BOOK EVENTS LISTINGS continued The Story And The Song People's

l’alace a: Winter Garden. Cilas‘gow Green. 554 0223. I.30pm. l-"ree. Stanley Robertson and the 'l‘i‘aditional Music and Song Association of Scotland present a mix of story and song exploring the links hetween storytelling and hallad singing. I’ur! of Glasgow Stm'v/t'sl.

Donny lienderson-Shedlarz and Ewan McVicar Scotland Street School Mtiseum. 225 Scotland Street. 42*) I202. l.30piii. l‘ree. See Kids listings. page 7‘). Donny 0' Rourke The Tryst. 3t) (‘i'anworth Street. llillhead. 357 (iS3S.

2 4.30pm. I-ree. Poet and columnist l)oniiy ()' Rourke conducts a workshop on songwriting.

Magic Mouths The Arches. 3t) Midland Street. 221 4001. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). An evening with some of the best storytellers around. Stanley Robertson. l)avid (‘amphell and Michael Kerins. l’uri of (i/iiy'uiiii .Sliil'v'ft'vl.


Voices From The Earth (ilasgow Botanic (iardeiis. 730 (ireai Western Road. 33-1 2422. lpm. 2.30pm & 4pm. Free. See Kids listings. page 7‘).

Robert Knox Borders Books. 233 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. Spm. Performance poet. Rohert ls'iios hosts this regular poetry evening giv mg writers and pei'l'oriiiers the opportunity to pei‘t'orm their work.


John Le Carre John Smith. 57 St \‘mcent Street. 22| 7472. 3.30pm. l.e ('ari‘e signs copies of his new hook Sine/c .'\/I(/ Sine/e (llodder tk Stougliton £1000).

An Evening With John Le Carre Mitchell Theatre. (i (iranv ille Street. til-1| 2S7 SSI l. 7.30pm. £4 i£.3i. .»\ rare appearance limit this legendary author or

‘Al last,

Dllflll Sflfll'lfll‘ tllflll Jaws’ Arthur-c.

‘ll terrifyinuly plausible what-it Ilitlllllllal'tl’

James Gamernn, niretztnr til Titanic

a llDllfll








classics lllt‘ .S/ii ll'liu (Time //I I’M/ii ‘I'lii' (‘u/t/ and [iii/cu; [ill/(II; Stilt/lei: S/iv. He

will he chatting to .»\llan I.aing from The Hem/(l ahout his latest novel Sine/e And Single t lloddei' is Stoughton U099).


Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers John Smith. 5" St Vincent Street. 22l 7472. I230 |.30pni. (hay and Rogers prepare recipes from their new cook hook River (ii/e /l(l/I(l/I Kilt /l(’ll ilihui'y film. to coincide with their t'orthcoming (‘liaiinel ~l set'tes.

Edinburgh Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers

\\';llc'l'\lt)tlt‘.\. George Street. 22.< 3430.

(ipni. See Tue 23.



Bret Easton Ellis The Arches. in Midland Sheet. 22! -lt)0I (i30pm. {-1 it.3 I. .-\utlior ot' the controv ersial hook .'llll(’l'l( (III /"\\t /l(’. which is currently heing made into a film. lillis talks ahout his latest novel (ilti/iim‘iiniu tl’icadoi'

2. lot.

Joanna Trollope liol'tlet's Hooks. .\lttste .-\iid (lite. 2S3 Buchanan Street. 222 "7700. 7pm. The popular author talks ahout llel' most recent novel ()I/lt’l' /)(’H/’/(' '\ (i/II/t/I't’ll tliloolllsllttl'y f l (r99 I. The Science Fiction/Fantasy Discussion Group Borders Books. 2st Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 7pm. The monthly discussion group look at .Vt’lll'itllltlllt ('I' h_v \Villiam (iihson. Sauchiehall Street Reading Group \Vateistone’s. I53 I57 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘JI05. 7.30pm. Free. The group discuss l’iex Iii l/(‘HH’II and .St’l't’lll/l Hi (II (’II.


Christopher Harvie .Iames Thin. 53 5‘) South Bridge. 022 S222. 7pm. llai'\ie gives a shoit lectuie to launch li'ui‘i'llilie .Si of] /'.'\\ii\ \ ()/I /./l(’ HHIHI'L l'rI/Illi \ .‘lllt/ l’llllll'i' (If '//it' St rily (Argy ll l’uhlishing UU‘JL


Joanna Trollope wait-isione's. I2S Princes Street. 220 2(i(i(i. 7pm. See Wed 24.

Jimmy Boyle .lames Thin. 53 5‘) South Bridge. o22 S222. 7pm. Sentenced to Me imprisonment at the age ol 23. Jimmy Boy le suhsetiuently went on to hecoiiie a playwright. sculptor and pi'olil'tc w ritei. Here. he reads I'iom liis lll'sl novel Hem ()i The I 'iii/t raur/i/ t Serpent's Tail {S‘Nt



David R. ROSS ()ttakai's Bookshop. 3S The .-\\eiiue. New ion Meai'ns. (ilo 3033. 2.30pm. See l'll l‘).

Yang Lian and Jack Mapanji (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 752]. Spin. £6 (£4). His work hanned in I‘)70’s China. and forced into exile in the late l980's. l.ian has since gone on to become one of the country's most influential poets. .Ioiiiing l.iaii is radical poet Mapanji. who following a four year prison sentence for his haniied hook ('liu/ne/t'om ."lH/ (Em/s. moved to the [K from his native Malawi. Tonight Man and Mapanii read from their most recent poetry collections ll’lit'l't' T/lt’ Sui Slum/v Still and Skipping Hit/mu! It‘ll/it's l'espec‘tt\el_\.



Jimmy Boyle and Stewart Home (TA. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 752I. Spm. to (1.31 I. Boyle talks ahout his first novel Hero 0/ The ('Iit/i'rn'orlt/ tSei'peiit's Tail {SOUL Joining him is Stewart Home. renowned for attacking the estahlishiiient tor the past fifteen years. talking ahout his new hook (‘ii/il.

SUNDAY 28 Edinburgh The Shore Poets (’anon‘s (iait. 232 (‘anongate 550 44S I. Spm. £I. An evening ot' poetry with l’am Wilkie. Ken (‘ockhurn and Dennis ()'l)onnell with music supplied by The Birlinn linseiiihle.


Bernice Rubens \Vatei'stonos. 153—457 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ‘)I05. 7pm. The

I‘oi'iiier Booker pri/e winner talks ahotit

and signs copies of her hook I. 1min”

(l.ittle. Brown £1009).


David R. Ross James Thin. 5375‘) South Bridge. ()22 S222. 7pm. See Fri 1‘). Bernice Rubens \Vaterstoite's. George Street. 225 3430 7 30pm. See Tue 2.


Quintin Jardine l’aisley (‘enti'al l.ihrary. High Street. SS7 3(i72. 7 Spin. The Iidinhurgh crime writer and author of the popular [in/i Ski/liter novels. talks ahotit his work.



Simon Callow .Iames Thin. 53 5‘) South Bridge. (i22 S222. 7pm. .-\ctoi' Simon (Killow. w ho is currently eiiioying success III the film .S'liu/u'i/n'iirt' //i l.i’i't'. reads I't'otll ltts hook l.iti‘t' /\ lli/lt'I’c' ll I’ll/Ix t.\'ick lIei'n Books L‘IJU‘M the story of his love tlthtll with legendary agent l’eggy Ramsay.

Sandra Brown \y'aiei-sione's. I3 714 Princes Street. 550 303-1. 7pm. The author talks ahout her hook Il'liert' 'I‘liere /.\ lz'i-i/ t Macmillan room.

influential poets Yang Lian and Jack Mapanje faced exile from their homelands. Imprisonment and the banning of their individual work in the late 19803. They have gone on to claim international recognition and will be reading from their recent collections of poems: 'Where the Sea Stands Still' (Yang Lian) and 'Skipping Without Ropes' (Jack Mapanje).

27.02.99 8PM


Jimmy Boyle's dark humour meets Stewart Home's covert attacks

and a recent novel.

Curated By CCA and Chris Dolan

$36.00/$34.00 To book: please call CCA Box Office on 0141 332 0522 (early booking advisable)


98 THE lIST I8 lob—It Mai 1999

on the establishment as each writer (respectively) reads from an early work

Supported by the Scottish Arts Council and Glasgow City Council