I CITY ART CENTRE Market Street. 53‘) 3093. Mon/Tire. Sat Ilium-5.30pm: Wed—Fri Illam—S’pni; Sun Ham—5pm. Quest For A Pirate l‘ntil I I May. In I717. pirate Black Bellamy and his ship sank. along with all their treasure. oil. the coast ol (‘ape ('od. (her 350 years later. salyoi' Harry (‘lil'l-Hl'tl discoy'ered the lost loot. all 73 ll) pieces ol which are on show at this fascinating exhibition.

The British Art Show lintil 2s Apr. ()ne of

seyen Venues around the city playing host to the I‘Utll'lll British Art Show. l‘catttred here are (ieorgina Starr's \‘ideo installation \"iyi'l In (1 Small I’liuii'l which sees the artist dressed as a blue-skinned alien. .lane and Louise Wilson's I'l\'/HIHII(' Street's/inn. a Video recording of artists under the influence of a liypnotist. while 'I'acila l)ean uses l'ilm photography to construct the stories (iirl S/mrini'ur and Hie .Ilurlt'ri/um 44/ S! .'l girl/iii.

I CITYLAB 35 l)undas Street. 556 7333. Mon-Iii ()am 5pm.

Chris Close 0n location l’ntil 3t May. A series of photographs by freelance photographer ('hris (‘Iose. including panorattiic Views ol the Scottish Highlands. advertising shots and hook

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 33 28 (‘ockliiirn Street. 330 l3(i(). 'l'ue- Sat llanr 5.30pm. The British Art Show t'nitt 23 .-\ pr. Photographs and \ rdcos ol' people sharing their innermost hopes and lantasies by artist (iilliaii \Vearing. who aims to bring otrt the yoyeur in all ol us.

I CONTACT GALLERY (irindlay (‘ourl ('entre. (.irirrdlay Street (‘ourt. 33| ()73|. .\loti 'l'lrurs Illarri—inii; l‘ll

Illam- 3.30pm.

Echoes UT The Spirit Mon 33 .-\pi' IS .\lay. Photographst ('hi‘is l)ornian. some ol' which were taken during the l'rlrning ol the l'orthcomiirg l‘eature little. and others depicting the ol'ten passionate beauty of Scottish landscapes.

I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 Donne 'l‘er'r'acc. 335 715‘). Mon l'l'l Illam 5pm. Souvenirs l7nlil 30 Apr. Photographer 'l‘o\e Kurt/well ol'l‘ers her own personal interpretation ol~ souyeiiirs and iiietricirtos..

I EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL ()utpatient Corridor. Seal'ield Street. l)aily 9am (rpm.

Gray’s School OI Art l'iitil 3 May. \Vork hy luial year students at the :\l)L‘l'(lL‘L‘ll art college.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART lauriston Place. 33! Milli). .\lonr-'l‘liurs Illam Spin; l~ri 10am 5pm; Sat Illarii 3pm.

Pulling Prints l‘ntil 3 May. .-\ selection ol' etchings. lithographs and scr‘ecnprrnts hy elc\eii ol Scotland's leading printnrakers. I THE EDINBURGH GALLERY lSa l)undas Street. 55" 5337. Mon l'ri llatii 5pm: Sat Illaiii lpiii

Big Seas, Back Streets And Blue Skies l'nttl 7 May. :\n eshihition oloil paintings hy lltrgli .\laclniyie. depictuig the many and \ aried sights seen by the artist on his tray els around the world.

I EDINBURGH PRI'ITMAKERS WORKSHOP 33 l'nioii Street. 557 347‘), 'l‘uc Sat

llIaitt ()plit.

Walking On A Thin Crust t'aut t I May .-\ series ol rccertt screenprints hy prominent (ilasgow -l\ased aitist .loltlt 'I'ay lot.

I FILMHOUSE CAFE BAR l.oihiaii Road. l)aily lilani I Ipm.

Veronica Harris l'ntil :7 :\pt. Recent paintings and rinsed media art works by \‘ei’onica Harris.

Interactive Art Gallery t'mit :t Apr. Ten artists swap canyas and paint for monitors and digital imagery for this eshihilrori ol (‘l)-R().\l artwork. on show as part ol the cleyenih lidirihuigh l‘ringe l'tlllt and Video l'csttyal.

I FIRTH GALLERY 35 William Street. 335 3|‘Jo. 'l‘ue l-ri llama 5pm; Sat Haiti—4pm.

Journeys On Paper t‘niit :7 Apt: large colour woodcuts aird w alercolour studies by Paul I'urneaus. created during tray els

Facing changes: Mexican photographer, Pedro Meyer. questions truths and tictions in a show of work at Glasgow’s Street Level until Sat 1 Jun

through Scotland. I‘rance. .\le\ico and Japan.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 2‘) Market Street. 335 3381'l‘ue Sal 9am 5.3(lpni‘. Sun noon-5pm.

The British Art Show liniil 2s apt: \‘tttm work from Steve McQueen and Sam Taylor-Wood. shown alongside paintings and \‘i(lCti.s by Mark Wallinger.

I GALLERY 41 Jl l)undas Street. 557 456‘). Mon-Fri lllani 5.30pm; Sat l()ani—5prii.

From My Colouring Box t‘nrtl .s May. Paintings and pastels hy selected artists. on show with new ceraiincs by Tony laiyer‘ick and contemporary iewellei'y hy .si\ l'cmale artists.

I HANOVER FINE ARTS 33a l)undas Street. 556 3ISI. .\lon l't't It) ‘sllam ppm: Sal l()anr 4pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition l'titil :7 .-\pi'. Annual eshihition ol' work hy gallery artists. including landscapes. seascapes. still lil'es. watercolouts. draw riigs. pirnts. wood and marble sculptures. -\lso on show. jewellery. wooden hoses. resin hron/cs and cards.

I INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph Crescent. 335 53M» .\lon Sun 9.30am till late.

The Rainbow Portraits 8. Balcon l'ntil .s .\lay. 'l‘wo specially conriiirssioned works by photographer I.t/ theal. leattrring a series olfolotrr‘lul. enlarged photo-hooth

pictures which reiect traditional notions ol

self-portraits. and a photo montage that attempts to re-crcate a specrl'rc memoron the ar'list's grandiiiotherk Paris home

I ISTITUTO ITALIANO OI CULTURA 82 NICUISUII Street. (MS 33 i3. \Iott l‘tt lilani 5pm.

John Kinross Scholars 1991-95 rain I .\la_\. Paintings and drawings liy w iiriiers ol' the John Krnross Scholarship. designed to allow students to spend time In mg and working in Tuscany.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 .\'iirtlttiiiiherland Street lane. 55' 5-15-1 The Sat llanr -l thm.

Into Spring l'l't :t» Apr I“ \lay. .-\ colourlul L‘\llll‘tllttll lealui‘rrig paintings. sculpture arid collage hy si\ dr\eise artists.

I VINCENT KOSMAN FINE ART S Burgess 'l’errace. (io3 00‘)”. Mon Sat llarir 5pm. James Paterson t'aril 30 _\la_\, ()i. er Zoo pictures hy .Ianres Paterson. his l'iiends (other '(ilasgow Boys" I. aitist i'elatr\es. and liasl Anglian painters w ho were influenced by the Scottish style.

I LEITH GALLERY 03 (illL‘\ Street. 55 i 5355 'l‘ue- liri llam (rpm: Sat llani---ipm.

Spring Exhibition The Rt) .»\pr l I \lay. .-\ collection of maior new works by renowned Scottish artist Hill (irlloti.

I MATTHEW ARCHITECTURE GALLERY l’nry ersin ol‘ ltduihiii'gh. I)eparttiieni ot .v\rchi:ecturc. 3H (‘hamheis Street. (~5ll 3343. .\Ion l-r'r Illarn Spin. Sat/Sim ll)..§ll;iiii -3._‘s(lpm.

People And Architecture l'ntil 3t» \pi

liiiropean architectural photography which. unusually. shows people in the lore. not the htiildings.

I MURNINGSIUE LIBRARY .\loi’irirtgside Road «530 565-1» .\lon l H 0am .\‘. Illpm; Sat 0am Ipni.

Cinema TOO l'ntil 1.\lay' .-\n eshihrtion ot'

photographs and hooks celehrating the (’entenary ol ('inema.

I MYRIAU GALLERY 7‘) .\loinrirgside Road. Iiil'oi ~l-17lr‘I37

Brave New Work Sal :n at» In May. l’r'ogi'esso e paintings hy emerging young Scottish artist Srexe Burnett.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'l‘lie Mound. 55(\-\"3l \loii Sat Illaiii 5pm; Sun3 5pm

The Three Graces Antonio ( ‘aamas heaiililul sculpture. iii residence at the gallery until I‘M"

Awash In Colourt It I!» -\;u it .lrrl -\ iiiaiot' e\hihitioz‘. ot i‘IIll and early 3ltth century ;\lllc'ltcill‘. \'-.ateicolouis. on loari limit the \luseuiii oi l-irie \rts rri Huston.

including works by (ieorgia ()' Keel'e and lidw'ard llopper.

David Le Marchand (1674-1726) Until 6 May. The first ey'ei' eshihition dey‘oted to the l‘rench-horn iy'ory cary'er. who during his career created t‘igure sculptures from such illustrious sitters as Queen Anne. (ieorge l. Sir Isaac Newton and Sir ('hristopher \Vreri.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieoi'ge l\' Bridge. 336 453|. Mon~Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 3- 5pm.

A Nation Divided: Scotland and the ’45 l'ntil 3| Oct. The .lacohite uprising ol‘ l745/4o was one ol‘ the most iiioriientous (and bloody) events in Scotland‘s history. and inevitahly. the truth has been somewhat overshadowed by legend. '.»\ Nation I)i\'ided' looks at the real story behind the .lacohites. Bonnie Prince (‘harlie and the Battle ot~ ('ulloden through conteriiporary writings and illustrations.

I NETHERROW THEATRE 43» ~15 High Street. 556 ()57‘). 0am 5pm. Mon-Sat. Sheena Dixon l7ntil 37 Apr. Paintings ant masks made li'otit heesw‘as. created using ancient techniques dating hack to pre- historic and medie\al times. On show as part ol the 10% Puppet and Animation l-estiyal.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY r5 7‘) (:‘trnihei‘lant Street. 557 l()3ll. .\lon -l-'ri Illanr (rpm; Sal lllam Jpnr

The Moon Is A Balloon rant 3 May: Inspired new jewellery hy (iillian l'inlay who works III a \airer ol precious titetal‘ and stones.

Mixed Exhibition spit :0 :\pt‘- it May. ('olottt‘lttl watertoloui‘s hy talented yotlti:~ aitist Claudia Petretti. on show alongsidi a recent collection ol' small. intimate still lite and landscape oils hy Ann Patrick. arid ceramic ligiire sculptures by Walter Awlson.

I PATISSERIE FLORENTIN S St (iiles Street. 335 o3o7. 7am -l lpm riiiidniglit 'l'hiii's; 3am l-rr/Sar r.



Recent works by

Claudia Petretti

Claudia Petretti - Stormy Skies 1996

Until 8 May Mon-Fri loam to 6pm Sat 10am to 4pm

75/79 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh HHS 6RD 0'15] 557 1020

-- s:-

The List I‘) Apr-2 May I996 73