Faustian drama: drawings by Alan McGowan oi the legendary Faust are on display


88 l.othian Road. 228 2088. Daily l(lanr-- l(lpm.

Paintings Until Sat 3t) .laii. Paintings by Kate Kirby.


45 Market Street. 225 2383. Mon—Sat l()am—-(iprii; Sun noon—5pm. Continental Drift: Europe Approaching The Millennium Part 2 l’ntil Sat 9 Jan. The second part of this specially coiirrirrssroned exhibition for ‘l’hoto 98' featuring Karina Bhiinii's photographs contrasting the Moorish gardens of the Alhambra iti Spain with formal gardens of the l'K. Stanley (ireerie‘s images of the vast oil pipeline through the Caucasus aticl Norwegian artist Tone .‘ylys’kia's exploration of the Viking links of her homeland with those of Northern lingland.


22a I)undas Street. 556 2 I8 I. :Vlnllr-I‘ifl lt).3()am -()pm; Sat l()am--4piii.

Small Paintings For Christmas Until Sat 30 .lilll. ()vei' I50 works by more than ()0 contemporary Scottish aiicl foreign artists featuring paintings. ceramics. wooden and Indian lacquer boxes.

at the Matthew Architecture Gallery

Contemporary Art Exhibition l'ritil Thu 2| Jan. A mixed e\liil‘ilion of contemporary artwork. LEITH GALLERY

()5 The Shore. 553 5255. Mon l-rr

llam --(rprn; Sat llani slpni.

Christmas Exhibition tfrrtit Sal to Jan. A traditional Christmas show featuring paintings. jewellery. cerartiics. glass and furniture by over 50 gallery artists. MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. 2() Chambers Street. (r50 2342. Mon -l-‘ri lllatii 8pm; Sat & Sun l(l.3(tatii 2.50pm.

Faust Sat l() Jan in 5 Mai". ;\n exhibition ofeight large and the smaller charcoal drawings by Alan r\lc(iow air based oii l-‘uuxi l’ur/ ()Ilc’ by .loliann Wolfgang von Goethe.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belfoi'd Road. (r24 (r2llll. MoirSat l()am~5pin; Strri 2- 5pm. .-\ display of recent acquisitions by a line-up of big British names. including Damien llirst. Rachel Wliiteread and (‘atlierine Yass together with a display of works by prominent 20th century artists. including Picasso. Matisse. Moore. Hockney and

listings ART


Committee Members External Advisers

'I'Iiere has rarelv been a more exciting or crucial time in the

development of the arts in Scotland.

New members are needed to serve on the Scottish .\rts ('ouncil‘s artliorm and lottery committees, advising Council on policy and making funding recomnieiiclations and decisions. To help create a vision for the arts for the 2 1st century we iteed a range of views and would especially like to hear from young people and from people

titltWitll tlie Central Belt.

Vacancies are likelv to arise in a number of committees, with a

particular need for people with the following skills and experience:

' C‘UATBINEI) ARTS - knowledge of lestiyals, arts in rural c oiiirnunities, ttrban and corrimtinitv arts development or arts and disability issues

. (‘ICAI‘HI‘S - experience ()ii (et'aiiiics and textiles, access and participation or work with c liildren and ycitltlg ')('()l)l('

° DANCE - a special interest in Scottish traditional dance or classical ballet or work with children and voting people

0 DRANLA - knowledge of contemporary writing for theatre, community theatre or marketing


contemporary Scotti.in writing (including writing in

experience in publishing, (iaelic' and Scots) or of literature for children and young [)t'()l)l('

° .\1LISIC - knowledge of contemporary popular

music or jam

0 VISUAL ARTS - special knowledge of community

art development, disability issues, new rrredia or line art education - particularly iii relation to professional practice. .\i'tists with international

experienc e

Bellaity. Currently on loan from a pin ate collection. .sc‘\c‘ll large prints by lidyard Munch.

John Maxwell l’iittl Stiri l-l l’eb The first major r'etrospectry e since the (ills of one of the rriaior' figures of the lidinbui'glr School. featuring around 70 paintings. watei'coloui's and drawings.

° NA'I‘IONAL LOTTERY - experience of arts for

sculpture. tew ellei‘y and silk scarves. ' . _ children and voting people. capital development in


l3 Randolph ('i'escent. 225 5306. Mon l‘l'l 9.30am-(i.3(lpni: Sat 9.50am l..’~(lpiti.

Inside/Out liniil Sat 30 .lair. Recent paintings by l‘rencli artist Agnes Thuruauei'.

lilm, visual arts, rural and coiiiniunitv arts or large

st ale arts btiildiiigs

________m_________._"___1_7 _ ._. My ___g___ .\I.s'o retltiired are individuals to act as external advisers, reporting NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND . The Mound. (r24 (i200. Mon Sat l()am -(ipm; Stiti 2 »-(ipni. A collection of works from the Renaissance to Post- llllpl'c‘ts‘sltillls'lll. including Raphael, Rembrandt. l’otissin. Degas and \'an (iogb. Recently returned to display is Titian‘s Drum: .-liit/ (ill/[MIN and Antonro (‘anova's famous sculpture '/‘/it Ill/w (il'm'c'y.

Watercolours 8y J.M.W. Turner t'rrtrl Sttii 3| Jan. The annual airing of'l’urner watei'coloui's. bequeathed Ill l9ll() by the Victorian art collector llenry Vaughan. The 38 paintings include every period iii 'l’ur‘ner‘s developtrient and have been displayed every year at the gallery for

on arts events for S.\(' as part of its assessment pioc edure.

ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE 82 Nicolson Street. (>68 2232. Mon~l4ri l()anr~-5pnr.

Map Room Until Hi 8 .lati. An exhibition based on urban mappings froiii Rome produced by final year students of the Department of .»\i'clritecture. lidinburgh l’niversity.

.\d\'isers irot'itrallv \\‘()l k within an agreed area and «ll'iltll‘lll.

‘l'he posts are voliiiitai v~ btit expenses will be ieiiiibursed.

further details and upplicutinrrflir'm available/run):

[)c'i'}I\L' (I-I'I‘l‘-‘I'.‘\. \si‘flf‘ili .ii'l\ Lii'uilsll, I.) .Ilsli'It'r [VIM LI.

[Zililr'lI‘tlr’to’lyl 12/15 71)!)

I2 ()() Cumberland Street. 558 9872.

Mon— l-‘rr Illani (rpm; Sat lllanr 4pm. Marilyn Sat 9 .lati -'l‘|itt ll l‘eb. A suite of sci'eeiiprints depicting Marilyn Monroe.

lel: ("15/ -.’-.”> “(’51 (irritc/ilitwra'), til 5/ _’_’() _’ 135 (direct line)

\Vebsite: litt]):fi”\v\v\v.sac .orgaik

Closing date for applications: Friclav 29 January I999

KOJIN t more than 9t) years. #3 “WW”: l?‘ll'“(:[l)"lll"::‘l' thin-£3 )"' v i The Scottish Arts Cowrci/ is creating a dynamic arts environment which I lama-1.30pm. t Continued over page l enhances the quality oflife for the people of Scotland.

7*21 Jan 1999 THE LIST69