I Airport (BBC 1) 8.30—9pin. lt’s tiightshift at Heathrow and the richest man iii the world. the Sultan of Brunei. is arriving at 6am. Needless to say it‘s going to be a sleepless night.
I Postcards From The Edge (Channel 4) 8—8.30pni. Photo-journalist Nick Danziger looks at the lives of people who are trapped by poverty. Tonight Mary front Glasgow tells how most of her children have succumbed to the ravages of drugs. Eloquent arid intelligent. Mary lives iii the hope that maybe next year her kids will be clean.
I DED: You Only live Once (BBC 1 ) Ill—10.30pm. ()r iii the case of Texan millionaire Miller Quarles. you tiiigltt get to live twice. Scientists have isolated the gene which causes ageing and are looking at ways of reversing the ageing process I Rising Damp (Scottish) il.lSpm— lam. Leonard Rossiter stars iii the movie of the sitcom where being miserable is a prerequisite of being a tenant iii Rigsby‘s digs.
I The Munsters: Hot Bod Herman (BBC 2) 650—7. iSpin. Herman is persuaded by his sort liddie itito competing with another boy's father iii a drag race. What Herman doom '1 know is that liddie's buddy‘s dad is a top-notch champion driver.
I The Big Country (BBC ti7—7.3()pm. Jenni Falconer atid Dougie Vipotid head for the great outdoors iii this week's edition of tli ‘ highly enthusiastic. round Scotland magazine programme. The ftiti starts with surfing and boogie boardittg iii Fraserburgh before moving on to caving iti Granipian. tree planting iii Glen Affric and rounding off with a knees-up at the ()rkney Folk Festival.
I Eur096 - The Preview (BBC 1) 8-9pm. The nation grows ever fitba crazier as the ruti up to Euro‘)() reaches peak point on the eve of the first match. and Desmond l.ynam. Ruud Gullit. Alan Hansen atid (.iary Lineker look forward to what‘s hailed as ‘the biggest sportitig event iii the country since l966'. lfyou‘re English that is.
I Expert Witness: The Gambler (Scottish) 8.3(l—9pin. The police enlist the aid of art acoustics expert to help solve the murder in this w eek‘s episode of the drama- documentary about the role of forensic science iii solving crimes. Presented by Michael (jamboti.
I Lite After Birth (Channel 4)
9.30- Itipm. New mutti Alison is distressed to find a damp patch on the
w all. while flatmate Judith is having trouble choosing whether to continue her career as a penniless musician or carve a new one as a management consultant iii the trying a bit to hard to be groovy new comedy series.
Frozen asset: Daniel Feeld's memories are
revived In Dennis Potter’s Cold lazanis, Channel 4, Sundays
I As part of Channel 4’s Broke season about cash and the lack at it. photojournalist Nick Danziger travelled around the country recording the lives at Britain’s burgeoning ‘underclass’ — the have-nets. interviews with the subjects of his bleak photographs are intercut with the stark black and white images themselves. The apparent intrusion into other’s hardships can make for uncomfortable viewing, but it’s undeniable he has chosen people with powerful stories to tell. In the first programme, Danziger visits Barrowtield in Glasgow where a mother of nine explains that all but one of her children have ended up drug addicts.
Postcards From The Edge is on Thurs 6 June on Channel 4.
has been spending tittie. As ever. there's more going on than meets the eye.
I Human Jungle (Channel 4) .\‘~t<.3()pni. Relationships. or lack of them. in the city are the subject of this week's programme ill the series looking at how humans have adapted to life iii the itioderti urban world. I Alan Bleasdale Presents: Pleasure (Channel ~li lllpilt-tilitililglll. The top TV writer's pick of new screenwriting talent homes ill on Christopher Hood's tense tale of revenge and deception set iii the beautiful city of Rotten arid starring .lennifer lihle and .-\driati Dunbar.
I Ricki Lake: I Hate Who You Date (Channel -1f- 5‘ .‘7 fipni. (iripping stuff as usual. as the Siliiililt'tlaltnk'ii chat-show hostess Ricki presents Steve who wants his twenty -}t‘;ii‘-tild sister Kim to leave \l‘slt‘t'il~}t‘1tt’(till (itVlltl because he's no good .itid chases her with a knife. Seems a good enough reason as any.
I Chart Bite (Scottishi a. l()--5.»i()piii.
liw an arid Mairi jump up arid down a lot whilst presenting the latest from the Scottish charts.
I American Gothic (Channel 4)
ill- llpiii. Conclusion of the two-patter iii
I Roseanne (Channel 4) l0~|().3()pin. Darlene is pregnant with David's baby atid reckons it's titne he made an honest woman of her. but being Darlene she insists on having the ceremony iii the woods. Dan is still iii a huff and reluctantly walks her down the aisle.
I Baadasss TV (Chantiel ~ii
l|.tl5—l 1.35pm. Proudly non-PC. tongue iii-cheek look at black popular culture in Britain. presented by lce-T and Andrea ()liver.
I Carnal Knowledge (Scottish) l.55—2.~10pm. Maria Mclirlane and Graham Norton present the late-night sev quiz iti which couples come clean with their sauciest secrets.
I Man 0' Man (Scottish) 7.15—8. lipm. Superbly tacky show with Chris Tarrant hosting the proceedings as teii male contestants battle for the right not to be chucked iii the pool on account of not being deemed quite faticiable enough by an audience of 3()() girls behaving badly. I Cutting Edge: Cave Rescue (Channel 4) 8--‘)pm. The excellent documentary slot follows the fittingly-nanied Jack Pickup atid his team of volunteers from the North Yorkshire Cave Rescue Organisation. as they search for casualties at the start of the ‘silly season' when university clubs venture otit just when the weather starts to
I Meet The Applegates (Channel at
l()~—| l.4()pm. ()ff-beat and completely bizarre comedy starring lad liegley .l r. Stockard Charming. Cami (‘ooper and Bobby Jacoby as a family of giant Amazonian insects who disguise thentselves as humans aiid go to live in sitiall-town lowa just so they can destroy a nuclear power plant.
I Homicide (Channel 4) ll.~itl — l 2 40am Bayliss and Peiiibleton investigate the sudden death of a police dog. while Howard arid lielton look into the death of a woman shot by an unusual bullet.
I Lifeboat (Channel 4) 1.15 Rpm. Tallulah Bankhead and William liendis star iii Hitchcock's classic WW3 propaganda thriller following the fortunes ofeight survivors from a torpedoed liner who find themselves adrift iii a lifeboat iii the mid-Atlantic with the captain of the German U-boat which sank them.
I Cold Lazarus (Channel 4) 9 it). ltlpm. The third part of the late Dennis l’otter's final. fantastical drama finds limma (Frances De La Tour) agreeing to sell the
which \ iewers were introduced to the new ctilt series that's like Twin Peaks only scarier. ’l’onight. ('aleb is on the run front Sherifflaicas litick btit luckily the spirit of his dead sister .\lcrl_\'lt is about to Come to his aid Most bi/ari‘ely of all. it's written by Tits teen idol aiid brother of David. Shaun (‘assidy See featttie.
I Beetlejuice (Scottishi
ltl.-llipiii ll ~15aiii. .'\lL‘C Baldwin and (ieena Davis star in the riotous horror- comcdy that was Tim Burton's long- awaitcd second movie.
I Friends (Channel 4) llpm midnight. Book ,\‘our place on the sofa it's the episode where Rachel finds ottt that Ross has been in hit e with her since ninth grade. atid the last ill the series.
I Eerie lndiana ((‘liaimel 4i ()—(i._illiilil. first in a :epeat inn lot the 'l'itt'n /’('(1A.\l.\‘ll mystery series. with \laisliall 'l’eller
hay ing a right old time of it what with time warps. aii .tllt'tt explorer. a lititiiatiotd cottiptiter and (logs who're trying to take (t‘vt'l‘ illt‘ ltt\\tl.
I NYPD Blue :( "liaiiixi it it) 10.55pm. Detective Sipowc/ l:.l\ been liittitig tlte bottle again and .lo/es offwhitst
inlet". icwiiig a suspect. while Detective Simone :s of! 12l‘-'t‘\‘lf—'Itltli:.'. the nmrder of .-\iidy llackeizsack.
I Clive Anderson Talks Back — To Robin Williams (Channel ~l lllfi.< Al l..‘i(lpiti. .-\ndersoti attempts to get a question in edgeways with the niotoriiioutli standatp and film star Williatis
broadcast rights of the tiieniories of Daniel l‘L'L‘id (Albeit l'inne) i. while somebody. soniew here is planning to steal l't‘t‘lth head from the liti‘ttt‘.ilt\l'}'.
I Used People (Channel .1)
lll. l0 l2.35piti. Shirley .\l.icl.-ine stars as the Jewish widow wooed b} an ll.:l!.llt widower iii the 'l‘\' premiere of this heart- w'ai'ltitng coilicdy-draina.
I Fair Game (Channel -1 I 5' Shaun. Broadcaster ( it't‘}: l)} i\L' lt‘tc‘s hard not to go under while he chats to li'vptiotist l’aul McKenna about the increasing number of l‘ti\t'i'.\ who use p;‘.ltl~l‘lt\‘i\'tlig hypnotic aitd ttance techniques to enhance performance.
I Undercover Britain: Bad Debt (tunnel 4) Haiti ()I‘Ill \littliew \Villansozi forth with nowt but a l‘.id.feit catziei'a an: nerves of steel it: an attempt 'o .~sp we the loansharks who pie}.
need} and vulnerable. l‘azt ol the lii'okc'
till \Dc‘u‘l‘. is ll]tl\l
I Astronauts (Channel ~z i " Him... \loii from out :tslt’tltttlttls‘ on the ground in the second part of the beliind-tlic-sceiies look at st.\ of .\'.-\S.-\'s finest as they prepare to go into space. See preview
I The Avengers ((‘iiaimet at t» 7pm. Steed is under house arrest. while ll. investigating the leaking oi secrets from the research establishment w here Steed
Out at the Birdcage: Robin Williams discusses his recent work with Clive Anderson. Channel 4, Thurs 13
841m List 3t Nlhy-l3 Jun 1996'