8222. (i.l5pni. Rhodri Jelltey-Jones hosts this event on the history of the [S George MacDonald Fraser \N'aterstone's. 13—1-1 Princes Street. 556 303-1. 7pm. Free. ()ne of Scotland's finest and most knowledgeable speakers is back with the next book in his Flashman series Flush/nun xllld 'I‘lie 'Iigr'r t llarper(’ollins £ l().‘)‘)l.



Noel Greig Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. l lam. liree but ticketed. To book a place phone (ll-ll 334 7 l 26. Noel (ireig holds a workshop on 'Writing for the Stage'. linking the principles ol' the L‘l'itll to practical exercises. The workshop is followed at ()pm by readings of (ireig's work. Part of (ilas'gui'f.



Literary Dinner l'niVel‘sity ()l' (iltisgow. ()ld Library Restaurant. Speakers include Sandi 'l‘oksvig and Nigel Williams at this event organised b} the (ilasgow Association of Women (iraduates. l-‘or further details contact Dr Janet Warren on 01-11 33-1 300-1.

Women-only workshop Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 77()(). lpm. l-‘ree but ticketed. To hook a place phone (ll-ll 33-1 7126. \Vorkshop led by .-\li Smith for women writers. l-‘ollow ed at (ipm b) readings of her work. Part of (i/usgrr\'.'.


Bay City Rollers Night liden. l’lc‘tll'tl} Place, 478 743-1. 7pm. £2 (ticket redeemable against price ol the hook i. Bye Bye Baby: M)" 'I'rugit‘ Love Affair Wit/i T/H’ Buy (in Rollers lBloollishltt'}’ £10.99) is Sullivan's humorous account of her Rollers-obsessed youth. She launches her book with a pop quiz. the

music and tree lrn Bru. Jump into _\otil' platforms as there‘s a pri/e for the best dressed punter. Tickets a\ai|able from \Vaterstone's. l3- 1-1 Princes Street. Sec l-'roiitliiies.



Fulton ()ttakufs Bookstore. Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 353 l5()(). l2.3()pm. Now in his 751i] )ear. the much lo\ ed entertainer reads from his autobiograph) Is I! '/'/iiit 'linit' {l/l‘t’tlll'ki) (Black & \Vhite Publishing

9; l 5.99). the remarkable slot} of his happ} childhood in (ilasgow. his wartime sei'\ ice and finali) lame and fortune on the stage and screen.

No Holes Barred Borders Books, 233 Buchanan Street. 222 77()(). 1pm. l‘ree but ticketed. To book a place phone 01-11 33-1 7 l 26. Men-only workshop led b} Shaun Levin which looks at erotic liction. l‘ollowed at (ipm b} readings of his work. I’urt (if (i/useu_\'.’.


Hallowe'en Special Sunday Rhymes Brel. 3‘) 43 Ashton l.ane. 342 won.

3 5pm. l‘ree. A special llallowe'en poetry afternoon. hosted b) \'i\ (ice and John Savage iSurx l\‘()l',\ l’oetr) l with special guests.

Ranald Mclnnes 8: Bella Bathurst Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 7pm. l-‘ree. Aspects ol' architecture are examined in this talk from Ranald Mclnnes of Historic Scotland atid Bella Bathurst. author of The Lie/II/muu' .S‘It'i‘r'nwms.

Performance Poets Borders Books. 333 Buchanan Street. 222 77(lli. 7pm. l-‘ree. Robert Knox hosts this open email for writers.

Continued over page

Events in October

and November


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