hundred entrants. exhibit in this annual

. Sat l3Jul. Fifteen young artists.sclected

retrospective of his work which explains

why he regards himselfas a ‘fantasy archaeologist of recent civilisation‘.

I SO! GALLERY 12 Otago Street. Kelvinbridge. 339 3158. Mon-Sat lOam-6pm.

Peter Graham: Recent Painting Until 31 Jul. A renowned Glasgow artist. and the firt UK artist in residence at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore. Graham‘s paintings are notable for their bright. bold brushwork. This collection includes oil paintings of the Botanic Gardens. ch Gardens in London and street scenes in Paris and Belgium.

I OPEN CIRCLE GALLERY Hillhcad Library. 348 Byres Road. 339 7223. Mon—Fri 9.30am—8pm; Sat 9.30am-lpm. 2-5pm. Closed Wed.

Anthea Lewis's Jungle Until 5 Sept. A skilled artist with a penchant for painting animals. Lewis‘s gouache. watercolour and oil paintings are featurejungle settings and surealistic themes.

I PARKNEAO FORGE SHOPPING MALL Sport Art Until 28 Jul. ‘Art for the ordinary punter‘ - for the ordinary footballer. cricketer or bowler. that is.

I SCOTLAND STREET SCHOOL MUSEUM 225 Scotland Street. 429 1202. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 2-5pm. Cafe.

Designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and now home to archive material on education in Scotland from 1872 onwards. Reconstructed classrooms give a flavour of Victorian. Edwardian. Second World War and 1960s schooldays. Activitiesfor children include a collection ofold games which can be hired for 50p and played with in the school‘s playground. 8lik. Satin and Lace Until 28Jul. Glaswegian wedding dresses from 1868. I SPRINGSURN MUSEUM Ayr Street. 557 1405. Mon-Fri 10.30am—5pm; Sat 10am—4.30pm; Sun 2—5pm. Winner of the 1989 Award for Social and Industrial History and described as the first real community museum in Britain. Glanclng at Dancing Until 11 Aug. A Springburn perspective on Glasgow's erstwhile most popular pastime - dancing. with all the glitz and big band glamour that went with it.

I STREET LEVEL 279—281 High Street. 552 2151. Wed-Sat 11am—6pm; Sun 2—4pm. Next exhibition. Acts ot Small Signliicance. starts 27 Jul.

ITI'IIRO EYE CENTRE 35(lSauchiehall Street. 332 7521. Tue—Sat 10am—5.30pm: l Sun 2—5.30pm. ' The ET New Contemporaries 1990-91 Until

Mary Bourne's sandstone sculpture. 'Ayrshire Skylines'

Interactive Earth at the Kelly Gallery. Glasgow until 27 Jul. Ayrshire is better known let its ice cream than lor its art. but it is there that a chance meeting oi three artists- all oi whom use the natural world as a starting point- sowed the seeds oi this dynamic iolnt show. The underlying theme oi it is the Earth; irom organic to hl-tech. in a variety oi styles, the exhibition ieatures painting. stone sculpture. ink studies and pastels.

Mary Bourne's stone and slate carvings show a love oi Scottish countryside. Beautifully tactile. with textured and polished suriaces. her sandstone resembles a small. periectiy iormed piece oi the Earth's suriace. with a ring at ridged conilers cushioned by mottled hills. Her ink sketches are pure inspiration.

While Bourne concentrates on the Earth's suriace. Susan Porteous addresses herseli to the elements. Using pastel and paint. she summons up environments tilled with

by an international panel from over twelve

major display of new art.

Other Frontiers Sat 20 Jul—l Sept. Four of Canada‘s most innovative women artists exhibit together for the first time in Britain: Gisele Amantea will fill the smaller gallery with her plaster ‘altar'. complete with pop icons: Lec Dickson‘s mixed media pieces concentrate on the 'heart‘. while Nell Tcnhaaf and Mina Totino question gender. with textual panels and canvases depicting popular ; images ofwomen. I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4813. Mon-Sat noon-6pm. Temporary Duration Until 3 Aug. Paintings . which sometimes swing towards


ioreboding. ln ‘ln rock and pialn', ileme orange engults a brooding purple and turquoise landscape. Other works ieature solitary ilgures standing exposed in crushing domains ol colour as it waiting ior Armageddon.

The third artist. Australian Louise Turmlne. has left Earth behind her and gone into orbit: herwork, based on computer graphics. studies “the hydrodynamics oi processes responsible ior rock iragmentatlon by expiosives.’ Remnlscent of Pop Art and Mondrian. she uses brilliant colour and chunky black line to create vast abstract canvasses. ‘Modal Detonation' is made up oi concentric shapes with warm yellows and reds radiating out to cool blues and greens. mimicking a heat-sensitive scan. She may soon boldly go where low painters have been belore and generate her art solely by computer. without reproducing it in paint.

(Beatrice Colin)

installation by three European artists:

Elise Parre (France). Gianni Piacentini (Italy) and Charlotte Mocrkcr (Germany).

I WASPS 26 King Street. 552 0564. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm; Sat 10.30am—5pm. A shop. exhibition space and resource centre. with information on work by all WASPS artists. slide library and information about how to commission work.


I ARTLINK 13a Spittal Street. 2293555. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

Vince Hughes Until 23 Jul. Photomontage works done by Hughes when he was resident at Milestone House. Scotland‘s only hospice for people with AIDS and a recent beneficiary of Artlink‘s art and crafts teaching projects.

I THE ASH GALLERY 156 Canongate. 556 2160. Tue-Sat Ham-5.30pm.

Rodoli Calender: Sterbank Memories Fri 12—27 Jul. Paintings. sculpture and prints by a Swiss architect-turned-artist whose landscapes. townscapcs and depictions of the human form challenge received nouons


Place. Tue-Fri noon-6pm; Sat

10.30am-5.30pm. Morcant Todd: Recent Prints Throughout


I CANONGATE TOLSOOTN Royal Mile. 225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am-6pm.

The People's Story The museum relates the story of the people of Edinburgh. told in their own words and through photographs and rc-created tableaux.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY George IV Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am-8pm: Sat 9am-1pm.

l i l



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