‘3‘ \

Wallpaper decor: Scott Ridley shows his recent work at the Lloyd Jerome Gallery

.-——~.. imertebrates. See (ilasgotv (ialleries lor l - s - -_

starter LEVEL A current teriiporary csllibiliorls. . SPRINGBURN MUSEUM 26 King Street. 552 3 IS I. Daily 9 M—v -7 Atlas Square. 557 l-lllS Tue l-ri

MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin llall. l)uiribarton Road. 237 2720. Mon Sat ltlam Spin (closed Tuet; Sun

l lain 5pm. A museum devoted to the history ol‘ transport crammed lull vsith buses. trams. lire engines. ships and other llttlispot‘lzlltotl.

Glasgow's Urban Motorways: A

it) 30am 5pm; Sat lilam 4.3llpr2118ui: 3 5pm. Ill}.

Made In The North Until autumn l‘)‘)7. The rich diversity of industry in (ilasgovs past and present is chronicled in this exhibition.


Tower Of Babble Until sat r7 .lan. An exhibition of British art maga/mes li'om Wot) onsvards. illustrating their diversity. as well as underlying him art is al'l'ected by the magazine mediuiri.




~l Belles-tie ('t'eseent. 557 1003. Tue—Sat noon 5pm.

Christmas Exhibition tintil Sat 17 Jan. Paintings. wits and Ct‘!'.;l_l_lti_g‘.\‘.


b [)undas Street. 557 4050. Mon wFri lllatn (rpm: Sat l0am~lprn

New Acquisitions Until Sat 3i Jan. A selection of work by van'ous artists including Rev John Thompson. David Scott. William Boriai. Alexander Fraser. l?-;.\- .W-‘lltllljl'ltl £5,199.19?ch .- - _ _- CAMEO

38 Home Street. 32% ~1l-1l.lixhibitions open fifteen minutes before first screening ol the day until l lpiti (Sun-Wedl: lam t'l‘hus Sat).

I Went To America... Until Sun 25 twiltgtieigflgm E athsriti.c_.82rnce_ CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 529 3993. Mon—Sat

l()am 5pm.

Animal Magic Until ttllun I998. A major children‘s exhibition exploring the vvay artists have created images and how scientists explain animal behaviour. See Kids listings.

Haka Until 10 Jan 1998. Contemporary Maori art including carvers. fibre and tritilti-media artists. landscape artists and sculptors

India 50 lliilil ltl Jan lWli. In an exhibition commissioned by Christian Aid. celebrating 50 years of India‘s iudcpendence from Britain. Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado has documented many aspects of contemporary lite lll lndia. Part or Ambient Light. What's In A Picture Until Sat 14 Feb. An introduction to the gallery’s fine art collection. aimed at children. The show looks at how paintings are made and i‘\p|ot‘es shape. form and colour.

Continued over page

Vision lie-visited Until .s‘un l Mar. A look at the planning and engineering ol. the iriotorvvays llL‘Ithl'ls in (ilasgovs. featuring 3-D constructions. road lurnittire and traffic sounds to give visitors the sensation of travelling along a niotorvs ay.

28 King Street. 553 JM i. 'l ue Sat Haiti-5.30 im.

Henry VIII sWives Sat It) .s'at 3i Jan. A group show by recent graduates l'rom (Jlasgovv School (ll Art's l-vaironrnental Art department.



3060 Pollokshtovs Road. b4‘) 7 l 5 l. Mort-Sat l(lam 5pm (closed Tue): Sun | lam 5pm.

Sir William llaii'ell's vsorld lamous collection ol heaulrltrl ail ol~|ects l'rorn around the globe. housed iii a specially designed. il\\'.’tltl—\‘. inning building.

Sir John Lavery: The Irish Glasgow Boy llritil Sun 25 .lan. .-\ long overdue exhibition of “oil by Sir John l.avery. closely associated \\ itli the group of young artists. knots n as The (ilasgovv Boys. \vho t't‘\tiltlllollisetl Scotltsll painting in the lhhlls and ‘)l)s. Featured : in the sliovv are tvsenty paintings trom the city's collection and 27 on loan from Ulster Museum. as \s ell as his lamous portrait ol' Queen \'tctoi ia.


PROVAND'S LORDSHIP 3 (‘ttsllc Sli'ccl. Ill 90le Moll l‘l'i ltlaiii 5pm (closed Tuei; Sun I llam 5pm. The only surviving medieval ' house in (ilasgovv. built tti l-I7l l’er'iod room displays range l'ioiii litlll MIX.

Simon P0111 ST MUNGO MUSEUM 3 ('asllc Street. 32l Willi). Mort Sal Illam Spin (closed 'l‘uel; Sun

llain 5pm. Free ll)]. .-\ museum ol \sorld laiths. featuring a /.eii garden.

l‘r iceless art vvorks lrom the world's \l\‘ major religions. Dali's ('lrrivI ()/ Sui/r! .ltI/lll ()1! The ('rtm and the storon religion lll Scotland told through words and pictures.

The Veil in Islam l'nnl Sun I lieb. An t“.Illl‘lllt)l| exposing the myths ol'the veil or Iii/uh Ill the West. which demonstrates the diversity and complexity ol' its rise arid signrl'icance Ill the Muslim ssorld.

Hill-11st ol January

Transmission Gallery

28 King, street

in ingat e

t Llasgotv

til SQI’

tel (NM 552 4813 lax tllll 532 1877

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER liellaltouslon Park. ll) lliiinbreclv Road. 353 444‘). Sat & Sun lllam 5pm;

Mon I‘ri. call lor details as times \ ai'y. ('al‘e and design shop open daily 2.3.50 (£3.50).

Initially designed by (‘liarles Rennie Mackintosh lot a competition in l‘)l)l. this unfinished \Mll'lts has been completed by modern-day architects and designers in true Mackintosh style. See (ilasgosv (‘ialleries lor current temporary exhibitions.

SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM Sc‘tllltllltl Sll‘c‘r‘l. 42‘) I203. hi0ll~$dl lilaiii 5pm. Sun 2 5pm. (‘;:le. Il)]. Ilesigned by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archise material on Scottish education li‘oin IX'IZ onssards. Reconstructed classi'ooiiis give a llavour ol' \'rctoriau. lidssaidiaii. World War II and I‘)()(ls school day s.

Those Who Can Teach l‘ritil .Sun ll .Ian. A mixed-irredia t‘\Illhllltlll ol' vsoik including tlrass ing, painting and embroidery by professionally-trained artists and designers who are also teachers ol'Art & Design in Scottish schools“.

Discovering Japan Until Fri 27 l‘eb. A hands-on. interactive exhibition looking at life in Japan. See Kids listings.

l lam-3pm

KELVINGROVE GALLERY 8: MUSEUM 287 269‘). Mon- Sat ltlam—Spm; Sun Ham-Spin. (‘ale [l)].

A permanent collection ol‘ work by such names as Rembrandt. Monet and \'an (iogh. plus numerous historical artel'acts. animal displays. ‘Wee Beasties' and an interactive display featuring a plethora ol

Subsidised by -


tlallery open Tuesday-Sattirday,

VIII's Wives

A Collaborative Show

Rachel Dagnall Jonas Eggen Bob Grieve Per Sander

Lucy Skaer

Home View 7me lantiary loth

v-v Glasgow

9—22 Jan 1998 TIIE LIST”