

Publisher Robin Hodge. : I

2 After the the gccond ' A .. VcnlCC I"illll’l Festival

Statii' Eg‘ltmmnmha" - , ' q. I William Hurt on Jane [Eyre 19

Puiitishing Manager Morag Commg- Brett Andemon Rcwcws 20

B 'II. .' , ' ' V. \ - \ -' \ I -

f3$§isingmnage,m.cy braves the sceptics wrth [Jill‘lllbl‘illltillu‘s :3

.awrte. - . s t

Advertising Assistants Nicky nothing thII 0i d Listings week Onc 27

Stewart.(latte Goodlad. . _ , e

Circulation Manager Mltlo resurrecuon, Listings Week 'I wo 30


Aticounts Manager Georgette Page 6 c

Rei 'i'k.

“citatilis Assistant Sheila ' .

magi-51nd] K d . . Jon Spencer Blues Explosion 31

assr re - ' I. i . . . . . .

nrrsitti-ii..~n2?."“ I gotta From The Ct Wt 32

Research Kelly McMenatnin. : [q‘cmc

eception lI 'l'n Mona han. ' . . r. i .

Production sitiioi Andi’iw - 3 Hold on to your pierced Album M M8 34

guria't' A ta t s I ni les the fitest trtet u “mm” Run“ 36

re ucIon ssrs ns.rciicn j j ' 1‘ ' ‘1 . U , P

Chester.SiInon Bucktrout.I , . c 3 L Lblmg“ R(KI\ 6‘ BlUL-S

Design JeanetteLennartsson. comlng [0 Scotland. Jazz Folk & World 49

M Susanna Beaumont. 8 Books Kathleen Morgan. Classical Music (‘arol Main. Clubs Rory Weller. Jim Byers. Dance lillie Catt.

Extra Time Brian Donaldson. Film Alan Motrison. 'l'revor Johnston.

Film listings 'l‘hom Dihdin. Folk Norman Chalmers.

Jazz Kenny Mathieson.

Kids Kelly McMenaInin.

Classical & Opera 49


Men Slum/d W «7) 51 Ham/e! at the Citizens' 51 Reviews 55 Listings Theatre 56

Agenda Stephen Naysmith. t i

Gay parenting

Media ram.- Carr. 5 As Hollywood enters the Dance 50 Music Jonathan 1-rew, I C i Rock Fiona ShepherdJim Storm OVCI‘ gay parents, an -(llliLt y

Byers. Alastair Mabbott. Sport Alan Morrison. Television Eddie Gibb. Theatre Andrew Burnet. Iillie ; Can‘.

Camera lidinburgh Make-up


I; Theserondtoming

m Free in:an guide inside

Edinburgh lesbian couple speak out about the reality behind the media circus. Page 10

David Baddiel

Abandoning Fantasy Football League for his first novel.

Page 13

Channel 5

Kirsty Young anchors the terrestrial TV launch. Page 14

J. G. Ballard


Iran: A Rivetting I;'.t‘/)erie/I('e 52 Reviews 53 Listings 64


Listings 67


\7 Listings 68


Listings 69


Metalheadz 70 Listings 71 Venues 74


Amanda Redman stars in Beck 75

SllAl‘N .\I(‘l..-\Rli.\'

Brett Anderson 01 Suede

Published by The list ltd. IIEAO OFFICE:

I4 High Street.

Edinburgh Ell] l'l'li.

Tel: 0131 5581191.

Fax: 0131 557 85!”. e-mail: editortist@aol.coni

Davld Baddlel

fiiiicggAllFFICE: TV Highlights 77 350 Sauchiehall Street. Walking “‘16 thin white line Channel Hopping 78

Glasgow 62 MD. Tel: 0141 332 9029. Fax: 0141 353 2803.

01996 The List Ltd.

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with his latest novel Cocaine Nights. Page 15


William Gibson interviewed 79 Castlemilk Writers’ Festival 80

While extensive cllorts are made M - Events & Rcwcws to ensure the accuracy of a

information contained in this issue.

the publishers cannot accept

responsibility for any errors or

omissions. Variant

The List does not accept responsibility for unsolicited material.


£23 for 6 months (l3 issues) £40 for l year(26 issues)

New country comes to town. Page 16


Classified (incl 1 Saw You) 82

filjagfigigmfiifiiz‘f“) FOR JOBS IN THE ARTS, MEDIA, EDUCATION, socIAt wonx Food . . 91 Send to Edinburgh Office. SEE CLASSIFIED RECRUITMENT PAGE 82 Compclmons 92

The List 20 Sept-3 Oct l9961