Music folk 8. world listings
City, Date I Fon-A-Bhord Stirling Folk Club.
Terraces Ilotel. Melville 'I‘erracc. 01259 218521. 8pm. £5 (£4). I)undee-based six-piece perform vv ith fiddles. flutes. vvhistles. guitars and vocals.
Wednesday 2
I Buena Vista Social Club (ilasgovv Royal Concert Hall. Satichieliall Street. 7.30pm. £25 (£22) pltrs £1 booking fee. From Cuba. and currently the most famous Latin musicians in the vsorld courtesy of the Wiin Wenders/Ry ('ooder liliii singers Ferret and l’ortuondo. vvith pianist (ion/ales bring a big hand back to (ilasgovv. (let your tickets early. it vv ill stirer sellout. See .\Iusie pr'evievv. SOLD ()I "I.
I Calluna Iidinburgh Folk Clttb. Cabaret Bar. The I’leasance. 650 2349. 8pm. £6 (£5).
I Shine The Star Cltib. Riverside Club. Fox Street. 569 7287. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). .\'evv trio line-up for some seasoned performers. Featuring Cori'ina Hevsat. Mary .\Iaemaster aitd Alyth McCormack. the baiid comprises electroharp and imaginative vocal harmony
I Acoustic Underground Iilephant House. (ieorge IV Bridge. 220 5355. 7.30 9.30pm. Free. Open mic night for songvvriters. hosted by Peter Michael Rovvan.
I Heather Jones and Kieran Dorris Falkir'k Folk Cltib. Arnot Street. 01324 (313305. 8.30pm. £5 (£4.50 members).
I Back To Roots Renfrevv Ferry. Clyde Place. 339 8383. 7.30pm. £15. Bar till 2am. Information 429 1010. A big. big night of alternative music encompassing acoustic folk/roots. blties. country and rock ‘n' roll. featuring Martin Stephenson. Robbie McIntosh and Gordon Haskell. Scott MacDonald. I)ean ()vvens (Felsons). Mama Rag. Freeloader. (ireenville and the'ettkos.
I Ceilidh Dance Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. I.ive haiid and caller.
I European Men’s Barbershop Convention Clyde Auditorium. Finnieston Qtiay. ()870 040 4000. The British Association of Barbershop Singers have organised this convention vvhich is likely to attract some 4.000 barbershop singers. and is the culmination of regional and litiropean Competitions.
I World Harmony Spectacular Clyde Auditorium. Finnieston Quay. ()87() 040 4000. £9. Over 500 performers take to the stage for the first public performance of the Barbershop Convention.
I Earthquake Benefit Netherbovv Arts Centre. High Street. 556 9579/2647. 7.30pm. £5 (£3.50). Scottish storytellers. musicians and singers perform in this fundraising event for earthquake victims in Gujerat. specifically supporting artists to vvork in the disaster-struck communities.
Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 8pm. £6. Live
58 THE LIST 26 Apr—10 May 2001
music vv ith caller.
I Classic Gold Clyde .-\uditorium. Finnieston Qtiay. 0870 040 4000. £11. Champion barbershop singers vs ith choral and acapella singing as part of the Barbershop Convention.
I Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey and Reel Society Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 287 5511. 7.30pm. £8. Traditional songs and reels at this fiddle concert.
I Ceilidhs At The Caley Caledonian Brevser'y. Slatefoi'd Road. 623 8066. 7pm. £6 (£5). See Sat 28. I The Whole Works Trust CGiiidh St Brides Centre. II) ()t‘\\ ell Terrace. 346 1405. 8pm. £8. The Reel Thing play at this fundraising ceilidh.
I The Vocal Majority ('ly-tle Auditorium. Finnieston Quay. 0870040 4000. £ I 2. The nine times vvorld champions give a vocal performance to coincide vvith the International Barbershop conference.
I European Champions Show Clyde .»\tiditoriiim. Finnieston Quay. 08700404000. £10. The Barbershop competition vv inners give a performance to mark their victory and signal the end of the Iitiropean .\1en's Barbershop Convention.
I Plainsong Tron Theatre. 63 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £7 (£5). A night of povvei'ftil acoustic folk from Iain Matthevs's and Andy Roberts.
I Purbayan Chatterjee and Anindo Chatterjee Woodlands Methodist Church. 229 Woodlands Road. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). The Scottish Academy of Asian Arts present a programme of Indian classical music performed on the Sitar and Tabla by these tvvo esteemed musicians.
I Elspeth Cowie and Ronnie Lang Wee Folk Cltih. Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. 'I‘raditional Scots song and guitar.
I Friends Fundraising Concert MacRobert. t'niversity of Stirling. ()1786 461081. 7pm. £7 (£3.50). Stephen Ashlield. (iail Johnston and Shuna Sendall perform traditional songs and Scottish vvords set to music by Schubert and Vaughan Williams at this concert.
I Guest Session Stirling Folk Club. Terraces Hotel. .‘vtelv ille 'I'errace. 01259 218521. 8pm. £1. I)unferm1ine Folk Club bring some of Fife‘s best performers.
Wednesday 9
I Bobby Eaglesham Edinburgh Folk Club. Cabaret Bar. The Pleasance. 650 2349. 8pm. £6 (£5). ()ne of Scotland's most engaging singer/guitarists. ex-partner of Dick Gaughan iii seminal folk/rockers Five Hand Reel. and vvith a fine repertoire of guid Scots sangs.
I Follow That Camel The Star Club. Riverside Club. Fox Street. 569 7287. 7.30pm. £5 (£3).
I Acoustic Underground Elephant House George IV Bridge. 220 5355. 7.30—9.30pm. Free. Open mic night for songwriters. hosted by Peter Michael Rovs'an.
Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.
I The Glasgow Phoenix Choir Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 237 .551 I. 7.30pm. £8 £12. (ilasgmv 's acclaimed ensemble celebrate 100 years of choral tradition. \s itli special guests I)ean I’ark. I)orot1iy Paul and the Kii'kintilloch Brass Band.
I University of Glasgow Contemporary Music Ensemble Concert Hall. l'niversity of(ilasgo\\. l'niversity Avenue. 330 4092. 1.10pm. Free. William vaeeney directs the ensemble in a lunchtime concert.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. 668 2019. 7.45pm. £5.50 £19. Vibrant young Italian conductor (iiovanni Aiitonini makes his debut appearance \s ith the SC(). leading the orchestra tlii‘otigli Mo/ar‘t‘s overtures from I! Seine/in and Lucio Sr/lu. Rameati’s Suite tmnr Dun/mitts. Haydn‘s .S'y‘mp/imrv .\'u [00 Ill/litury” and. vvith soloist l'rsula
I.ev eaux. Vivaldi's li’usvrmti ('mir'r'rto. I Edinburgh Telephone Choir (ieorge Square 'l‘lieatre. l'niversity ()l' Iidinburgh. (ieorge Square. 650 8401. 7.30pm. £5. lit a bid to be all things to all people. the choir's annual concert is a veritable smorgasbord of tunes. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Verdi's death. they perform a series of Italian songs and choruses. follovved hy sing-a-long songs by (iei'shvv in and Bernstein. some Strauss. Iilgai' and Lloyd Webber.
I Scottish Chamber Orchestra City Hall. Candleriggs. 287 5511. 7.30pm. £5.50«£17. See Thu 26.
I Andrew Poppy 'Ii'amvvay. 25 Albert Drive. 287 3900. Noon 7pm. Free. Minimalist composer I’oppy uses the Tardis as a symbol of space and time in his latest piece. ’I'i'mi' xi! Rest Dr't'om'ing Its Secrets ('Iim/is). Performances at hourly intervals.
I Midday Concert RSAMI). l()() Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 1pm. £4 (£2.50). Presented by the Reykjavik Wind Quintet.
I The Allegri String Quartet RSAMI). I00 Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £4 (£2.50). The Quartet play vvorks by Haydn. Berg and Schumann as part of the Radcliffe Trust Chamber Music Weekend.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra tisher Hall. I.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £8.25-—£2 1 .50. The final concert in the RS.\'()'s Shostakovich series features the composer's .S'ymp/imrv .\'n 9. in a programme vvhich also sees conductor Alexander Lazarev vvelcome guest pianist John Lill to the stage for Beethoven's Piano Concerto .\'u .5 ‘Iimpw'or' and the RS.\'() Chorus for James .\Iac.\1illan's Cantos .S'ugrurlm. I Una Bryson The Hub. Castlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2067. 7.30pm. £15. Accordionist Bryson performs a selection of light classical music from Hungary. France and Rassia. Ticket price includes a tvvo-course meal.
I Edinburgh Telephone Choir George Square Theatre. L'niversity ()f Edinburgh. George Square. 650 8401. 7.30pm. £5. See Thu 26.
I Nigel Mason and David Inglis St (‘tithbeit's Church. I otliian Road. 22" 1142 12 15pm. 140.3) l-diriburgli I-r'iends oi the RS.\( 1 present .i lunchtime concert \\lllt .\I.isoiiori \ti‘I111.tllsI Inglis on double isiss ‘
I Concert St ('utlibert‘s ('liuicli. I.otltr.iii Road 7 30pm. lloriatron Choral and orchestral music perloiriietl by pupils of \Iercliistori .tlltl St (ieoige's
I Opera On A Shoestring (‘uriibernatild Ilieatie. lsildrum. 012 it) "3288“. ".45pm 0'15) I'lie .ivvaitl \vriimng opera corripany delr\ei choice ritiriibers from four six/ling operas. all set 111 southern Spam. liri liar/n ) u! .Si'tIHi‘. I/lr‘ lint/trier .tt lieu/iv. /)('II
(iiuitriirri .iiid ( tunic/r
Saturday 28
I Scottish Opera - Don Giovanni Ilieattc Royal. 383 Hope street. H3 9000, flipin 050 £16. .1oliii('o\ directs .\Io/.ii't's recounting of tlic conquests of notorious Spaniin seduccr.1)ori.luan. \itist l’etei Ilt)\\s()11 prov ides the dramatic set.
I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Is’oyal ( 'onceir Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 2b“ 5;l l £10.25 £22.50. See 1 it 2". I Andrew Poppy '1 t’aiiivsay. .35 Albert I)1'1\L‘.23~.5‘)Illl. \oori "pm. Free. Sec Ill 2... I The Viennese Ensemble .s‘i Iinocli Centre. 55 St lznocli Square. 204 3900. 2 4pm. free. The ensemble perloi‘rii a range of \ieniiese vvorks. plus pieces from Russia. Hungary arid the Balkans.
I The Rape Of Lucretia RS \\11 ). I00 Rcritrevs Street. “2 5057. 7 15pm. £10(£7). RS.\.\II) students pcrloriii Beniamiii Britten's 19-16 opera of vvai. corruption. v rolerice and betrayal.
I The Kevock Choir l'slier llall. I.otliian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm.
£8 £12. .\'ovv in their 3411i year. the Kevock are one of Scotland‘s foremost choirs. Ior'iiiing tlte backbone of the Iidinbtii‘gli Military 'l‘attoo ( 'lioii each year. Tonight they perform traditional and contemporary songs from their repertoire.
I Edinburgh Stage and Screen Orchestra Cariongate Kirk. I53 Canongate. 667 7776. 7.30pm. £6 (£5 1. A popular progr'amriie of vvorks from the (iolden Age. vs ith young Scottiin soprano Marcella llolmes.
I Rowena Ferguson Memorial Prize-Winners Concert Reid Concert Ilall. Iidinbtirgli l'niversity. Bristo Square. 668 2019. 7pm. £6 (£3). The annual piano competition‘s pi‘i/e- vs inner \atam Srdic and runner—up Alice l)emske perform a celebratory concert. I‘VL‘itIlll’L‘tl \sot'lss llieltttle Chopith lira-relive. Rachmaninov 's IZIIH/r lab/cunt and Bach's I’iirti'tut .\'u 4.
I Ludus Baroque Chamber Orchestra (‘anongate Kirk. 153 Canongate. 667 7776. 7.30pm. £8 (£6). The orchestra are joined by 'I rinrty Baroque for Bach‘s ()I'tllul‘lllltl lv'vtn Pun-(ml: (Iiaster ()ratorio).
I Schola Akureyrensis (irey iriars Kirk. (ii'ey friars Place. 225 1900. 7.30pm. £4. Hailing from .\'orth lcelartd. this school choir perform a selection of Icelandic folk songs and contemporary music.
Monday 30
7. illpm,
Glasgow I The Rape Of Lucretia RSAMI). 100 Renfrevv Street. 332 5057. 7.15pm.
£10 (£7). See Sat 28.