The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
I Lynne O’Neil IIenr} 'x .la// Hat. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 538 7385. 8.3llpm. (5 (Hi. I,}llllt' ()‘.\'ei| xuppliex the \oealx tor a night oI Itutk} iax/ xoundx.
0 George Colligan Trio IIenr_\ ‘x Jan Mar. 8 .\lorrixon Street. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. Senxalional \eu York-haxed pianixt openx a two—night xtatid. See pre-
I Masquenada IIenr} ‘x .Ia/l Bar. 8 .\lorrixon Street. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. .' I.atiti» int'uxed _ia// ereetiou ti'om thexe IUHIIL‘I‘ ('ale (iral'liti regularx. ineIuding ('Itimp ol‘ SaIxa ('eItiea lame on pereuxxion arid ('olin Steele on trumpet.
I The Eric Olthwaite Gang l’aili 'I‘a\ern. .\Iid Street. (II 5‘): 3(i3(i7 I.
Leading a trio of acoustic players, violinist Alex Yellowlees play Henry's
8.30pm. L5 \o-iionxenxe rh}thm and thex hand.
Saturday 14
I Brian Molley Quartet I3reI. 3‘) ~13.v\xhlon Lane. 34: JUN». 3pm. I'ree. Young xa\ophonixi Ili'ian \IoIIe} trontx thix lourxoine.
I Hot Charanga Sauce IIenr} \ Ja/I Hat. 8 \Iot't‘ixon Street. .533 "385. Midnight. £5. 'I‘he xtartIing I.atin \oiee ol ('arlox I’ena ix leatured in a group pla}ing Iii'a/ilian xon muxie. \xith (’ari'te Melx'enna lIItlICl. I)a\ e I’atriek lpianoi. aitd Mario ('at‘ihe lhaxx i.
0 George Colligan Trio IIeitr} ‘x .Ia/l Bar. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 538 "385. 8.3()pnt. L5. See I’ri I3.
I Linlithgow Jazz Club Burgh IIIIIIS. .l‘IIL‘ (‘I'()\\, IIISIIh X—I—lhllll. Nplll. [-1 (£3 l. .\'e\\ ()rleanx and traditional ia// hour the rexident \Vext Iiiid .Ia/I Band and xpeeiaI guextx.
I Sylvia Rae Quartet IIeni') 'x .Ia/l Bar. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £519.11). .\Iainxti'eaiii and eotitemporar} material Irom xinger
S_\ |\ in Rae tu ho alxo ntakex tip one third ol‘ indie popxlerx 'Ihe I.anternxl. Brian Kelloek lpiaitoi. Kenn) IiIIix thaxxi and .Iohn Rae ldi'unixi.
Jazz Bar, Edinburgh, Fri 20 Apr.
Monday 16
I Konrad Wiszniewski Quintet \IaeRohett .\rtx ('enlre. l'ni\erxil_\ of Stirling. llI58o -l(iltl.\ l_ Ill.3llpm. to I13: Ienoi’ xa\ophonixt Konrad
\\ ix/nieu \le ix otie ol the nioxt pioinixing talentx eurrentI} emerging on the Seottixh ia// xeene,
I Choro Escoses Dundee Ix’ep. Ia_\ Stiuaie. “I 383 33 35 3“. Ill.3llpm. L31 t£3.5lh. \Iario ('arihe'x new group eonxe the xound and i‘It}tIiiiix ot qu natn e San I’attIo,
Tuesday 1 7
I Centre Stage Jazz Club the .-\uId Hundred. Illll Roxe Street. 335 I8llt), 8.3llpm. £3. \Iainxlreain. progrexxn e and e\periniental ia// II'UIII the i'exidenl I)oimnie Speneer 'Ii'io. pqu
Wednesday 18
GTam White and Brian Kellock IIeni'} ’x .la// I3ar. 8 .\Ioi'rixon Street. 538 7385. 8.30pm. [5iL11r Seotlaiid'x leg» endar} thex \oealixt Iain \\'|iite takex a more ia/winl‘lueneed appt'oaeh in thix e\eeIIent duo \\lIIl pianixt Brian Ix'eIIoek.
Thursday 1 9
OTam White and Brian Kellock IIent'} \ .la// I3ai'. 8 .\Iort'ixon Street. 538 7385. 8.3llpin. L5 lLlli. See \Ved I8.
I Eddie Walker Bell} .\'ieol’x. High Street. “15”: IIIHZ82. 8.3llpni. I‘ree. ()i'iginal IoII\ hluex lrom tltix xiiigei' arid e\eeplionaI ragtime guitarixt.
I Button Up 'I‘he Bull ('Iuh. I-l I'it/i'o} I’Iaee. Illpiti Iain. Regular [k‘t‘IUl'lltL‘l‘x \\ ith a hlend ol' xotil aitd tunk featuring I’auI (iallagher on piano. (Ear) .IoItn Kane on haxx and Roxx MeI‘arIane on drumx.
I Amnesty International Benefit ('aIe Ro}aI I3ixtt‘o Bar. I7 \VLNI Regixter SII'CL‘I. 5.57 4702. 7.30pm. £5 (Ur. I‘undraixing night I'eaturing Iidinhurglt'x I.atin punk l'uxionixtx I3Ioeo Vomit \\III1 Samha I.eao and I’eai'xongx. I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club I';lIl'llllIL‘ Inn. 4-1 I3iggar Road. 3|: 8343.
8pm midnight. H lL'3i. Speeial guextx the I)ip|oinatx oI' .la// join regularx the I.ouixiana Ragtime Hand lot' more traditional ia//.
I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club IIenI'} \ .Ia// Bar. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 538 7385. 8.3llpni. £5. \'ioIitiixt .‘\Ie\
YeIIou Ieex Ieadx tIiix Reinhardt- (irappeIIi int'lueueed aeouxtie outtit. \\ ith Nigel ('Iark and .\Iareux I‘ord on guitai‘x.. I Balance IIenr} 'x .|a// Bar. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 5.38 7385. 8.3lipm. £5. .\ next hand IUI'IIICtI h_\ drummer Stuart Bron n \\ ith trumpeter .-\|an “5 lie. tuo e\eeIIent wrung ia/l inuxieianx. Ii\peet drum tk haxx and other urhan xoundx underpinning xome meIIou ia/l mood}. atnioxpherie iiiuxie \\ ith a liea\_\ groox e.
I Burt MacDonald Quartet Brel. 3‘) ~13 ;\xItton Lane. 34: 4906. 3pm. I'ree. Ra) ntond .\IaeI)onaId lxaxexi and (ieoi'ge Burt igtiitari lead the quartet \\ ho proeIaim themxehex to he eooIer than Sinatra. it not quite ax good ax
listinas Music
Tam White and Brian Kellock S\‘I‘lltzr t: holltttlxaio ir‘itiii. ":.:‘.: ~«
iigiiitttti. at; thw‘. : TIIH.’ It'll'tii .tiigi'fl ' ; I/(‘fF/k '3; f ; Ilia." f‘. i" 'wt"
George Colligan N»; ‘4
hasod liltil‘iifl'
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l'(}I£1II‘~.(:I‘. llIlftlII‘nL in! M " " r‘l ovor with (TifftillJ‘ t.ii~'t‘. \i “ I~ litis;5;t:d. I/e,",‘", _/.i. t ,. {dirt/Mimi). /" .‘Jii.’
Scott Hamilton It'll 3: f§£IX()[)II()IIlf}I is! ot‘. llgti'trlf .' hailth at; tht: wagiotit inainraioai': jil/f “tutor. 'l '- '~ [053. I vein, iii<;ntion «it ll x :' inado ()I)II(_}£1I<;l, firitrl‘f'i'Lt: tr H '.': \NOIXSIUI. I)IlI thuir: l‘t "l't.".Il then- to IllE; lllllfilt,‘ than that A iwiaxzv. hut air/aim ‘.'.'(:I(T’)I‘l‘r, .If,.:/ ,i Scotland. this l‘ time round. (,(illlitflt, o‘ Mainstroaiit. thr- llt:‘.'. ,r t tho Jan (3o op as. t ilgi'ni' champions; of I'litlll‘»'.'(:<:l" ,~ /-'l(/o/(1/</t,>':;. (il’.’i:;t;o.'..
3hr; writ, tla't:
I)‘ // III l/It/i //‘ti/.
I Groovediggaz llt-m} “x .Ia/l ltai. x Morrion Street. .538 '5 385, \Iidntght. 9,5. I’unk out \HIII Izdinhuigh‘x pieinieie IIC;t\)\\C|f_’IlI xouI ontlit. leatuiing \oeaIixt Ion} King and the talenton Martin Ix'erxhau on xa\.
I Nana Mouskouri l-t-xuxal Hit-ant: I3 3‘) \ieolxon Street. 53‘) (illllll. Spin. U85” L'SZSuit'liiSu L3H <ui. llt-i ia// eredentiaIx might not heat loo inueIi xei‘utin}. htil the \xoinan ax Iej._'endai} loi her thiek-riinined gIaxxex ax Iiei angeIie xittgiiig \oiee tx xet to perlorin toIk. ran and pop tiunihei‘x. ineluding hei higgext I'Ix' hit. ‘()itI} I.o\e' tax xeeii on IH'I I’ iii I‘)8(il.
I Ailsa McReary IIeiu} 'x .Ia// Hat. 8 .\Iorrixon Street. 5 38 5 385. 8. 3llpiii. L5 l'IL'SII IIIIL‘I'DI'L'IttIlUlh HI e'I;t\\le and modern ia// xongx li'oiu thtx iiev. \oeaIixl.
I Nana Mouskouri I<o};tI ('oneelt Hall. 3 SauehiehaII Street. 38" 55I I. 7.3llpm. £18.50 £225”. See Sat II.
I Sarah Jane Morris '1 Hill 'I IIL'dIlL‘. (i3 'I'rongate. 552 43)". 8pm. LC" iL'5 l, Bluex} \oeaIixt lelii\‘.ll lor her \iori. \‘.tlIi Paul Weller. 'I lie ('ominunaidx. Ste\ e .\IartIand and the Ian Retiegadex.
./ ' THE LIST 55