I Roundabout Negociants. Lothian Street. 229 4341. 8.30pm. See Fri 16. ' 2256313.9.30pm.Free. Edinburgh
' R K I Rockapella Basin Street. Haymarket
7 Terrace. 337 1006. 9pm. £2. An
S U N 1 8 I Raicat Avalanche Records. West
Nicolson Street. 668 2374. 11.30am. A
eight-piece band in the popular and personal appearance by the New fasionable Blues Brothers mode. they I Edwyn Collins Renfrew Ferry. Clyde antandcrs at the indie record Shop‘ . . originated in Edinburgh as an a cappella Place. 429 3766. 8pm. £7 plus booking fee. where they" be Signing Copies Of their group and have since switched to a full : Just the Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 226 excellent new mini-LP as well as playinga band lihe'uP- l 4679- The king Olqlhlk‘llddeh Jahgle POP- few songs from it. For those who feel like
making the trip. they‘re also appearingat Borderline Records in Galashiels later in the day.
I The Powerhouse Boogie Band Platform
. raconteur of repute. possessor of a m : masterful wit. Well. that‘s enough ofthe . Blue on Shock, 389mg Bed andme accolades to be going on with. Make thisa
Dam rm“ “to. an to, (mum “to”; g“ ‘ Merchants Anthony's Hotel. West Albert 3 800dY~ Edwyll - YOU WOUldh'l Will" l0
Road. 0592 265627. The im assioned and l have “5 cmhallassed- t One. Rutland Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. nixtif'byetia‘gf‘izgrbvggf'32:; Sifl‘hagn ' diverse headliners Blue On’Shock came g lhanio Ki“ thg “11.5 With Wflh Hill . S! I The TCs Preservation Hall. Victoria listgd, provided that detail; ranch gamma” top in the Tennent's East OfScotland. . 3 Vlhccm Sileel- 221 5279- film i_5- EX-ll ; Street. 226 3816. 9. 30pm. Free. ‘ at least one week baton publication, flock Battle OfThe Bands. and hopes are riding 3"“ memh‘e)“ (remember Calling A" g I Poor Souls Negociants. Lothian Street. and Blues Listings compiled by Alastair high for increasing success; Edinburgh 3 The ’Hefees . - a record to lurk at the back 225 6313. 9.30pm. F rec. r i ‘ Mann" and Fiona Shepherd, i rock band Seeing Red are in the midst ofa . 0f "lth 4" embarrassed mUSle fan 5 t I Live music Music Box. V ictoria Street.
36date tour to promote their debut single. ' Wheelth ll ever 1 heard one) With a new
-. which features live favourites ‘Angel‘ and mean“ Lee Khlm- Bl" 9“ lhe)’ 5h" aspire FR I 16 ; .Lmtc peoptc‘ _ you may have heard their to be the Sensational Alex Harvey Band.
9pm .
.~ . . .- ~- .5 on Mike Sword's yet end up sounding like Yes? i
: G ' and tight I I Wish Richard's Basement. West Regent
i I Mudhoney. Hole and Captain America six-piece pop/dance outfit The Merchants. 3 Slice“ 221 m 1.6- Flec- This l5 the EdWYh I Babes In Toyland and Fenn Mayfair: _ Queen Margaret Union. University ; from Glenrothes. are starting to : C0"th ahel'glg Perl)“ ‘ according l0 WlSh Sauchiehall Street. .332 3872. 9pm. £5.50 Gardens. 339 9784. 8pm. £5.50 plus ; consolidate the following they have built 3 that .Is- They don tmtcnd takmg thc‘stagc plus booking fee. Tickets from Just the
' booking fee. Tickets from Just The Ticket. 3 up with their cover versions. 'h R'Chald 5 Basement Uhlll Edwyn '5 Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 2264679. Virgin. Union Street. 226 4679. 23rd E l hh'Shed Ohlhe Felly fer the Slmple leaSOfl 23rd Precinct. Bath Street. 332 4806. and Precinct. Bath Street. 332 4806.and i l lhallhcy Wl” 3“ he at hlS glgahd “'lllhilve Ripping Records. South Bridge.
2 Ripping Records. South Bridge. G i ‘0 hmfo‘?‘ ll ‘0 lhc" 0W“ (’he- 7}" Ourglgs Edinburgh. 031 226 7010. See Preview.
j Edinburgh. 031 226 7010A must forindie i mime. they say. 'bccausc we re I The Blue Aeroplanes King Tut's Wah rock fans. as if you need us to tell you. I The Groovy Little Numbers King Tut's soelall5l5‘- . _ Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 5279.
Favourable reviews (and well deserved) Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 i 'The Death“ Fath BY GaSIlghl. 9pm. £5. First of two nights. See Preview. for the new Mudhoney album Every Good 1 5279. 9pm. £3.50. The Groovys promise a l K'lmalheeh- “aldeme hand Wllh it new I The Bain Brothers Traders. Glassford Boy Deserves Fudge — you don‘t have to single to come shortly on Vinyl Japan release. ‘Shlrker‘s Playllme'i 0“ lhe WilY- Street. 552 6246. 10pm. Free. look hard for a songamongst the killer records. long awaited sincetheir 3 'Jonnny Bate'mes The ClUbhousc‘Old h riffs. As usual. the band are hardly metamorphosis from a cutey duo peddling Sheddo" Sileeh PalSleJ/t 889 4706- g stretching themselves to keep up their live wacky sub-Pastels meanderings into a 8-30Pm- 51-50(adVahee)~ 520100” I The Lonnie Brooks Band Blues'n'Trouble, profile on this side of the pond. so see confident pop band with memorable I Time Tu‘h’l' LOdge “Olel- Bumbahk Ruthless Blues, Red Lemon and Electric them and fellow Stateside hardcore melodies and. of course. that delicious Read- “amlh‘m- “698 457277- 913l'll-£l - Blues Band Jazz Pavilion Mcgtdowbank rabble-rousers Hole while you can. in brass section. Make them stars. _ stadium, London Road, 325 (i823, fact. the same appliesto Captain America IThe Lelli nBand Blackfriars. BellStreet. 9pm—2am, £10. A stormingline-upto —afterthis gigthere will be one more 5525924. 9.30pm. Free. Sometime Hue opcnthc Edinburgh International Blues Glasgow headline slot then it's off to the And Cry keyboard maestro with I Hinge sunday “Olyll’Od Palk- l‘6Pm- Festival. and good to see flash-pickiii‘ bunker to hatch their masterplan. augmented line-up. Flee- Sueh a cornucopia 0‘ mUSlcal “CW” Lonnie Brooks up there. accompanied by f IBlues‘n'Trouble KingTut‘swtth Wah IJulte Traders. Glassford Street.552 this extravaganza thatgiving anymore his son Ronnieon rhvthm guitar. Hisnew Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 9pm. £5. 6246. 10pm. Free. than a brief rundown would take up what t LP. Satisfaction Guaranteed. on Alligator. As close to a residency as you‘re goingto I Wedgewood Line Johnny Scobic's. “me Space We have leh- 50’ 0" the main [ comes three vears after the Live From I get at King Tut‘s — the veteran bluesclan London Road. 552 3204. 9pm. Free. Stage: camhlldge UhlVelSllY Amine” I Chicago set. Brooks. strongly influenced (hence the name. trainspotters) clean up I NikThe Greek and Lust No Love Dramatic Chlh Performing segments from t by Lightnin‘ Hopkins and Clarence with the second of two nights in the Hut. A Chisholm‘s. Shuttle Street. Paisley. 889 The We” (unmissable. even for eurll’Slly ‘Catcmouth‘ Brown. also appears in the strong deodorant is recommended— 6867. 9pm. £1.50. Valuel~ Awallhasi The Shad0WIahd~ The latest Heineken commercial. tropical conditions are a dead cert. I Handle With Care Tudor Lodge Hotel. Hump“ Famllyt Olllhaek i ASPee'S I Woodrow‘s Louder Than Hype Platform I The Keatons and Whirling Pig Dervish Burnbank Road. Hamilton. 0698 457277. Touring Company. Craig McMurdo And . One. Rutland Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. Traders. Glassford Street. 552 6246. 9pm. 9pm. £1. i Th1“ 5Wth Thahg “'llhTheJll/lhg Lindy ‘ EXCCHCHLSOUIIRgiB singerand hisband. £1 .50 (donation). Quirky English popstcrs I Jeopardy Magoo‘s. Croft Street. “OPPCW OXfOld 0" The Hi” Performth I Live music Negociants. Lothian Street. ' The Keatons were responsible forthe Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. segments from 0” Wha’A Lovely War- 225 6313. 9.30pm. Free. sub-Wolfhounds indie mania of ‘Factor I The or: Christie‘s. Main Street. Filling in on the main stage will be solo I Live music Music Box. Victoria Street. Alpha‘ a few months back. More subtle Alexandria. 0389 57799. 9.30pm. Free. Slhgel' and gellarlSI Murray Torklldseh I 9pm. ‘ than thrash. more challenging than pop. Ed- D h and COmPCTc Max Reinhardt- I" the mUSlC i I Lucid Subwav. The (‘owgate Mystery . their gigs Often PTOmlSC something out Of mm: unl'kc'y rhc‘mc‘ Them” Z""~ l and excitement surrounds this new group. the. ordinary. thanks to their ‘pcrformance. I Roddy puma and Edwn Comns Marco's Telling Tales. Beh Okah” and COIe with their ‘indefinablc aura' and I artiste (whoever that may be this week) Leisure Ccmm‘ Grove Street 229 8830 Mom’h‘ 393‘ Th'Cft ShamchaVe ROhh double-necked guitars. and a flmd line-up of stand-ins and friends 1015p"). £10. Their Short Fringe run And The Fllmmaker5~ Lilll'illhe BOWen. Whehlhell‘Pl'"Pel‘ members eah‘ldrag culminates withthe rhythm palsplaying Skylark Theatre GFOUP‘ NF) Em‘ onthc
. themselves away from lhell’ day 10h5- Plus live. together. on stage at exactly the same acousuc Lorry: 13ml“)? wmd .Concgn‘
. the hilarious Whirling Pig Dervish — time. Discerning Scottish poppickcrs Theatre. Agog. Cambridge Universin I Blue On Shock Gatsby-‘s. Kirkgate. See
t Glasgow~s very/Own EMFm he”. have been sellingthcir souls fortickcts. Sondheim SoCIety. Billy Jones and Dick Fri 16.
I Bozalla The Ark. The Tunnel. Mitchell I Fire 0. an,“ n . Solbcrg. Made Of Clay. Commedia ' Street. 204 1000. 11 m. £4. Italian house. c p a “rid 1!” cryp.‘ “warn” dCI'AI’tC. Cambridge Gods. N . P . Basrn Street. Havmarkct Terrace. 337 I The Blazing Bluegrass Cats Blackfriars. ‘ I Red Hot And Blue Platform Onc. Rutland Glasgow
1006. Sixties garage pop from Brighton . . . Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free. plus the bewiggcd Crypt Kickers‘ Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. Rockabilly and
London Road. 552 3204. 9pm. Free. l i
Grove Street. 229 8830. 10.15pm.£10. Final solo show from troubador Collins
when you go to see Spiritualized live. They
l I Eric Cuthhertson Johnny Scobic‘s. featuring ex Styng_Ritc George Mme, rock‘n‘mll. I The Blue Aeroplanes King Tut‘s wtth l Basin Street‘s verv own Cal andaclutchof .Askman Negociams‘ Lmhian Strcct‘ Wah nu" St Vincent Street 22] 5279‘ l I Raygun Magoo‘s. Croft Street. garage punk COVC'W 225 6313. 9-30pm- 9pm. £5. Second of two nights. See | Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. I alumnae, Platform Onc‘ Rutland I The Brothers Preservation Hall. Victoria Preview, , i I Innocence Christie's. Main Street. 1 Street. 225 2433. 9pm £2“ Fmicsand Street. 226 3816. £1 after9pm. I The Dream Disciples RCis. Queen Street. 1 Alexandria. 0389 57799. 9.30pm. Free. i w$,influcnccd pop from Edinburgh‘s 9-UV8 mus“: MUSiC BOX. VlelOl'ia Street. 221 2200. 10pm. Free. ' hardcst_wmkin mek~ntr . _ . Pm. I Spiritualized Magoo‘s. Croft Street. 1 I playing Mondafm ThursgybeFSAaggg I Rockapella Oddfellows. Forrest Road. Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. Expect more i I Edwyn Collins Marco‘s Leisure Centre. 3 through August. 2201816~9Pm-See F“ 16- than a languorous Spacemen 3 re-run
I Bill Paul Norton Tavern. Newbridge ' 3 i ‘ ‘ _ can torch a hole through anyprevious 331275'8'30pm‘Fr“' R&B‘f0'k‘ N 1g Spacemen performance with their gritticr
beforeteamin u wit ' r g p hChum‘md
ex-labelmate Roddy Frame tomorrow i rmimn Psyehedelle eoeklall- And dig lhll—‘e hlghl- Exile“ ll £009 Se'eCllOn from i pIcLaughingn Sam's Dice Preservation Hall ' craaazcc Slidcs‘ man! Enjuy this mp. i;3';3;1;’;:ld};:'?:;,:;‘:{:;$:d£$37;a i Victoria Street. 2263816. £1 after 9pm.
sprinklingufold Chestnuts. “c.8150 plays t gsou'hsme Ncgm'ams‘ Lmhian Sum“ music with astrong Christian contentcan .Jlmmy "099's and The Bell "3790"" Remrrcw}:crry on Sun 18. 'h “25_631?'9'30pm' Frcc' cross over without any dilution in its style Band. L90" heahone‘ hay Mlhhlhhel ilhd .Tiny emu" And The Rockeus ‘ St".an many scum" in the message (Am, The Rootsie Tootsie Blues BandJazz Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 Gram' take "0“: Ohms)‘ That Said‘ Pavmon' Mcadowmnk Stadium. London 38]“ £1 an” 9pm. \ I Seeing Red Raffles. Queen Street. 0786 Strypcr‘s heavy rock sounds completely Road~ 335 6823-9Pm41‘m' “U- The
I The Crew Trader Vic‘s. Victoria Street. 75137' sec Fri 16' “’35th Om and chOid Of‘ crm‘ second and final night 0f the Edinburgh gimpm Frat. | I Rockapella Lord Darnley. West Port. spirituality. International Blues FCS‘lval l5 headlined
82 The List 16- 22 August 1991