includes entry to (‘aihonse and Voodoo Chile. liighties and (His indie dance.

I Kerplunk at (‘Itll‘ Mercado. It).3llpni 3am. l5: two l'or one \\'llll Siiaplas. l‘) .lun. l-nrtniglilly. IIt‘IltI} Wendy and (irandinastei l-ly with party limes hour the 7th Happy hour

llpni midnight.

ILet's Party at MK ‘I itipiu iaiii Ltl‘e.

.-\ii a\alanche nl party la\ es Ill tIns swinging party eluh ()\i'l Ils only. .\’o jeans or trainers.

I Lift at The Vaults. lil illpin ialll. £7 (£5). l‘) .Inn. l-nitnightly I'.tl;IIl and Paul with proper underground techno. Vegas Soul guest on .i Jill.

I The Living Room 9pm Iain I'IL‘L'. Andrew .‘sloisey. Dillon and (‘hiistnpliei' \‘s'i'iglit “Hit a I'i'eestyle nus nl dance sounds in this “ell-\lltlillt‘tl hat.

I Madchester ill I..l ileIIt- .'\Il:_‘t'lt' llpiii .iani. USU rneinheis; L-l non- rneinliers. 1‘) Jun. l-nitnightly .-\ lllll lIIt\ nl'liig lieat. ne\\ indie and c lassie baggy \sitli l)e| Kahuna lint .\lnie into on hi” 5: to '

I Made In Iguana .ii Iguana ( ",iit- liar Spin Iaiii. l'iee (iaielli Sniiiiiieix ille

i( ‘ieain. IIaiiI (I intes. Sliindif'. Suli ( ‘Iult. Yip Yap. .'\Ii)lltlc‘ Rah} l \\ IIII .l relasetl selection nl hip hop. garage and house Ill this busy hat.

I Magic Moments at lhe ('axenilisli. 9pm 3am. £5. ()\ er 25s only Sinait dress. .\'nieaiis. no trainers I.i\e hands e\’ei'y week. Si\ties ath “(Is iuusie (it'otttld lloor only.

I The Mambo Club at 'l'he ('a\ endisli. Itlpin aiarn. tithe. Swing. hip hop and soul upstairs. reggae and iagga downstairs at this long-running night hosted It} Sir ( )ssie.

I Manga at In Belle .-\ngele

llpm 3am. LTILSI. l3 .lun. .\lnnilily. l‘iei'ce drum 'n' hass \\ Illl special guests l'i'oin Ireland lnilge [head and ls'atn. pliis .\l(' I)l:.‘ Residents innnlhly ('all 3:” litl' “title. See Illl Ilsi

I MIB Presents South Central at ("hih Mercado. ltl ,itlpni .iaiii LR l.‘ luii. l'ni‘tnighlly Rap. lnnk. hip hop. snuI. snca. ragga arid Rt\’ll \\ iili Ills 'I \"I' and Mr II.

I Midnight Blue at (‘ale (itallllt

lllpiii Iain. £5. I‘Ic‘\Ii ran/snul/l‘lues night “Inch l‘liltlliilt's a healthy nnsiuie nl Ii\e music and I)_is~ .'\|ltlUl Iensnn. resident at I.nndnn's (illo ('luli. guests on

I Mi Salsa at 'l he liniign ('Inli

lllpm Ram. {4501!} SH- l‘) lun Monthly. Salsa eluli \\ till a dance c lass il you get there early

I Moroccan Clouds .ii In. .\.i .\.i

ltlpin 3am l'iee l‘c'lt‘lt' llpin. LI .illei \Veelxly I).I .ltli \aiinini \\ iilr «Izscn. tunl. (ills. "Ills. .\'ll\. hip hop and t ‘isesc .il Iltis husy liill/c'llll‘

I A Night Less Ordinary .ii I ia- .lall'acake. ltlpni .iain U; U \\IIIl tlyei Wacky. Iaily gaineslioss type Inn and I‘inlics \\|lll good tlIlllls\ l‘ltllllils, Inspect

Join Trendy Wendy for Pary tunes at Kerplunk, Fri, Club Mercad, Edinburgh j



a l'i‘eestyle lltl\ nl inainstieain iiinsie Drinks prninns.

I Oblivion at .ll’s. -l itlpni ‘) itlpni l'r‘ee. l'iee Iinl I‘ullet hour -I it) It illpni. all drinks I\\n tor one. -I ill 5. illpin. all spirits LI 5. ill (i ,illpui. tnelaarl pilelteis I H. I). ‘sll 7. itlpiii. .\nd inusn Inn niustn't lnigel the music :\ lieestyle ltil\ nI pop. eIiaiI and dance to erase nasty nut-I. s \\Illl\.

I Normal ill \\ lllslt‘ Houst-

ltl. itlpin lain. L7 lllt'llll‘t‘t\, I lit nor: Ittt‘llll‘t'H. l3 Jon. I i‘lllll}.‘ltll_\ I|.n.l hnnse arid l'nnlxy let'hnn l,llI\' Ker-enti- and I en (‘Iayinn 'I’nie Sliens'l i'uesl on I: .Iiin. lollnueil In 'l'nny Sapiaun on .‘n .lllll .\Ieiill‘ei'sliip a\aiIalilc on the III:,_'IIl costing £5 with a tree lltl“. tape. RetI/nne \HIII Miniay Rieliaiilsnn. Rish( lalls .lllil (iniilnn Whittaker are now resilient to the lmekinnin once a innnth tiniii .‘li Inn. l'.\peet also snine Ii\e "t'lk I!\ won in the liaek on I: .lllll

I The Outhouse < 'piii lit-e ('InII out \I()\\ iistaiis allei \snil. 'a iIIi \ hillcil lIiIlt's and cheap Imn/e

I Planet Earth .tl Il..- (‘iiiiis

llpiii iani. LVI \ liusy .tlial II'II‘i' Illllllillt.‘ night nl Wis and M’s \(Illlitl\ \\ acre Rninaiitics. punks. glain rockers ant illsc't) lIL'tlls\ ielt\ e the eta [Ital idlins iln lltett‘ I‘t‘sl Iii Inigt‘l

I Pure at lllc‘ \eniie l‘l il‘pni iatll Ll IIIL‘IIII‘L‘I'\L Ur non ineinlieis. I’iiees when guests appear Into on 5‘3 ‘n‘-l ()ne til. the ttttlsl It‘sl‘t'clc'il lll‘ll\t' alliI techno eliilis III the I‘ls’. \\ llll residents 'l‘\\iteli. liiainstni'ni. Iliihhlei and 'I'lie liill. I’ure Itn\\ has sister nights in (ilasgnw Aherdeen. llirinliies. Ile'lasl and I)ulilin. l’ulls a rinsed. triendly. tIt'esseil-ilnu it ct‘im II.

I Reaction at 'I‘Iie Sulm a_\ lein iain L3; liee l'ni students \\lIIl inaliitulannn eaid. \Veekly Illl\ nl eharl. dance and classic“ iIisen.

I Rebel Waltz at ('in (flile ‘lpii. l.tll‘. I'iee l‘l ill“. I nilinglilly \Iurra} Richardson ilinps sninii!li ileei‘ lions; ginmes in the (’in 2 l‘.tl. lie.- entry an I drinks promos

I Sativae Recordings Night at ‘t he \linnting Gallery II) illpni iain L" ' til I: lune .\lnnIIil_\ \eu tpiality techno night hour the Satixae Records \illlll‘ (iuesling linni l.nnilnn are 'l he \uliheatl crew iespnnsilile lot the ’(iintslli parties Ill l.nndnn. as \sell as the \nlilieail and 3('li Ial‘eIs .lninrng them are .\'.iti\.ie's

Steve (ileneinss and HM e lfiaiitIa I‘llllllc'

gllt'sls lltc‘lttile IHI‘Ias \elttittill. Ia\ l)enhain and .\'-.-il l aihlsnunnn I Scratch at I .i lielle \tigele 2n .lun. .\lnnthI_\

I Seen at 'I he IIHIIthiitlil‘ \."sl 'Ial.‘ i IuI. Monthly.

I Sublime 3rd Birthday .lI \\ :ll.:.- llniise I‘lpin :alll L\i:i.-iiil‘.-is :1” non lltc'llll‘t'l\ I‘v’ qu lnr'iri;_'lill_\ l’ait\ tinie Inr this Il.tlch‘ night ll‘ie sets tinni Icitaliiitiaaiiil I’ll Ii I‘t‘lll Irniii l’l ilrpus Recniils. I‘UIII \\ lIIl t‘\cIlI\l\t’ nee.

\e\l dale

material recorded especially tor tonight. Support enines I'i'oin residents ls'es Wright and ldge and then tanalieal

einw d (image and more chilled house upstaiis \\ itli (inrdnn Mac and Gary Mac. llang around at the end and you‘ll get an llt\ he in the Quarry party on Sunday. (all HI il olih’ itll‘s Ini’ more. See Ilit Ilsl,

I The Subway West End ~Ipin 3am. Ltlie See 'I‘Iinisdays

I T.F.I.F. .ii ('luh Mercado-1pm -|(lpni. l~iee I-iitlay nights ha\ e changed t'ni'eyer thanks to Happy llnur.< (Lillpin Icl drinks. {III ltnttles nl cllaiiipagilel and great. nostalgic inusie courtesy nl'l‘rendy Wendy

I Triptonite North at The llnneyeoinh. ll). illpni iani. L85“ I: .lllll. l~nitniglitl_\ Residents Stuart Duncan. (iaietli Sninnien iIle. .-\diian I)a\enpnil and ('nlin ('on's are iUIIlL'tI tor the night It} \llilt'eu (ialea i,II).I/Sril liltllllk'l\l. l’ie club part} III Iguana linrii ‘lpilr

I Voodoo ill the \anlts. Next date In .lnn. .\Innllil_\ (all (HUN Tilillxo to.»

I Voodoo Chile at The Rocking Horse llpin .iain r3 it'l \\ llll Ilyer) Price includes entry in ( 'athoiise and Katch. lull nl Imer l\n_\s and girls headlmngmg tn heasy metal.

I Walkers illltlt iatll l'i’ee l‘t'ltll't'

III illpin. L5 alter (iinup concessions axarlahle ()\ei le Smart dress. Happy linui -l Spin \Vrlh local iesidents. I'tlll niusie. Inn \ ltl\\tl

I What It IS at (‘in I ‘lpin lain. Inc |.‘. Iun I niliiiglilly l’Iial ('nntinllei Holt (flinns I‘llll_‘.'\ a healthy llll\ nl soul.

sv. ins. hip hop and much. much more In this iie\\ t'it_\ (‘ate night

I The Wheel at .\lnia_\ llniise.

llpiii Iain Ll students. L3. guests. :\ llIt\ nl dance and pop I)I'IllI\\ {I liel'nie iiirilinglit. Ll (ill .itiei Students and guests only

I W] Christies lllpiii lain l'l'c'c‘. I3 lun I'llllllI}_‘IIll_\ Industrial. gnthie dance lllll\lc \\IlIl Hi Paul Rennie.

I Y0 Y0 Bar ‘lpin lain. l'iee. l2 .lnn, Iul/ 'l’uiple .\lnnn i and Ill“ .\Ie.\laslei pl.i\ liaid techno \‘ikes


I Arakataca .ii 'I he tiniign t‘tiih.

‘l illpin iain L; :L-lr Ill hot

I oitniglitly lhe liest in :\Illt latin dance is ill: l).ls /uppa Inglese I Ilognlai and I.liI.iI (St'llt‘g'alt l'lt‘t‘ ilallc‘c‘ L I.l\\ ill

‘l ill’illl

I Atomic Baby at The Ilnneycnnih. llpin iain LN. llllun, l'tlllltlglllly Iiig. I‘Illtllc). Izuin~|inusey party pninpeis Ii'nni l)aiien I).i\ ies. Michael ls'iIIae and /aininn in the main room Garage and deeper sounds through the hack \\ itli (iaielh \‘ninnieHille. Hits} and tIIc‘\\_\.

\\ llII a good atmosphere

I Bent al lillt' Slliinllttg (i.lllk'l_\.

llpin iani to lwlnie midnight. £7 alter. I i lun .‘ilnnthly Rent eelel‘i'ates Scottish l’iitle Ill line style \\IIII .\ladain Maggie In). .Illtl the t‘\;‘l \t) s\\l\l] MI (in) (‘Inisiiiias tall the iiiln line on iii—.7 2‘“

I Big Beat .i: (gin- (italllll. \t-sr date 4 lul \lnnlhly on lust Sal nl the month

I Burger Queen .tl (‘hih ".Ieieaao Ilas trim Iiiiislied

I Catwalk ()prn I.tlII. l-iee. (iordon

\\ luliaLei and l-ailey Suioox e playing a \aiied selection Ulclllllttc'tl heats to

sh llsL' your thing In

I CC. Blooms IIpin “'.l‘ll. I'ree. See I‘huisilays

I Century 2000 llpin iani. £5. l'inlays

I Colours Of Love .tI (‘Iuh Mercado.

I lpiii -I;ini. LN inenilieis; LII) non- ineinheis \lernheislnp applications and chili inl'niinalinn on trims 2768M). I3 Inn I'nitniglilly .-\Il tllllll\\ L'l lielnie iniilinglit lintile nl' l‘ulrhly L Hi all night. I’inpei party garage aild house “Hit the tun-ln\ ing ('nlnnis crew Dress up In In lll ltyinn Slingin sings Ii\e. llnld light to: Brandon Block on 27 Jun.

I Disco Inferno at the Venue.

It) illpni iani Ur l3 .ltlll. I‘nrtniglitly. 'l hiee hunting tlonis nt lint disco action

5 e L“

listings CLUBS

Hit List

E Tribal Funktion Three floors of cutting

edge sounds, from drum 'n’ bass to house and hip hop, with special guest, the utterly brilliant Mark Farina from Chicago. Venue, Sat 20 Jun.

Headspin Colin Miller and AI D with a healthy mix of all things funky. Expect anything from 603 and 705 soul and funk, to the latest house, drum ’n' bass, hip hop, trip hop, big beat and much, much more. Bongo Club, Fri 72 Jun. Manga Fierce drum 'n' bass with special

.1 guests from ireland —- Judge Dread and Kato, plus MC Digiac. La Belle Ange/e,

Fri 12 Jun

: Sublime 3rd Birthday Live sets from

Terrat'irma and PCB, both with

exclusive new material recorded

especrally for tonight. Support comes from residents Kev Wright and ldge and their fanatical crowd. Wilkie House, Fri 79 Jun

Vena Progressive house/trance night wrth guest Steve Lee from The Gallery, London. Wl/kIe House, Sat 20 Jun.

w ith .\l(' ()us and His lane and Nick Silsei‘. ()ne oi the husiest clubs in the capital. Now into its sl.\lll year.

I The Egg at The Wee Red liar.

llpm aittlll. £3 members: £3.50 non- rneniheis. A \ai'ied playlrst taking in soul. ()()\. new \\ are. indie. northern. soundtracks and much. much more. 'l'here's a Vet y cheap bar as well. Free photographic membership available on the night.

I eh1 More at eh I. ()pin- lalii. l‘ree. l-iee entry. quality music and good drinks promos in this pre-cluh liar. Yogi llaughtori u itli the garage and old skool IlitHltlls on l3 Jim. Murray Richardson on 20 Inn with a deep house groove.

I Energise at Subway. I lpm—Ram. £2. \Iiiinus party sounds.

I FBI at Moray House. lein-«lattt. £4. 20 Jun. l-oriinghtly The hiisiest and best indie night in Scotland.

I Fiesta Latina at 'I‘es'iot Row Union. .\'e\i date 37 .liiri. Monthly.

I Fly at The Rocking Horse. I lpm—3am. £3 (includes entry to l'ren/y and Tomb Raider on the other two floors). Indie and chemical heats.

I Frenzy at The Rocking Horse.

llprn 3am. £3 (includes access to Hy and Tomb Raider on the other two floors). Rock and alternative.

I Glam at Wilkie House. Next date 4 Jul MnIlIhIV.

I Going Places at the Assembly Rooms. Nest date the.

I Hanky Panky at l.a Belle Angele. llpm--3am. £4. 20 Jun. Fortnightly. A shameless party crowd gets down to a mix ol’ 70s. 80s and Ulls chart and dance. I Hellfire at ('al'e Royal. Next date 27 .lnn. ('all the into line on ()lJl 569 l45l

Inr more.

Continued over page

I 1—25 Jun I998 TIIE U877?