I lolanthe King’s Theatre. l.even Street. I Iolanthe King's 'l'heatre. l.even Street.
Tickets: 4-12 l‘)1‘). King's 'l‘heatre. 'l'ickets: 442 I‘ll‘). King's 'l‘heatre. Assembly Rooms. llsher Hall. Queen's Assembly Rooms. (lsher llall. Queen's Hall 01' Ticketline (220 4349). 7.30pm. Hall (it'll‘ickg‘llille‘ (220.1149). 7”“)an £0/E550. The Gilbert & Sullivan Society £5.50 L") (UH (group bookings available) of Edinburgh's annual production for See Tue 2(1.
1996 is tlte perennial faVourite lUltl/ll/lt'. which tells of all Arcadian shepherd wlto W is elected to lead both Britislt political
parties at the same time. .-\lan Borthwick
directs. and David 1.. l._\le is musical
I Pia“ Duct Rum“ N“'~"“” “‘"l- I Piano Recital ('oltct‘lt llall. t'im t‘l‘siLV McDonald Road library. 225 558-1 c\l UHHMENV. “is”; ghltSj liqwu plus 233.7.‘15pm. l’l‘ee. Richard and Rupert Ax Imp“, HR. Mrwhun («Uncut SL.I.H.\_ Jeffcoat are. respectively: lecttll'er/cllot'us “Mud Hug] PM“ Sdm'mnn-x
master at the RS.-\.\ll) attd assistant mwwvrwluk U}, )9. mnhnhs\ [WWWTU- organist at Birmingham Cathedral. and “I, H 7_ guiuism's Sonata No _‘ and
their recitals bring together contemporary in... l\.k.\,\.‘\ “MM/mg.
pieces aild established works. 'l’onight is I Royal Scottish National Orchestra
no e\.ceplion. with Bennett. letghton and (“meow |{.i\';|l (‘ottc-cll Hall, Sauchiehall learnt 5"" 11 Barber front the 20th century. and .\1o/all.
3" vs
The Scottish Bach Consort play Kil
Street. 222 5‘ I l. illi‘m L '5“ £21 it opens a programme that also includes Edinburgh thel and Mendelssohn (tom earlier 1 lingual“: “I “L. my)” ‘1. it“. win-i.) Cttplzlnd’s Q1”?! (‘er and .-lp/)ulat'/liatl l“‘l""‘l-\- l’lentlel‘e of the cozilrm eislall} tllled .'
Spring. Barber's ('anmnetta l’ur ()lme I Edinburgh universny suing "miles"?!
Ant/ Strings and the European premiere of Reid Commit Hall. Bristo Square. 650 W
Ellen Taaffe './.wilich‘s 'l'rip/e Content). 2423. 7.30pm. Tickets from EUSO
surelx not'. 1 (it: /’ by (iordon McPherson. an RS.\'( ) commission. (\lso on the hill is lilgal"s Intuit/lit littll .rl/lil .l/leem and
Featured instrumentalists for the evening members limrc Araci conducts the EUSO Glasgow Sll‘clttls‘s .st-iii,i,'i.uii- .vu 3, ..\lt-\.m.lct are Robin Williams (oboe), Jaitne Laredo in Tippett's Little illusit' For String Mum (“mink-lg. um} [[13 so “(iciclan (violin). Sharon Robinson (cello) and Orchestra. l‘vlozat't's Sin/(mitt (Ullt‘t‘l'lflllll' I Glasgow University Orchestra Btne .-\1\erileen-l\asetl Yggtlt'astl ()uartet are Joseph Kalichstein (piano). with Yoel K3641111‘]'I‘Clmll‘""$k)s$-3“""""“/" ’3‘”. Hall. (,‘niversitv of(ila.\‘::ow. 01505 special guests. Levi conducting, Strings. Alexander Cameron (vitplin) and 363357. 73W,“ 5 (a) umilumc (m it“. 1
Richard Payne (viola) are the so oists. (mm A “Ugltnmni. Hm i - Edianwh univemitv 098m Pleasuncc 'l‘chaikoi'sky‘s ever-popuiar Svtnp/uinv .\'u
llmmrc'.l..hc Plulsanccf (1,302.12? 5- l I One Voice Rcld ('ollcclt llall. Bllslo I Harpsichord Recital National Gallery {3:}: mun X rs m Square. (wt) 21: v 1.10pm. free. v ‘ of Scotland. The Mound. 556 8921. I Scottish Chamber o'chestm QuchS _ I (‘.ttltel'llle Baker (stipl‘alltil. Joanne 1o\\ le: '35?” “"0 l'c‘ll“ ““C‘CO‘l Hall. ClL‘t‘k Street. one 2019 (credit card '. WW" Tea. 9°"Fe"_“"""j” f “‘"'r ‘ 5 (We and (stem) < ml 'lionw l‘l""'~"1l u hal‘pSichordist with the BT Scottish hmlmc (’67 7776). 7.45pm. $150416“) ( ls‘ll‘ 1111‘“; (“>5 -‘)l_)“'1‘1‘lll‘4ll‘l ll””'”‘ 1 programme that includes asken s l.a Ensemble. performs work by Bach and (8/5) Scc Fri 16. “()7 7/ ("1- 51"” U5” llllsltl‘llllii 4 I I | ()i'antt. (iattgtn and \\ tggms s Hunch ‘ ‘ ' altcl'ttooli (ca! .lllsll'llllL‘\plL‘SL'llltll1\t'l} : [cpn-UAIHTHH'-
I 0'93" Recnal Reid Concert Hall. — élililltlklliitll “1 l‘nl‘l'li” “'Wl“ WV“ ‘1‘ I I Iolanthe King's 'l‘ltt-atte. l.’\‘\".‘ll Street Bristo Square. 650 2423. 1.10pm. l-‘ree. “Mlle ill” U” -l (l -\""”"s' 41"‘l Rllll‘l‘}" é 'l‘ickets: ~1~12 191‘). Kings 'l‘heatre.
Neil (‘ockburn plays J. S. Bach's Sonata Korsakov's / lie/nth I'lit titan/ile li‘tt ,-\ssembly Rooms. l'slter Hall. Queen's No .i‘ in I) tllillm' and Prelude and l-‘ugue ill'lilll?“‘l 1‘11'l““1'll“1“‘- H11“ "‘1'1“"” 1‘ Hall or licketlme (22013-19). 7..~()pln.
in (I and toccatas by Sweelinck and i I Yggdrasn Quartet Btlt't'ell Collection. arranged in association with |.ol'd 1 £5.50 £‘) (for (group bookings available t. lil'escobaldi. ' l’ollokshaws Road. Tickets: 227 5511 and Menuhin's 1.i\ e Music Now! scheme, gm. THC 3”
I Edinburgh Univefsity Opera plwguncc at the door. 2.30pm. £7 (£5). After
Theatre. The Pleasance. 650 2.123, winning several major prizes. this young '
7.30pm. Tickets from EU() members or Swedish quartet was selected frotn an H -~ - ‘ I ‘ I
on the door. See Wed 14. international competition to become " ‘1. :1: 3 a I Royal Scottish National Orcnestra Aberdeen‘s qttartet-tit-residence. Today‘s ' ‘ ~ .g Usher Hall. l.othian Road. 22‘) l 155. programme consists of Beethoven's ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘
7.30pm. £()—£l‘).5(). The I Like 7}) Be In Quartet in (i major ()1) /8 Na 2. Anterit'a.’ festival visits the east coast with Stellllilltttttcr's Quartet in (Una/Hr ()p 2‘) z .s a programme that ranges from the rich N0 5 illttl Gricg's Qllll'lt’l ('1 (7’71'710'1 PEBFORM7~ ” . landscapes of New England to the ghettos I Edinburgh University Renaissance ' i
of the cities. Andrew Litton conducts the Singers St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral. ' _:_
European premiere ofCaltabiano's KClVl'lhl‘l‘lgC- 812m- N091 ()‘chall pry/m1” [.‘unfimw Am] rowan”. William conducts the EURS in a reconstruction of Schuman's lyrical New England 'l'riptvc/l "USP"S “'lih "ill-‘10 by Vicmrla f‘” Sillglct and a sum. from Gershwints pom). Am] double and triple choir and instruments. Bess. with Roberta Alexander (soprano). Ed' b h
Cynthia Clarey (mezzo-soprano). Howard In “'9 Haskin (tenor). Gordon Hawkins (bass) I More About Opera! Festival Thc;1[l'c_ and the RSNO Chorus. Nicolson Street. 52‘) (>000. 7.15pm. £7
(£5). Travelling ()pera‘s Peter Knapp presents a feast of anecdotes and songs which draw on his 25-years as a singer. director and translator. Along with
soprano Sarah Sweetlng and ptamst Rosalind Jones. he rummages among some of the more amusing corners of the world of opera.
I Scottish Society of Composers Glasgow University. 2pm. Free. ‘Promoting the work of composers in
Scotland’ is the title of this event. _ '. ' i I organised by the Scottish Society of ,i C0 M M E N C I N G Composers. A concert by Glasgow Edinburgh 33? SU N DAY 1 1 FEB R UARY
University‘s Uni-Son ensemble will be I uuatum Ysave Q , H 11 Cl k , follow 'd b a discussion forum to which “cc” 3 ‘1 ' 6'” ' ‘ ' L MGRK; L y Street. 668 201‘) (credit card hotline (>67 TrUIS Mark w'th 50,0,“ TRU S
at the Festival Theatre in. Spring '96
f111314.123313e1come. Information from 0141 7776). 74mm]. LL“: (£343). One N. : FOLLOWED BY
I Kelvin Ensemble Bute Hall. University France‘s (OrsmO-‘t firing quartet-s brings _ . - 3U N DAY 2 5 FEB RUARY of Glasgow. 01505 862357. 7.30pm. £5 '1‘ ‘13"th dullmttt.‘ I“ (011W , ~
(£2). Alison Dixon. currentlv a student at WWWHW” R“"“'" Q”“""" l” ['1 M501” with soloist INGER.DAM JENSEN.
me RSAMD 1mm. Glasgow 'Univusily-g the programme are Haydn's Quartet in (1' Cardiff Singer of the work, [993; award-winning student chamber orchestra ”””"’ ()l’ 7f N“ 3 and BCCWWC" S
for Sibelius‘s Violin Concerto. Also on the Q““’"" ’” I‘ll"! ()l’ 79~ SU N DAY 17 MARCH
programme is Brahms's magisterial . .
5_\‘ntp/t()tt_\' Ni) 1. and the concert will be w'th solo,“ LESLEY GARRETT followed by a ceilidh in the University Save £££’S with‘Three Concert Union (tickets an additional £1). _ __ for detai's. I Royal Scottish National Orchestra I The Edinburgh Quartet Reid (“new E PaCkage 0" 35"
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Sauchiehall Hall. Bristo Square. ()50 2423. 1.10pm. ' ..... a}: ''' m A ‘ Street. 227 551 1. 7.30pm. £6.50—£l9.50 Free. Dvorak's String Quartet Nu I»! in :1 O
(concessions available). See Fri 16. flat is the lunchtime treat for today.
The List ‘)-22 Feb 10% 57