ansss cr questions. British Nuclear Fuels Travelling Exhibition Sat I l :5 .-\pr. .-\ large. mobile eshibition leaturing a displa} ol‘ radioacti\e articles. a (icigcr counter and computer quizzes tor the inqtii/itisc.
I ( ‘IL'I'ls‘ Si reel . (\(th' 3456. l)ail_\ lllam ‘I-pmor later on concert nights.
Gudrun Gertz L'ttlil Z-I Apr. \Vateturlottrs. pastels and gouaches. mostl} tocusiugon lolk music and musicians. b} a ( ict'man artist. \lans ot the musicianspertorming at the Izdinburgh l-olk I‘cstisal are teaturcd in the c\ltibilion.
Ross . 553 7|"l. .\lon Sat ‘)2llTl--\IIII\CIL Sun l lam sunset. (’at’e. |l)|.
Living in a Rainlorest t 'ntil t) Apr. .-\ Borneo-sts Ie torcst house reconstructed in the Botanics' lishibition Hall.
I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('hambcrs Street. 325 "534, Mon Sat Illam» 5pm18un 3' 5pm.
\atui al histor} . Scottish heritage and. icccntls opened. an Insect and .\lollusc (iallcr)
I SCOTTISH GALLERY ‘N (ieorgc Street. 235 5955. Mon -l'ri lilam- (rpm; Sat
lllain lpm.
Bruce McLean: Project Drawings L'ntil 30 Apr. l’aintings. LII';I\\ lugs and \mrkson paper b} an artist \\ ho is. amongother things. a sculptor. a filmmaker. a perlormer. a printmaker and a social anal} st, All these skills he brings to bear on his \\t)I‘Is\.
Nine Catalan Jewellers t‘ntil 30 Apr. the Scottish (ialler) hosts Itc\\ \HII‘Is'\IrUIIIII'IL‘ llipotesi (iallers in Barcelona. homeol modern chic and innm ation.
Roma Babunialt and Lotte Reimers: Ceramics L'ntil 31l:\pi‘. A celebrator) shots ol \sot‘ls‘s b} the tsso (icrmatt potters. marking their respectis e 4tlth and ()IIIII birthday.
I STILLS GALLERY “)5 l ligh Street. 557
I Hi). Tue—Sat I lam—5.30pm. (’losed Easter \\ eelsend.
(Dreams ol) Cities ot Destruction l'ntil 9 Ma}. A lilmmaker. a photographer and an architect take on current debates about architecture. poss er and postmodernism in a multi-media collaboration betsseen John Fraser. David Fox and Ton} Roberts. Sec preview.
I TALBOT RICE GALLERY Edinburgh L’nisersit) ()ld ('ollege. South Bridge. (150
Jane Baillie Welsh by Kenneth Macleay in Landscapes, Portraits and Miniatures attire
Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh
22] l. Mon Sat Ilium-5pm; Sun 2- 5pm. Hone Scott Annual Exhibition t'mil to Ma}. .-\n annualopportunits to\ie\\ llopc Scott's legacy to the L'niscrsit) . one ot the most important collections ol modern art
in the countr} . including \\ orks b) Picasso.
.lohnstone. Bounard. Scottish and international artists.
I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 l lamilton Place. 3365425. [)ail}. ltlam 5pmt|ater. during perl'ormances i.
Joyce Linklater: Dreams. Flights and the Feminine Themes of flight and the letninine archet} pc explored in plaster and pigments. paper and cloth.
I 369 GALLERY 233(1)“ gate. 335 3013. Tue Sat noon—(1pm.
James Hawkins: Sense oI Place I 'niit ls Apr. Described as ‘one ol the lorcmost interpreters ot' the Highland landscape'. llass kins has exhibited in Britain and German}. In IUSUhc “on the l’aintcrol the Year award hour the \Var“ ick Arts Trust. in London.
I TORRANCE GALLERY 30b l)undas Street. 55hh3tro. Mon—hi l lam ropm: Sat lll.3tlam~-lpm. (‘Iosctl Mon l3.
James Hawkins: Sense ol Place I 'ntil Sat ts‘ Apr. See abos e.
I TRAVERSE THEATRE I ll ( il'ttsslIIiII'IsL‘l. Zlhlhl“. 'l'ue ‘Sat l lam- ltlprn: Sun
I» ltlpm.
Brigid Collins and Gaynor Shephard: Paintings. Drawings and Collages l'ntil ti» Ma}.
I VIVA MEXICO (‘ockburn Street. into: his} not»: l)ai|_\ . noon— 2.30pm and t» -l lpm. Colores de Maya 'l'hroughout April. Tucnt} -l'i\ e colour photographs by Dutch-born Wilma ('usters. taken in Guatemala and Mexico last sear.
I CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE ()3 North Street.tl33-I 'l-Ioltl. Mon-Sat ltlam—5pm: Sun 3~5pm.
Exhibitions until 3 Ma}:
A Window on the Society at Scottish Artists Including \sot'ks b_\ Ys cs Brcsson. lilspeth Lamb. Janice McNab. Alistair Wallace. Naomi Robertson and (ieorge Wyllie. Separate Elements l’roiecl \sork loran outdoor sound sculpture. b} ('harlie Ilookct.
Meg Watson and Maralyn Reed-Wood: Jewellery and Textiles.
The Illustrated Works of Susan Scott
2nd April - 3lst July
Ayr Street, Glasgow tel: 041 557 1405
University of Glasgow
Scottish Drawings & Watercolo urs:
1870 -1970 15 February - 16 April
1992 . (closed 17th - 20th April) Mon - Sat 9.30-5.00;
Admission Free
Extended public access supported with Funds irom Glasgow District Council
Workshop 8 Gallery
8 Contemporary Printmakers
Ross Georgeson Nina Pope
Moyna Flannigan
Cathy Outram Alastair Clark Sarah Uldall
Alan Chapman Ian Macintyre
The exhibition will run from it April — 16 May 1992 Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10am — 6pm
(dinbiiigh I'iintiiiakms is a non-profit distributing company With C’lJIILII)I(‘ status. registered No, [1) (R 40554
Edinburgh I’riiilniakers I! supported by SOON-Oh Am CW aiiil E"
23 Union Street, EDINBURGH EH1 3LR, Tel: 031-557 2479
University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL. Tel. 031 650 2211
Works by Picasso, Bonnard, Peploe & Johnstone, among others.
Tues - Sat 10am-5pm Admission Free Subs/dised by the Scottish Arts Councrl
(Dreams of)
Cities of Destruction
and the post—modern city
A \'iL‘\\' UI- plintngt‘aplty
ttl‘l \
ll‘h‘l l'.|\lill
4 April to 9 May
lllHlt)‘~\l ll\\I
The List 10- 23 April-1992 51