Art listings

Edinburgh museums cont.


Ind} Starr's llouxc. Lad} Stairk ('loxc. 53‘) JUN. .\lon Sat lllain 5pm. l'rcc. Letters Home I'ntil Sat All .lun. l’octr} and prmc h} lllL'llllk‘l‘\ ol’ lhc ('rcamc \\'riling \\'orl\\hop ol llcthau} ('hrixtian 'l‘rtN. an l:dinhurglrhaxcd charit} \xho hpr lhc lltllllt'lL'\\.


I'nixcrxit} ol l)undcc. I3 l’crth Road. llliXZ 3-1533”. .\Ion l‘ri

0.30am 3.30pm: Sat tk Sun

9. illarn -I.3llpin.

Stephen Newton ‘l'liu 2t» .\pr Sat I‘) .\Ia} l('oopcr and lamb (iallcricxl. l);llllllll:_'\ h) Stcphcn .\cuton “hich cniplo} la}cr upon la_\cr ol paint to crcalc works \\ hich arc rich in tc\lurc. llix paintingx arc \lltl\\ n alongxidc a \uitc ol' rcccnt ctchingx.

Book Launch ’l‘hu 3o .\pr. 5.30an lo coincidc \\ ilh an c\hihition ol paintings h} Stcphcn .\‘cuton. a nc\\ hook cnlillcd .S'It'p/rcn .\‘mrlmr I’ll/ulnrc.‘ l’xi't'luulltuliu'x um/ Spiritual/tr ((‘anihridgc l'nixcrxil) l’rcxx. .\cn York) is launchcd. Artist’s Talk \Vcd 3 .\la). 7pm t('oopcr ( iallcr} l. Artist Stcphcn .\cuton talks about hix \\orl\ and thc L'l'L‘illl\L‘ pl‘nL‘L‘xx ill\nl\L‘tl in producing his paintings.


I53 thhcrgalc. (ll382 (100220. 'l‘uc & \Vcd. Sal & Sun ll)..5ll;llll 5.30pm: ’l‘hu & I'ri Ill..l(larn Xpin. l-‘rcc.

Richard Deacon: Sculpture Sat 38 .\pr Sun 24 .lun ((iallcricx I (k 3 I. In lll\ lil‘xl dam in Scotland \incc I‘M-I. onc ol' thc I'K'x llltixl rcntm ncd \culplol‘x and l'ornicr 'I'urncr l’ri/c

\\ inncr. Richard l)cacon. ll‘illhllll‘lllx thc gallcr) \pacc \\ ith a sculptural \xork crcalcd l'rorn hcnt uood. :\l\o in lhc \ll(l\\ i\ :l L‘L‘l‘tlllllt‘ \L‘tllpllll'c Iinnormu‘ um/ 'Iomurrmr um/ 'Iiimorrmr; lhc lil'\l I'K \llt)\\ in; ol- photographic uork and a rcccnl \ound piccc crcalcd in collahoration \\ ilh .\Iarlin Krcpigg. Scc prc\ icu and llitlixl. NI W SI IOW.

Richard Deacon Sat 28 :\pl'. 2pm. Richard l)cacon talks about his uniquc \ctllplurc crcatcd \{k‘L‘iIiL‘Llll} I'Ul' IllL‘ l)(‘:\ C\lllhill(lll \pacc.

Richard Deacon Talk Wed 9 Mai}. I lain t('incina l l. :\ chancc to hcar morc ahoul Richard l)cacon'\ uork.

‘If your skin tone looks more like a bottle of milk than a Jar of honex you might be worried hat ‘brtght’ means ‘garish’.’ Louisa Pearson on 805 make- up, Shopping, page 118.

98 Tl'll LIST 26 Apr-10 May 2001

including lll\ prc\ roux prolcclx and lll\ ncu \xork lor thc l)('.\.

Gallery Talk Sat 5 Ma}. 2pm. .lacquclinc \Vh} llltll'lx. Scottixh .\rtx (‘ouncil l.llll\\ ol'liccr lor .\rlx l)c\cloprncnt talkx ahout lllc Richard l)cacon c\hihiuon and lhc artixt’x inlcrcxt in languagc.

John Maguire l‘nul Sun 2‘) .\pr i()nc l~i\ c 'l'uol. ('crainicx h_\ Duncan ol Jordanxtonc graduatc .lohn .\lathlll'c \\ ho cmplo} \ \xoodaxh gla/cx \\ llll coppcr and titanitun.

Teena Ramsay l'nul Sun 2‘) .\pr t()nc l'i\ c 'I‘uor .lc\\ cllcr} in \i|\cr and gold inxpircd h} contcinporar} architcclurc.

Extra Sensory Inc I .\la} Sun I" .lun t()nc l’i\ c lutll. .-\n c\hihition ol applicd arts to coinplcincnt thc ("o/21mg 'Io()ur.\'t/1\c\ c\hihilion at .\lc.\lanu\ (iallcricx. l'caturcd artixtx includc haxkctinakcr l.i//ic I'arc}: ccrauiicixt Kalc Schurichl: llilllkl-lltitll’xt‘tl l\;tf_'\ .llltl lca \‘tl\lL‘\ It) Ii} \ Saundcrx and jcncllcr} h} l.lll-l\llll Yip. Wendy-Sarah Pacey Inc I

.\la} Sun I? .lun t()nc l‘i\c ’l'uol. .Icncllcr} h) \Vcnd} Sarah l’acc_x \\lltl coinhincx clcar and opaquc l’ci'\pc\ \xith inctal l'oilx.


25 3o .\Iid \\'_\nd Induxtrial lixtatc. (HRS: 235082. Thu Sun I (iplll. Primarily Structural l‘niil Sun 2‘) Apr. (irahatn l)oinkc curatcx an c\hihition ol' \xall dran ingx. \culpturc and \ idco \\oi'l\\ h} .'\lc\ l’roxt. l.uc_\ llarx c). 'l‘oh} l’atcrwr I)anicl Sincrniclxi and l)a\ id \Vixharl. \\ hich addrcxxcx lhc gcoinclric architccturc ol lhc c\hihilion \pacc.

The Republic Of Leather Sat

5 Sun 37 .\la_\. .-\rli\t\ .'\lc\ l’ollard. .\llglhltl Wilson and .-\ndrc\\ Kcrr \\ ill producc nc“ uork \\ hich \\ ill c\o|\c throughout lhc illxlallalion and c\hihilion pcriod. NI W SI l( )W.


.\lhct'l Squarc.HIRE-13208-1. .\Ion Sal Illam 5pm; Sun I131) -lpin; 'lliu Illain 7pm.

Coming To Our Senses l‘ntil Sun l7 .lun. 'l‘hc onl_\ Scolli\h \hou in; M llli\ national cral'tx-haxcd tourng c\hihition. .\cu \\(ll'l\\ includc inagnclic glox c\. a “all inountcd piccc inadc l‘roin lcalhcr \\ hich c\plorc\ sound through \ ihration. ncon \ouud \culplurcx and cinotional light liltingx that l'L‘\[ltllltl lo _\ou.

Outside The Cities

Campsue Glen


(‘lachan ()l'('autp\ic. (IBM) “3041). Hail) llain 5pm.

Flowers That Bloom . . . l'ntil l’ri l8 .\Ia_\. .-\n c\hihilion ol' paintings. ccrainicx. lainpx. vicucllcr) and glaxx.



lihuhank .'\\cnuc. 01503 554343. Mon. 'l'uc. 'l‘hu & l‘ri Illatn .\‘pm: \Vcd «k Sat 10am 5pm.

Cuba Si! I'ntil Sat lo Jun. 'l'hc onl} Scottish \cnuc l'or this intcrnational touring c\hihition ol‘o\ cr 251) photographic printx cowring (‘uha Iroin prc—rc\olulionar} timcx to thc prcxcnt da_\. l‘caturing thc \xork ol' \ttlllc ol'('uha'\ gl'L‘;tlL‘\I pllnltlgl‘apllL‘l'N. lllL‘ L‘L‘IIII‘L‘plL‘L‘L‘ til lllL‘ L‘\llll3lIitHl l\ .-\lhcrto Korda'x l‘)(ill iconic portrait ol' (’hc (inc-\ara.

Berwiok Upon Tweed PAXTON HOUSE

l’a\ton.(l12.\") .ih’ollll. l)ai|_\

Illam 5pm.

Robert Adam’s Castles l'ntil ’l‘liu 3| .\Ia}. \Valcrcolourx and architcctural draw ingx h} onc ol' Scoll;tlld\ inoxt cclchralcd architcctx. Rohcrl .\darn.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities Anti Ftlll

Giant Sculptors Sat 3.\ \pi .\ .\‘at 5 .\la_\. lFll _‘ l5putt\;_'c\~1 "l .\

2. 2ll 1. lllpint \gcx .\ l3! {35 lot li\c uchx lhc l.l_L‘llIlltlIl\t‘. |l .\ltlcltcll lanc. “I lllllll \tlxancc hooking; ictpnicd. lakc a claw lll llnc art and tlcugn and hcgtn \\tlll\ on a inaxlcrprccc .tI lhcxc all cla\\c\.

Giant Productions’ Dilly Dali .\un 3‘) .\pr .\ Sun (1 Ma}. 3 3.15pm.

3 3.15pm .\ I —I.~I5pin. £35 lor \l\ \\ccl\\. \ll (iallcr} A; .\qucuin.

l\'cl\ incioxc. .\tgg} lc Strccl. ‘31 Mill). .\;_'c\ 3 o. l:\plorc lair} talcx axing: \lor_\tcl|rn;:. lllll\lc and tumcrncnt lll lltc\c \ txual al'l claxxcx.

Children’s Workshop Sat 5 .\la_\.

3 ~lpni. l'rcc. llurrcll (‘ollcclioiL Illlrll l’ttlltlkxlt;i\\\ Road. 33* 355”. llal’\c_\ Jackson lcad\ llll\ \xorkxhop lor clultlicn agcd o\cr N. l’lacc\ luntlcd. \o arri\c call} to a\oid tlixapptlinuncnt. Maydaze Sun (1 .\la). noon (ipin. l'rcc. (ilil\:._'tl\\ (il'L‘L‘Il. (il'ct'lltl) lxc SII'L'CI. 33" 43.51). (ilaxgon '\ annttal .\la} l)a_\ cclchralionx includc plcnl} oI acli\iuc\ to l\ccp kidx ainuscd including: \tor}tclling_'. puppcl \ho\\\, magic, \ptil‘l\ (tutclllllf: and a proincnadc pcrlorniancc lroin llopxcolch.

I _ f;llti680|


The Emperor’s New Groove .l u .\at 3x \pi. lpnt. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom tl’tii .\‘at S \l.i_\. lpni; and Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom tl’t it .\‘un \la_\. ppm. lolloncd h) a ('tncnorkx .\l.t\lt'lcl.l\\ lcd h} a icnou nctl \lununan. £3.35 tlanul} tickct L‘li (ilaxgon l‘lllll lllk'dllk‘. l: l\,t‘\k' Sltccl. “3 .\l2.\ 5m“ l'lllll lndc\

Thrill Ride ll Itlail} ipin .\ 5pm; luc l \Ia_\ 1pm. \lon " .\Ia_\. lpin. ipni. ppm. Mysteries of Egypt r l l \ltlll} lptn. Spin .\ ~Iprn. \lon .\Ia_\. noon. 3pm. -1pm. 5pm; and tlouhlc lk‘.lllllk'\ lhu Sal. opin .\ .\ illprn. \un. opnt. (5 IL- islll’. tlt‘lll‘lL‘ lcaltuc Ilclxt‘h L”

IU‘ Sill. l\l.\.\ lillk'dllt'. (il.t\;jt\\\ Scicncc ('cntrc. 5H l’acilic Qua}. ~I3ll 5llllll .\cc l'lllll Intlc\

l liealro

Saturday Kids Club Sat 3.\' .\pl. llani noon. U till 'I hc .\ichcx. 35* .\rglc Slrccl. ll‘llll ill: llillll. .\ycx mm 5, lip;ch Don‘t (‘lnnh l'iccx. Richard .\lcdrington'x l’arahlc l’uppclx pio\ c that 'l'tgpcn ina_\ hc \Mllltlt‘lllll llllllf_‘\. hut ltcc cliinhing: I\ not what l‘tggcix do hcxt, .\..v\. .\lllllt“\ \Vinnic lhc l’ooh characch arc l‘l‘otlglll to lilc lll llll\ charming: puppcl adaptation.

Pirate Pete 8. The Giant Octopus Sat 35' .-\pi. Spin. H it‘ll. Scollixlt .\Iask t\ l’llppvl 'l‘hcalrc ('cntic. S III llalcarrcx .\xcnuc. Kch tndalc. ii" “INS. l’ll'alt‘ l’t‘lt' I;Il\c\ till a llt‘l’ct' octopux lll llll\ pioduclion ltoin lhc .\ina/Ing; .\Ir lioncx.

THE SINGING KETTLE SILLY CIRCUS Touring, check listings. Roll up, roll up to the big top where Cilla the Ringmaster, Artie the clown, Gary the strongman and human cannonball Jane present their latest singalong spectacular. Come dressed as a clown to join in the fun, games and not forgetting songs such as ‘One Finger One Thumb’ and ‘The King Of The Circus’.