l on Thurs 20 and Fri 21 June. should

a contact Mhairi Sutherland on 332 752i. I WASPS 26 King Street. 5520564.

: Mon—Fri9am—5pm; Sat lll.3l)am—5pm. ' A shop. exhibition space and resource

centre. with information on work by all

WASPS artists. slide library and

information about how to commission




Street. 220 I305. Mon—Sat ll).3l)am—5.3lipm. (‘ontemporary glass gallery.

Studio Glass by Jane Charles and Julia Linstead lintil Tue lb’Jun.

Ceramics and Raku by Morag Miller l mu Tue 18Jun.

The Art of the Paperweight Sat 15 .Iun ‘5.lul. Norman Adam: Recent Paintings Sat l5Jun—5Jul.

I CALTON GALLERY Ill Royal Terrace. 55o lllll). Mon-Fri 10am—6pm: Sat llIam—lpm.

; Spring Exhibition tintil Sat l5.lun. Paintings. watercolours and dr aw ings by 2 Scottish. Iinglish and Iiuropean artists.


2424. Mon-Sat lllam-(ipm.

The People's Story The museum relates the story ofthe people of Edinburgh. told in their own words and throirgli photographs and re-creatcd tableaux.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY (ieorgc l\’ Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am -8pm; Sat 9am—1pm.

Instruments of Change: Aspects ol the History of Scottish Education Unit] 2‘) Jun. Edinburgh Yesterday and Today t'ntil b Jul. Photographs of Edinburgh closes by Jackman.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY inn High Street. 22012(ili.Tue-Satnoon opm.

Nicky Hirst and Jacqueline Jettries: A Selection DI Work Until Sat 22 .Iunfl'wo Yorkshire-born artists who work in a variety of media from Hirst‘s collages. perforated drawings and collectionsof objects. to Jeffries' complex collographic prints.

Antonio Barriero and Javier Carpintero: Work in Edinburgh Thurs 27-- 14 Jul. Mixed media paintings. drawings and prints by iw o young Spanish artists.

I EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL Seafieltl Street. 554 4444. Daily lllam- Spin.

Four Scottish Artists: New Works t'ntil ii) Jtil. Hospital walls bedecked with works by Phil Duthie. ()liyia Iry inc. l .y mi Mc(iregor and Ian Robertson.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Mon—Thurs Illam— 8pm: I‘ri Sun Hhun~5pnr

Degree Exhibition 91 Sat l5—.\Ioii 3.1 .lt'll. ' Seasonal offerings from the e\ er 'i resourceful students.


AND GALLERY 23 l 'niori Street. 552 242‘).

Mon— Sat lllam- 5.3llpiii.

Fromthis Green Earth t'nul Sat l5.lun. ‘Personal and lyrical' prints by .-\lloris Bytautas. Michael McVeigh and other artists w ho haye drawn inspiration lrom .i partictrlar landscape o\ er the year‘ Member's' worksalwaysori show.

I FILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 22S 2li88. Mon~Sat noon »l 1pm; Sun li..‘sli- l 1pm.

Atterthe Rainst'ntil 28.lun. .-\nexhibition ofanimation art-work from the film of the same name. a 'eontemporary my th' about the social consciences. em ironment issues 3 illitlhlll‘tlt‘lllg.

' I FINE ART SOCIETY 137 ( ieorge Street.

220637“. Mon I-ri 0.3liam 5..‘~llpm; Sat

lliarn -lpm.

Duncan Shanks: Aspects of the Clyde Valley

L'ntil Tue 25 Jun. A quiet and reclusry e

painter intrigued by the countryside w hich

surrounds his home in the ( 'lyde \‘alley

and which inspires his oil. acry lie and

w atcrcolour paintings.


Street. 225 G777). ’I tie I‘ri l Iain (rpm; Sat

lliam lpm

Sylvia Woodcock-Clarke l mu war with.

“The List l4 27.Iune I991


Degree Exhibition 91. Edinburgh College of Art, Sat 15—Mon 24 Jun. Degree shows are bewildering: in eltect they are hundreds of mini-retrospectives packed in under one root with students presenting not just their pieces de resistance works on paper, ceramics, photography, models and iewellery—but also their preparatory works. portfolios, preliminary studies and and note-pads

lull ol sketches. This is what makes the

shows exciting. Rarely do you get such an insight into an artist’s mental journey lrom concept to end product.

_ Walking around the Edinburgh College

of Art— temporarily converted into a labyrinth of partitioned studios and

corridors you also have the uneasy leeling ol treading in the examiner’s

lootsleps. There’s a lingering hint at

anxiety in the air— the paintings were still being hung when l was there —, oil-set by the sneaking feeling that you might be in at the beginning at someone’s Brilliant Career.

First to catch my attention were Rebecca Hooper‘s blown-up blurred photographs of strange shadowy

Illustration by Jonathan Williams

ligures. They are set in old window frames a clever way at converting the spectator into a voyeur. The ceramics section is dominated by Sarah-Jane Selwood’s sculpted figures, grouped together like tall, lean Madonnas. and Dahlia Skorinsky’s amazing ‘cave’ - ‘a womb-like space which symbolises loving and giving’ —with pockets and shelves containing small shells or lossils. Equally intriguing are Lesley

; Thompson's ceramic boxes, like

minature cottins or specimen boxes,

containing fragments of bone and


Upstairs, illustrator and printmaker Mairead McCloskey's handmade paper with weird animal imagery and burnt-out musical scores is striking and Jonathan Williams’ illustrations for

Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table and

Roald Dahl’s James And The Giant

Peach both amusing and imaginatively

unsettling. ‘The sublime is neverlar

from the completely ridiculous’ is

Williams’ manifesto. Highly

appropriate. then, that he would

eventually like to illustrate the Bible.

(Miranda France)

\ new collection of oils anddrawings which provide a ‘wilty and perceptiye' look atl‘ypriol lite

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY Market Street Sun l'll lllaiu Spin; Sat lllam 4pm

Art and Design in Edinburgh Mon l" Sat :3 Jim. The worksot ‘adyancedaritl non-adyaireed students in \ariousarlistic fields at 'l'elfortl ( ‘tillege. .-\lso on show. on Wed. Thurs and lit. are displays of the latest technology and equipment from Sime Malloch. leading Art and Design manufacturers

I GALERIE MIRAGES Raeburir Place. 315 Zoos. Mon- Fri Iliarn- 5pm; Sat

Iliam 5.30pm.

PDIS'I hroughoiit .luri. lzartliy terracotta and splendid liarid~painted y ases troiii India. 'l'hailand. Burma. l'gairda and Indonesia.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART lieltoid Road. 55o 8921. Mon Sat lllarir 5pni.Suri 2 5pm. [1)](afe.

The gallery s Jtistly ieiiow ned cafe isoperi Moii- Sat lll..‘stiarri 4 _‘slipiii; Sun

2.3li 4.2llpni.

Ernst Wilhelm Nay: Paintings and Drawings 1928—1958 I 'ritil 21 Jul. A central figure in the deyclopment of abstract art in post-war (ier'many . this is the lust iiiaioi retrospectiye ot Nay 's work in Britain.

showing his progression from the lixpressronist paintings of the I‘)3l)s totlre dcy elopiiierit of a more personal. abstract sty lc. Declared 'dcgenerate' by the German authorities in 1937. .\'ay was

prey eirled lrom showing his work for some years. \ey er'theless. he went on tocreate some of his riiost exuberant. memorable worksrri the l‘)5lls.

I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 15 Scotland Street. 55o (>ti2ll. Tue r-l-‘ri lllam--5prn: Sat lllam lpm

The Intelligence of Drawing t'niil Sat 22 Jun. Ten artists with yaryingapproaehcs to the art of filling tip blank spaces.

I HANOVER FINE ART 22A I)undas Street. 55li2l8]. Mon Fri lll..‘sllam- opm;Sat Iliam -4pm.

Valery Bochkov: Watercolours, Drawings and Airbrush Works l'ntil Tue 18 Jun. Welcome return of a much vaunted Moscow artist and illustrator whose work hasappeared in many international Journals.

Liisi Adamson: Wood and Stone Sculpture l'rrtil’l‘ue 18Jun.

Ana Berwick: Recent Graphic Works Sat 22 Jun -.S’Jul.

Roberta Merrilees and Una Strachan: Recent Acrylics and Watercolours Sat 22 .lun s Jul.

I. Still lites and landscapes.

i I ITALIAN INSTITUTE X2 NiCiilsim Street.

1 («)8 “i” Mon-il-‘ri lllam—lpm.2 ~5pm;

Wed 10am—8pm.

Italian Summers Throughout Jun. Watercolours and drawings by Roy Wood I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumberland Street Lane. 557 5454. Mon—Fri ‘).3l)am—4.3llpm.

Mixed Show by Gallery Artists Until Fri 14 Jun.

i Midsummer Exhibition Wed l9Jun—I9Jul.

Landscapes. seascapes. wild life and botanical paintings by established artists Birnic. Busby. Bryce. Shanks and Harrigan.

i I LADY STAIR’S HOUSE Lady Stair‘s Close, Lawnmarket. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. ; A celebration of Scotland's greatest

literary figures Robert Burns. Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

- I MUSEUM or CHILDHOOD 42 High Street.

225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am-6pm.

. The best days of your life? Toys. videos

and various kids‘ bits and pieces shed some light on how it was for everyone else. Now including an exhibition on Meccano

Unsate Toys Thurs 20Jun-3 Aug. Cheery little exhibition of all those periloustoys and games which failed to meet the safety standards.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

i Recent acquisitions include Studies of

5 Paws. the first drawing by Leonardoda Vinci(1452—1519)tocntcraScottish


i Drawings and Watercolours trom the

National Monuments Record of Scotland

5 Until 28 July. Set up during the Second

World War. the Monuments Record‘s briefwas to make an emergency survcyof Scotland's historical buildings. in case they were destroyed by bombs. Fifty years on the archive has been greatly enriched by collecting and donations. The earliest topographical drawing dates back to the late 17th century. other drawings feature

i designs for castles. kirks. mills and l lighthouses.

Etchings by D.Y. Cameron Until 3llJun. Highly prolific. though fastidious in his insistence on quality. Cameron produced more than 500 plates between the late 1880s and the early 1930s. a period during

; which etching gained a popularity unparalleled in later vears.


George [V Bridge 220 4531. Mon—Fri

9.3liam—8.3llpm: Sat 9.3liani—5pm; Sun 2—5pnr

Next exhibition. The Italian Scots. starts 28 Jtrn.


Tue—Sun noon—bpm.

' Nepal:SummerCollection t'ntil3iiiun.

Photographs. handmade textiles and jewellery.

. I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 High ' Street. 5569579. Mon—Sat mam—4.30pm.

Instruments of Change L'ntil Sat 22 Jun.

; \Vinningentriesfromthis year’sSpring FlingAdult Painting (‘

which applicants were asked to produce works inspired by technological. political and social changes or transformationsof a more intimate nature.

5 The Preacher and the Goldsmith , Throughout Jun. Admission £1.20 £1,5lip. ! lixhibition about next-door-neighbour :

John Knox House 1490-1990.

I The 5.5 Group: Strands‘I‘hurs 27Jun-27Jul. f Photographs by Peter Bain. Roland E l’ortuna and Doug Mackie.

' I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 (‘umberland

Street. 557 lll2l). Mon—Fri Illam—opm.Sat , lliam~4pm.

Summer Exhibition Lintil Thurs 27Jtin.

(‘ontemporary Scottish paintings by invited artists; ceramics byJercmyJamcs; jewellery by Linda McVeigh and contemporary Scottish printmaking.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 ('aridlemaker Row. 220 I91 1. Tue—Sat noon—5.30pm. George Rodger- Magnum Photographer L'ntil 2‘) Jun. Photographs from Life magazine 1943—47. before Rodger went on to eo-found Magnum with Henri