A selection at television highlights, listed by day, in chronological order. Television Listings compiled by Jonathan Treiv.
I Shooting Stars (BBC 2) (i-~-o..‘s()pm. We and Bob roll tip their sleeves for more quirky comedy quiz. antics.
I The Big Country (BBC ll 7 7.30pm. Dougie Vipond and .lenni l‘alconer get a taste for the fresh air and yap off to ( )h’lll arid the Isle of Mull for a spot of salltttg and paragliding. Then it‘s back to the other side of the country for l-or'iriula l Racing. tank driving and oil the road frolics before winding tip arid winding down by swiirrniiiig with sand Tiger sharks at Deep Sea World in North Qtieeiisferry.
I Only Fools And Horses (Channel 4r 8—8.30pni. Del Boy Trotter sees another get rich quick scheme corrie his way and can't fail to make a grab for it with predictable consequences.
I Soldier, Soldier (Scottish) s) —- l()ptll. As the only woman in the regiment. l.t Kate Butler is determined to prove herself. but one thing she hadn't prepared for is a cottiplicated romance.
I Murder Most Horrid (BBC 2r ‘)-‘).3()prii. Dawn I'TL‘IICII and Hugh l.aurie keep the latrghs gushing as they play the husband and wife team who hope to reach the pinnacle of their political ambitions and moye in to Number Ten. Trouble is. there's more than skeletons lurking iti their cupboards.
I Lite Alter Birth (Channel 4) ‘).3()—l()pm. Alison has been stuck inside with her new baby for two months and is getting a bad dose ofcabirr feyer' ller‘ best pal is also helpless with the 'lIu and the nosy neighbours serye only to complicate matters. Ah. the joys of parenthood.
I Jack And Jeremy’s Heal Lives (Channel 4) lt).3()-l l.()5pm. Jack Dee and Jeremy Hardy star as a bizarre pan of aristocratic brothers whose real lryes include soly mg a murder itiy'stei'y. taking part in a black magic ritual and \ isiling some poor people on a housing estate.
I Baadasss TV ((‘hanliel 4r
ll.()5 ~I l..‘\5piii. Ice T and Andrea ()liyer stick their tongues firmly in their cheeks and cast their ga/e mm the wilder shores of black culture.
I Flava (Channel 4) l2.~l(l l
ltlaitt. l'lll.ll
outing for the programme which aimed to show the best ofcoiiteiiipor'ary black music.
Vine tasting: natural refreshment trom the forest in Encounters: Five Co Mad In Peru, Channel 4. Sun 2
I Dad’s Army (BBF ll.< 35 5.55pizr. (‘aptaiii Mainwaring attempts; to lift the troops' tl‘ait‘ille with a platoon dance.
I Memphis Belle tSeottislir
7. l5 9.05pm. Scots director Michael (‘atoii-Iones spins a wartime yarn about a group of young -\iiierrcan then in this Day'id I’tititaniproduced lint-r (lair style drama
I Correspondent r BBC 3; 7.:u .\'.(l5prti. In Germany. hundreds of alleged i’or'mer spies are awaiting trial on charges of treason. All or them are former West (ierrnans who are now acctised of passing state see rets lo the liast. These cases hay-e dry'ided the country. with some insisting that it is rigltt to settle old scores. while others ; rgrie that such crimes are now best forgotten.
I Cutting Edge: Casino ~’(‘li.;linel .tr
5' ‘lpni l ess than two per cent of the British population hay c e\ er set foot iii a casino so this docrrtltettlttt'y really does blow the lid on what goes on. People hoping for loaii sharks and thugs in dinner jackets will be surprised by the genteel nature of it all.
I Bad Boy Blues r BBC Jr to tlospm. (‘liye ( )werr and Maynard l‘./l;i.\lll star iii this gripping tale of friendship and betrayal that i'ey'oly'es around an assasiriatiou golie wrong. lichoes of lr’eaeri'orr Drier abound. See pi‘ey'iew.
I Drop The Dead Donkey r('hanirel -lr
It) lt).3t)t\iii l.ast in this series of r'e-i'uiis for the award-w inning comedy.
I The South Bank Show rscnrnslr. ll.r’l5piii lllliriri. .\lclyyli Brag profiles the incredible talents or singer llaaba Maul.
I Homicide (Channel 4‘ If.“ llfiarn. (iiar‘dello tells Ilay’liss and l‘criibleton they haye inst twelye hours to get a confession from the chief suspect ill the Adena Watson case and as the hours pass. the frustrations rise.
I Hidden Kingdoms: Here Be Dragons l('hannel .Ir 7 Spin Hr a! least. 'llere be crocodiles. which is about as close to dragons as you want to get -\pparently. African crocs can grow up to eighteen feet long bill they Catt y‘a‘I by on .i mere two w ildebeest a year
I Habucco (BBC 2- “ to n Soprn. the Welsh \atrorral ()pct'.l\ Corrtr'oyet‘sral
\ersion ol‘ \l't‘diK opera gets a small
screen show trig. When it was first staged it split the critic s excitiy between those who loy'erl the modern interpretation arid Illtlst‘ \\ llt) Ilttl‘c‘tl ll.
I Encounters: Seven Co Mad In Peru t('hatttrel 4) S (him. In ltily I‘NS a group of seyetr urider‘graduates. largely strangers to each other. set off to spend nine weeks trekking through the .-\:li;r/ori. They all hope to gain dill'er'ertt espezrerices l:o;ir the trip and hope that it will bring them closer together fortunately tor the makers of this documentary. it all goes horribly wrong.
I Goodlellas «Channel .i.
ll) lleiii llsllldlll. Scorsese scores a hotiierun again w rtlr lltl“ remarkable tale of rriodet‘n day gangsters starring Ray l.iotta. Robert De \Jir‘o .rnd .loe l’esci
I NB (Seottislrr 7 7. lllpii: 'I he Scottish arts listing piogr'arniire picks the best show s on oflei oy er the coining week.
I Fair Game lt'hannel r-ll .\ x itlprir. The conflict oyer‘ money and professionalism within rugby union. as riiiiiioi'tahsed in Will (‘ai'ling’s quote about the RH‘ coirrirrrttee being: CV rilrl tar'ts‘. receiyes a closer examination.
I In The Blood: Original Sin rChannt-l 4.. N b.5llt‘it: .\re people born e\ :1 ’ Is there a gene for crime" Steye .loncs speaks to lil'ers irr prison and genetic scientists to
Scramble: American aircrews respond to incoming tire in Memphis Belle. Scottish. Sat 1
see w hetlret' or not people C .:II be predisposed to violence llll‘si‘h'L‘IH c ol their upbringing and em iroriitrertt
I The Liver Birds (BBC rm. to ‘Iplii. The latest ('ai'la Lane sit-coin ll res to take off where the original Lire." Mir/x left oil. I Birds From Hades (Channel at
8.30 9pm. l‘or‘ marry. y rrltui'es are the llrost disgusting creatures around. 'l'lren' adrriir'ers how ey er' point to their role as nature's dustbin itreri. clearing up the carcasses before disease car. spread.
I The X FileSrBBC 3r ') «i rs‘iun. .\ l'l~'() falls to the ground arid the Sherrtl dies from seyei'e arid unusual burns. Needless to say‘ \ltrlrlei can't resist the terirptatrorr to stick his nose iii
I Astronauts ((‘lrannel it ‘I “hurt lor the first little. \.\S.r\ haye opened the doors of their astronaut training pi‘ogr‘aiiirrte to allow trriprecedeiited access to him a group of astronauts as they prepare for a llight iii the space shuttle
lindeayour'. See prey iew.
I A Tribute To Helen Chadwick (BBC :r i
ll. lerri ~itiidnight. llelen ('hadw ick. one of the most rriiioyatrye and pi‘oyocally e contemporary :ii‘tis' \ working in Britain.
died suddenly trout heart failt'i'e tn March at the age of-IZ. l’erhaps best l now n to: her (it. (to. a suggestiye gurgling fountain of rnolten Chocolate and Pro ll/(ittr ly. tirade from the shapes s i'eated by her and
llt'l' l‘ill‘lilt'l' Pl\\lll! Ill Ill." \ll(\\‘._ .rr'r\ '\
INK-i 2‘s llliitlit‘ lti lllt‘ .tlllsl llt't' yyrilic i..
will be e\lribrted at the Portfolio ( iallet’} in lidiii't‘rur'gh during the I't‘\ll\.ti.
I Designs or The Times: Public Property rillK‘ 3i Tilla‘lpiit. Alter cltasllt.‘ hint to: two years the iriaker's ol this progratrrrrie linally managed to bag an llll'c'l‘s rew w rth possibly the roost laiiroirs designer a: the world l’lnlrppeStazck.
I Human Jungle ((lrairiicl at r s .s. lupin. :\s part ol a series of pt‘ogt'attllires that looks at how humans hay e adapted to life in a modern. urban eriy iionnrent. this docuriieiitaiy eyalrirrtes the Concept ot'
Il\ ing space and personal space as we}! as
looking .it what happens when this spree
flScrimperstr hauncl l r. to
I Bad Boys lillt‘:
docrir‘tetlt'ity .tl-tlrll would 7 :‘ llx' bows arul girls who want to caltt lil'.'lt helicopter wings A
I I’ll Just See If He’s In -. ttBt‘ 3r
‘lsl‘ it)..‘yl‘rpiir l-or'riter secretaries desertbe how tlr 'y got stuck in the job and telt tirider‘y altre-l and under :ised. (lite 2»! them is now the cltrct’ -it a regional health authority and allot tet is now Speaker ol the House ot t’oiirrrrons
I Raining Stones a‘hanra-l it
It) ll.-l(lpnr. lsen l.oachs awardwrtiniitg! comedy drama .tl‘rltll the rrirsl'oitrlnes or a struggling. working cl rss t‘airiily gets the w tde screen tr'eatztrerrt
I Marilyn Monroe: Say Goodbye To The President'lnrr‘ :» to in .\lar'i!yr. .\loiiroe would hay .' been "
1r); (leatlt
li llSpit; .ltlne 'I'iiiity-l‘orrr ysars .itite: =~ still a great deal or -llst‘r.te about i .sllt‘ {Iit'li rlll't‘c'lrll til Illls lillll.
('liristoplrer ()lgiati. reckons that he "tiny I . ' triicoy'n'c-d new A ltic'ot e that to \loriroe being a irrttider ytctrtrr pier. tew
I Chartbite=fscrvtrslo < I” "i ~I";‘le
ii 1.".
I.ll.lll .llltI \{ lt'ci .l
iapp 'Eltll;'\ ll'~llil the ‘s'.otr
"rest lrils Llll'l tsl; t halls and tin-sent tlzetiiprst ‘or you l;t their own inztrrrtabh hunt. I Designs or The Times : BBC :- zll bpiir, Iariel \treet l’orte: ill“. l).'~t‘:!t1 \‘-'‘.i\.
seztts the
from r‘eot‘l:
’o :h:
Kline tip or: How to s_:‘. ‘t‘t :‘lllC‘ .:r‘-rlrridectisr..r...r~:1::rle~ who hay .' dedicated lllct! Ll'ces pleastaes ol scrttnr‘rng
I Tales lrom The Wasteland (Chan-rel .r» " ltlpnr (‘ontarrttirg' the l-lzoief wCasrrtr this thought proyokrrrr: new s :..'s t. r. s the crisis lit the welfare state tll'otigli '12-; “\"s of tho~e ('n the recery ing end. Making full use of the freedom of Ill-X. three one hour films or: t'.:i‘:'lres. the elderly and the yozi'tr'. shat; the h\. s a
lrx the rooms of unity triads who iraye slll‘t‘cd throtlr'l‘. the satr'i‘. "e:
ill "their?! in
is in\aded. [an edition C'!lliilt‘;I I)" -..i \leu Elie" I The Last Of The Rhinos . BBC r. \‘it'ar Bannes . r ma: i. tr.- .\ A :l’i‘ltl. Illclc at.‘ only 37th; w:ll lwotilrl be bette; -' ‘l: ' lilac}. ilrtiio sfril alin lit-flit" world “in: -‘-rt' d M l"l'~ 1'-‘ b" ' r- “ 'r‘T two are totttzd .lead it‘s a graye matter to: EliriLlr.’l;t t'rr ‘r-c llit try r t‘ l so "i r:
concern as Ill" cattreras follow tlt.‘ l cons-cry .itiotrtsts and their battle .ig..;r:~: ' lIlt‘ i‘tltls'llt‘l'\ i I The Works: The Town That Disney Built t (BBC It 5 .\,3tlprir lit-hey e H or not ill.) : Disney corporation is ttlllllllf.‘ to build a llltlrlc‘l town in i'lttl!.l.t that will I‘t I e\e:crse in social engineering. 'l‘lit re .ae ‘ strict conditions on who will lie allowcr! to be a resident and w hat they w ill , allowed to do. No rokes about ;.'l.'.lll rodents roaming the streets,
I Murder One l HIM. 3t 0 Ud‘prrr \'e\.
drugs. prostitution. extortion. lllr rrrreer from. It's all iii a day's work !or the shitty characters in Steyen IioCIiCrlK thriller
I Flying Soldiers: Solo r BBC :-
‘lFtl ltlprri, .\loi'e tly on the wall
it y’llllll
tlrt'\ w nildlr't
(l.ill:::-' .rirlr theihwl' es Sec
‘l‘t‘tll‘i‘c' or ('ornwall. lllr'l.i.I':l~..‘ .. s.
\‘i it“ riltlzl 'll‘ Ir..' l‘i“.. .""‘.ll\’ll'..‘.
IFriends (Katmai-1; i: ll.
l;.r~.e To ~'o Tar T.‘ i‘-rr:§.r-; (if
I Postcards From The Country - The
, Cornish CoastrtrBr' .‘. tr so In torch
I he carirelas h. ad lot Cornwall ..r:d ho}.
.i' :l. 1:; die past and
prsn: 1~rr r..e Illii‘s lisl‘a'riitait. .r dryer and. naturally. a tea
sliot‘ owner
I American Gothic -('l1..“llt'l it
ill Illiltr. Tsew cal'. sc‘tlt‘r Sec leatttte
I EuroQB Preview scoursh.
"rilll‘J Til i‘t' .f M".
i I illihl. I i'.'\"'."s i‘lti'r:
\VIIC?) l land 1'. I Sikh-r
qty. .P‘t'tzz. I\il~*~.
.rilriost rirtss tie exet.’ \i.'.'.l.'.‘.iltl.‘.
belite'tds .t.l llllil 33'. ‘d. - 1.1.x
The lad 3i \lay l‘xltin both 83
r l l l l r' l I r