
I Shore Music The Shore Bar. Shore. lerlh. vprri lace l’oll. irr:~.trti.!iz.‘ ilitlstc

I Graeme E. Pearson i rrstgn rev. art. Ian irirrazket. top ot~ High Street ‘I‘prrr. l"i'c".‘.

I West End Hotel l’alirrer‘storr Have. 3;? 3o”: ‘ig‘nr. l'r'ee -\tetrrdirrri irrtrsrc ill the hat.

I Royal 08k lrrtrrritarv \‘rreet. “fl 3"th

‘lprri'rlllate i'e lriforrnai Sundays

Sandy Brechin and Friends l‘ll~!;’li

-r it p o‘. ll:-_‘l* ‘ztmei

l"‘..rri ..r“.i‘r.‘ "‘

"r it; {11. lift. .chUltiitlll‘ it'i .r'r ' s H .H- i >. :I ‘8 h.l'ol ll 'l l. .‘ ‘l‘ 'l I Royalttak 3r 'il‘t. r. ‘iii. ‘1 .‘l' l lllr'ilt'.!‘3‘-'~.1.,‘s-tifs.“l

Mondays I Black Bo’s tr .pklatat .izitwr. it? Is} w} llipti: :tll: i-zL-C pl‘i‘HH Snnon

Bradley in l ‘lit‘.‘.-.l‘.

I The Wrigleys Sand} i‘d‘fl': rtr'r. \: l-w‘d "r".. 3.; tritll-urrtlizla-z“ t\vr'is " trli,‘ :r‘ ' ~ r'i’wi'

'rzrl. ll Fiddler’s Arms 1 t. iv with: argue.

ll“l."il.ik.'‘1“"li' I Tron Ceilidh House H ilfltl so... i- a l‘lt'.‘ Binexraw iris-3:1.

n~~tsuv arm


I Green Tree : '. . li"~il‘oll ~'.t'..!l :~ rm." I Patsy Mack to

" r'r;-r‘.:

:zre:rrrair'- B rr (alarms. l‘r":

I Tron Ceilidh House llurat‘r' \tlt..rtz‘. lllj'll Slit a". lllt"llll.ll ir\.‘ .tc'tt'tls'l.‘ \t.”

littlsl llrrlrr


I Black 30.5 lilacklrt‘ais Street. *5 (‘i ‘lpiir. i rt-e. Spanish guitarist Diego and t'rrqzrtls.

I Hebrides Bar Market sot-e: ‘li‘l‘.. l'!.‘\‘ live Hreniairti music on 'rccortla n irrtl fiddle

I The Shore Bar 'l he Shire. l.eillr Uprrr l'rr'e. Session

I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Salinas.

llizrh Strut", lltlt'lltldl live ;|r,'ritlsltt Il.l'

rim! rziehts


I Hebrides Bar Market Street. 9pm. l-ree. live Highland music.

I Sandy Bell’s l'-\r rest Road. ‘lpiir. SL‘FMUII. l'ilL't‘

I Tron Ceilidh House Hunter Square. llig'l' Stree', 9pm. l'ir‘ee. lirl'orinal session \vrtlv ’. nine; 's Wrigley Sisters on litldle

.rrrd etatar‘.




TUE—KT R [2.

A feast of opera anecdotes, gossip and amazing with the audience starring in

——4 30x OFFICE 0131-529 6000 .


I Concerts are listed by date, then by city.

Classical & Opera Listings compiled by Alan Morrison.


in! :rr’;.t‘,bl: cast-nine \. ~ tr .

nut .11. ll .' l"~a.' 2|: \ i".'t" 'lklr " ‘/rrIr//l,’tl‘.(lL‘lli.'k

('rrzrzri‘ s ,‘»/.it'. / .-'r

“Carri/n!" l,‘.t'I!I/.'l\’ let;.‘. .‘ .lr‘ti

illlrl.rtl'rr"\ /.'r4 IIr.’ “Vii/’1 ’/.'!.."’i i'. {til 3: \flz'

'1c'or lt'rliti (‘;l‘...\vr".'r\ '


I Organ Recital \it-Iuar. it :i‘ i'it'sirr

.‘itta 'r r 33.31 ltlpif; 5 ‘\..'.ll"“'-\

.\.:‘.rs"~ii.‘ :‘lr‘u. 1': “an ac lo l'lj'at. t..ti. - lltzi‘re-a'a‘. I!“ i

at st tamer:

I An AIDS Requiem Sr .2 it

Nitric: s .‘s'rwei. i"cl~.e‘v "tr't‘ 71W .rtrd «in llt'.‘ o:‘ "r " ' r ’l Iris peitwi'. o'l 32:.3‘ Liel; l'~rrll2r riirg ‘sr.‘i' 'r’ae- '3. l: till .‘r " /\’(‘I-Vrl.;t"ll'\r‘lllvil,iL\\. " t" :‘ari. Me 3.3.» tr: i‘vlilestrrire lltJll~‘.‘

s r.r"‘.r::ri~ ‘H\'r.\ll)f\' ’rr-sr‘re.‘

Ute ‘firjt‘l' \vrl‘

r.r i."‘tl tr \\ xxei‘ev lit" Trust

.‘\l‘?. 'r'r s p rrt eh ,rt'}. 'l'he

t.‘!‘.rrl2~! rtl' e :‘§'-'«.i 't‘.'\!i. vars irieitrrer'ed rzi l‘. .. “.t: r; 1 "1 at tire: ifiars lurk. and i3. r~- h .1»er perl'or'rriarree,

Er 1 .-rr Your 'wrtial \t‘ictlsl\. ltill clrozr‘. t-- {tum tuft, 'zrrti iliite. \n l/HV

Ir" t/rrah‘rr Vi ll ll'l'lt rt'iiierl let local

rarest s rat: 11'sl' oiaeirtatrsts


I Hansel AllCl Gretel 'l‘lzeatie Royal. Hope Sex-9!. .433 ‘xr'r'rr. ".i.’~-prr. Lift: s‘; ‘5

(iffia s lt‘

:tinrt li...i.

motion .r;_.!rtt.rr prorarctroii ol

tatr‘. t.r;. toritil .r

,*‘:‘:ii:rcks gr'rrrrr itti

lti‘rrst lrt‘ c :assr‘tl as air

Its't;.i rztrrtrt al p;.zr!o. v. ith its srrperlr it? .’rclr ‘.'l" s} irrholtsrir. . s o! the slot)” tr"e solletit'tl

stare 2.-<= lli.’i1.1!'.ltft".lr' M sona- he.rrrt..rrl rrreiodies. \\llll

exe :llerit per"or'irarr‘ees all round. (.‘laire


PETER KNAPP (baritone) SARAH SVVEETlNG (soprano)

jONES (piano)

Nessun Dorma.

Bradshaw and (.‘atriona Smith are the s‘ihlil’igzs ot'the title. and lilizaheth \‘aughan‘s lively turn as the Witch is also worth a nrention. last ('ilasgovv

pcr‘l'or rirarree.


I Squair Mile Consort 0t Viols Scottish National Portrait (ialler‘). Queen Street. SF!» 80?. I. l2.»l5prrr. l-iee. Soprano l.atri'a

.‘\l;rrtrrr iorns the ('onsor‘t for music hv

B_\ i‘tl. ( i'hl‘oie~ and Jenkins.


I Organ Recital .-\n (i;tliet_. and

\lrrsc‘ritr. l{elvrrrerove. Ill ‘liur‘tt


.ill~i .“".3:t L‘.-tli‘i\llii.:"~t'i‘. .t'fltl‘r'trij s r‘.‘.ri it..:' :i. it ‘I'rfl‘ Liter. r‘. til~_'_‘l; “far :N_‘. _l\ t“ lle‘ .‘tzr ~.' " Piotr-er: r-ie R (H ti series

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra titaseor: Rota! r." rue-cs" liali. fLarrchrehall sum. :3,‘ :<'~'.rr ‘~ on. rtmtr crrwr =corrc'.‘ssiorrs .r\.rrl;r'trle -. The Nike 'li- In In ,lrni'r'a of season erzzarnrres e. rilr the i~i\‘.\t t t;:‘..l.r \' .‘xr l.: ‘1! Mr Walter Int xix/ride /*/':i.'/\.'. in

\lesicatr tov. ii is invaded

l'; ~ttrrr '~ ti t.::'t v. ltieli .1 '5'} .r .’:i. as. aatl (‘oi‘leiirl‘s eurcatrve .Vt'rup/mnv .\':r .r‘. in hetvveen comes Bar‘her'Va l’anro ('ir'rr't H». ‘.\ ith ,ltil! Klitittlit l‘arker' as soloist.


I Organ Recital St .lohii's Church. Princes Street. F.3Bprri. Tier“. I eon ("oalcs eiirls the .'.iph:rhelieal series \t illi organ music in corirposers \r. hose names hegin

\\ itl‘. the perhaps- tlllHlsc‘l)‘ l'.‘llc'l'.s .\. Y and


l BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra l‘t‘\ll\‘.ll 'l llc‘lltt'. \ilc‘tllst‘ll Sllt't‘l. 53‘) (and). Tillplli.1.5.5ll—[225ll

ib-lfilh {le Stir. 'l'lrc‘ lilt‘\l ll! tt ll‘tti rlli cttltt‘t‘l‘ls l'rc‘aalr‘d :\Ei_l l‘lrtll' rlrrliovr trig: on trout. last ~eas‘oir's ‘Mahler -\rid More, features ‘itt‘c‘lr'trattltttrv 's .‘Jvnr/e'rrnrv .\'rr / rthe other tn.» s_\'riiphorires appear in l‘tll'llit'l‘ concertsr. Sustaining a l}‘i‘ittll mood is

'l'clraikrr'v skvs .lltnt'fiz' star and Dvoraks rial/i: ( 'rrlrr‘rrm. v. itlr Norwegian cellist Trul; .\lork. Roriiairras Hor'ia ;\titl!'c'es'c‘ll L‘rilltlltc‘h.


I Scottish Bach Consort Klllt‘al'tt Kirk. Killear'n. Stirliirgslrire Tickets: lllfiol) flitrh’ll. Hprn. t7 rL'S/L‘RSU). This tirhtrtc concert to c‘t‘lclit‘ate the lite ()l. the late Sir Alexander (.iihson tpast president ol' the Scottish Bach ("oirsortt leaittrres the prelude to (‘har'peritiei".~. 'Ii' Den/n.

\'i\ aldi's ('ont'i'rru I‘m 'lim 'l‘r'rnnpt'rr in ('Iniijor. Bach's ('(rni‘t'rlo For 'I'rm tin/[Irv In I) minor and Handel‘s lr‘inn' ('(rmnnlnnr .lIH/lt'IHX. The SB(‘ is joined M the l\’ti.\c‘llc‘ll|t' Singers. solo irtrnipeier‘s laiir Mtrirliead and Angela Wirelan. and solo violinrsts Melissa l-orshavv and John l)oig r’rvho also conducts).



I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (ilasgovv Ro}a| t‘oneer‘t Hail. Satrehrehall Street 337 5 l l. 7 i()pm. it St) L‘HSH 'LJ Stir. ll. there's a single street that can he said to have had more rriiirreirce ori filth century rritisic than arrv other. then that must he Broad“ a_\' The I like 1’}! [iv In ."Illt'lit ti.’ lestival continues With an evening of torch songs and show-stoppers i‘rorii ('ole l’orter. Rodgers t\- Hail and Jerome lx'eiir. it‘ttttll'lltf.‘ the likes oi’ ‘1 tier :\ Kick thrt ()l‘ Yotr'. ‘Begin The lic‘j..'tllllc" and ‘.»\ l-rrre Roiriairce‘. The Si ‘(l is joined by soprano Kim (‘risxteil and haritonc (.ieorge Dvorskv.


I Reid Memorial Concert Reid Concert Hall. Bristo Square. (r50 2-133. I. l()prn. Free. Christopher Field (\ iolini and Elizabeth Ann Held rharpsichord/piano) play music h) l’our composers linked to [Edinburgh lfniver'sit) as Professors of Music: General .lohn Reid's Solo No 5 in (i. the lirst nioverrient olflohri Donaldson's I’M/Io Sonata in (2 min. the second movement oi'lohii 'l'liomson's l'io/r'n Sir/unit ()1) It) and Kenneth Leigliton's Sir/rum ()p J.



I Edinburgh University Opera l’leasaiice ’llreair'eflhe l'lei~.::rr.‘ -. ’fitl 3133.

Citroen. ‘l r. kets "'orir l.’r ) rrrerirheo or

lr Vl't'lv'l. -l Ltrl ( r’llll.l.rr .I) I'm wt 'ale o: one, :‘.~\e:.s'e and

assassutatioii rr: ant". "til Norrie is the

Ht‘t‘rlljl Zcrrrr i‘roarretrozi. Written in l7fi‘l. it was the co'rrt‘oser's iirtal -.~.or‘k tor the stage and one ol the last, rt/lr’lvl ri'rrzr .vritteir in the genres traditional torrii.


' I Cello and Piano Recital hlt‘l'cllttllls

House West George Street. 63" 3 l 70. ll.~l5prn L'.15l)r£.‘i/t.ll..-\le\ander \iriprrv rcellor :lll'l l‘lrillip §ilver (piano) txvo thirds ol. the Raclrrriaiiirrov Trio -- play ititrsie hv 1.8.Bzrelr.Bocclreriiir.l’ranck. \‘lrosrakov iclr. Britten and Sclrcrlriii.

I Kelvin Ensemble (‘orieer-i llall. l'rriversrtv oltilasymv. 330-1092. l.15iiirr. l'it‘ce. William (airway conducts (iiasgovr. l'iirversitv's clranrher orchestra iii a lunchtime concert that acts as an appetrser‘ for their main evening hash on Sat l7.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘oiiceit Hall. Broadcasting House. Queen Margaret Drive. 7. ‘xtiprrr. lree tickets by postal application ieiiclosirrg szrer to 880 (‘oncerts Secretarv. BB(‘ Broadcasting House. Queen Margaret Drive. (ilasgovv (ill Slit}. (iaetano llelogtr conducts the BBC SSt l in Rossini‘s ()r'i'rlnri'.‘ 'I‘lrr' [In/nu: (i'r‘i' //r .llerera l’i‘okoliev‘s lin/in (‘rrni't'rlo .\‘u 3 (u rlli soloist l'll' lloelscliei‘i and Br'ahrirs's .Svnrp/ionv No 4. I John Currie Singers and Orchestra Merchant's House. West (ieorge Street. 32" 5.5 I! .‘s‘prir. .-\ programme ol‘choral rririsic. including Bach‘s .llnenr/it'ul and Thomas Wilson's .llrvm I’m .llunt/u ('onfr/m lid/m.


I Edinburgh University Opera l’leasarrce Theatre. The Pleasance. (>50 3433. Tickets from l:t’() members or (ill the door. See \Vc‘tl l4.

I BT Scottish Ensemble Qtieeir's Hall. (‘lerk Street. (iris Bill‘) (credit card hotlirie (m7 777(ri. 7.45pm. £‘)/£7 (to/£4). l). C‘. Heath. the BT Scottish linsemhle's coriipos‘er-iii-residence. plays solo Hate in hrs nevv commission. The Rage. The programme is completed by Vivaldi's l-‘uur .S'i'monr. which will come to life under the eleven-strong lirrsernhle's spirited attack.



I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (ilasgovv Royal ('oncert Hall. Satrclriehall Street. 227 551 1. 7.30pm. USU-£14.50 (£3.50). \ cerrturv oi' .-\rriericaii music is aired in one oi' the key concerts in the I like 70 [iv In JlUIt'rlOll.’ season. lves's ’l‘lii' ('nnnrrrmt'r/ Question with its restrained string backdrop and discordant. inquisitive \\ ind phrases is perhaps the quintessential American composition. and

55 The List 9-33 l‘l‘h l‘)‘)(r