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I MINIATURA Sun 23. l().30am—-l.3()pm. Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. (ll-ll 227 55l 1. £2.50 (£1). See photo caption.

I PAISLEY FESTIVAL Sat 22~Sat 6 Jul. Various venues around Paisley. ()l4i 887 mm. Loads of theatre. dance. music. comedy and kids events (see listings) with some Days Out events providing the cream of the crop. Look out for Sma‘ Shot day (Sat 6) but for now. the Float Procession down Brown Street (Sat 22.

l l.45am) should add to your Saturday shopping trip.

I PRIDE SCOTLAND 95 Sat 22. l().45am—8pm. Glasgow Green. Glasgow. Free. Pride moves to the West Coast for this year's march and entertainments celebrating gay life and culture. The march leaves Blythswood Square at 1 Iain and will arrive at the Green at about l2.30pm. Activities continue all afternoon on the Green. with the main focus on the stage where the likes of Frocks. Quentin Crisp. liuphony. Sandi Toksvig. Steve Sneddon and Long Fin Killie will be providing the entertainment. Also on the Green there will be a women‘s area. support tent. Health Board tent. free creche. market area with stalls and a community health tent.

I SDLSTICE SAUNTED Fri 2 l. 9.30pm—midnight. Glen Lodge. Gleniffer Braes Country Park. Glenlield Road.


Paisley. ()l4l 884 3794. Free. A Ranger- led walk on the shortest night of the year. Stroll through the gloatning to watch the sun set then wander back over the braes with a midsummer night’s visit to the standing stone.

I WEST END FESTIVAL Sat IS—Sun 23. Various venues around the West End of Glasgow. Tickets from (ll-ll 227 551 l and Cottier Theatre. OH] 357 3868. Full programme front the Underground Gallery. Creswell Lane. Hillhead Library and Cottier Theatre. Test the West at this new event spread over 42 different venues in the West End of Glasgow. Besides various rock attd comedy gigs. theatrical events and readings (see listings). there are several hot Days Out tips. Sun l6. l lam—5pm. is the River Kelvin Gala Day at the ‘()ld Men‘s Shelter‘. Kelvin Drive (Free). ()n Fri 2 l/Sat 22. 9 30am-4pm. there is a hook market and fair at the Hillhead Library. ()n Sat 22. the Hunterian Museum is holding a ‘What have you got there‘." day. when you cart take along your treasures to get their importance assessed by the staff. But the red hot Days Out action is on Strn 23. when the Midsummer Carnival Fling makes its way from the Botanics (assemble 3pm. leave 4pm). passes down Byres Road (4-5pm) and arrives at Kelvingrove Park at 5.30pm where there will be plenty of midsummer tnusic. dancing and merriment until l().3()pm. To add to the pleasure. the costumes have been designed by local artist Lindsay John.


No Scottish summer is complete without a severe rainstorm. a round of rnidge bites and a trip to a genuine Highland Games. Those listed here should provide you with the proper ingredients: a dose of Highland

I 00YAL HIGHLAND snow Thurs 20—Sun 23, Sam-7.30pm. Royal Highland Centre, lngliston. 0131 333 2444. Thurs/Fri: £12 (£6); Sat: £10 (£4.50); Sun: £9 (£4) hall price after 4pm except Sun. The Highland Show. You’ll need a lot more than one day to see round it all, what with the taming demonstrations, 4000 livestock (including ostriches and donkeys, bizarrely enough), judging rings, dry-stone walling demonstrations, cratts from Scotland demonstrations and the like. Sunday is the best day tor tamlly visits with lull-on entertainment in the main ring, including the Honda Motorcross Display Team (above). The cattle Industry is using the show to try and allay public tears about the BSE crisis, so there will be plenty oi beet and

demonstrations about.

big: make it small!

I MINIATDRA Sun 23, 10.303m-4.3

" . : _ ,5 u I.‘ \ai'w- - -wg-

0pm. Glasg w Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehaii Street, Glasgow. 0141 227 5511. £2.50 (£1). Little things are big business, it the number of stalls and exhibitors booked into this doll’s house show are anything to go by. Most models are one-twelth size, and you can find almost everything, lrom llower arrangements to power tools, pets and knitwear in ‘early 20th century styles’. Think

Dancing. some tossing. putting and throwing ofcabers. shots and hammers. various races. at piping competition and. it goes without saying. a beer tent in which

to replenish your energy.


Newburgh Fife. l2.3()—5pm. Mugdrum

Games Park. £2 i ).

0ldmeldrum Gratnpian. l().3()am-~opin.

Springwood Park. £4 U; l ). I Sun 16

Aberdeen Grampian. loam—6pm. Hazlehead Park. £3 (£l.5()). A big one. with ftrll caber tossing championship and



Auchenblae. £3 (£2).


Road. £3.50 (£l.5()).

0rantown-0n-Spey Highland. l().30am—5pm. Black Park. Heathfield

Campbeltown and Kintyre Argyll. l lam—4pm. Grammer School Playing Fields £2 (£1 ). includes shinty. 0rumtochty Grampian. Noon—5.30pm. Laurencekirk. Drumtochty Castle.

I North Berwick East l.othian. Noon-evening. Recreation Park. Dunbar Road. Programme £ l. Serious piping competition with 33 bands booked.

the brain of cobwebs,




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