

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Catherine Bromley.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Eccentric at Bani liou. ‘)pm lain. 34 Ma}. I‘ortuightl}. Iiuan .l.’tll|L'\ and Mid York pla} llttll\L‘ and traiicc lor tltc discci'ning prc-cluhhcr at llll\ \L‘llll wank}. ()riciital st} lc bar.

I Fuel at Rtixh. 9pm lam. I’rcc. chkl}. |).l Ranmi It gcttct'alcx a lll‘L‘ll’ \‘oltagc \tippl} ol' Iiip hop. ltiiik and hottsc.

I Funk de Fino at Q liar. ‘lpin lain, I‘rcc. \Vcckl}. .-\ \\ hirlu ind totlt' oI thc musical \pcctrtim. stopping oll at l'unk. soul. hip hop and hrcakx \\ itli )our :JllltlL‘N Ka\ and llilchcns.

I Immersed In Music at l)l\ti,

‘)pni lain. I‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. 'l'im .\lakin (Shiltl pla} \ dclcctahlc liouxc grooxcx loi' thc laid-hack drinking crouil.

I La Fromagerie at 'l‘hc Mcatlou \ Bar ltlti\\'ll\ltlll\l. 0pm lam. I-rcc. 3| May. I-‘oi'tnightl'x. Samplc thc clicc\_\ dclightx \cr\cd tip h} lidinhurgh‘x original I{~/. \lca/ics Al and Ram tltc Mullct.

I Lilo at 'l‘hc 'I'roii lhaxcincnt l. .\|oiitIiI_\. .\'c.\t datc l4 .lun.

I Machine :tl “Ll. (illl'l\llk‘\.

9pm lam. (I. 24 Ma). l-‘ortiiightl_\. Iiclcctic altcrnatn c. punk. Io-li and noixc l‘i'otii Iidinhurgh'x 'ltiosl tindcrground' indic prc-cluh.

I Made In Iguana at Iguana.

()plll lam. I‘rcc. \Vcckl}. (iai'cth Sommcn illc hrcakx thc iiiotild oI his liltragroorc guisc. pla} ing “arm .\'c\\ York lltHhL‘. disco and old—school liip hop. I Oxygen at ()\}gcii. 0pm lain. I‘rcc. \‘t'cckly. 'l'hc \Vcckcnd \lttl‘h call} in thc company of rotational rcxidcntx Stuart (iotigh and Ilcaiiic. \caxoncd L'lllL‘l'lillllCl'\ in the m inging st} lcx ol' I'unk. soul and hip hop.

I Prefix at liar l'nion. 0pm lain. I-‘rcc. 3| Ma); I-‘ortniglitly. (‘Iirix Brynn aitd lk‘l'Ck Scllllcs \ot‘l lltL‘ tlL‘L‘p and ltlttk} \i'hcat l‘roiii tlic houxc chall'.

I Rookie Night at l’opRokit.

Itlpm lam. I’rcc. \\'cckl_\. ()ppoi‘lttnit} for unknown local I)J\ to gct a littlc cxpoxurc and pti\\ilil} \\ iii a \ct at thc tic“ llUllL‘} coiiih. Scnd _\our tapr to llUllL‘)‘L‘0lllh lint». |’() Hm 33377, lidiiihurgh IiIlh’ DWI '.

I Salsa Viva at Bai'acoa. «\‘pm lain. I’rcc. \Vcck'l). DJ .lorgc pla) \ thc |.atiiio groovcs to makc _\oti salsa at thix long- standing night.

I Shadowskill at Bath Itoti. Uptitvlam. £13] Ma}. lioi'tnighll}. ('ont‘ticitis \a} this ncxx ()ricntal st} lc har got plcnt} good drum & ha“ and hip hop with DJ Sam and Rcdo.

I Soft Rock at 'I’hc l’ond liar.

9pm 7 lam. I-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. \Vcar rippcd slttllL‘\\;l\ll jcanx aitd \trikc \ill} air guitar host‘s to sonic ‘orrihlc \oIt rock in tlic coiiit'ortahlc \lll‘l'ttlllltllllgs ol' Icith'x prcmicrc “atcring Iiolc.


I Behave? at 'l'hc Ilonc) coinli. |().3(lpm 3am. £4. 3| Ma}; Monthl}. [)1 Qticcn B gcts the troops into action for tltc stratcgic launch ol‘ hcr \\clI-oilcd. sti'caiiilincd drum & haxx machinc. hunk) drum & bass tthc likc of which \\ c‘\ c ncvcr hcard hcl‘orcl gocs !i\ c in tltc front room. u'liilc Adam Bra} supplicx a sophisticated sclcction of hip hop. hrcakx and hcats in tlic hack. Scc I’aiicl.

I C.C. Blooms .ii (‘ (‘ Blooms

ltl. itlpm ;am that from (ipiiii I i‘cc \Vcckl}. l‘t‘ip thc light l.tll|.t\llc to lll \RU dancc action at Illl\ c\ ci popular git} hat.

I Da Break at l..i lit-llt- \iigt-lt-

ltl. iflpm iam. L»1ltii.3-l\l.r\

\Ionthl} .\|though usuall} ctlllct'lllt'tl utth hip hop and lunk. I).i Bicak hroadcns thc lllll\l\';tl icmit llll\ month to includc tlic \kaukin' sound of \ka Ioc. coinho Big Ilaiid p|a_\ Inc and \uppoit L'Hlllt‘\ lroiii l'nklc I-ana/ and \.l

I Dust at Studio 3|. \Ionthl}. \c\t datc " .lun.

I Dysfunction at lht- \itic.

‘Ipni 3am. Lfl‘. iL'I I. “ct-kl}. loiiiicil} .it 'l'lic\'cnuc. l)_\\lllll\’l|ttl|l1.t\t'llt\\\ mincd

lllt‘lttlt'\|llll\tll lllllllt'ldl.l1.tltlciilt‘.\kdlt'

punk atid llltlthll'lttl licic loi .i \\.cckl_\ \L‘\\|Ull that lllcllltlt‘\ lt\c action c\ci_\ othcr I hit,

I Floorplay at lhc l'iiion. Ilpiii 3am. U W: l. \\cckl_\. Var} ing \t_\ lcx ol lltlll\t' plincd Ii) lllllllt‘l'tilh gucxt I).l\ at |l|l\ Ilci‘iot \\'att club night.

I Fresh Air FM at 'l lic llonc_\coiiih .\|onllil_\. .\'c\t dalc 2| .liiii \\ itli \pccial gucxt llcd Randi i.la// I~.\| l.

I Fusion at l’o Na Na. llpiii lam. L3

\\cck|_\. .‘\l| ncu \llH\\\';t\t‘ at tltc \ouk liar

\xith l).l\ .\|ark ll tStudio ( irandi and tlic (illllllpl'L'\L'llI \Iiii'i'a} l\)l\'llttl'tl\iill tlll’lll Vision) p|a_\ mg \ unl gcmx in tlic rcalinx ol houxc. hip hop. liiiik and \illll.

I Genetic at ’llic ('itrux ('luh.

llpm 3am. (I. \Vcckl}. Still a might} popular \oircc that \llim caxcx altci'natn c. indic and lo ti. No smoking Ill lllt‘ Iiar ai'ca. mind.

I Hustlers’ Convention at 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. .\|oiithl_\. .\'c\t datc |~l Jim. I Juice at [a Iicllc .\ngc|c.

Ill..illpiii 3am. £5 (U \\l|ll l'l}cri. *I Ma}. Monthly ‘l‘hc hattlc lot' drum & lxlss xiiprcmac) iii a 'l'htii‘xda} \tartx right licrc. as tlic tip-and coining .luicc talciit ll).l\ Scnxcx. l2..\'.() atid l’accl hattlc it out against ncn din night Itchaw'.’ at 'I‘Iic Iloiic)coinh. ('ould tltc) not ll;t\ c hookcd non—conllicting cwmngx and \a\cd lic;ti‘l-ac|k".’

I The Moneyshot at tho bongo (‘Iuh If)..illpiii Rant. ‘5. 7 .ltiii. .\|oiithl_\. Work that part) in a in an oItl~-\chool to Illl-\L‘ltt)ttl hip hop st) Icc \\ itli thc t't‘\itlt‘tll\ til clioict‘ l'itll}. (it‘l\llttl atttl Ilood. lhrough thc hack room. it‘s big up thc drum & l\;t\\ ll|;t\\I\L' \\ itli |)ccknica| Ilitcli and gucxtx.

0 Muzikizum at 'l‘hc |Ionc_\comh.

lflpm 3am. L31. 7 Jun. .\|oiitli|_\. Past and prcxcnt \\ lllIlL‘|'\ ol' thc mucIrcmctcd .\|ti/ik licdrooni Ilcdlam titlc conic togcthcr in this brand nc\\ \Iio\\c;i\c. 'I'hc lirxt night l'caturcx Youxcl. thc titlc's llltisl \ticccxxl'ul \\ iniici' to datc. and thoxc that hopc to l‘ollim in his lootxtcpx. namcl} Ki ('i‘cigliton ((‘rccdcuccl. (irant McDonald and |)crck I’. Scc Ilitlixt.

I Naked at Iigo. .\|onth|_\. llpiii 3am. [In t L‘h‘i iioii~incnihci\; £8 iL'oi iiicinhcrx. 3| .\|a_\. .\|ont|i|_\. I’rogrcxxixc to hard housc hcdonixiii iit tlic coiiipan} of thc main room rcxidcnlx I’liil York and ('lirix I). lit thc don nxtairx loungc. Sillltlt‘lllttll and Iiuaii .lamcx \lioucaxc uplifting to t‘tiiik} houxc.

I Nocturnal at .\‘oa. .\loiithl_\. .\'c\i datc 3| .lun.

I ReJuvenation at 'l‘hc lloiigo (‘ltih .\|ontlil_\. Nut datc IN .ltiii.

I Snatch at 'l'lic liquid Room. ltlfillpm 3am. £3.50 tL'2.5lli. \Vcckl}. Rcln c thc fun and gamcx _\ou had at chcap Britiin Itoltda} camps likc lillllllh at llll\ l'uiik} disco cum caharct. \\ ith )iitii' lIU\'.\ of distinction .\|r Ilarr} ,\in\\\orth and Spank) .-\lc\andcr.

I Soulspace at 'l'hc Bongo (‘liih

0pm Jam. [5 (Hi. 24 .\Ia_\. Moiithl}. ()\cr 4|) li\ c pcrl‘ormcrx hring _\ou l'unk} hcatx. gromcx and hariiionicx iii thix uniqtic Ii\ c cluhhing c\pcriciicc.

I Sputnik at 'l'hc \t‘llllL‘ ttop lloorl. Ill..‘~llpin 3am. £3. 3-1 .\|a_\ & " .lun. I-‘ortnighth. chx night gcat‘cd touarth plcaxing lltilhc fans that Ia\ottt‘ tlic lcltticld \idc of tlic \pcctrtiiii. I‘unk}

tccli liouxc v. lll hc tlic ot‘dci’ of thc da} tlicn ttom tltc lt'fltlt'lll t}pc\ llan l't‘antic. lliilil\'\ and | l\.t Ihoinxon. \xhilc gucxt plcaxuic coincs Illl\ toitnight in tltc lot'iii ol .lccp liouxc datltl} \ltii‘ia} Ricliaithoii '31 Ha} and |.i\tc\ \laik I’i’icc i“ .luni \i. lio‘ll Iic doing an c\clu\i\ c dccp houxc \ct toi tlic Sputnik kid\

I 3 Piece Sweet .ii lhc (‘ocicaii loungc. llpm :JIII. LC. 31 Ha} i\ " .luii l'tllllllg'llll) Kt‘t‘ii to plcaw part} gll'l\ Iicnd} \M'iiil}. Sally I‘ and \icci .llltt\\ ciiti’} at .I chcap ratc. ha\ c a ‘no lllll\|c policy that nc\cr I.lll\ to astound and .iiiia/c. \omc ultia cltcap tll'lllk\ promos and ticc iiiakcmcrx from .\I\ It. Smart. |'.iiil} g.i_\

Chart & Party

I Blasted .it (i.ll;i, lllpiii 3am. I; 1 l [I l. \\cck|_\, lhihhcd 'tlic hcxt \tudciit night iii tonn' h} \tllllt' Radio | \agc. |l|l\ \\\c.il_\ \oircc lcatui'cx cliccx} llldllhllt‘dlll dancc in tlic main room and iiidic troni l’laiict Izarth llp\lttll\ in tltc lotltigc,

I Funky Underground at lx’cxolution, Illpiii 1am. (I itli. \\'cck|_\. .\ ltlthlt‘l' \(illlttl\} \lclll. gtiiitl iitltl\ .tl copping oll and \HIIIL‘ hand} daiicc poiliuiiix loi' attracting allctitton to )otit' lunk} \Il'llIIlllj.‘ arc lust thrcc ol thc l'k';t\iil|\ \\ l|_\ Rc\olutioii \ccmx likc a good idca \xhcn )oii‘i‘c drunk.

I Gold at ’l'lic .\rk. ltlpiii 3am. Kllp, \\cckl_\, ll tltc \cr} thought ol loll) Iladlc} llltlkt'\ )oti moixt. _\ou‘Il hc poxilncl} dripping at lll|\ lu\uriou\ night ill fills llltllllgt‘llt't‘.

I Ignition at I'.I‘o\/l'.lilc. 0. iflpm Ram. 53 It: I. \\'cckl,\- last )car'x 'Scoltixli l)l\L‘HlCt|l|L‘ ()l ililtc it'ltl'. \llll tll'a\\\ tltc llllllllk‘H at ll|l\ hig ‘olc \tudcut night.

I The 6,7, 8 Special at \\'h_\ \'ot'.’

I lpm iam, £5. \Vcckl}. .\ magical musical iournc} that takcx _\oti through [ht- (lll\_ “llx. Xlls (IIIt/ ‘llI\ \\ itli pluck} \ur\ not llisco Hill) and his ncu lriciid l)i\co l)i\;i l)alc. (‘agc dancci'x a dcliiiilc houux.

Edinburgh Fridays

Pre—c tib I Bar Union at liar l'nion. ‘lpin lam. l'il'L‘k'. \VL'L‘kl}. Rtttlio l‘iUI'lll.\ Kc\ llt .lHllL'\ pla_\ \ \oinc ltcln houxc and garagc. I Bass:Trap Sessions at Bani Boii. ‘lpiii lam. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Iidinhurgh'x spank} llt‘\\ ()ricntal \l} lc hai' gctx \ortcd in tlic \t} lcx of drum tk haxx. hip hop and lircakx h_\ \\ ixc .\laiiga lIl£l\lL‘l' ( i-.\|ac. 'I‘liix fortnight lic'x joiiicd h} “I Kid ol .lunglc \lagic lamc t35 Ha} I. I Blok at l’opRokit. 0pm lain. I'i‘cc. \\'c't‘k|}. .\ rcgular \cnttirc courtcs} of' Robin St} lcr lSolcltixioiii. Boots} tSuhxtanch it'omc 'l'hcor} l and (ircgor i|)ouchc .\Ia 'l‘ouchcl. \\ licrc rarc groox c. l'unk. ilixco and hip hop \\ il| hc lhc ordcr til thc tltt}. I Chaos Cubano at Haracoa.

lflpiii lam. l‘t‘cc. \Vcckl}. |).l .\lika_\cl llii\|\ a night oI funk. hip hop and salsa. I Conception at llohrooil t‘iiioii. ‘lpm lam. £2 ttl l. 3 Jun. .\|onthl_\. In a joint promotion \\ itli alliliatcd doom and glootii rm l)i\chord. '\ou‘ll find that it' )iiti start )otir c\cning hci'c lixtcning to iiu-mctal and goth _\ou thcn gct lt'cc cntr} to \\ ilc aua} thc lttHll's until .‘iain at l)i\cliot'd txcc cluh listings hcloui lixtcning to morc of thc \amc. I Cuba Norte at (‘tiha .\'ortc.

lllpm Iain. l-rcc. \Vcckl}. Still \llppl}lllg_‘ thc hroadcxt musical \pccti'um t'or |.atiii |o\ci\ and \till pixotal to tltc “liolc |,atin I Cuts ‘n’ Strings at 'l‘hc ()tlllttill\L‘. h‘piii lam. I-icc. 25 Ma}. Monthl}. 'l‘hc man} -\plL‘lltltilll'Ctl \ariationx ol' houxc music as dcnionxtratcd h} I’aul Mason. Kc\ in Roc. and Scan Kcltic. This month (ia\ Suthcrland Icndx a hand and h} ct'ikc_\ it nc\t month's gttcxt ixn't .-\nd_\ \Vcathct‘all. I Disco Cubism at 'l‘hc ('aruaxh. 9pm lam. I’rcc. \Vcckl). .-\|i ('aiuphcll \hou \ hc ain't no \ipiarc \i. hcii ho gocx disco llilll\L‘ cra/_\ for tltc night.

listings Clubs

Big Beat lhe Big Beat residents loam: control of the night in the more than capable hands of establishment lax.’ funk [)ch Di Bob .Jones and l ottv and their live combo I ast West Connection. See l)l(?‘c|(?\.".’. page [3. t a Hello Ange/e, /// .”:'> Mal;

Keb Darge’s Legendary Deep Funk lhe Wily coyote who dug up rate funk .155; from the /'()s and coined the term deer) funk to refer to their down and dirty quality returns for another highly anticipated instalment of that which makes you dance. The l/U/ll/O. Sat 2) Jun.

Keep It Unreal Mr Scruff. the funny fella signed to Nllllét lunes who likes (ll'Et‘J/lllt} cute little amoebas in hls spare time. returns for another fun fuelled session of his bassfuelled, electronic ia//. It’s always busy so mind you arrive early or get your tickets in advance. [go /-/'i 8 Jun. Motherfunk The ia//, funk. soul and hip hop showcase finds itself in the Ilitlist once again, not only because it's rammed every week but because Gino 81 Fryer are Joined this fortnight by black music authorit ay. Kevni Beadle. The Honeycomb, Tue 5 Jun.

Muzikizum Originally to be called ‘logether', this all-new showcase that brings 'together' past and present Winners of lvluzik maga/Ine's Bedroom Bedlam title was renamed with a little help from the XPress 2 tune that's sweeping the nation. Special guest Yousef lpicturedl will doubtless be playing it. The Honeycomb, Thu 7 Jun.

Scratch Presents Be amazed. be Impressed and be shaking your booty at this rare opportunity to catch Rahzel ‘the human beatbox' doing his thing, live and direct to the Scratch massive. La Be//e Ange/e. Mon 4 Jun.

Subculture Harri and Domenic bring their sub—culture to Our shores. along with a very special guest in the form of Rocky from X- Press 2. If you've been living in a cave recently you'll no doubt need reminding that Rocky's quite the catch these days following the monster success of 'Muzikizum‘. The Honeycomb. Fri 25 May.

a .z 5 I! 3 i. I"; t a.

2.: Ma,—i’ Jtiii 200i THE LIST 79