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KING MATT Tue 8-Sat 12 May, Tue 1.30pm; Wed & Thu 10.30am & 1.30pm; Fri 7pm; Sat 11am & 2pm. £2.50. MacRobert, University of Stirling, Stirling, 01786 461081. Ages 8+. Being king isn’t all it’s cracked up to be as young Matt soon discovers after his coronation. This joint production between MacRobert and TAG theatre company follows King Matt in his efforts to keep everyone happy.

The Gingerbread Man Sat 5 May. 2pm. £4113). Scottish Mask & l’trppct 'l'licati‘c ('cnti'c. t’ l() Balcarrcs Aycnuc. Kcly'indalc. 33‘) (ilS5. l’r'cpai'c to catch thc gingcrhi'cad man with thc liclp ol‘ lan 'l‘ui‘hitt's l’uppct 'l‘hcati‘c.


Now And Then: Artworks With Young People l'ntil Sat 12 .May. Sti'cct |.c\'cl. 3(1 King Sti'cct. 552 2 l 5 l. l’lioto-hascd ttt'lyy'oi‘ks madc in collahoration \y'ith childr'cn and yotiiig pcoplc l'rom oy'cr [\Vcllly schools in (ilasgoyy.


Activities And Fun

Quickies For Kids Royal Mtiscum 01' Scotland. 2 ('hamhcr's Str‘cct. 247 42 ll). l‘rcc why to nitiscum for Visitors agcd IS and undci'. 'l‘cn-minutc talks for childi'cn hcld cy'cr'y' Saturday at 3. l 5pm and may Stiiiday at 3.l5pm. On Sat 3S Apr. lcai'n inoi'c ahout ‘( )yy'ls' and on Sun I‘) Apr ‘l‘airy 'l‘alcs l-‘rom Japan'. "l'hc Stag’ comcs tindcr thc spotlight on Sat 5 May. and it is thc turn ol‘ ‘Whalcs' on Sun (i May.

Edinburgh Real Nappy Network Launch Sat 28 Apr.

l0am 2pm. l’t'cc. 'l‘hc Mccting llotisc. 7 Victoria 'l‘crracc. (10‘) 55‘) I. Tim nctyyoi‘k mark Rcal Nappy \\'cck \y ith information on thc hcnciits and pi‘acticalitics oi' tisiiig rcal nappics. 'l'hcrc will also hc ti .sL‘t'iL‘s til~ childrcn's workshops. a nappy changc racc and hahy massagc \y'oi‘kshop. Mysterious Masks And Druid Drums 'l'uc I May. 7pm. l‘i'cc. lloly‘rood Park. 556 I70]. liamily cycnt to cclchratc thc druid l‘cstiy‘al. Edinburgh Castle Extravaganza Sun May".

noon 4pm. £7 (£2 £5). lidinhui'gh (‘asth. 225 t)S-lo. :\ day of fun family cy'cnts. l'cattiring hattlc i'c-cnactmcnts. liying history displays. hirds oi' pr'cy‘. liy'c music and lots morc.


The Road To El Dorado it'i Sat 33 Apr. 3pm; and A Bug’s Life tl'i Sat 5 .May. 2pm. £4.50 t £3.50). 'l‘lic l.tirnicrc. Royal Mtisctriii. ('harnhcrs Str‘cct. 247 43 l‘). Scc l-'ilrn lndcx.


Frankenstein Sat 5 May. \Vcd ‘) 'l‘liu It)

May. Sat 3pm & 7pm; ch & 'I‘liti l0am & l.45pni. £4 (U for pr‘cy icyt on Sat 5 May )1 lainin tickct fl-l. Br'untoii 'l‘hcatr‘c.

l.ady \ycll Way. Mussclhtrrgh. 065 2240. A ('athcrinc \thcls y'cr‘sion ol‘ Mary

Shcllcy 's lamous story adaptcd hy' 'l‘oni Mc(irath tor childr'cn agcd 10+ and thcir Iariiilics. using lilm in a highly physical pci‘l'orriiancc.

Exhibition Out To Play l'ntil Sat 2 Jun. l‘rcc.

Mtiscurn ()i‘ Childhood. 42 High Strcct. 52‘)

“~13. 'l‘liis cxliihilioii looks til lhc changing naturc of childhood garncs l’roin thc past to ihc prcscnt day. l’ccycr. hools. tig and diahlo arc just sonic of thc gaincs play'cd

hcl‘orc thc inycntion ol‘ coinptrtcr games and

lclcy'ision and llicrc will also hc sonic i‘cpr'oduction gaincs for children to try otit. Awesome Insects t'ntil Sun 2 Scp. l-‘rcc. Royal Mtiscuin. 2 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 247 42 IO. Knoyy n to most as crccpy

cr‘ayy lics. this hands-on c\hihition provides ti halanccd prolilc ol' [his rich tiiitl diy'crsc group of animals.

Tour De Force t'niil \Vcd 30 May. l-‘rcc. Dynamic liarth. llon r'ood Road. 473 3070. .-\n cdiihition l’roin (ilasgoyt Scicncc ('cntrc l'cattiring siinulatcd tornadocs. sound sti'ctchcrs and htihhlc yy'alls.


Activities And Fun

Crash Music Day Sat 3S Apr.

llam 4pm. £3.50. l-'alkirk 'l'oyyn Hall. \\'cst Bridgc Str'cct. l-alkii'k. 01324 50(iS50. .'\dyancc hooking rcqiiircd. Pick tip a l‘cyy musical tips yyhilst crcating hcautil‘ul mclodics tising sonic rathcr unusual instruments.

Fiddle Class Mon 30 .-\pr. 4pm .k 5pm. L'Io. liast Kilhridc .-\rts (‘cntrc. ()ld (‘Uilk‘ll Rtititl. litisl Kilhl'itlc. (H555 Zolooo. Adyancc hooking rctitiir'cd. .-\gcs 7 l4. l-‘inlay Allison lcads thcsc liddlc \yor‘lsshops.

Drama Club 'l‘uc I May & 'litic .' May. 3.45pm & 4.45pm. liast Kilhridc .-\t‘ts ('ctili‘c. ()ld ('oacli Road. liasl Kilhridc. 0|.‘s55 261000. .-\d\ancc hooking rcquircd. Agcs 5 7 and S I l. Budding thcspians can Icarn thc tricks ol‘ thc acting tradc at thcsc yyoi‘kshops. Photography For Beginners Thu 3 May & Thu 10 May. 4.30pm. flh. liiisl Kilhridc .-\l'I\ (‘Cllll'L‘. ()ltl (’oach Road. liast Kilhi‘idc. (ll 355 2(il000. Adyancc hooking rcquircd. .-\gcs l l l3. (ict stittp—liiippy til llicsL‘ lilili \Hii‘ls'slitips lt) tlL‘\L‘ltip plitiltigi'upliy skills.

Pottery Courses Sat 5 May. lpiit & 2.l5pm. £20. liast Kilhridc .-\i'ts (critic. ()ld ('oach Road. liast Kilhridc. (H555 2(il()ll(). AgL‘s 5 ll). liL‘L‘tilllC :t \yhi/ at thc pottcr's \yhccl at this lun childi'cn's actiyity'.

Arts And Crafts Courses Sat 5 May. 10am. l l.l5am. lprn & 2.l5pm. Uh. l'itisl Kilhi'idc Arts ('cntrc. ()ld ('oach Road. liast Kilhridc. 0l355 2mm )0. Ady'ancc hooking i'cquircd. Agcs 5 l0. Var'icd actiy itics iity'oly'itig simplc arts and crafts.

Cuddly Wee Creatures Sun (s May. l0.30ain noon. (ilcnil‘lcr Bracs Country Park. (ilcn l.odgc. (ilcnlicld Road. l’aislcy'. SS4 3794. Agcs S l2. l-‘olloyy thc tcll—talc signs to track do“ n thc ctitcst minihcast in thc park.


The Emperor's New Groove tl'i Stin (i May. 2.30pm. U50. MacRohcrt. l’niy'ci'sity' ol' Stirling. Stirling. ()I7So 4()l()Sl. Scc l'ilm lndcx.



The Singing Kettle Silly Circus in 2" Sun 2" .-\pr. l n lprn. Sat tk Sttii noon .\ 3pm 1" t {"i. iaiiiily tickct £35 MacRohcrt. l'niyci'sity ot Stirling. Stirling. til “Sty loliiSl Scc photo caption Walking The Tightrope luc i ’l‘hu May. Inc I i0pni. “mi N l'hu 10 10am t\ 1.30pm £3.50. MacRohcr‘t. l'niycisity oi Stirling. Stirling. 0| 7M» ~1o|0Sl .\gcs 3+ .-\ iicyy play \\llll inusic iroin l'taycllrng light 'l'hcatr‘c ('oinpariy. ioctisiiig on a young girl‘s \ isits to llt‘l graiidparcnts litillsc.

The Singing Kettle Silly Circus Sat 5 Strn (i May. noon t\ iprn, L‘l tic-7i; iamily tickcl £35 Mothci'yycll (‘onccrt llall. ('iyic ('ciitr'c. \\ indiiiillhrll Strcct. Moiliciyycll. lllh‘lh' 305.5 l St‘t‘ I‘litilti ctlplltill

King Matt 'l'tic S Sal I: May. 'l‘iic |_.i0piii; \\cd tk lllll l0. i0airi t\ l iiiprti; in 7pm; Sat llain tk 3pm. £3.50 MacRohci't. l'iincrstty ol Stirling. Stirling. ill 7Sti -lti|llS I ,-\gcs S 'o, .Sct' photo caption.

The International Purves Puppets liiggar l’uppct 'l'hcati'c. lli'oiigliton Road. (llS‘N 3300‘]. L5 it-li; iamin tickcts [Ii tk £30 Book in adyancc as tinics arc stihicct to cliangc. Rcductions lot pai'tics oi liy c or iiioic. Shoyy son ollci'oycr' thc nc\t tyyo \yccks arc:

Pips And Panda In Magicland Thu

30 .-\pr' tk \Vcd 3 May. l0.~l5am; Sat 2S .-\pi.

2pm. .-\gcs up to 7. \Vlicii Mr Magic takcs l’ips and l’anda oil to Magicland. thcy int'ct lots oi niri‘scr‘y r‘liy riic chai'actcr's \yho lump otrt ol Mr Magic's riiystcr‘ious hook Nessie The Loch Ness Monster Thu 3 May tk 'l'trc S May. 10.45am; Sat 5 May tk Mon 7 May. 3pm. Sprkc tlic llcdgchog. Mari'i (ilcngai'i‘y and \y ickcd uriclc \aggic Mc(‘r‘aggrc arc Jiist stilllt‘ ol llic chai‘actci‘s yy ho \'cssic coiiics across “llllSl trying to cscapc li‘orn tlic yclloyy stihinariiic.

‘Tiggers Don’t Climb Trees

Q by AA Milne Puppetry by 3 Richard Medrington

- Sat—55th April 11.60.1536"5255355.; '

T A Winnie the Pooh Story

Among the boxes, bookcases and hampers that clutter Mr Milne‘s attic, the magical world of the Wnnie the Pooh stories comes to life, and we discover that, for all their


kids stuff!

confidence, Tiggers really cant climb trees.

2"; Ata- ii) l~/1;i,"/(/Jl THE LIST 99