Glasgow. University Avenue. 339 8855 ext 543l. Mon—Sat 9.3(Ianr-5pni. Mackintosh House Having welcomed nearly three quarters of a million visitors. the famous house closed in November 95 for a spot of polishing and re-carpeting. Newly invigorated. the house has reopened in good time for the Rennie Mackintosh celebrations in 96. Also on show. the Old Masters and Whistler collection.
I KELLY GALLERY IIS Douglas Street. 248 (i386. IVIUII-I'I'I It).3()am~-7pm: Sat l0ain—4pm.
Joy OI Colour Until 27 Apr. Recent colourful still lites and landscapes by artist Sylvia Allen.
I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngay'ie. 943 3247. Mon—Fri l()am—Spni; Sat/Sun 2- 5pm.
Children’s Art Exhibition t3rirtl 27 Apr. Mixed media work by children aged 7-- to years. created at the Gallery's Kids Workshops.
I OUNCAN MILLER FINE ARTS I44 West Regent Street. 204 (I708. Tue --I"ri
I Iillit~-()ptit; Sat l().3(larn— Ipiii.
20th Century Scottish Masters tirirrt so Apr. A broad selection of work by some of this century‘s most influential Scottish artists. including I’eploe. Hunter and Cadell. plus a selection of work by contemporary artists.
I MITCHELL LIBRARY North Street. 305 2999. hintt-I'I‘I 9am 9pm; Sat 9am » 5pm. Impressions OT A World Tour trail 30 Apr. A photographic exhibition by Klaus- Peter Sorgau and Sy ly'ia Nagel. documenting a year-long trip around the world exploring lilestyles and cultures. I EWAN MUNOY FINE ART 2 l I West George Street. 248 9755. Mon Sat l()arii—5.3()pm.
Spring Exhibition Until 2 May. Recent acquisitions. including works by .l. l). Fergussoii. William Wells. Peter How son. William (‘rosbie and Phyllis Hone.
Cary Anderson L'niil 2 May. An exhibition ot met" 5() drawings by the artist. featuring New York and Glasgow. characters and animals. accompanied by an illustrated book.
I 1999 INFORMATION CENTRE Princes Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 227 I999. Mott-Sat l()ain- 7pm; Sun l|.3()am 5pm. Made In Scotland UlttlI 30 Apr. An exhibition highlighting the may best work of Scottish architectural practices. featuring models and drawings.
I NS GALLERY 53 (‘ressw ell Street. 334 424i). .‘ylon—Sat l()arn 5.30pm; Sun noon—Spur
extend the spirit of \"aleritine's Day on into April with romantic work by Helen Wilson. (.ieorge \\'y|lie and (‘oliii Wilson. among others.
Consuming Passions Hi 26 .»\pt‘-- 3 Inn. New work by Head ol' Painting at Duncan of Iordanstone Ronald lioibes. who uses quttonous eating as a metaphor tor
lovers Lane l’nlil 21 Apr. The SS (iallei‘y
Art In The Square: Glasgow’s George Square is to be transtormed into a giant marquee tor the city’s first art lair. Over 40 galleries from across the country representing over 600 artists and showing 3000 artworks, including Craig Mackay’s Cailleach 0idhche (Old Woman Of The Night) above. are taking part in the tair which is set to become an annual event. Art In The Square runs from Fri 19 to Sun 21 Apr
tiiankind's desti'uctiy e consumption or the planet's resources.
I ORIGINAL PRINT SHOP 25 King Street. 552 H94. Mon Sat Idea 5 39pm.
Tom Mackenzie Sat 2'7 :\pr l Inn. New prints and etchings depicting the bearrtitul landscapes and \ ibrant colours ol the Isle ol' Skye and the Highlands and Islands.
I PRACTICE GALLERY 5S Virginia Street. 552 7722. Tire/Wed 9am (rpm. 'l’hui's
I lam (rpm: l-ri/Sat 9am (\I‘ltl.
Joint Exhibition turn I May. l-.\otrc. acrylic jewellery by Adam I’.i\oii and morioty pe/i'elease prints based on club culture by Karina Young
I PROJECT ABILITY IS .-\ibrorr Street. 553 2822. Mon l‘r'i litarii 5pm
Twenty Seven t'rrrit :ri Apt. Work by 2‘ artists It‘olit .\'orth 'I‘yiieside Art Studio. 0ut UT The Head ‘Iiittlls 2 2o .\lay .\lr\ed media work by 'I‘ioiigate Studios l’aiil l)tit'l‘us and other Studio members
I SALANOINI'S BARBER SHOP ‘42 \\ .‘st Princess Street. 2W4 tool \lon Sat.
9am 5pm,
Mayiest Exhibition laip‘y a short. back and sides surrounded by an eclectic |ltl\ of paintings. drawings and sculpture by si\teeti artists haircut optional.
Open Mon -
Sponsored by
170TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION April 20 - July 6
Works from Scotland's finest living artists can be seen in this carefully selected Exhibition, which features painting, sculpture, printmaking and
SJ! 7()/‘\.'.' 6.“...
Sunday 29v to 6m: Admission £1 .SOp (Concessions 75p)
Maclay Murray& Spens
The Royal Scottish Academy
The Mound Edinburgh EH2 2EL Tel: 0131 225 6671 Fax: 0131 225 2349
I SOCIETY OF SCOTTISH ARTISTS IS King Street. 552 254”. Mon Sat
l(Iarii 5pm.
Brave Aft Sat 27 .-\pi lrS .\lay. ('ontempor'ary painting. sculpture. riii\ed media arid installation by slit iiieitibeis oi the Society ot Scottish :\t'I\. including (ieor'ge \Vy llie. .luiie ('ar'ey and .-\last;rir' Mack.
I \\I‘\I NlIt‘ Sll't‘t‘i Into: 3‘3 illoS.
Building ‘light Up’ [hill :7 .\pr ..\rrrsi Stephen llui'i'el rises light and rnoyrng riiiage to transtoriii ('rlasgow 's tallest commercial building into an ‘ait work on a nightly basis.
I STREET LEVEL 2b King Street. 552 2l5l. .\Ioii Sat 10am 5 ‘illprri.
Truths And Fictions ‘t'-... yo :\pr 1 lurr .-\ iiiaior new e\hrbilioii eight years in the making by .\Ie\tcari photographer l’edi'o .\Ie_\ei. rising photos and (‘l)-R( ).\Is to e\ploie the truths and myths ot the docuiiieiitaiy aesthetic.
I TRANSMISSION GALLERY IS ls‘rirg Street. 552 4.\l i. 'l'rre Sat Ham 5. “H‘Itl. la Cappetta l'ritil It May. .\lirlti riiedia work by contemporary Spanish artists t'i'orii Ia (‘appella gallery in liaiceloiia. on show as part or an exchange pioiect w ith (iIasgow.
I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM, KELVINGROVE 22l *ltitlo .\loir Sat
l()am 5pm; Sun llaiii 5pm. (‘ale |l)|. .\ woiidei'tul pei'iiiaiierit collection ol work by such names as Rt‘lttI‘l'dIttIl. .\lonet and \'ati (iogli. plus numerous historical artel'acts. animal displays. '\\'ee Heasties' arid ati rritei'actry e display It'dllltillp. a I‘lethoi'a ot' iiiyeitebrate animals See galleries guide tor current telripoiaiy e\hibitions.
I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Is'ely iii Hall. l)titiil‘ai‘ton Road. 22| Willi) .\loii Sat Illani 5pm; Sun llaiii 5pm .-\ iiirisetriir ciariiiiied w itli buses. trains. the engines. ships and other transportation. dey oted to the history or transport. .»\lso on show. a display ot' motorcycles dating t'iorir the early part ot the century to present day.
including the recently acquired ..\rt Motorcycle.
Scottish Football Association Museum Trust l'ntil I997. Taster exhibitions oI' text. photographs and football ineriioralnna. leading up to the planned National Museum ol‘ l-ootball at Hainpderi Park.
I PEOPLE’S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green. 22! 9(itlll. Mon Sat Illanr 5pm: Sun llatii 5pm, [D]. ('at'e. This well—
loy ed institution is currently undergoing a t'acelit't and is due tore open in time tor its centenary rii I993. The tirsi stage ol the work has reached completion. and the new top floor It‘dltll't‘S a I‘Hlls stngle~end house and a celebration oli(ilas:low 's great \isroiiaries.
I PROVANO’S LOROSHIP 3 (‘astle Street. 221 ‘)(yll(l_ .\lon l‘i'r lilani 5piii1Suri
l lam 5pm. The orin \tII'\'l\iII}_' iiiedieyal house in (ilas'gow. built iti I471. l’ei'iod roorii displays range l'rom l5l)t) I9lS.
.\loii Sat l(lairi 5pm; Sun llaiii 5pm. l‘ree. [l)]. .-\ museum ot world I'aith. leatui'rng a /eii garden. priceless art works lroiii the world's si\ maior' religions. Hall‘s ('lrr/yt rI/ .Srrrtlt .lrt/III or the ( "rim and the story ot religion in Scotland through words and pictures.
Hinduism [hill 4 Aug. .-\ celebration ot Hiridri art and worship. esploriiig the history oi lliiidrrisnr in the city ot' (ilasgow.
I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 22.5 Scotland Street. 429 I2tl2. .\loti Sat lilarrr 5piii1Sirii 2 5pm. (.‘at‘e. ll)|. Damned by (‘hailes Rennie Mackintoin and now home to aichrye tiiatei'ral on education in Scotland t’i'orir lrS’72 onwards. Reconstructed classrooms giy'e a tIayour ot' Victorian. lzdwai'diati. World War” II and I‘Nills sc‘IlooI rlilys.
Artist Unknown t'rrirt 3t .-\pi. .-\n eyliibitrori ol art work by school pupils t'i'orii across Strathclyde. including ill Intui'istrc panels arid sell-portraits.
The Holocaust And After? trail in May Paintings and collages by .\lyer' I acoriie chronicling the rise oi .\'a/isiii arid its parallels w rtli Hosriia today
I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM .-\II is Square. 55" I495 .\loii I‘ll Ill.3lt.iiri 5pm; Sat lilarii 4. illpiir; Sun 2 5pm. ID).
I ASSEMBLY ROOMS st (ieotge silt-a. 22H 4 ‘43. Mon Sat llarii Sprii l(ypiii Salt
Meeting Henderson trail 24 -\pl ltr s‘ittttrinctioii with the (‘ollectiye (ialleiy. eight artists issrre their response to the '\\\L'IIII‘I_\ Rootiis‘ architecture 'tIt‘Stg'll'c‘tI by John Ileirdei‘soiiv See rey row
I (i I)tlliil;rs Street. 55" 4H5” .\Ioii I'll ltlaiii (ipiir, Sat
lilaiii Ipiii
Spring Exhibition trail to ,\p: oils. \‘..tIt'lL‘HIttttI\. iirk works and sculptures by Sam liough. Sir James (iritlriie. l' (' H ('adell. Sri' \Villiaiii (irllies and many
I CALTON GALLERY Ill Royal lIt‘IIdc‘t'. 55b llllll .\Ioii i'll lllaiir (ipiii'. Sat Illanr Ipiii.
Spring Exhibition trial 2“ .-\pt. y w ItIL' selection ol work by Scottish. Hittish and Izuropeaii artists. including Sam Bough. I). Y. (‘;riiiei'riri. l- (‘ H (’adell. S .l l’eploe. Str' I)a‘. id .\lirriay aiid .-\leksatrdei' /.y w -\lso on show. and sei'y mg as the ceiitret‘tece or this e\liibrtiorr. is lolrri \laclatlc‘hlatt \ltlties I/ru'ir \t little. “I I'Il'rllli (’.
I CENTRAL LIBRARY (ieoige I\‘ Iii Ir ge. 441ll94o. .\lon I-rr ".lltl 9pm: Sat
9am Ipiii.
Mixed Exhibition [hill 3“ .-\pi. Watercolour paintings and draw ings by riieriibers ot the Horticultural Ilttlltlltf: I’iotect at Redhall Walled (iarden. run by the Scottish .-\ssocratiori tor Mental Health.
.\’« Hit/t
72 The List 19 Apr-2 Mav I996