36. How much do you spend as an individual on entertainment each week including tickets for cinema/theatre/concerts, drinks and eating out?

0 Under £10

Cl £10 - E20

Cl £20 - £30

a £30 - £40

Cl E40 - £50

D $350+

37. How much do you spend as an individual in pubs/clubs per week?

Cl Under £10

OElO - ‘220

CI Bus

Cl Train

Cl Underground Cl Taxi

0 Bicycle

D Car

0 None of these

43. Is where you live at the moment

D My parents house

Cl Hostel/Hall of residence

D My own house/ flat owned or mortgaged

D A rented house or flat

Cl £20 - 930 U £30 - £40 Cl £40 - £50 '3 $350+

38. How often do you buy CDs, cassettes or records on average?

Cl Once a week

Cl Once a fortnight

Cl Once a month

Cl Once every two months Cl Very occasionally

0 Never

39. How often do you buy a book on average?

0 Once a week

0 Once a fortnight

Cl Once a month

Cl Once every two months Cl Very occasionally

44. If you live in Glasgow, how often do you travel to Edinburgh for entertainment?

C] More than once a week

Cl Once a week

0 Once a month

Cl Once every 3 months Cl Very occasionally

Cl Never

45. If you live in Edinburgh, how often do you travel to Glasgow for entertainment?

C) More than once a week

0 Once a week

0 Once a month

D Once every 3 months Cl Very occasionally

Cl Never

46. Which of the following subjects would you like to see covered in greater detail in The List?

0 Never

40. Where do you live?

(please specify first half of postcode) 0 Glasgow .................................. ..

0 Edinburgh ............................... .. Cl Central Scotland (excluding

Glasgow and Edinburgh) .............. .. D Elsewhere ................................. ..

41. Where do you work? 0 Glasgow

0 Edinburgh Cl Central Scotland (excluding

Glasgow and Edinburgh) 0 Elsewhere in Scotland

0 Elsewhere in UK 0 Abroad (specify country)

42. Which of the following forms of transport do you use regularly?


Cl Alternative medicine Cl Amateur dramatics C) Architecture

Cl Activity sports

0 Crossword

0 Country fairs

0 Environmental issues C) Family outings

Ci Fashion

D Filmmaking

0 Gay section

D Gossip

D Hill walking

0 Horoscope

D Kids events

0 Lectures and talks 0 Local news

0 Poetry

Cl Politics

Cl Pub guides

0 Radio listings

Cl Restaurant guides

0 Sex

0 Shopping guides

0 Short stories

0 Strip cartoons

0 Tourist attractions

0 Travel articles

0 Others (please specify)

47. Would you like The List to include a guide to events in other areas of Scotland?

D Yes


47a. If so which area? D Aberdeen

Cl Ayr

Cl Borders

0 Dundee

D Falkirk

Cl lnverness

Cl Perth

0 Stirling

D All of Scotland

48. Please choose ONE of the following improvements you would most like to see in The List

0 Colour printing

0 More pages

Cl Better quality paper

C) More photographs

0 More detailed listings

D More features

49. Are there any articles you have read recently in The List which you particularly liked (please specify)?

1) ~ o n o c . u o 0 o o c o . o n u n 0 a n o a n . o o o c o o o o a c o u . u . o o u n . . . . n no 2) o . . a . u o n c . u n n n o 0 o n . u u . . o s o n o u o o s o s n u . o o o u o n . a o o a a to

3) o . o o - o n u o c o o a o o o n o o u c c u o . u n . . a a n s o o o a s u . n o o n a a u u o u.

50. What if anything do you particularly like/dislike about The List?

THANK YOU for spending time to fill out this questionnaire. Please note that you do not have to supply the following information (unless you wish to be entered in our prize draw to win 25 Waterstone's £5 book tokens) but if you do we promise to treat what you have said with strict confidentiality. Please return this form to us (Freepost) by 11 June, 1993, when the prize draw will take place. See overleaf for details on how to fold and post

this form.

Address (inc. postcode)

The List 2] May—3 June 1993 41