and rabbit \uilx. lhc compan} aim to uncath lhc m_\ \icrim ol lhc unncrxc. Scc prcx icu.


o3 'l'rongalc. 553 4367.

The Bay Thu 3‘) Sat 3] Mar. 7.30pm (Sal mal 330me. £3 (£3i. liaxl (ila\}_'o\\ Youth 'l‘hcalrc pcrlorm llli\ ncu pla}. urillcn lor llicm l1} l)c\ l)i||on. .-\ group ol l:a\lcrhou\c lccnagcrx cmhark on a \L‘llool campng trip. but lind lllL‘llle‘l\L‘\ \Ii'andcd on a \uilcrloggcd ixland uhcrc onc h) onc. lhc} \larl lo dixappcar. Scc prc\ icn.

The Bogus Woman 'l'uc 3 Sat 7 Apr. 8pm. £7.50 £|0 (£4 £5.50i; all lickclx £3.50 on opcning nighl. ()nc-uoman \llim which drcu \upcrlalncx al laxl )car'x l‘ringc. .-\ _\oung_' journalixl trawls lrom Alrica to Britain in \carcli ol' ax} lum. hut lindx no grcal imprmcmcnt in lhc lrcalmcnl \llL‘ l'L'CL'l\L‘\. SL‘L‘ ()plllltill. page 3.

Plays In Progress Sat 7 Apr. 4.30pm. £3. 'l‘lic \ccond in a \L‘I‘icx ol' rcadingx ol play hcing dcwlopcd l'or BBC Scotland Radio l)rama.

How Many Miles To Babylon \Vcd ll Sal l4 Apr. 3pm. £7.50 £l0l£4 £5.50l. 'l‘hc lllnmaliw compan}. Bcnclitourx pcrl‘orm John llarxc} \ nc“ pla}. \cl during lhc linal hourx ol a cull‘x L'\i\lcncc. l.i\c music accompanimcnt h} l’clc l.i\ ingxlon iltl(l\ lo lllc almoxphcrc. SL‘L‘ l'c\ lL'\\.

Glasgow Dance


3X3 llopc Slrccl. 333 9000. ll’. H. \\'(‘, WA] Jekyll 8: Hyde 'l‘uc 3 Sat 7 Apr. 7.|5pin llllll mal l.30pm; Sal mal 3.l5pmi.

£4.50 £30.50. Northcrn llallcl 'l‘licalrc prcxcnl Ilicir lalcxt dramatic production. inspircd h} Rohcrt l.ouix Slcwnxon'x \pinc-chilling talc.


35 Alhcrl l)ri\c. 3X7 3900. 0’. ll. \\'('. WA]

On The Road Sat 7 :\pl'. 7.30pm. £3. ('hormgraphcr Janicc l’arkcr drau \ logL‘lllL‘l' (ilzlsgim '\ IlltIL‘pCII-LILIIICL‘ and l’cnicuik'x 'l‘rawllcrx l)ancc ('ompan} to crcalc llllx no“ piccc inxpircd h) the lo} \ oi lrawl. Both groupx l'calurc adultx u ilh

lcarning (ll\ill‘lllllk'\. Ilicu' carcrx and a \aricl} Hl' olhcr ill'll\l\ \lL‘tllctllCtl li‘ integrating dancc.

Edinburgh Drama


l lll Ill‘hlil l’ltlL'L‘. .335 9595. l\\i(.. \\.\l The Balcony Thu 5 Sal " \pr. ".30pm. £0 1 £4 i. 'l‘lic dchul production lrom Izdinlnirgh-lxixcd Snou .v\n;_'cl\ lllL‘dll't' (‘ompam l\ Jcan (icncl\ dark but l'axcinalmg c\ploralion ol lanlax} and rcalil}. Sci in a hrolhcl. cut oll lrom llic rcxl ol' a cil_\ in lhc midxt ot rc\olulion. mcn ll‘iilll till “ulkx Hl lllL' com crgc [0 acl oul lhcir \\ ild. and \omclnncx pcncrxc. lanlaxim.


l.ad_\\\cll \Va). \lmwlhurgh. («)5 3340. ll’. H. Ti. \\’('. \\'.-\|

The Happy Gang’s Big Birthday Bash! Mon ‘) ck 'l'uc l0 Apr. Scc Kidx ll\llllL'\.


33a Morningxidc Road. 330 434‘). ll’. lll Juno And The Paycock mu 4 Sai Apr. 7.30pm. £(i.501£5.50i. ()nc ol llic llltixl pi'olcxxional amalcur Ihcalrc companiL‘x in Scotland. lidinhurgh l’coplc\ 'l‘hcalrc prcxcnl Scan ()'('a\c} '\ Dublin drama.

CRAIGMILLAR ARTS CENTRE 53 Ncncraighall Road. (mi) H433.

How Many Miles To Babylon Thu 3‘) Mar. 7.30pm. £ I. Scc (ilaxgon. 'l‘ron 'l'hcalrc.


l3 2‘) Nlculxiin Sll'ccl, 53‘) (illllll. lll. \\'(‘_ \\'.-\|

Rent l'nlil Sat 3| .\lar. 7.30pm; Sal 3pm & 7.30pm. £7 £33 l£4 £l‘)i. ()nc ol' llic nimi popular mu~ica|\ in rcccnl _\car\ makcx ilx Scollixll dcliul. as \u‘ gcl \ucpl along \\ ilh llic high and lil\\\ ol Inc in .\'c\\ York'x liaxl Villagc. li\-( 'omnulrun .S‘In't'l \lar Adam Rickill llL‘lltl\ a \upcrlil} \oiccd caxl. \\ llll luck-lo-Iiack \ongx making up for a lcxx-Ilian-compclling plot.

Scottish Opera - Don Giovanni l‘uc 3. lllll 5 A Sat 3 \l‘l Scc ('laxxical ll\llll:_'\


lk'\L'Il SHch. 3:" NM“ “(3. \\ Amy’s View Inc 3 Sat " .\l‘l 3 30pm I\\cd tk Sal 01.103 30pm: L" 50 L l q 50 i£o 50 £l4 50! Sumnnali \oik \larx in Hand'c\plmi‘camcand111mm; drama almul a danglich caught l‘cIuccn lici alrcad} Iamoux moilici and “.010le lamoux lallicr. Scc pm icu

An Ideal Husband .\lon H Sal H \[‘l ".301un u\\ctl t\ Sal mah 330me

£9.50 L‘I“ So i £0.50 £14.50: Su- l’cicr llallK acclauncd production ol lhc ( )xcar \\‘ildc pla}. in ulucli a \kcll-lu'cd )ourig lad} muxl lind licrxcll a \urlaldc groom. Scc prm icu.


43 High Slrccl. 55¢» 05“) 304‘. l\\'('. \\.-\l Puppet Animation Festival 'l'ut-

lll Sal 3| .v\pr. Scc Kltl\ ll\llll:_'\.


l.\' 3.3 (il‘L‘Cll\lth l’lact'. llb—‘ll 0H0 34.34. lll. \\'('. \\',-\]

Chuckle Brothers Sun 5 .\pr. Scc Kltl\ ll\llll‘_'\.

Sing-A-Long-A Sound Of Music In 30 tk Sal 3l .\lar. ".30pm iSal mal 3pm». £ll «£3 lor clnldrcn at Sat mal olil} l. l'or oncc _\ou'll lic cncouragcd to makc ax much non ax pomlilc lll a lhcalrc. ax _\ou \Ing along: to all llic lop luncx lrom llux claxxic muxical.


(irindla} Slit-cl. 348 4848. ll’. ll. ll. \\'(‘. \\';\|

Guys 8: Dolls l'nlil Sal 3l :\pr Inol Sun/Mon c\ccpl Sun S Apr \\ licn a lrcc t'l‘L‘CllL' l\ l‘L'lllfJ [Hm ltlL‘tl l. 7.45pm l\\-C\l «V Sal malx 330me £9 £3lll£l £l0i. lzlainc ('. Smith. .-\nd} (Era) and 'l‘om .\lc(io\crn \lar in a l._\ ccum production ol lhc c\cr- popular Broadna} lllll\lL‘;ll.


l0 ( )rucll ’lcrracc. 346 I405. |\\‘('. \\}\l The Cornershop Mon 3 .-\pr. l0pm. to (£4 l. Scc (ilaxgou. ('ollicr 'l‘licalrc.


Woman [Mir

The Bogus lt)l)l(itll and l". Wing. that; :;‘.i. ii. wt lllt,‘ liiiimun‘mtui iridium-x .uiii

liiuiigiii fillllUlllltl ml .1 Silll)l(}til 1; Britain \.'.«'a:; .itit‘laimoti on l.tTll

illlt‘ l.r.‘.'_~; mt .i:;,iiu'i l'l yogir't; l lllltlé‘u 53m: Own ill. l'.lilt' Iron, (Hangman. low .3 8.3! U Apr. Rent llit: llll iiiirtacal fiiigiii, r'ialxw; ilt; ‘.'.'{t\,’ lo Scotland Wit mu: lll!l()‘.’£lll‘/(} zippitnu‘li i< tho .ioivo and tilt: |ll()lll33|()ll of (‘t )llll().‘.:lf;l;ll f3lll)](,’(,l iiizittor. It's; still .i lllt )lt)lltllll‘, ()ll]()‘,’£ll)l(? overrun; out. loan. (1/ I/ioat/‘o. filo/i 1’0 film .‘Ja‘! / Am. An Ideal Husband 5;” l)(?l(fl Hull's; funny and $30” «onioiiipouu‘, version of Wilrlo't; l)( ,imml (llama corner; to l (lllll)llltlli. l)r)<l:lfi. politicians and mp), mount, lltllliim abound Ill llilf; lél‘.’l‘;ll (ll'ttllfét hint} [horn/'0. Ith/ihi/ig/i, Hon .) fiat H Apr;

Thursday 5 'l'lucc Dark I;in 'l‘hrcc I)alk 'l‘alt'x 'l 'l'llc \Vi/ald ol 0/ lllc \\'i/ald ol ()l I l l)a\c Andcrxon Dan C .-\ndcr\on l'uclllli nglil l'\\clllli \Iglil (ilt'tixc

Sunxcl Song

'I‘hcalrc .-\ La (‘arlc 'l'l Jck)” .k ll)dc Jck}|l & ll}dc Scc Corned}

'llic llogux \Voman 'l'hc Bugllx Woman

Friday 6 I Saturday 7

Sunday 8 ‘hrcc l)ark 'l‘alcx llc \Vi/aid ol ()/

l)a\c Andcrxon

I’lianlom ( )l ‘l'lic ()pclal’lianlorn ()l lllc ()pcial’hanloin ( )l l’hc ( )pcra Bananax In P} lainax

(ilcaxt' (ircaxc icalrc .-\ l.a ("artc JckUl «k ll)dc ()n 'l'hc Road 'l'lic Hogux \Vonian Scc ,l.i//

Monday 9

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

' Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11

It'll) \camn lcir} \cawli

(MCI Illc It‘ll ()H'l IlIC lull \(omw ln llic (‘old Sloiicx ln llic ('old (llt‘Ju' (ilt‘du’

Scc Kl\l\

llurliii' lx'oon llic

Ill".'. \lan} \lllC\

Thursday 12

Arches Citizens Main Citizens Circle Cottier Th GilmorehillG12 King’s

Paisley Arts Pavilion Ramshorn Theatre Royal Tramway


lcir_\ \cawn

()H'l lllk' li‘l‘

Slllllt'\ lll ‘Illk' (-1‘Itl

llur llll. Rnull llic


Hun \lan} \IllL‘\

Juno & 'l‘hc l’a} cock Juno & ’l'hc I’a}cock

Scottish ()pcia .

Am) \ \‘icu .-\m) 's Vic“

Scc Rock & l’op Scc Rock N l’op

(my & [)o|l\ (iup & l)ol|\ Sec l'olk

Marching On Marching On

Juno & 'l‘hc l’a) cock

Scollhli ()pcia Am} '\ Vic“ (‘liucklc lIlUIllL'h (Ill)'\ & l)oll\ (iu_\\ ck I)\)ll\ Scc liolk

Marching ()n

\n ldcal Illl\l\.tll\l

4\n ldcal lluxhand -\n ldcal lluxliand

(ill)\t\ I)l|ll\ (ill}\t\ I)Ull\

Scc (ill) l.lIC

Church Hill Festival Th King’s Playhouse Royal Lyceum St Bride’s haverse

\n ldcal Illhlmlltl

(my tk l)oll~


L2 ,‘ Ma' ‘./ :‘K.’ THE LIST 61