1pm £3 : Zorn-4pm 513/

4'1/4 ha”.

/‘ r“ If‘ ’3 :'f/./- 1.1',’


'/.,‘ THE LIST 99