GlUBS listings

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78 TIIE LIST 11—25 Jun 1998


Edinburgh listings

I Bashment ill The \‘autrs. l().3()pni~3ani. £3. 13 Jun. Monthly Reggae: R818 and rap.

I Bionic at The Attie. llpiii iani. £3 (£2). A new weekly ot'l'ering t'i'oiii the Evol stable. presenting haggy Marie sounds and indie heats. Drinks pi'oiiios. I Catwalk 9pm» lain. liree. ()pen deeks session bring a tape down to The Catwalk with all your details and. who knows. maybe you'll be up llt‘\l.

I C.C. Blooms llpiii Kain. l-ree. l-i’ee eluh downstairs at this popular gay hat playing a party llll\ ol'eoniiiieieial dariee and Iii-energy house. l'llll to hursirrig at weekends.

I Ceroc Dance at St Stephens. llow e Street. 7.30 lo. illprii. Lthe learn ( 'eioe. a hugely popular. easy to learn riiodern jive. No need to hook. no e\pei‘ienee required. just lllt'il up and let the lt'.l\ hers and DJ give you a great night,

I The Deep ill ilillt‘ Yttttlls. \L'\I tltllt‘ 2 Jul. Monthly.

I eh 1 more at eh I. ()pltt laiii l'iee. Dolphin Boy with quality house on the first and third ’l'hursdays ol' the month. 'I' J ('rossley on the seeoiid and t‘oiiith w itli hip hoppy. housey sounds.

I Ekwanoks at \Vilkie llouse. llpiii ‘aiii £3.99. plus a lp tip 25 .liiii. l-oi'trirghtly New fortnightly piiiiiping house party \\ rtli res‘sies' l)ai'reii lillis and Rudy .\like Shy ((irooye Yard. l.u\elyi guests.

I Fiction at The \aults. ltl. itlpiii ‘aiii Meinhers tree; {-I otltets. IN .ltiti. lilie l‘ietioii ei'ew return tor one last part} following their run at l.a lielle iii Wet/9* lixpeet to lind three iooiiis ol quality danee. leatui'ing old ti'anee/teehiio classics iii the nrain room. house and old .sehool hardeoi‘e iii the haek. and hip hop/lunk iiiaslery in the hart Residents are Max. Tom and hail. guests inelude Well Stirred (Seen). Kontiol tRetle\ l and Dave l)el'oe t\\'olwhle i,

I The Greenhouse at The lloiieyeoiiih. llpiii 3am. U with guests; U \\ itli residents. ll and 25 Ill” I‘ttlllilg‘llll) (‘hieago house and tuiiky |)etioit teehno grooyes With His .-\. l) and .l (‘aniriiaia in a lour-deek .speeiai. Hip hop. diseo. lutik through the haek w itli l)ttl‘l‘lt‘t. l'lie .liiiiioi' Mae and Super Suh. .latltt‘s Ruskin (Blueprint Records) guests

I Infiltration at \Vilkte House It). illpiii £4 (£3). lh‘ .Iiiii. l~ortiiiglith l-iesh. experimental house and teehrio |>iiiiks {I all night. Residents are (i. Kashah. Roh Dy laii. Bert. (ial and lhe \lole.


Manga resident G-Mac is joined by guests from lreland - Judge Dread and i I

I In Yer Face at 'l‘lie lap ( l'l aui iston ‘thti lain l'tee lhlun l‘I‘tlleg'llll) 'leehno. liaid house. l!.tllet‘ .urtl iizrigle in the re~\aniped lap

I Jazz Joint at lleniys (‘ellai Hat

ltlprii Bani L11 Heir l'l (‘oriietas play

In e \s itli a new ran} approach.

I La Fromagerie at the \tt-atttm s nai- ‘lpni-lani l-iee. lh’ Jun. l‘ttlllttg'llll} l-as_\ listening. iiiellow ran. lllrlll‘L' diseo an.l last) eheese

I Larj at lhe lap t )' l auiiston.

9pm laiii l'iee. ll and 35 .liiii. l-ortnightly l'iee teehiio and h\ e sets in the ie-\ aniped lap There ain't no ehaige tor haying it Lari?

I Kinky Indie at The (.Illlts (‘lul‘

l lpiii .iaiii LC. .-\ eluh working on the pieiiiise that guitars aren't going out ol lasliion (‘lassie indie and altei'iiatixe, old and new liirriks pionios all night

I The Living Room ‘tpiii l.:lll lie - lil -lt_h \ presents a tiisrori ot sttlll llil'l. .zfirl hip hop II] this hat

I Love Breaks at l’o \a .\'.i llpiii lani l'iee l‘elote l lpiii. LC alter. \leniheiship a\‘le. \aiious tiiirks soiiiitls w ill] Simone and Dr Jon

I The Mambo Club at lhe ('aiendish,

lllptii late U l t; i~ Swing. hip hop. l'iiiil.

and soul I Mexican Borders at lhe \‘entie llpiii iaiii Li ‘0 r L it. ll and :5 luri loitnightly \‘ew l .itiri danee night on the top tlooi ot lhe \eiiue.

I Ripped at 'l he .l.illaeake. llpiii iaiii LC. \Veell} |lll\ ol pop .lIl\l indie \'otlk.i ts Slip .1 shot. tetluila <llp and seleeted heels Nip. \liiie's .i lhg: ll.iii§.'o\ei ()n l'iitlay please. harriiari'

I Shag at 'l'ht' lx’oel.riij,' llor se

llpiii iaiii 2;: Pop llt‘il\l\. pit/es antl siiipirses. \‘.lllt lo\el_\ tlllllls\ piotiios illpiii laiii. seleeted spirits (\tlpi

I The Subway West End .1er 1am Uhe. \‘tutlent orientated \.‘tt'.tt‘ hour the same people heliiiid the \irlma} III the (‘owgate 'l he iiiusie rs snitahly \aiietl liotii (ills to ‘r’tls and the drinks are doul‘le t‘heap (lpeii \i"\i‘lt nights a week \yllll l)ls on exeiy night.

I Thursday Night Fever at the liquid l<ooiii lll illpiii iani Li (‘heaptliiiiks ‘\k'lL'\lk‘(l sptltls Dilj‘. st‘lt‘tlt'il l‘ttllli‘il l‘t‘t'ls Ll .III\I ‘. .tlthls sittll/illsi Iii/kl.lll\ i‘ sounds

I Vibe .it

ltl illpiii

'lt'e‘ \Ve‘t' I\’k"\l littt

lain l‘tee ll .:f!rl _‘< luzi l-oitiiightl} Rol‘eit ('oriiio: .tiitl \tlxei \ioiie trip through lL'\ h house .iii.l

I The Unspoken Thing .tl \‘eyo. t.:t‘.ls ‘lptii iarii lie-e liip hop. ltip hop. illlllll 'ii' hass and heats 'ri' tiorii l'alinl‘urz'h‘s ilea lhest sortie

I; r "I ’f .9; .'

Kato, plus MC Digiac Fri 12 June, La Belle Angele, Edinburgh


I Apex at Studio 2.1. it) .‘sttprn ‘sani. L5 risli l: .l‘tllt l’oitiiightl} Quality house and teehno w itli residents Ste\ e and :\l toined l\_\ (ireerihouse l).ls -\ and l). liriiiks pionios all night

I Bizarre at The (ialleiy lttpiii ‘xani l‘lt‘t'. .\'uelear guitars. theiiiieal heats. lit/aiie. unusual. hut always intriguing l’ieeeeiled hy lt\ e hands. Ree .\liisie listings tor details

I Boogie Mo Dynamo at lhe Venue. Ill, ‘stlpiii iaiii. L11 iiienihers; £5 non iiieiiil‘eis l‘lluri l‘itlllllg'ltll} l’iopei hig heat supplied by \\'reekage. l'at lsiiitt'klt‘s and Sriiaek This may he the last lioogie \lo hetoie the suriinier. so get down there tor your lirial ll‘..

I Catwalk ‘lprii lain l-ree l’hil :\leoek .iiitl Steu' \l‘ldlhtllt take turns to drop .lt"llti\‘._l'.llll>.‘.;.1ttt't' I Cathouse a: tit; zitg'lit .o lttll

I Century 20001lpiii iaii‘. D. ( lyei l.\'s (‘oiiiiiieit ial darn e riiiisre lot a riiarnstreaiii eity Lt‘lllli‘ t io\\.tl \o ripped

.ir..l house l.ilt.r..ile lll‘i‘llill”

leans. steel toe eaps or trainers

I Club Bezique at the \Vee Rett Hat. New tlate lo .lun \lonthly on the last l‘tl til illt‘ Illt‘lllll

I Club Latino at We liongot'liih .\'e\t date Vhrl. .\loiithl_\

I Divine Divas at lhe \entie

‘) illprii iaiii L'i't..‘.i. 13. ll!“ l~\ei\ loin weeks liiiiiiensely populai worrien ottl_\ night

I eh1 More at elil ‘lpiii l.:ltt l :ee loeal Ills spin \allHtts triiiky sounds in this iiittrirate l‘at l iee errti\ with good thinks 'iioziios

I EVOi .it tliel ltlllltl l-Iooiii

ll' itlprii lat; Ll ,\he.ilthy llll\ ot iriuste. taking iii anything troiii liliit. l’.i\eiiieiit and t iasis to l’iililre l5iieiii\ laeksori < and l‘iitlerworltl \ long tttllltltl;' and seriously popular night

still doing pioriios in .l\\\‘\ iatioii with some ol the eoiiiilry ‘s l‘est reeoitl‘;'l\ Xi‘lt‘eli‘il ltiillli‘s Ll l‘t'liite ll illpttt

I Fire Island Summer Ball .tl lhe Vaults. " illprii 1.un til hetoie lllpiii. {X it!” um i: Irrii lzie I\l.lll\l return loi one ot their l‘tt' p.:itie~. lll!\ triiie l\iiii_.'itig you litist ()r.\liss \loii.‘}peni:_n.'liatlei. \i‘jfi llauehtori rl’hal l’liaiiiit. \\''e rlioos'ie .\lo I )sriariio \‘\.tll ( it \oiiiitl'. Queen Nadine rh\e l’\'. Ke‘. \\ii;'ht r\tll‘ll|ltL' .ui-l e ltll‘ ti'st.l.'ltl\ lllu l’etei. (i.1ll\-l'ii.ll‘. \l .tllrl\1| | our let's :ust hope that tliezos "llttll“il roozti tor all llti'st‘ llls' l \;‘.'\ l .t titr'l. ll.i\i'tl \ lii\‘.tl \l"!lll‘.'l\l‘..;‘ is a\aiial‘ie oi. tlte night I Gold at liz‘ \Ztrt llpiii \ trip to the His it; pleasant .tllil .misy going \ltltitttllillllt's liiiriks pioiiios

I Headspin .it 'I he liorigo t ~lirh

ltr 1llpiii lain l_‘ luri \lontltly (‘ohn \liller and .'\l l) v. tllt a healthy tlll\ ot all things tanks l:\peet anything liorii (ills and "its soul and lunk. to the latest tlllltil 'zi hass. hip hop. hip hop. i"-‘.‘.' heat and traith. llltlt h more \te\e \ustiti waiius tip. then it‘s a tour tletl. mash up. ‘.‘.lllt .itlthtioiial s.i\ players

\tlll ‘s f__l



iriipioyisrri;v oxer the top l his is heeiiiriiiie to sittllltl like one o: tlta iriost piorittsiiig ltt:'lll\ .tltl'llzrl \Vippoit ll. l‘i'rti‘it‘ \g'i' llll llsl

I Higher Ground at the llo:te_\uu .- llptii ;.tll. L‘ l" Iuii \loiithly ('all ttslll hltijlll for more l \' and l'ls house. garage .llt‘l lzsto ‘.‘.!lll lils l iritls. l_\ley and(ir:io

I ROIIIn' .tl \r'fjiietallln l ree Hus} l lhla} night with Iii \l i-\stioiiiotel. llieher (iiouiitlr. lo': I file} Iliil‘al l'unl.tiori Setatt hi. -\l rlilaeka'ai/ed and ( into llighei (ilt‘lllitll iiii\in~..' soiilliil house \‘.llll hip hop. ltt'tk .itiil illse‘ii

I Homeless .it lhe Shooting (ialleiy llprzi 2an: to llliin \loiithl} (pol :iight ot l‘eats 'ii' hieaks Your hosts are lt‘\ltlt'lll\l..1l\t‘lgt‘ltl ()ltt‘ lot the musk lti\ets and ehilletl p.:it_\ people

I Jazz Joint at IIL'lll_‘. is ( 'ell.:r liar

ltlpiii ‘aiii Ll .lahlia play lixe on 13 Jun. liasie (‘olleetue play on I” hit: Soiil/ial/i'liitik tusion K’lls style

I Katch at The Roekiiig lloise

llpiii iarii 9.". I:1‘-tlll ll}r‘t l’iiee

‘tp'ri iaiii.