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_‘. Friday ~ 20th Dec ‘96 until Sunday


Christmas = festive fun + fabulous food

served up with imagination and flair. Only £12.



For reservations and details call lacquie on 0131 668 3456

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-. 1' g Daily except Tradition g ' ,1 Christmas at it’s Ve Day Information and Credit Cards: 0141-287 7777/0141-2277 5511 Party Bookings: 0141 -204 0200 Tickets from the SECC, Candleriggs and all Ticket Link Box Offices Prices from £5.00 to £12.00

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ry best! SECC

—-' .: “7- V i x A. I ,

ecember. One night. Only £5


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Slices of the best of Glasgow’s D

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has found another field

to excel in” . . Evening Standaro;


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From Decemberb‘ CAMEO Edinburgh 01312284141 - mm

HEA'I'RE Glasgow 0141332 8128

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