

Glasgay! 99

Sat 23rd 24th Get All Day

Tues 26th Oct 12noon-5pm

Tues 26th Oct 7pm

Wed 27th Oct 7pm

Wed 27th ()ct 4.30pm to 7.30pm

Thur 28th ()ct

Fri 29th Oct

SAT 30th ()ct

Glasgay. Songwriting Workshop (Please book a place in ad\ance

by calling (1141 334 7126).

liric l’resland. librettist with the London (iay Symphony Orchestra. w ill rttn this workshop e\amining the craft of lyric-writing. This w ill inclttde participants work put to music and performed by the ()rchestra on Sunday 24th October.

BBC Radio Comedy Workshop

"So What 11. l .v\m"

is a new gay comedy sketch show for BB(’ Radio - wottld yott like to write for it‘.’ (’ome along to this writing workshop - no e\perience necessary. To take part call ()171 765 (1397 or just turn up on the day. The workshop wall be held by BB(' Radio

producer. Maria lisposito and 2 actors from the cast

of the show w ill be present to perform the sketches.

Icarus Icarus plays folk music with iax/ oyct'loncs and w ill be changing their name tonight?

Writing from experience .1oin authors 1’.l’. llartnett. Manda Scott and (‘hristopher \Vhyte as they read from their work and

tllsc‘llss writing ll‘Ultl L'\|)L‘l'lc‘llc‘c‘.

Age of Dissent with TAG Theatre Company

(Please book a place in adyance by calling (1141334 7126.)

Drama and writing workshop for young people examining t'elcyant issues inclttding the Age of ('onsent.

Noel (lreig-ll'riting for the Stage Workshop looking at the ttnderlying principles of the craft of playwriting.linked to practical e\ercises. l-‘ollow ed by readings of .\'oel (ireig‘s work intercut with that of workshop participants.

Barks-hop lIaIn-lpin. 2pm-5pin (Please book a place in advance by calling (II-II 334 7l26).

Reading 6pm (.‘lll ll'elcmne).

Ali Smitlt-ll'riting for the Page

\Vomen oiin workshop with participants bringing work for one-to-one tutorial and group discussion. l-"ollow'ed by readings of Ali Smith‘s work intercttt with that of workshop participants.

Barks/top I pin-5pm

(Please book a place in advance by calliitg (H41 334 7126). Reading 6pm (All lie/come).

Shaun Levin-No Holes Barred

Men only workshop e\ploring erotic lictionl l‘ollowed by readings of Shattn l.ey'in‘s work intercut with that of workshop participants.

liar/(shop [pm-5pm

(Please book a place in advance by calling 014] 334 7126). Reading 6pm (.-l [I llelcmne).

For more information

98 Buchanan Street. Glasgow G1 38A

0141 222 7700

8am to 11pm Monday to Saturday. 11am to 10pm Sunday

116 THE “ST 21 Oct—4 Nov 1999


eve nts THURSDAY 21


Sue Townsend water-stone‘s. 153 157 Satichiehall Street. 332 9105. 7pm. Townsend reads frotn Adrian .llulc

’l'ltc (‘ap/na‘cinu lcaiiy (Michael Joseph £14.99). Thirty something Mole is still going strong. charting the events that brottght new Labour to power and his rise to tame as celebrity chef. See

rey iew.

Doon The Watter Borders Books. 383 Buchanan Street. 222 77()(). 7pm. Free. A unique collection of photographs by Robert Jeffrey and Ian Watson. taken l't'ttttt the ttt‘c‘lll\cs ()1. lltt' lli'l‘tlltl.

The Scottish Connection 'l‘ron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £5 (£3). l’oets from Scotland and Italy. including such luminaries as lidw'in Morgan. translate and perfortn each other‘s work. Part a] the Italian l-eytit'al.


Hot Air Club .\'ice 'n' Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 33309()(). 8.3(lpm. £3 (£1511). Inspired by the lainous .\'uyorican l’oetry (’afe in New York. this club aims to bring together music and poetry in an alternatiy e arid informal way. Some of Scotland's most talented writers. including Brian .\1c('abe..-\lan Spence. Kathleen Jamie and Sandie ('raigie. are supporting the initiative.


Italian Poetry Festival Scottish l’oetry Library. 5 (‘richton’s (‘lose. ('anongate. 557 2876. 8pm. l"ree. l‘iy‘e Italian and fiyc Scottish poets read from their work. including Mario Baudino, (iiuseppe ('onte. Rosita (‘opioli. 'l‘omoso Kemeny. Roberto Musappi. Valerie (iillies. Alexander Hutchinson. lidw in Morgan. Tessa Ransford and (‘lll'l\ltipllCl' \\'1tytc.


Metaphrog 13111 Note (lite. St) ()0 King Street. 553 1638. 8.30pm. l-‘ree. (iraphic ttoy'el illustrating and writing duo Metaphrog launch Strange ll'eat/ier Late/y: \ii/ I] (Metaphrog £6.25) with liy'e music from Beatroot and l‘ickle.

With the added advantage of the written word: Julian Cope


Titania Hardy ()ttakat”s Bookstore. Buchanan (ialleries. Buchanan Street. 353 1501). 4 5pm. llardy reads frotn and signs copies of Titania '\ ()raclc (Quadrille £14.99).

Julian Cope Tron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. 8pm. £4 (£3) (£2 redeemable against the price of the hook) (‘ope has written a new instalment of his autobiography to accompany Head On which was first published in 199.5. Rt’[)().\,\t'.\.y‘t'tl ('l‘horsons £12.99) picks tip at the post- 'l'eardrop 1{\plodes days and details his Ventures into the realms of e\panded

mam:- Edinburgh

Julian Cope liden. Picardy Place. 478 7434. 7pm. £2. Tickets ay‘ailable frotn \Vaterstone’s. 128 Princes Street. See Mon 25.

Stephen Woodhams Waterstone's. (ieorge Street. 225 3436. 7.3(lpm. 1-‘ree. ('urrent trends in garden design are the subject of Portia/in (If('niitent/mraijr (iai‘dcny (Quadrille £25). .»\n internationally respected designer and youngest ey er w inner of the Royal Horticultural Society 's (iold Medal. Woodhams giyes creatiy'e tips on how to pttt design ideas into practice.


Mary Spillane Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 287 5511. lptn.

£25” £3. The woman behind liurope‘s first image consultancy reads froin l'liraxlge (MacMillan £20). a women's guide to ageing conlidently and with style. allegedly.

P P Hartnett, Manda Scott 8: Christopher Whyte Borders Books. 3s.) Buchanan Street. 222 77()(). 7pm. l‘ree. Authors llartnett. Scott and Why‘te read from and discuss their work. Part of (i/asgay'.’.

The Science Fiction/Fantasy Group Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 77()(). 7.30pm. Free. lz'nder's (iame by Orson Scott ('ard is the book under discttssitttt.


Readings From American History James 'l’hin. 53 59 South Bridge. 622

., :9: