Could you offer a break to an older person in your own home?
Joyce is a short-term carer, Tom is 79 years old and lives with his daughter. Several times a year Tom goes to stay with Joyce and her family. perhaps for a weekend or a fortnight. Tom welcomes the change of scene. His daughter appreciates the break. Joyce and her family work hard to give Tom the support he needs and enjoy having him to stay.
Do you have a spare room and space in your life for someone who, like Tom, is looking for a break?
We need people from all walks of life who are committed and caring. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude are more important than previous experience. If you can offer
support and accommodation for six weeks each year, we can offer preparation, training, support and a fee.
If you live in Edinburgh and are interested in hearing more, please contact:
The Duty Worker Adult Resource Team Springwell House 1 Gorgie Road Edinburgh EH11 ZLA Tel: 0131 313 6707
If you would like a translation of this advert in another
language please contact: 0131 226 5035
The unique Eastern European kitchen requires highly motivated and dedicated individuals at head chef, sous chef and junior chef levels. Excellent training opportunities available within an established professional environment.
For details, telephone Diane on 0141 552 4251.
‘).' '1.";l I (II-1135311345 j
BUCHRNRN STREET Oflre you between 16 and 116?
0 Fire you obsessed with excellent customer service?
0 Are you passionately interested In any of the following: music, ITIOUIBS, games, dud, books . . .?
0 Do you want to be part of the
biggest entertainment store In Scotland?
If so, we invite you along to our recrurtment open days a The Glasgow Central [Station] Hotel - Gordon Street, on med 6 and Fri B Oct, between 8.00 and 20.00.
interviews llllII be held for a range of posrtions Incl full-time, part-time, Christmas etc: any Bl'IQUII‘lBS please call 01‘" ‘IE? '19]?
The University of Glasgow Queen Margaret: Union's expanding Entertainments S Publicity Department requires people to fill the following positions working on a varied and high-quality programme of clubs. gigs and special events:
Technlclan PIT. (poss. FIT) Technician required to maintain and operate Entertainments related equipment including PA. lights. DJ equipment etc. and to train and supervise student volunteers.
PF! Staff
Outgoing. lively. enthusiastic PF! staff to distribute publicity. Knowledge of Glasgow's club. gig and pub scene preferred. P/T. Excellent hourly rate.
Applications forms - Telephone 0141 339 8525. Apply in the first instance to:
Could you open your home to someone who is looking for care and support and a place to live?
Jane is a long-term carer, Steven has lived with her for several years. Before this Steven lived in a group home for people with learning difficulties. Steven says he wanted to try a different way of living and enjoys being a member of Jane's family. Jane says that having Steven live with her is a big commitment that she doesn't regret for a second. Do you have a spare room and space in your life for someone who, like Steven, is looking for a home and support to live their day to day life?
We need people from all walks of life who are committed and caring. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude are more
important than previous experience. We can offer preparation, training, support and a weekly fee.
If you live in Edinburgh and are interested in hearing more, please contact:
The Duty Worker Adult Resource Team Springwell House 1 Gorgie Road Edinburgh EH11 2LA Tel: 0131 313 6707
If you would like a translation of this advert in another
language please contact: 0131 226 5035/6/7
Cuba Norte
bar staff, waiting staff & chefs to join happy team in good working environment.
Call 0131 221 0499
l devlin morris productions Ltd. is a new arts house with projects spanning: theatre, radio, video, television and printed journalism. We are looking for committed volunteers and CV builders - in the first instance - to research/coordinate international arts projects in an efficient, professional manner. Real prospects of paid employment subject to results. Send CV’s to: 978 West Bow, Edinburgh EH1 ZJP.
CAST REQUIRED for short drama, Oct/Nov shoot. One female, 25—35, three males, 205 or 305. Crew also needed. Please phone 07930 289548
I Edinburgh Bach Choir seeks new members, especially tenors, for season starting September 1999, including Bach’s Mass In B Minor and Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius. Auditions 31 August or by arrangement. Contact Catriona Hillhouse 0131 667 2687 or Dan Cronin 0131 667 5279.
I Bring your own words — a Festival of Writing @ Leith Academy - Saturday 9 October 1999. A day for anyone who writes or wants to write - exploring new skills, sharing ideas. Workshops in writing for money, self expression, film, poetry, playwriting, getting over writers’ block, short stories and writing in Scots. Open mic session and musical entertainment. Guest authors include Alan Spence. Leith Academy, of? Easter Road, 103m - 6pm. Enrol on 0131 530 2776/ 553 2810. £15.00 includes light lunch (£7.50 concessions).
23 Sep-7 Oct 1999 TIIELIST GS