Music rock 8. (my listings
Wed 2 Edinburgh
I Immolation, Deranged .md Decapitated 'l llL' \cmic. I" ll ('alion Road. 55" 3”” 3. linic lhc. Uhc ,-\ niglu ol clll\lllllf_' dcalli lllk'ldl horn Holland. Sucdcn. ( iciinan} .ind lhc [8. I Khaya and I Am Scientist Bongo (‘Iulx I4 \cu. Slit-cl. 55.\ “(ill-l ‘ipin L4 (£ 3 l. lndic acl Kli.i}.i aic hack \\ llll lhcir lll\l Inc \hou \incc lt‘lt'.‘i\lllj2 lhcri lhird album “I”! \upporl lioinl \lll Sciciilixl and lllL' Sl. l{k'\'l)lll\ .\ll \ldl l)L‘L'|;i_\\ inanning lhc tlt'tlx\ llll ldic.
Thursday 3
I Fish and Transaudio 'l hc (iaragc. Sauclncliall Sliccl. 332 1 I21). 7 3llpin, £145” Plll\ liiiiiklllg lt‘k'. \H :lg‘t‘ l't'\ll'lt'I|Hll on llll\ \hou. ()\ci l-lx \llH\\. ()ld proggci. \Vc likcd llllll licllcr \khcn hc \xor’c lhc niakc up.
I The Vegastones, Closer, Strut and Easyworld King 'l'ul'x \Vah \Vali llnl. SI \inccni Sirccl. 22| 527‘). N..3l)pni. £4 plux hooking lcc.
I Guano Apes ‘l hc (Killiouxc. l'nion Sli'ccl. 24.5 (moo Xpni. £7.5ll p|u\ hooking lcc. ()\cl' |4x \lum. (icrnian \kalc punkx pronioling lhcir ncu alhurn Hull 7 (in 1’ .llr' .\rll)l(’\.
I Fancy & Spook 'l'lic l3lli .\'oic ('luh. ( 'l)dc Slrccl. 243 2 I "7. Hlilll. £ 3. \aincd allcr i\\o ol lop ( 'al'x gang \u lliL'} lllll\l hc good.
I Peeps Into Fairyland and Tacoma Radar ‘l‘lic I 3H] \ulc (arc. King Sli'ccl. 553 M33. 3pm. £3. (iluni hul alinoxphcric counlr} \oundx lroin l’ccp\ lnlu l'air} land.
I Vagabonds 'lilic Sculia. Slockucll Sli'ccl. 552 \(er. $.3llpni. Inc
I Jam Session Sainucl Him ‘x. \illixdalc Road. 423 (llll7. 3.3llpiii. l'rcc.
EDINB'"’"' " R HALL Wedn ..., .4"! April
King Adora play with Mo Ho Bish 0 Pi and Easyworld at The Venue, Edinburgh, Tue 1 May and King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow, Wed 2 May
I Task Force liongo('luh. 14 .\'c\\ Slrccl. 55x Tool. Ill.3l)pin. £5. l'.\ccl|cnl liril rap crcu rm l‘orcc (l'arnicr (i and ('hcxlcr l’i put in a |i\c pcrl'orinancc al hip hop night 'l’hc .\lonc} \liul.
I Spooks 'l'hc (iai‘agc. Saucliicliall Slrccl. .3 32 l I21). 7.30pm. £‘) pllh hooking lcc. ()\cr |4\ \liou. .\'c\\ cci'clual hip hop collccln c. Scc prc\ ic\\. I Haven, The Situates and
Nevermind King ‘l‘ui‘x \Vah \Vali Hill. 3! VinL‘L‘lll Sll‘L‘L‘l. 22l 527‘). 3.3(lplli. £5 pllh hooking l‘cc.
I ballboy and Khaya 'l‘hc l31li .\'oic (‘lulx (‘|}dc Slrccl. 243 2l77. 8pm. £3. .»\ngular ccccnlricil} l'roni [no of lidinhurgh'x hcxl coinhox both on Sl. Rccordx.
I Chaosphere and Trench lllL‘ ('athouxc. l'nion Sirccl. 248 noon. Spin. ()\cr— l4\ \li()\\.
I Shine, Luma and Frantic Chant l‘ur} Miii'i'}x. .\la\\\cll Slrccl. 22! ()5! l. ‘)pni. £4. including cnlr} lo pu\l~gig club. I Nero Slrauhcrr) l‘icldx. ()xuald Sll‘t‘cl. 22l 787k 7.30pm. £4.
I Hippykiller 'l‘chai ()\ na. ()lagc Lanc. 357 4524. 7.30pm.
(£2 nicnihcixl. ('ounir} \ound\
I Elvis Tribute liouihon Sliccl. (icorgc Slrccl. 552 “H l. "pin. £5 i£|h.5(l \\ uh dinncr i.
I Open Stage l‘hc ll.ili mi. \Voodlandx RUJLl. 5o4 1527.4 Spin l'i‘cc. \Vcckl} \t‘\\lUll loi local lllll\lc‘l.lll\. I Kong Sainucl |)o\\ 'x. \iihxdulc Road. 423 Uh)" .\' 3(lpni, l‘lc't‘ Rock.
I The Vigilantes Bongo ('luli. H \t'\\ Sircci. 55X "(rill “pin. £4 (£3! I nc druni «K haxx horn I‘lic \ igildnlcx lo hcnclil l-i'cctlual. \\llll l),|\ .lohnn} lanh and l'li\.
I Fingathing Bongo (‘lulx H \c\\ Slrccl. 55X "(ill-l. I 1pm. £7. (iiand (‘cnlral rccoi‘dx' douhlc haxx and dcckx acl l'ingalhing pul in .i Inc pciloiniancc at hrcakx and hcalx nighl lhc l’iolccl \Vuh :\il;llll lira}. .‘\I licc and link- l‘axxa/ manning lhc dcckx.
I Tenese Kait 'l‘hc Nit-ital. Ix \\c\l Mailland Slrccl. 225 3.\'hl. 7.3llpin. £2.50. l’crlli liaxcd alliockcix \\ illi \upporl \lill io hc announccd.
I 28 Days King 'l'ul'x \Vali \\'.ih llul. Si Vinccnl Slrccl. 22l 527‘). H.3llpni. £(r plus hooking lcc. .-\u\lra|ian punk inclallcrx making lhcir nanic oxci hci'c too.
I Ian Simmonds Sunda} Social. 'l'hc .-\rchc\. :\rg_\ lc Slrccl. (Will ()22 ll 30”.
3 llpin. £5. 'l'hc inonlhl} chill onl \cxxion cclcliralcx ilx lirxl lui'llida} u Illi a \cl l'roni a man who dclixcrx a (a//}. film \oundlrack lch u illi a nod lo cluh cullurc.
I The Cobramatics 'l‘hc Scolia. Stock“ L'll Sil’L‘L‘l. 5.52 Xhh'l. 4pm. l'l'cL'. l-‘orlnighih rcxidcnc}.
Edinburgh I Charlie Landsborough l'xllcl‘ Hall. l,olhian Road. 223 1 I55. 7.30pm.
I Tommy Truesdale & The Sundowners (irand ()Ic ()pi‘). l’aixIC} Road To“. 42‘) 53‘)(i. 7.30pm. £3 (£2 lllL‘llllk‘l'\l. .\lorc counlr}.
£l() £15. ('ounlr} 'lcgcnd‘.
STIRLING ALBERT HALLS Thursday 26th ril 8/0: 01 786 4735 4 GLASGOW “""' ' iERT HALL Fri , -..n Apri
[/l I‘. / I ~' // ’X} ,J 1. , r / f r'\ - / /j / ‘. \' '/ l/.;lz.r".‘.\ ././‘.r
DUNDEE CAIRO HALL Saturday 28“! A ril 8/0: 01382 4349 0
OF Cmeris by arrangement 9.. o... 0... min var present ' 3 3
+ Fluid 1:: Ba bglon DJ '
w LEI-En dude}
I + "Shonia live” 3
Br n inst arm and Ron in Pro til: at er”
Thursday 10/05 Edinburgh Corn Exchange
ow Barrowland
GLASGOW GARAGE Wednesda 30th May
plus support
Saturday 23rd June
For details of forthcoming concerts including the following artists: ' ‘ "’"I
King Adora, Deacon Blue, Incubus, Semisonic, Shed Seven, Disturbed,
Suzanne Vega, Eagles and, of course - the main event... 1’ in the Park go to and book online
yawn: :32: Lowsom.w,,,.mmww
Tickets from Venue Box Offices. Wrgin Megaslore (Glasgow. 24hr TICKET HOTLINE: 0141 339 8383 (Way Ahead) wwwgigsinscotlandcom
54 THE LIST . rs or" ' .‘.'r.:.
in the park
A I: I + Stampln' Ground
AH tel- 01‘12215279 m and um KING ADORA (W 4w oven 14;
Edinburgh & Aberdeen). Grouchos (Dundee). Goldrusn (Perlhl
I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Sircci. (icorgc Slrccl. 552 ()l4l. 7pm. £5
(£ l4.5() \\ ilh dinncr). l’caluring an Ahha lrihulc act.
I Cooper Nit-('liriills. High Slrccl. 552 2|35. lllpin. lircc.
I Independence Sainucl Dim-k. Nilhxdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. lircc.
I Goddard chr} \ Ja/l liar. 8 \lul‘l‘lvm Sirccl. 538 7385. Midnight. £5. ’I'hcxc up-aiul-coniing l'unkxlcrx pla} a \clcclion ol original IllliL'\. l'caluring \ocalixi Jcrcin) (iuddal'd.
I Ash and Snow Patrol Barron land. (iallmxgalc. 552 4(i()l. 7.30pm. £l l.5() pllh hooking lcc. Nu agc i‘cxll'icliun on iliix \huu. Slum l’alrol conunuc l()\l1()\\‘ ho“ qualit) indic gilar pop (ax iix old l‘ulk‘x llxcd to call ill is donc. Scc prcVicu l'ui' :\.\h.
I BBMak 'l‘hc (iaragc. Sauchichall Slum-1.332 ll2(). 7.30pm. £|2.5(l plllx hooking l‘cc. ()\cr-l4,\ shou. British ho) hand \\ ho hax c hit big in ihc Sialcx. 'l'hcy play thcir ou'n inslrunicnlx and urilc lhcir oun \(mg\ loo. Honcxi.
I Pachinos, Racing Green and Beko King 'l'ui'x Wah Wah Hui. Si Vinccni Slrccl. 22| 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pliix hooking ice.
I Alpha Stone The l3lh Note (’luh. ('l}dc Slrccl. 243 2177. 8pm. £5.
I Alejandra & Aeron and Model Citizen 'l'hc l3lh Notc (Eric. King Slrccl. 553 1633. 8pm. £4.
I Alteration Slrauhcrr) Hcldx. ()mald Sirccl. 22] 7X7l. 7.30pm. £4.
I Texas Express (irand ()lc ()pr). l’aixlc‘)‘ Road Toll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. £3
I The Shire Horses 'l'hc (iaragc. Sauchichall Sirccl. 332 l I20. 7.30pm. £|() plux hooking lcc. ()xcrv l4\ \liou. Mark and lands hricall) coinic ‘rcinlcrprclalionx' of popular chiirl Inlx. lliix from a man \xlio \\;i\ in 'l‘hc tall and Tim (‘l'L'L'PL‘l‘M
I Voodoo Glow Skulls and Union 13 King 'l‘ul'x Wah \Vah Hui. Si Vinccnl Slrccl. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £7 [)lll\ honking lcc. 'l‘hc Iicadlincrx arc ('alil‘ornian \ka punkcrx.
I Old Time Relijun and Lapsus Linguae 'l‘hc l3lh Noic ('luh. ('|}dc Slrccl. 243 2 l 77. 8pm. £3. Scc Sun 2‘) lor Lapsus Linguac.
I Bubblecraft, Cinefilm and Under The Sun 'l‘lic l31h Noic (uric. King Slrccl. 553 lo3H. 8pm. £2.
I Acoustic Jam Nit-c 'n' Slcal}. Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 ‘)(r37. ‘)pin. \Vcckl} \cxxiun \\ ill] lrcc lion/c lul' pcrl'orincrx.
I Sigue Sigue Sputnik and Yellow Car 'l'hc \"cnuc. I7 2| ('alion Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £Ihc. (‘.-\.\'('lil.l.lil).
I Mikey Graham Moilrcrm-ll (‘onccrl Hall. (‘i\ ic ('cnlrc. Windinillhill Sirccl. (ll(i‘)h' 2(r75l5. 7.30pm. £12.50. ()nc lililh ()l' liu} [011C Iaunchcx a \ulu
Tuesday 8
Glasgow I The Shire Horses The (iaragc. Sauchichall Slrccl. 332 1 I20. 7.30pm. £|() plus hooking l'cc. ()x'cr- l4\ \liim. Scc Mon 7.