Mus:c How a not, '>‘.tt"}’~>

Glasgow, Sat 2 1

I The Blimp .mtl Giro Time 'l llk' lilll \otc('.tlc. King Sticct. 55‘ l'~3\ Spin. 9,3

I Lady and Jesus Loves America \n c ‘n' Slc.i/\. Sauclncliall Sticct. ‘33 ‘)(i37 ‘lpiii 3

I Punani and Seven Stone Lighter \lla‘d-lk'll} l lk'ltl\. ()x\‘..iltl \llt‘x'l. “N7l 5lllilll {l

I Top 40 Showcase lSll'l\llllllltl\'ll \ltncr‘x \\cll.itc ( luli. loan it llc.ul. Kitlantillocli. 57S llll3l 7 Ulltlll 9-3 iLli \ night ol indic xoundx lioin l)

ll K. /cnith. lx’nxh Hour and loppci ll.nlc_\. lt\c _\.oun-.' liandx v. ho liaxc takcn part III .l S \( and ( it} ('ouiictl luridcd \‘.oil\\liop pioictl.

I Freddie Mercury Tribute llotiilion Sticct. ( icorgc Sticct. 553 “Ill "pin. L5 lilo“! v. llll dinnci i.

I Open Stage lllL‘ ll.ill Hat. \\Ulltll;llltl\l{1l.ttl.7()l l537 l Milli. licc. \\ccl\l_\ xcxxion lot llkdl inuxicianx_ I Versity l llc ll.ilt l’iat. “oodlandx Road. 5(i-l I53". S. 5llltltl, l-icc.

I King Voodoo \lct'lmillx. Iliin Strch 553 3135. lllpin, l'rcc.

I The Outpatients .x'amut-I l)o\\ \, \itlixdalc l\’ii;ul. l3 i Hill". S. 3llpin. l'rcc.


I Remedy, Dropkick, Proi and Delicate lllL‘ \lt'l't'itl. .33 L‘xl .\lail|aiid Sliccl. 335 KM. 3llpni. L35”. l\’k'lllt'tl} ha\ c iuxt xupporlcd ltddic lx’cadcr on hcr tour \\|iilc tlicrc ix pop. l'tk‘lx. dot and ltlHl'L‘ Ull lllt' I'L‘\l til lllk' l‘lll.


I Super Cool Thing, Riser and Eliot la llcllc .\Iigclc. ll;ixlic"x ('|o\c. 335 75 Vi. Mill]. LVl. _\ triplc hill ol lzdinliurgh tndic actx. hcadlincd Ii} Supcr (‘ool 'l'lnng uho‘x ncu lxl’ ‘l’la}iiig ll (illtll‘ xlltillltl ltc ;t\.tll;tl\lc \titlll.

I Nana Mouskouri l'cxli\;il 'l'Iit-airc. I3 3‘) \icolxon Sticct. 53‘) (illllll. Nl‘lll. No.5” [33,5ll 1 No.5“ [3ll,5lll. 'l llL' \\Hlll;tll ax lcgcndar} lor licr thick rinnncd glaxxcx ax hcr angchc xiiiging \oicc pcilornix lolk. |a// and pop nunilicrx including licr liiggcxt l’K lnt '( )nl} l.o\c' t.ix xccn on ll )l'l’ in WSW.


I The Strawbs King l'ut'x \Vah \Vah Hill. St \‘inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). S3llptn. Elli [iltlx ltiiiilxlllg' lt't‘. \Ik‘lk'lilll lith rockcrx \\ lio litl liig \\ llll tlic xinglc ‘l’art ()1 His l'lllttll. and li;i\ c had Sand} l)cnn_\ and Rick \\al\cinan paxx through thcir rankx xincc thc (tll\.

I The Cobramatics llk‘ Scotia. Stoclmcll Strcct. 553 MM. ‘lplll. l‘rcc. l-ortniglitl) rcxidcnc).


I L.A. Doors and Alfonzo 'l'hc \i‘llllt‘. l7 3| (Ktllitll l\)H;ul. 5.57 5H7 5. Spin. L“). (\ipitalixing on Jun \lorriwn

54 THE LIST '.

and co‘x cnduring popularit). thix group l'L‘u‘l'L‘alL‘ llllx l'l'ttlll ‘llL‘llU l l,ti\ L' it‘ll. lo 'Ridcrx ()n ‘l'hc Storni'.


I Neil Finn l{o_\a| ('onccrt llall. Sauchicliall Strccl. 3S7 55l l. 7.30pm. L31) plux hooking l'cc. \o agc rcxtriction on thix xlltm. Scc prc\ icu l'or thc (toudcd llouxc man.

I Cinerama, Tahiti 80 and Sizer Barker King 'l’ut‘x \Vah \Vah Hill. St \inccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). SN)an £7 plux hooking lcc. (‘incratna arc c\ \Vcdding l’rcxcnt lrontnian l)a\id (icdgc‘x latcxt hand \\ ith a xuooning ht)» inllucnccd mund \\lll\‘ll ix not unlikc l’lllp on occaxioll. lltcil‘ pccl Scxxiotlx alliuni ix otit ininiincntl}. 'l'ahiti St) arc a drcani}. xuinnicr} l'rcnclt combo.

I John Hammond 'l‘lic l’cl‘t'}. (‘hdc l’lacc. 43‘) SO71». Spin. £13.50. lllucxinan \\ ith a long axxociation and Iiitixtcal Klllxlllp \\ ith loin \Vaitx.

I Stapleton, Degrassi, Foil and Bob Fairfoull (Idlewild) 'l‘hc l5llt \otc ('alc. King Stt'ccl. 553 l(i3S. «Spin. L3. (‘ontinuing l)cgra\\i'x month-long rcxidcnc} \\ ith xoinc d} naniic indic rock lroiti xtipcrli poucr trio Staplcton. chp an car out tor a rcpcat ol l)cgraxxi’x c\ccllcnt l’ccl Scxxion lirxt liroadcaxl carlicr thix )car too.

I Acoustic Jam \icc ‘n' Slca/_\. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0037. 0pm. \\'ccl\l_\ xcxxion \\ ith l'rcc hcwragcx lot" [‘L‘t'l'ot‘ttlct‘x.

Tuesday 24


I Gary Moore Bun-nu land. (iallougatc. 553 lotll. 7.30pm. L'lX.5t) plux hooking lcc. Sti'angcl} niixxing lroin (‘hanncl ~l'x lop 'l'cn (initar llcrocx in l'a\our ol talcntlcxx upxtartx \uch ax .liini llcndri\ and liric (‘laptotr

I The Soft Boys and Sonic Boom 'l'hc ('athouxc. l‘nion Slt‘L‘L'l. 343 (i(il)(i. 7.30pm. L'lll plux hooking lcc, .\'o agc rcxtriction on thix xlio\\. Roliin Hitchcock liax rcl'ornicd hix cult poxt—punk hand. Stand h} tor a xct ol~ u r} l) rical olixcnationx. Support l'roni c\-Spaccincn 3 xingcr Sonic Boom in hix li.-\R guixc. I Elf Power, Tacoma Radar and Slowy Sny 'l'hc l3tli \otc ('alc. King Strcct. 553 HHS. 8.30pm. £4. lill' l’o\\cl' hcadlinc thcir on n tour al’tcr xtipport xlotx \\ itltl .\laxcix arid (iuidcd ll} Voiccx.

I Fractal Jack, Out By Degrees and Nofireherb (ilot') Bo\. (‘urlcrx. li}rcx Road. 33S (i5l l. S.3(lpin. l'rcc.


0 Coldplay ('orn lixchangc. \cu .\larl\ct Road. (iorgic. 4-13 3437. U351). 'l‘hc} didn't “in thc .\lcrcur_\ .\luxic Him but (‘oldpla} ha\c niorc than inadc up l'or that uith xc\cral hit xinglcx lroin thcir album. /’(ll'(l('/Illl('\.

I Mark B and Blade, Risingson, Stealer, Velatones attd DNA lit-riot- \Vatt l'nixcrxit} l'nion. Riccarton. J5l 5333. Spin. [3. llritixh hip hop act \lark ll and liladc along \\ ith tlic turiitahlc talcntx oi local hip hop hcro l’lux ()nc arc thc main attractionx at thix National Studcnt .\liixic .-\\\;tl'dx Scini l'inal.

I AfrikaJam liquid Rooin. Victoria Strcct. 335 3504. ('all warm tor tiinc and tickct dctailx. .-\n c\cnt mixing nunicron Al'rican inllucncc inuxical xl} lL'x including L‘UlllL‘lllpUl'ul'} and traditional inuxicx l'roni thc contincnt ax \icll ax alrol‘unk and drnin & haxx.

Wednesday 25


I Shed Seven Quccn Margarct l‘nion. l'ni\crxit_\ (iardcnx. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l "l‘. 'l‘hc hard} Shcdx i'cltixc to roll mcr and dic in thc law oi xtcrn compctition l'roni othcr undcmchim ing indic pop handx. But ax thc xold out xign [CxliliCx. it pa}x

dix idcndx to carr} on rcgardlcxx.

I Ian McNabb and Carina Round King 'l’ut'x \Vah \Vali Hut. St Vinccnt Sti'cct. 33l 537‘). H.3llpin. U3 plllx hooking lcc. liornicr lciclc \Vorkx xingcr

The ever-excitable Shed Seven play QMU, Glasgow, Wed 25 Apr.

\\ ith a rootxicr xound thcxc da_\ x. \iho xtill lo\cx hix claxxic :\iiicricaii l'L'lCt'L‘llL'LN lroni \c‘il Young to ’l‘hc

ll} t'dx.

I Anti-Product lllL' ('atliouxc. l'nion Strcct. 343 (lotto. Spin. £5 plux hooking lcc. .\'o agc rcxtriction on thix xllim.

I Can Tribute Night 'l'hc Hill \olc ('luli. ('l}dc Strcct. 3-13 3l77. Spin. £3. (incn ('an‘x prcdilcction lor tcn—liour xctx. thix could lic a long night il tlic participating tnuxicianx takc thcir trihutc dttticx xct‘iotlxl}.

I Drive, Elude arid Hide lhc l3th .\'otc ('alc. King Strcct. 553 |(i3,\', Spin. £3.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'l‘lic llall liar. Woodlandx Road. 504 I537. H.3llptn. lit'cc. lloxtcd h} l’add} ’x (iirlx. I An Evening With Kris 8. Chas 'l‘hc Stand (‘onicdx ('luh. \Voodlandx Road. 0370 (il)()(i()55. S3”an £3. ()pcn xtagc u ith iiiuxic. poctr} and xkctchcx.


I Bjorn Again l'xhct' llall. l.otliian Road. 33S l I55. 7pm. {I350 L'l5. .>\ ll‘ilittlc to thc xupci‘ S“ cdcx oi thc 70x. lroin pcrhapx thc \i'orld'x inoxt lainoux ABBA trihutc hand.

Thursday 26 ,


0 Elbow and Big Sur King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vali Hill. St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.3llpin. £7.50 pltix hooking l'cc. SL‘L‘ [)I'L‘\ lL‘\\ litil' l'ilhll“.

I Coaster, De Rosa and Sparkling Calm 'l‘hc l3lli .‘x'oic (kilo. King Strcct. 553 M33. Spin. £3.50.

I Vagabonds 'l'lic Scotia. Stock“ cll Strcct. 5.53 ShSl. 3.30pm. l‘rcc. l’opulat'

I Jam Session Satnucl Di)“ \. .\'itlixdalc Road. 433 (lltl7. S.3(lpni. l’rcc. I Live MUSiC 'l‘ltc (iiilltottxc. l'tliotl Strcct. 348 ()(lll(). Spin. .'\'o agc rcxtriction on thix xhow l'nxigncd hand xhou caxc. I Live Music 'l‘hc llalt Bar. Woodlandx Road. 564 I537. 8.30pm. l‘rcc.


I Cinefilm and Bubblecraft llcriot-Watt l'nixcrxit} l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm. l‘rcc. .-\ dollth hill oi up and coming actx.


I Bjorn Again Alhcri llitllx. l)uniharton Road. (ll 786 473544. 7pm. U5. Scc \Vcd 35.