which etching gained a popularity

unparalleled in later years.


George [V Bridge 226 4531. Mon—Fri

9.30am—8.30pm; Sat 9.30am-5pm: Sun 2—5pm.

George Mackle Until 2 Jun. One ofthe leading graphic artists of this century attempts to explain the ‘invisiblc art‘ of book-binding and the emotional and intellectual considerations that go with it. Book Arts- Art Books: The Book as Art Form Until 2 Jun. Billed as a ‘cheeky‘ juxtaposition with the Mackie exhibition. this is a collection of works examining the frontier where Art means Book. The works include modern poems illustrated by Dali, Ernst and Giacometti. I NEPAL INTERLINK 6 Howe Street. Tue—Sun noon—6pm. Nepal: Summer Collection Tue 4—30Jun. Photographs, handmade textiles and jewellery. I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 High Street. 5569579. Mon-Sat “lam—4.30pm. instruments oi Change Wed 5—22 Sat. Winning entries from this years Spring Fling Adult Painting Competition. in which applicants were asked to produce works inspired by technological. political and social changes or transformations of a more intimate nature. The Preacher and the Goldsmith

Exhibition about next-door-neighbour John Knox House 1490—1990.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland Street, 557 1020. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm. Sat 10am—4pm.

Summer Exhibition Sat 1—27 Jun. Contemporary Scottish paintings by invited artists: ceramics by Jeremy James; jewellery by Linda McVeigh and contemporary Scottish printmaking.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 Candlemaker Row. 220 1911.Tue—Satnoon—5.30pm. Eitan Lee Al: Guoted images Until Sat 1 Jun. In his large—scale colour works. Eitan Lee

Throughout Jun. Admission £1.20/£1:’5()p.


Magnum Photographer

8' ronrrotto

gallery 6-29June

Tuesday - Saturday 12.00- 5.30 43 Candlemaker Row Edinburgh 031 220 1911


John Buckland Wright'sI‘I’hree Gathers 3

John Buckland Wright, Kelvingrove, Glasgow. Until Sun 9Jun.

The most exciting thing about lealing through old books is the occasional discovery oi a black and white illustration nestling between the pages. Usually highly stylised and tilled with detail, it’s like seeing the story though a looking-glass oi another


John Buckland Wright learnt the art oi engraving alter abandoning his training as an architect. He moved to Paris in 1929 and joined the famous ‘Atelier 17' group oi printmakers. Visibly iniluenced by Picasso, Miro and Matisse, he brought the print into the mainstream oi European Contemporary art. In copper engraving, wood cuts and etching, his work is varied in style, but always bold in design. 0i the 60 works on show in this exhibition, most ieature the iemale iorm, his ‘leitmotii'. Maybe Buckland Wright’s training as an architect instilled in him a love oi the classical. His women are as periect, expressionless and silent as marble.

From the Cubist-influenced ‘Caie Dansant No 11’ (1930), which is like a laterversion oi an evening outdoor caie scene by Renoir, to his iiirtation with surrealism in works like ‘Metamorphosis Ho 4, Girl into Fish’ (1947), to his depiction oi London shattered by the Second World War, he caught in monochrome the atmosphere at the time.

He became highly sought aiter by book publishers, and his most important commislons were the illustrations oi a couple ol Himbaud's poems and an edition oi Keat’s ‘Endymion’.

Come up and see my etchings? Only it it's a John Buckland Wright. (Beatrice Colin)

Al retlects on the influence oflsraeli government-funded photographic albums. produced in 1948 with the

L__2_-_.. _ . __ GOThe List31May—13June 1991

intention of promoting a sense ofnational identity.

George Hodger- Magnum Photographer Thurs 6-29 Jun. Photographs from Life magazine 1943-47. before Rodger went on to co-found Magnum with Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Capa.

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

A recent addition to the collection is a full-length portrait of the former Celtic and Scotland player. Danny McGrain. latest in a series of ‘eminent contemporary Scots.‘

. Portrait in Focus: ‘Dr Alexander Monro' by Allan Ramsay Until 23 Jun. One ofthe

famous ‘Monro dynasty" ofphysicians. thanks to Alexander Monro‘s work. Edinburgh took over from Leyden as the world centre of medical teaching.

; Scottish Photographers Abroad Until 23

June. Something more than holiday snaps from the country's most intrepid photographers. including wine merchants in Portugal. Moroccan street scenes and Ruth Stirling's recent Igloo/1k series.

I OUEEN'S HALL Clerk Street. Box Office 668 2019. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Cafe. Expressions oi Land and Sea Until 1 Jun. The reaction of Rosemary Reid to living in a northern environment after several years in the ‘soft South'.

Artists irom Kazan Mon 3 Jun—3 Jul. A group show by five artists. working in various media. who have had to overcome

tremendous odds just to exhibit outside their home-city. Kazan. let alone outside

the Soviet Union.

I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackfriars Church. Blackfriars Street (off High Street). 5570707. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

Pictures lor an Exhibition: Works Collected

i by Brian Montgomery Until 30Jun. A 5 collection formed over the last thirty years by the creator of the London and Los

Angeles Art Fairs. including Edgar Negret. the Colombian sculptor. and British avant-gardists Keith Milon, Derek Jarman and John Walker. as well as Americans Frank Stella. Mario Dunsky

and others. The exhibition will tour Eastern Europe.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnverleith Row. 552 7171. Mon—Sat 9am—sunsct: Sun llam—sunset. Cafe. [D].

Living in a Hainiorest Until 13 Dec. A Borneo-style forest house reconstructed in the Botanics‘ Exhibition Hall and Vanishing Paradise photographs taken

in the Venezuelan rainforcst by George Bernard and Stephen Dalton.

A History at Garden Tools Until Sun 16Jun.

; ‘An excursion into horticultural history‘—

exhibits include a 17th century watering pot and a 19th century glass cucumber

; straightener. as well as some very amusing

advertising material. Margaret Mee's Amazon Until 30] un.

, Thirty superb botanical watercolours g painted in the Brazilian Amazonia by one 3 of the century's most intrepid


I ROYAL INCORPORATION OF ARCHITECTS 15 Rutland Square. 229 7545. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

Ian Maclnnes: Orkney Seascapes Until Fri 7 Jun. Oil and watercolour paintings with a watery inspiration.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

A new permanent exhibition. Fish, starts l5June.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound, 225 6671. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm.

165m Annual Exhibition oi Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Until 29Jun. Vibrant display of works by some of Scotland's most talented artists from students to old hands.


Street. 225 5955. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm;Sat 10am—1pm.

Haig's Venice Mon 3 Jun—3 Jul. A painter who. although in his seventies. retainsa lightness of touch and a conviction that ‘a picture is a picture is a picture'. Venice is the inspiration behind the 51 bold and colourful oils. watercolours and pastels in this exhibition.

Guy Taplin Mon 3 Jun—3 Jul. Taplin uses materials gathered from Britain's beaches to make the stands and mounts for his

' carved birds curlews. sanderling and

Canada geese tributes to a wildness he finds lacking in modern life.

' Jane Adam: New Jewellery Mon 3Jun—3

Jul. Richly coloured and patterned jewellery. made with anodised aluminium a metal which absorbs certain dyes —and

inspired by shells and sea creatures.

I SHORE GALLERY 59 Bernard Street.

Leith. Mon—Thurs 10.30am-4pm; Sat 10.30am-5pm.

Photopia 91: Modern and Timeless Images Until Sat 1 Jun. Photographs by Iain D. Hill.

3 I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557

1140. Tue—Sat Ham—5.30pm.

Instruments oi Change Until 29Jun. In collaboration with the Spring Fling Festival. Stills open submission photography exhibition asked applicants to send in photographs on the theme of change. The winning entries combine various styles and topics. from the effect of the Thatcher years to more personal works. Sec Netherbow Arts Centre for the winning paintings.

I 369 GALLERY 233 Cowgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat 10.30am—5.30pm.

Jane Brettle: (re) Current Allegories Sat 8—29 Jun. Photo-text installations challenging and celebrating the iconographics which have always helped define ‘Western culture‘ and. specifically. the role of

I TRAVERSE THEATRE 112 Grassmarkct , 226 2633. Tue—Sat Ham—10pm; Sun 6—10pm.

Robert Euman1Peopled Patterns Until Sun 9 Jun. A Borders artist who draws on local myths and legends for his paintings. Euman's highly coloured paintings are worked in egg tempera the paint ofthe Italian Renaissance masters.