Edinburgh '3 West End gets a bit of a boost thanks to a brand new night that promises to incorporate g/arnour with across-the-board house-based action. Jack Mottram investigates Roulette with his anonymous sidekick.

Roulette? I love to gamble, large cash sums, neon lights, games I don’t understand how to play. Fab, I’ve always thought Edinburgh needed a gambling themed night. Once again. you've managed to get yourself all in a tray {them something utterly Irrelevant. Roulette isn‘t a gambling themed night. the name is probably a subtle alluern to the spinning wheels used by disc Jockeys. rather than croupiers. tismg the glamorous connotations to attract the right kind of punters to the night.

Ooh, what insight! What’s Roulette all about then? Well. rt looks set to be a bit of a builder. wrth the musrc policy moving from high calibre vocal garage (no. not the kind they like down SOLithl into hard house and trance. which means you can warm tip nicely before geing doolally to the pumping stuff later on. Neato. Who’s manipulating the plastic? The residents are Stuart Neish and Graeme McLean. The latter, pictured at the top of this column. should be familiar from the booth at Eye Candy. the popular 'Dress glam or scram“ house night that recently brought the mighty K- Klass to the capital, where he Dds under the moniker Graeme Popstar. He is not in fact. a pop star. Where’s this Roulette on then. Funny you should ask. it's at Noa. where things have been hotting up of late thanks to the likes of quality house nights Funhouse, Trafik and District. making the club an increasingly essential destination. and lifting the West End's profile as a clubbing alternative to the usual haunts.

Nice one.

I Roulette launches at Noa on Sun, 7 Apr.

72 THE LIST 2‘) Mar—12 Apr Q

I Playhouse at The llortey comb. Monthly. .\'e\t date If) Apr.

I Progression at \Vilkie llorise. Monthly. .\'e\t date l3 .»\pr w rtli special "llcsl lair ()ssia (Renaissance l.

b Radio Babylon .ii i... rat-ire .-\ngele. 10.30pm 3am. £5. o :\pt‘. Monthly. The second coming comes early with an ‘littslcl‘ \thl'sltlp Special' til the eclectic discotlieque ironically olten compared to a religious esperierice in itself. Starting oll slippy and sotlllttl. lttllk puts on the pressure bel'oi'e clcctt‘o takes tls to techno and beyond. All this comes courtesy those mighty tine local types The Merry l’rariksters (Orbital 'I‘our DJsi and Brainstorm l‘rom l’ure. Resident erotic artiste Penny Pornstar will be indulging in sacr'ilcgious actiyity. no dotrbt. See llitlist. I Rampage at The Wee Retl Bar. lll.3flpm 3am. £6 (£4). (i Apr. Monthly. Hard. last and uplitting DJ action l‘r'om l’lril Zero. w ho‘s celebrating his upcoming release on Smitten Records with a three-hour set toitight. Support comes li'om l’eai'sall and for more ltlltl. on the moyerrrents ol' Rampage. peruse www'.soniciampage.net.

I Resistance ill The Venue (two floors). Monthly. Next date 20 Apr with special gtrest DJ Promo.

I Rio at The Attic. If).3(lpm 3am. £5 (tree with inyite l. (i Apr. .Motithly. .v\y cai‘urnba. Rio is back alreade So slip on sortiething skimpy and hot tool it down to the intimate surrounds ot~ llre Attic because Senor l.oye Daddy and Tony D‘Amore are itching to share their si/lliltg hot combo ol. hossa noya. mambo. mer'engue. salsa and ttinky Latino gt'ooyc.

I Roadblock at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lpnt 3am. £3. Weekly. Nicci l" stops the tt‘al‘lic ill had music when she digs tip the best in ltrrik. disco. house and block i'ockin' hearts.

I Rotation at The Venue llow er two floors). ll).3()pm 3am. £8 (£7). 30 .Mar only. Rotation moyes to a l-‘ri slot lor' one date only to accommodate their special guests ()liyet' Ho and Stephen Brown. ()liy‘er Ho‘s quite the techno alicionado down London way and local lad Mr Brown's just been signed to l’ragile. the ollsltoot of" Derrick May's inlaiiious 'l'ransmat label. Sliotild be the goods their for all yotr underground techno lt'eaks.

I Ruff Kuts all The Ventre (top floor). l().3()pm- 3am. £5. l2 Apr. Monthly. DJs Dalai. '1'] Link and Red Jasper dish the drum & bass delight. M(‘s welcome.

I Salsa Viva at The Venue (top lltml‘) has now moyed to a 'l'hu pie-club slot at Bai'acoa.

I Spectral at Wee Red Bar.

1 lpm—-3arir. £5 (£4). Bored with all the same old clubs'.’ Maybe this all-new night of pitch black house and techno with Phil Dickson and Daye Anderson will make your world a brighter place. OSublime at The Venue. l0.3()pm—3am (doors close at laml. £tbc. 6 Apr. Fortnightly. (iod bless Sublime. Over the past month they've been busted by the cops and made homeless by the closure of Wilkie House btit they'y'e still got a lot of low to share. Make sure you shine loy'e right back at them when they welcome very special guest Nick \‘t'ari'en into the bosom ol‘ their relocated trance arid techno showcase. Warren will no doubt work the party and get the new era ot~ Sublime oil to a swinging start. See Hitlisi.

En $9.,



OSugar at the Honeycomb

lllpni 3am. £.\ run. ‘sll .Mar. Monthly The lzdmbui'gh branch ol learnington Spa's much respected residency gets olt to a great start with special guest \shley Beedle grommg Murray Richardson :3” SH Visionl and Si long in the main room Through the back DJ l'ase (\ightniares ()n \\';i\i hosts a riggy hip hop boogaloo wrtlr local deck rep l1h ' \\tm' and guests Stll'c‘ [it be sw eel. SL‘L' llllllsl.

I Summit at \oa lllpm ‘yarri £4 iall proceeds to charity i. 1.; .-\pi only. l‘urrky tech—house with Rob and Roy m the main room. Sotilltil house \\llll 'lreyoi (i through the back.

I TL at 'l'he Venue (dow irstarrsi has now ltllisllctl.

I Underground Overground at Studio 2-1 has now finished.

I Underground Solu’shn at the Honey comb. Monthly. launch date Ill .>\pr willi special guest King Britt.

I ttl 'l‘he \t‘lltlc‘ (lop lloitl'l.

lllfsllpm 3am. £S (£7l. .‘yll Mar. Monthly. l-‘ollow irrg the dirty decadence ot the final fling at Studio 34 last month. progressrye trance jocks .\'ic (’ayendish and Man James moye their l'risky circus to the Venue. They take w ith them the necessary props for the party. including the bouncy castle and the dressing-tip bo\.

I UTI presents: ‘lnner Spin’ at Sttidio 24 (upstairsl. Ill..‘\(lprrr 3am. £5 before midnight: £S alter. (r Apr. Monthly. Special guest 'l'er‘ry Milclrell l.'\tt(lio 'l‘e\tures/Random l ~iorrrs the residents 'l‘ot'mod Moi‘. .lonny (lit? and Seniai at this underground techno treat.

I Vain at Holyrood l’nion. See Sat.

I Waxworks at The Honey comb. lllpm 3am. £7. l3 Apr. Monthly. lioui' deck irrayhern in the styles ol' hip hop. ttrnk. disco and house in the Hill]! room w ith l’rol'essor Plastic and The Stitialor‘ Show. In the cosici‘ contines ol the back room. special guest Rob Mello l(‘lassic/l’t‘csci'iption l joins (iar'eth Sommery ille and Mr 'lodd lor some real deal house music.

I Zealous at Sttrdio 34 (dow nstairsr. ll).3()pm 3am. £5. ~ll) Mar. Monthly. Hardcore skatepunk and industrial sounds courtesy (it some li\ e protagonists and DJs Dunk. lily and (‘Iaiie This month liye action comes lt'otrt Rotschreck arid 'l‘hy lacirie.

Chart & Party

I Canned Heat at (iaia. lllgrar .iam. £2 bel’or‘e midnight: £3 alter. \\ . ekly. D.l Harry l.cl‘s (io tHoolllhoH lay s on the pop and partied-up lttnk. disco and house tunes. l’lus Double '/.ero upstairs in the lounge with a sure-shot selection ol ltrrrk. big beat and drum tk bass.

I Club Tropicana at the Subway West lind. 4pm 3am. l-t'ee before i lpirr: £3 (U l alter. Weekly. l’ost-woi‘k party with a Hawaiian theme. Sadly the drinks are not tree.

I Fridays at ('ltrb .laya. 5pm 2am. l'r'cc before lllpm; £3 alter. \Veekly. 'l’he sumptuous surroundings ol' l.eit|i's luxurious cltrb yenue allow l’or' wild abandon on the downstairs darrcel'loor or nrore sedate goings on in the L‘Ulllltll‘lttlllc upstairs lounge. Drinks promos ensure at’l‘ordable pleasure either way.

I Fusion at liros/lilite. 9.30pm 3am. £4 (£3l bel‘or'e l lpm; £5 l£~ll bel'ore midnight: £(r t£5l altci'. \Veekly. House and garage hits at this behemoth of a yeritie with occasional Iiye l’.-\s an added bonus.

I Gorgeous at l oca. lllprii .‘yam I-iee before mrdrrrght. L' 1 (£2 w rtlr llyeil alter \\cekly (ict ready to pump llrat party at this rirarristreanr chart altarr I Jam at lliel nrori llpiri 2am {I \\ eckly llre biggest party tunes lrom recent decades lll the main roorri plus some big beat. ltrrik and indie through lllc' l‘.t\‘l\

I Night To Remember at the (‘ayendrsh lllprn 1am to \\cekly ()i not. gryeii the all too reasonable drinks promos on ollei (lyci 3‘s

I Shock! at lzros l lite Monthly \e\t date the

I The Subway .ir llte .s‘iilmay.

‘lprn iam l'rce betote llprrr. t; rtli alter. \\eckly. See Hm.

I T.F.I. Friday at l'lie .\r'k. ~1pm 1am. l'i‘ee beloi'e lllprtr; £-l (£3l alter, \Veekly. tou‘ye worked hard. now reward youi'selt w rtlr a rriassrye drinking and dancing session at the trllrrrrate alter work party.

I The Time Tunnel at (‘ltilr Mercado. lllpm 3am £5. \\eekly. 'l‘r'endy \Veridy and \irrce Stilton the (‘heeseirraster’ disrupt the space time continuum with tunes hour the (ills. fills and Slls. (it maybe it‘s rust the alcohol. I Why Not? at \\ hy \otl’ lllpm 3am. £5. \Veckly. Mainstream chart and disco at this popular city centre name

I Yum Yum .ll l\)c\(tltlll(tll

lllpm iam. £5 £5 \\eek|y (‘hart and dance night at this heay trig mess ol humanity

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Back To Mine at l’ryo, ‘lpm Iarrr. I’r‘ee. l~l .\pr‘ only. In a home grown homage to the it cent Hack lo \lirre corrrprlatiorr projects. Suhlrrrre's ism \Vr'ight plays his layourrlc records ol all little.

I Baracoa at Har'acoa. ‘lpm lam. l’r‘ce. \Veekly. liig Heat‘s Simon Hodge dons his sorrrbi'ei'o and gauclio moustache tor a scoi'cliro selection ol latin layotri'ites.

I Cuba Norte at ('tha \or'te.

lllpm larrr. l'r‘ee. \\’eekly. Hot salsa? ll‘s Sat and that means. er. hot salsa at this epicentre ol all things |.alrrr.

I DJRedG 8. Friends at krislr. ‘lpm lam. l'r'ee. \Veekly. 'l he lroinics lrom Izl Segundo show case top quality [K and underground l‘S hip hop.

I EH1 at Izlll. ‘lpm lam. l'r'ee. \Vk'k'l’sl}. 'lttlL‘lllc‘tl local l).ls lakc Al l‘l't'dls ll‘illll propping up the bar to stand behind solllt‘ I: ll‘.\ instead.

I Frisco Disco at l’opRokrr.

‘lpm lam.l'i'ee.".\pr1l'or‘tnightly. Marlin Valentine and Siexen \Vanlcss pump ottl the deep and lunky house.

I Funk And Disorderly at 'l he (“iry (’ate. ‘lpm larrr. 7 .\pr'. l-oi‘tnrghtly. Yogi ‘Da Beat" llatighton supplies the yery best iii dancellooi' ran. Rtkli and \ocal garage.

I Greazed Up at l he Spider's \Veb. Spin lam. ll Mar. Monthly. litlinbui‘gh‘s specialist music scene gets a shot It] the arm from this Slls Rockabilly monthly that tonight welcomes cow boy swing band 'l'he l.ai‘iat 5.

I Headspin at liariibou. 0pm lam. lace. \Veekly. ('onlucius say this new ()rierrtal style bar got plenty good lrrp hop and ltiiiky stull w ith ('olirt Mrllar and Daya.