I La Chunky King 'l'ut's \Vah \Vali llut. St Vinccnt Stt‘cct. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pltls hooking lcc. ('ollcctnc of local musicians f'caturing mcmhcrs ol' Mischicl l.a Has and c\-tncrnhcrs of llardhod}. \tho it ill hc linking up w ith cguixalcnt comhos in \cu York and Moscow \ ia \schcast during tonight‘s sllt)“.

I Fighting Red Adair the Hill .\'otc (are. King Stt'cct. 55.3 1038. 8pm. £2.

I The Shore, Fat Happy Buddha atid Primary Colours (Hot) Box. ('urlcrs. li)r'cs Road. 338 (i5l l. 8.30pm. l-rcc.


I Mikey Graham Rolhcs llillls. Rothcs Sguarc. 0l5‘)2 (ll I I0]. 7.30pm. “25”. Scc Mon 7.

Wednesday 9


I King Prawn, The Day I Snapped and Pink Kross King 'l‘ui’s \Vah Wah llut. St \'inccnt Stt'cct. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £(i plus hooking l'cc. Ska pttnk t'rotn thc licadlincrs.

I Elizabeth Elmore 'l‘hc l3tli Notc (‘luh. ('l_\dc Strcct. 243 2l77. 8pm. £3. I Lummox, Debris and Destructos 'l'hc ch .\'otc (are. King Strcct. 553 lo38. 8pm. £2. (‘ontinuing thc monthl_\ t‘csidcnc}.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘hc Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 504 I527. 8.30pm. l'll'cc. llostcd h} l’add} ‘s (iit‘ls.


I Huckleberry, Doolah and Risingson 'l‘hc \cnuc. 17 2| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £4. Vic (iallona) lcads this hand of" llammond—lcd punk rockcr llllllcs.

I Senator and Dangerfield Bongo ('Iuh. l4 .\'c\\ Strcct. 558 7(lll-l. ‘)pm. £4 (£3). lidinhurgh angular rockcrs l)cgrassi prcscnt anothcr douhlc hill of indic acts w ith ptmct‘ trio Scnator hcadlining.


I Sunna, Biffy Clyro and Hell Is For Heroes King 'l'ut's Walt \Vah lltil. St \'inccnt Strcct. 22] 527‘). 8.30pm. £o.50 pltis hooking t'cc. ()\cr\\ rought grungc) rock.

I The Australian Pink Floyd 'l‘hc l‘crr}. (‘l}dc l’lacc. 42‘) 8070. 8pm. £l0. l-‘loyd soundalisz \\ ith thc thiotts l'a\ouritcs from Dark Sit/v ()l‘l'ltc .lloon. Wis/t You lli'rt' llt'rt'. clc.

I Voulez Vous l’avilion 'l'hcatrc. chticld Strcct. 332 I840. 7.30pm.

£ l 2/£l(). Ahha trihutc combo.

I Bozilla, Akira, Nova Express, Smuj, Pentothal, Cheetaras and Micronesia The 13th Nntc (‘al'c'n King Strcct. 553 M38. 8pm. £3. Linc-up of local bands participating in Pop (iocs 'l‘ltc (Htlt‘. illl cxcning (ll. Classic pop L‘o\ ct’ \crsions which must thcrcl‘orc includc l);l\'ltl Soul‘s .Sl'll't'l‘ [Mt/l.

I Vagabonds 'l'hc Scotia. Stock‘ucll Strcct. 552 8(i8l. 8.30pm. l-‘rcc. l’opular

I Jam Session Satnucl Dow‘s. .\'ith.sdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. lircc. I Live Music 'I‘hc (lulltollsc. l'nion Stt'ccl. 248 noon. 8pm. ()Vcr- l4.s show l'nsigncd hand .shou'casc.


I Orbital (‘orn li\changc. .\'c\\ .\larkct Road. (iorgic. 443 2437. 7.30pm. £14. 'l'op highl) accc.s.s;ihlc clcctronic sounds tron) thc hrothct‘s llartnoll in support of thcir ncw alhum 'l‘lu' .-tlrugt't/u'r. lixpcct classics such as ‘(‘himc‘ alongsidc ncn matcrial and thcir tt'adc mark l'unn} spccs xx ith thc lights on thc sidcs. Scc prcx'icn. I Singleskin and Ellis llci-ini-\\'ati t'nivcrsit)‘ t‘nion. Riccarton. 45l 5333. ‘)pm. Frcc. Dotthlc hill of local indic acts.

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 26


I Scott Hamilton .-\tlclaitlc\. 20‘) Bath Strch 248 4‘)70. 8pm. £o £8. 'l’hc tcnor sa\ tnacstro tnakcs his old}

Scottish appcarancc \\ ith thc Rick}

Stcclc ll‘lt). colll‘lcs} ()l lllc nc\\ l_\ » launcltcd Jal/ Mainstrcatn. filling thc gap in ntainstt'cant _ia// promotion lcll h} lhc \\ ittding up of. thc .la// ('o-op.


I Lights Out By Nine llcnr} 's .la// Bar. 8 Morrison Stt‘ccl. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4 ). Vocalist .’\| llugcs fronts this cwr-popular stomping hlucs outlit.


I Eddie Walker l-alkirk l-'olk ('luh. .-\rnot Stt'ccl. 0|324 ol33‘)5. 8.30pm. £5 (£4.50 mcmhcrs). ()riginal l'olk-hlucs tron) this singct‘ and c\ccplional ragtimc guitarist.


I Head2Head l‘ait'utns l‘orklil'ts. t' Watt Road. llillington Industrial listatc. 882 (i242. lptn. l‘rcc. hut spacc is liniitcd. and hooking a placc is rcguircd (882 (i242). :\n tttiusual projcct l'undcd h} Scotland's )car of thc Artist and .-\rts ck litlslllcss \\ ill allou Hill K) lL' :tlltl (it‘acntc Rot)le llcad2llcad guintct to pcrt‘orm contctnporary jaw h} composcr and musician ls'arcn .\lacl\cr. ultosc music is ill ‘rctlcct thc uorking

cm ironmcnt‘.


0 Roy Ayers 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 7pm. £l2.

ll;t\ ing hccn in thc music hi/ sincc thc (lllS. \ ihraphonist A) us is thc undispuch king ot'jaH-l'unk. llis acid ja/I sounds and his tmtch sampch ‘lix'ct‘_\hod} l.o\cs thc Sunshinc' havc madc him an icon to thc hip hop gcnct‘ation. Part of" trip'l‘) ch. I Masquenada chr) 's Ja/x Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. Midnight. £5. .-\ Latin-intuscd ja/z sclcction from thcsc t'ormcr ('alc (iraltiti rcgulars. including (‘himp ot' Salsa ('cltica tamc on pcrcussion and ('olin Stcclc on tt'ttntpct.

I Baaba Maal Quccn's Hall. ('lcrk Strcct, ()(i8 20l‘). 7.30pm. £l2. .-\ .supcrstar in his nati\ c Scncgal. spiritual pop singcr Baaha .\laal ll‘tillls this \Vcst .-\l'rican group ultich mis traditional inusic \\ ith soul. Rtkll. lit/l and hlucs. Part of trip'l'} ch.

I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l‘airmilc Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 3 l 2 8243. 8pm. £(i (£5). Tonight‘s guests. 'l‘hc Louisiana Shakcrs. hring thcir chs ()rlcans \l} lc tiax/ all thc \sa} from Anstralia.

I Fionna Duncan llcnr} 's Ja// Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. Rciiomicd ja/I \ocalist and tcachcr l-‘ionna Duncan prcscnts a \aricd t'cpcrtoirc \\ ith somcthing for all musical tastes.

I Big Beat Jazz Cafe Night l.a Bcllc Angclc. Hastic‘s (low. 225 7536. l0.30pm 3am. £7 (£0). London's Ja/l (‘atc coincs to lidinhurgh \\ ith thc (‘at'c's rcsidcats Snou ho} and 'l'hc Latin Section. and thc Jchotcch Danccrs. Part of tripT) ch.


I Helen Shapiro Rothcs Halls. Rothcs Sguarc. ()l5‘)2 (\l 1 l0]. 8pm. £12 Shapiro ts pr‘olxihl} hcst l'c‘lllt‘llll‘t‘lt‘tl .ts thc tccnagc pop guccn of thc (ills \\ llll hits such as ‘\\'alking Hack lo llapptncss‘. hut thcsc da} s shc is inorc at honic pcrtortnmg |.l// numhcrs \\ ith hci tltlal‘lt'l.


I Sarah Jane Morris \lacRohct'l. l'nncrsit} of Stirling. (ll 78o .loltl8 l. l0.3()ptn. £(i ( £3). lllucs} \ocahst l\llll\\ll tor hcr “(ilk \\ llll l’aul \Vcllct'. 'l'lic (‘onnnunards Stc\ c .\l.tl'll;lll(l and 'l'hc .la/l Rt'llt‘gdtlt's.

Saturday 28 -


I Karin McKenna Quartet Bit-l. 3‘) 43 .-\shton lanc. 342 4‘)(io. 3pm. Inc Jan standards from thrust and singcr (although prcsumahl} not sitnultancousl) ) Karin .\lcl\'cnna.

0 Roy Ayers 'l'hc ()ld l‘ruittnat'kct. :\Ihion Stt'cct. 287 551 l. 7.30pm. £l2. Scc Hi 27. .»\s part of club night .\lish \lltsll.


I High Heel Sneakers llcnr} ‘s .lttl/ “(1118 .\l()l'l'is()tl SII‘L‘L‘I. .533 7335. Midnight. £5. 'l'his liw-piccc. ll'()lltcd h) \\cst coast trtnnpctcr l.ornc ('o\\ icson. dip into thc Illuc .\'otc \ault tor a sclcction ot' funk and groin c numhcrs. I Future Pilot AKA and The Bill Wells Trio 'l‘hc .-\ttic. l)_\cr's (‘Iosca 7| ('ougalc. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £0. (icographic Rccords night in association \\ ith trip'l} ch. lilcctronic drcnchcd rh_\thni guitars l'rom l‘uturc l’ilot :\l\':\ and l'rcc spirich iau from somctimc collaborators 'l‘ltc Hill \Vclls 'l‘rio.

I Martin Kershaw Quartet llcnr} 's .la/I Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. Sa\opllonist and licrklcc gradttatc Kcrshau. olfit'cctl .luicc. Rarctaction and (it‘oo\cdigga/ latnc.


I Swing 2001 Victoria Halls. Sinclair Strccl. ()l43n (372224. 7.30pm. £thc. Brian Kcllock (piano)_ioins Suing 200l for thc lirst pcrl'orniancc of Dick l.cc's llclcnshurgh Suitc. a ncu commission from llclcnshurgh .\lttsic SOON};


I Linlithgow Jazz Club Burgh llalls. 'l'hc ('ross, ()l50(i 844000. 8pm. £(i (£5). .\'c\\ ()rlcans and l)i\icland jal/ l'rotn spccial gucsts 'I‘hc Louisiana Shakcrs (scc l‘ri 27).


I Brian Kellock Trio play Duke Ellington llcnr) 's Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Scotland's ("orcmost _ia// pianist p;i_\s his (in n trihutc to thc l)ukc. on

\\ hat \\ as thc composcr's hirthda}.

Monday 30 Stirling I Latino 2000 MacRohct‘t. l'ni\crsit) ol'Stit'ling. ()l78o4ol08l. |0.30pni. £6 (£3). Latin and jal/ sounds. int‘uscd \\ ith a hip hop scnsihilit}. ll‘Ulll a collccti\c which looks likc a \\ lto's \\ ho ()l~ thc local sccnc.


0 Esbjorn Svensson Trio llcnr}'s Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Slrcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £‘).50. AdVancc hooking (467 5200) might hc adx isahlc for this onc-oll gig. This Sucdish trio arc currcntly onc of thc hottcst ja/l attractions around.

Scc prcx‘icu.


Roy Ayers the godfather of tax." funk Vibes returns for a couple of Scottish dates. lhe fainous Vibraphonist's long career has; seen llllll move from his early roots lll straightahtxtd ja// into his more familiar (and commercially successful) floor filling funk grooves. [ /(/(//(//1)()()ll). [dinning/i. In .9/ Apr." ()lt/ / It/lt/na/‘Aet. G/asgow. Sat 2’8 Apr:

Esbjorn Svensson Trio Hardly known outside of their native Sweden a year ago. E St are now one of the hottest acts on the ljtll'()l)()£lll Ja// circuit. Not to he missed. Her My '5; Ja// Bar. Hamburg/i. [no I May.

Benn Clatworthy with Brian Shiels London born. [A based saxophonist Benn ()latworthy renews his acquaintance wrth bassist Brian Shiels for this duo date. a re-run of a highly successful encounter last year.

Henry's Ja// Bar. [tanning/i, Sun i (5 May.

I Centre Stage Jazz Club 'l‘hc .-\uld llundrcd. l00 Rosc Strcct. 225 180‘). 8.30pm. £2. Mainstrcatn. progrcssn c and c\pcritncnta| ja// from thc rcsidcnt l)ominic Spcnccr 'l'rio. plus


Wednesday 2


I Rob Hall Band llcnr} 's Ja/I Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Sa\ophonisl Rot) Hall dons his _ja// hat (hc is also an accotnplishcd classical niusician) and rcxcals a strong ncu linc up (or lllsjil/l guintct. t'caturing ('olin Stcclc (trumpct ). (’hick I.) all (piano). Tom I.) nc (bass) and John Rac (drums).


I Andy Gunn llcnr} 's Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Songn ritcr (iunn rcturns to thc lixc arcna \\ ith his funky ja// sounds.

2"; Apr-if; Ma, 290‘ THE LIST 55