
Edinburgh, drama continued


('amhridgc Strcct. 228 1404. ll’. 11.1le \\'('. \VAI

Monday Lizard Mon 2 .'\pr. 8pm. l'rcc. 'l'hc 'l‘raycrxc'x tnonthly lortnal lor ncw writing. l'caturing tcn xhort picccx with liy c muxic or 1)] acctunpanimcnt.

Marching On 'l'uc 3 Sat 7 Apr. Spin. U) (£4.50). SL'L' (ilttxgtm. l’dlle‘} .-\l'lx (.L'llll'L'. First Bite Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc culmination ()1 a thrcc-monlh

playw righting projch by 15 25-ycar-oldx. working with thc 'l'raycrxc to producc a prolcxxional pit-cc ol work.

Edinburgh Dance


('amhridgc Strcct. 228 1404. ll’. 11. ll. \\'( '. \\'.-\|

X-Factor: Deception (in .‘x() a Sat 3) Mar. 8pm. £8 (£4). Scottixh chorct)graphcr Alan (ircrg prcxcntx (hix pow crlul ncw duct. ltlL‘tlSlllg on a xccimngly happy couplc w hoxc rclationxhip takcx a turn (or lhc wol‘xc.

Central Drama 8. Dance Ayr BORDERLINE THEATRE North llarhourStrcct.0129201 1222. The Rising Thu 2‘) Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm. £4.50 1 £2.50). 1)a\it1 ()‘Ncill dircclx (hc South .'\y rxhit'c .'\(lllll (‘ornintmity (iroup in llcctor MacMillan‘x I‘c-lclling ol~ (hc 1820 Scottixh Radical l'prixing.


('arrick Strcct. 01202 01 I222. Ill. “(I \\'.’\|

Sunset Song Mon 2 S Inc 3 :\pl'. 7me. Scc (ilaxgow. l’aixlcy .-\rtx ('cntrc. The Pyjama Game 'l‘uc 3 'I‘hu 5 Apr. 7.30pm. £0.50 (£4.50). .-\dlct' and Roxx‘ liycly tnttxical prcxcntcd hy Ky1c.-\catlcmy. Singing In The Rain Thu 2‘) Mar. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). 'l‘lic popular muxical pcrl'ormcd hy thc Sotrth .-\y rxhirc Youth 'l'llL'dlt’L‘.


CUMBERNAULD THEATRE Klldl'lllll. 01230 732887. ll’. ll. '11. \\‘('. \\'.o\|

Blude Red lit 30 Mar. 7.45pm. £8 (£4). \\cxt lind xlarx ol~ l,(’\ .lliy. .llurlin (illt’l'l't' and (an hcad lot" (‘umhcrnattld to giy c (‘utting litlgc '1‘hcatrc ('ompany 'x ncw tnuxical a hcad xtart. Sct in 170) ccntttry Scotland. lhc \ll(l\\ dclttilx (hc ll‘ttc xlot‘le ol‘ (‘oycnanlcrx ol~ thc titnc. and il‘ (hix conccrt pcrl‘ornntncc gocx w cll. a lully - llcdgctl production w ill cmcrgc nc.\t y'car. The Mysteries w'cd 4 Sat 7 .-\pl'. 7.45pm. £5 (£3). (‘uinhcrnattld'x community play. which prcxcntx contcmpotary intcrprctationx ol' thc Old and .\'cw tcxtamcnt.



'l‘ay Sttttarc. (11382 223530. 11’. ll. \\”('. \\':\l

The Winter’s Tale l’rcy lL‘\\x Sat 31 Mar (k Inc 3 ADI: £4.75. \Vcd 4 Sat 21 .'\Pr (not Sun/Mon). 7.30pm. £4.75 £12.50. 'l‘hc ch'x in-houxc cotnpany pcrl‘orm onc (ll. Sllttkcxpt‘dl'C‘x lttxl ttlld lllttxl pow ct'ltll workx. about a jcaloux and irrational king and (hc l'ar-rcaching conxcqttcnccx ol' hix actionx. Scc prcy icw.



liaxt Port. 01383 314127. 11’. ll. \\‘('. \\'.-\l Sunset Song Sat 7 .-\pr. 7.30pm. £7

(£3 £5). Scc (ila\:_‘ow. l’aixlc} :\rtx ('cntrc. How Many Miles To Babylon l‘ri .‘~() Mar. 7.30pm. £7 (£3~£5). Scc (ilaxgow. 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc.

East Kilbride

EAST KILBRIDE ARTS CENTRE ()ld Coach Road. 01555 201000. [R ll. “(1 \\'.-\l

62 THE LIST 2:) Mar-l2, Apt .300)

Shang-A-Lang l-‘rt 3t) .\lttl' Sun I .~\pr. 8pm. £0 (£4 ). Raplurc 'l’hcatrc (’ompany prcxcnt thc xtory ol‘ thrcc tniddlc agcd worncn who dccidc to puxh lhc boat out onc laxt limc and y ixit a 70x rcy iyal w cckcnd in thix rock ‘n’ roll comcdy.

Love and Money Wed 4 Apt. 8pm. £0 (£4 ). .-\wartl-winncrx Rona .\lunro (thc

w ritcr) and l'iona Know lcx (thc actrcxx) (cam up oncc again. l‘ollow ing thc xucccxx ()1. lltcil' laxl \cnturc. .St't (Ultl (71m 'U/ult'. ’l‘lnx tunc lhc laughx ccnlrc around Sttxrc. a xrnglc tntun w ith a dcad cnd job and no proxpcctx until xhc'x xutldcnly ol'l‘crcd llll‘L‘c cllallL'L‘S l() L‘llttllg'c llL‘l' lll'L‘. Perfect Days Sun 8 Apr. 7.30pm. £0 (£4). Practical Magic prcxcnt l.i/ l.ochltcatl‘x hugcly xucccxxl'ul hittcrchct comctly about a cclcltt‘uy hall‘tlt‘cxxcl‘ hccolning incrcaxingly awarc ()1 hcr biological clock.



Rothcx Squat‘c. 01592 ()1 l 101. ll’. \\‘('. w'.»\|

Stroma Thu 2‘) & Fri 30 Mar. 'l'hu lpm (k 7.30pm; l-‘rt 10am & 1pm. £2. '1'.-\(} 'l‘hcatrc prcxcnt thc talc ol thrcc runaway x. w ho lorgc an uncxpcctcd l'ricndxhip ax thcy journcy l'rom London. through (ilaxgow. and on to (hc rcmotc ixland ol Strotna. Scc prcy icw.



(‘amphcll Slt'ccl. 01475 723038. ll’. 11. \\'.-\l Paras Over The Baras w‘t-d 4 Sat 7 :\pr. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). l’acl l’rotluctionx pcrl’orm Jamcx Barclay ‘x noxtalgic play.



l.owcl' Auchingramont Road. 01098 4522‘)”. ll’. \\’(‘. \\'.»\l

Perfect Days Thu 5 & (ti 0 :\pl'. 7.30pm. £0 ( £4). Scc liaxt Kilhridc .-\rtx ('cntt'c.



105 John Strcct. 22‘) 3555.

On The Road Hi 30 Mar. 7.30pm. £2.

Scc (ilaxgow. 'l‘ramway.



l'niycrxily ol' Stirling. 01780 401081. 11’. 11. \\'(‘. \\'.-\l

The Cornershop Thu 2‘) .\lat‘. 7.45pm. £0 (£3). SCL‘ (illthtm. ('olticr 'l‘hcatrc. .SL'L‘ prcy icw.

Love and Money ("rt 30 Mar. 7.45pm. £0 (£3). Scc liaxt Kilhridc.

How Many Miles To Babylon Sat 3| .\lar. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). Scc (ilaxgow'. 'l'ron 'l‘hcatrc.

Clash l'ntil l‘l'l 30 Mar (not Thu 29). 'l'uc 1.30pm; l-‘ri 7.30pm. £2.50. l.udux l)ancc ('ompany. onc ol Britain'x lcading cotnpanicx (or young pcoplc. crcatc an cncrgctic look at thc cl'lcctx ol'conllict. l‘rom thc playground to thc workplacc. Little Voice \\'cd 4 -Sat 7 .-\pr. 7.45pm. £0 (£3). Jim (‘artwright'x play. now known to a hugc audicncc xincc lhc hit lilm xtarring lanc llorrockx. ix pcrl'ormcd hy Stirling l'niycrxixty Drama Socicty. Scottish Dance Theatre Hi 0 Apr. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). A ncw rcpcrtoirc ol dancc l'rom onc ol' Scotland'x major contcmporary tlancc companicx. Janicc (iarrctt‘x l’lllllg't’ lotth at (hc dclcnccx pcoplc hidc hchind. w hilc Yacl l'lL‘XL‘t‘iS ('nt/ottt' ix lillcd with lttxl tuoy cx and humour.

Krapp’s Last Tape \Vcd l l .-\pt'. 7.30pm. £7 (£3.50). Rtrxxcll lluntcr xtarx in onc ol' Sarnucl Bcckctt'x moxt autobiographical play x. ax an old tnan lixtcning hack to tapr hc madc carlicr in hix lil‘c.

Popcorn Thu )2 Apr. 7.30pm. (.7 (£3.50). Bcn lilton'x award-w inning comic thrillcr xct in Hollywood. w hcrc a lilm dircctor gctx morc than hc hargaincd for trout a couplc of (am.



The Stand 'l'hc Stand. .333 \Voodlttndx Road. 0870 (\00 (1055. 8.30pm. £4 (£3 ). :\ncc1cctic mi\ ol w it and w ixdom ll'ttlll Joc llccnan. Donna Krachan and thrcc \clyct Virginx.


The Stand ‘I‘llL‘ Slttlltl. 5 York l’lttt‘L‘. 558 7272. 0pm. £4 (£3). ('amp xhcnaniganx l'rom ('raig lli|1.a1)ly xuppot'lcd hy 'l‘cddy. .lttpp and (icoi'gc and Mali l’arry.

Reg Anderson’s Comedy Cellar 15in .\lac('oolx. 101 l.othian Road. 022 710‘). 9pm. 1‘rcc. ’l'hix cycning'x uxual xuxpcctx arc (icrry (irant. .lamic Robinon and lint rcncc. ch .-\ndcrxon takcx chargc ol' thc procccdingx.


The Stand IlillC Sltllltl. 55.5 \thUtIlllllLlS Road. 0870 ()00 0055. 9pm. £0 ( £5 ). ('omcdy xtar Jaxon Byruc ix (hc cycning'x hcay ywcight licadlincr. ('oinhining niliilixtic wit and idioxyncratic llllpl‘()\. thc young l)tthlincr xhotrld hayc rich pickingx l'rom lhc (ilaxgow hccklcrx. Support comcx l'rotn ('raig Hill and 'lctltly.


The Stand 'lihc Slalld. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £0 (£5). l-‘orincr (‘orky and thc Juicc l’igx mcmhcr l’hil Nicholl indulgcx in xotnc muxical tnuxingx. Support comcx ll'Ulll (iracmc 'l'hornax. Donna Krachan and gucxt compcrc lirankic Boy‘lc.

The Bedlam Improverts Bcdlam 'l‘hcatrc. 1 1h Brixto l’lacc. 225 9893. 10pm. £3 (£2.50). l.atc night laughtcr inyolying rntrch autlicncc participation. drunkcn rcy clry and xpontancoux cotncdy gamcx.


Madcap Comedy Club At Cumbernauld Theatre ('umhcrnauld 'l‘hcatrc. Kildrum. ()1230 732887. 8.15pm. £5 (£4). Jack Rtixxcll and Joc llccnan arc thix cycning'x pattcr mcrchantx. Billy Bonkcrx xtcpx tip in hix ttxttal compcring rolc.


Screamin’ Harridans 'l‘hc l)oghou.xc. 13 Brown Strcct. ()1382 227080. 8pm. £5. An outragcoux a11- l‘cmalc comcdy hill l'caturing Joon Broon. Paulinc .\l and (iiua Ryan.

Glasgow The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Vootllandx Road. 0370 ()00 ()055. 9pm. £7 (£4 ). SCL‘




1(- v .‘

Hi 30.

Madcap Comedy Club 'l‘hc Stalc Bar. 148 llollantl Strcct. 332 215" ‘1..3(lptii. £5 (£4), Ra/or-xharp .lack Rtixxcll gctx hix tccth into xomc cutting humour. aidcd and ahcttcd hy ch .-\ndcrxon and Richard .-\l|cn.

Edinburgh The Stand ‘l'llk' .Sldlltl. 5 York l’lacc.

558 7272. ‘lpnr £7 (£4). Scc l'll 30.


The Vigorous Lime Quiz Of Joy ('urlcrx. 250 Byrcx Road. 3380511. 8pm l‘rcc. Bruxh up on your ll'l\ ta. w ttty rcxponxcx and currcnt allau'x lot .i chann- to w in thc lirxt prt/c ol a ct'alc ot ltccr at (hix wcckly tpu/ night.

Six On Sunday 'l‘ht- Stand. 33* \Vtttullgmtlx Road. 0371101100055, 8.30pm. £3 (£2 ), ('hargctl w ith making your tranxitton into thc working w cck a w holc lot littnntcr arc compcrc .lohn (iol‘dot). .lohn (iillick and cotucdy ‘x odd couplc Jupp and (icorgc.

The Jongleurs Scotland New Comic Event Bourbon Sti’cct. 108 (icorgc Strcct. 552 0141. “pm. £5. ll you likc your coiuctly l'rcxh. organic and hornc-grtwyn. thcn look no lurthcr. lllc

w caltli ol‘ Scottixli comcdy talcut on xliow (hix cycning tuight itixt cripplc (ltc xlagc xupporlx. hut hcrc gocx any way: Sandy .\'clxon. Kcara \lurphy. Richard Smith. thc Rcy ()hctliah Stcppcnwollc. .loc IlCL‘llllIl. I)L'\ .\lcl .L'ttl). ('harlic Rttxx. l)('x (‘larkc and cotnpcrc .lancy (iotllcy. l’ltt-w. \Vc think it rntght juxt ltc a good ‘ttn. Blackfriars Comedy Club Blackl‘t‘iarx. 30 Bcll Slt'cct. 07075 12345‘). 9pm. £5 (£4 ). l.iuc tip xllll to hc conlirmcd.


Whose Lunch Is It Anyway? (he Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 1pm. l'I'cc with drinkx or a mcal. l‘rccxty 1c lunnincxx li‘otn rcxidcnt duo Paul and Stuart.

Six On Sunday 'l'lrt- Stand. 5 York l’lttL‘c. 553 7272. 8.30pm. £ 3 (£2 ). .-\ xc\lttplct ol xtantl—trp xtarx including l)onna Krachan.’ltw1dy and lint rcncc.


Fife Comedy Club l’alh 'l'aycrt). Mid Strcct. 01592 20307 I. H.30plll. £4 (£3). chitlcnt compct'c loot) Broon introtlticcx ('raig llill. (iracmc 'l‘homax. loll!) Sinclair and Blair.


Crazy Ape Comedy Club Bar Zoo. 80 l)umharton Road. 334 8012. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). littxtct‘hotixc'x lint-xi .lancy (iodlcy gcarx up lot‘ hcr jaunt to thc .\'cw

' ~ , O "

l "t

Jason Byrne, The Stand, Glasgow, Fri 30-Sat 31 Mar